Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 44: Chapter 43. Enemies

— Lea, I'm only going away for five minutes!

It was this phrase that my father said to me before he left to negotiate with other aristocrats. But in the end, half an hour had already passed, and he was still mired in mutual greetings.

I sighed, watching as a whole crowd of men in business suits surrounded him, and was in no hurry to let go. But to some extent it was expected. After all, the first archduke of the country could not remain without too much attention.

By that time, the flocks of society ladies who had overtaken me from all sides had finally dissolved. For tonight, I refused at least ten offers of a joint tea party, friendship and other similar events. All because she wasn't too eager to get close to strangers so quickly.

Being a «newcomer» to secular society, I still didn't know who I could trust and who I couldn't. I decided to act more carefully, and not accept offers of friendship to the grave from the first comers. All in order not to bring trouble on Rod Ashford. My father taught me this rule when he said that many people would want to use me for profit.

Proceeding from this, I promised each of the ladies with a polite smile that I would definitely think about it, since a direct refusal at the initial acquaintance would sound too rude. There was obvious disappointment on the faces of some when they realized that there was nothing more to «catch» from me. And gradually, the whole crowd dispersed.

Simultaneous communication with such a large circle of people exhausted me, and while waiting for my father, I wanted to relax at one of the tables. Come to think of it, I haven't had a dewdrop in my mouth all evening.

After the incessant chatter, my throat was dry, and I decided to drink cherry punch. It was akin to the long-awaited finding of an oasis in the middle of the desert. Feeling relieved, I turned my attention back to the hall, and suddenly found that everyone present was looking strangely in my direction.


I turned around to see what was going on, and at that moment I was almost speechless. Miraculously, without choking, I saw that the Crown Prince was coming straight at me.

A handsome young man with blue eyes, at whom all the ladies turned around, came out into the hall for the first time all evening.

But why on earth would that be? Hasn't Philip forgotten me? Or maybe he wasn't heading here at all, but just wanted to get around?

I hoped for this, and was already preparing to step aside, but no. Philippe Blanche stopped beside me and held out his hand with a gallant smile.

«Lady Ashford, would you do me the honor of asking you to dance?»

I stared at him in shock. What kind of dance? Did he get the coast mixed up?

I shook my head warningly, trying to ask without words what he was doing now. But Philip pretended not to notice it. On the contrary, the guy seemed extremely persistent in his decision.

In just a couple of minutes, the attention of the whole hall turned out to be riveted on us. The spontaneous silence around me reminded me of a scene I often saw in books or movies. When a guy publicly proposes to a girl, the whole crowd around expects her to say yes.

Could I assume that the same thing was happening now? Only in this case, Philip invited me to dance, and everyone around froze in anticipation. Watching the birth of a new beautiful couple is always interesting, and now this scene is like a show for them. Of course, no one doubted that I would agree.

Including the prince himself. In his face, I didn't notice a shadow of doubt about my possible refusal.

And we both knew exactly why.

Not only were our parents friends, but we were also ideally suited to each other in status. It seemed that there were no barriers for me to become a crown princess.

The king was watching us with the others, so how could I publicly humiliate his son…? Even for an ordinary nobleman, the lady's refusal would be an unpleasant incident, let alone the Crown Prince. When so many people were looking at him, getting a lapel-turn would be humiliating.

I was afraid that such an incident might affect the king's relationship with my father. So isn't it better to just endure…?

It is unlikely that one dance will be able to influence something globally. After all, I was sure that my father would never agree to any proposals from the imperial family without my consent.

Despite the fact that I was terribly angry with Philip because he put me in such a situation without warning, I had to accept it.

I was already holding out my hand to him, about to accept this offer, when the next second a figure abruptly appeared in front of me.

More precisely, even from the outside, I immediately realized who it was.

— You can't do that.

Being completely in her repertoire, Rachel was not at all worried about the situation around her, as well as the fact that she was talking very rudely to the Crown Prince.

— what?

Both stared at each other as if they were mortal enemies who had randomly met on the battlefield. And if it wasn't for the fact that we were in a public place, the «feathers» would have flown immediately.

In the end, they almost quarreled. I could only slap my forehead, waiting for this absurdity to end.

Okay, Philip, but I couldn't figure out what Rachel was doing here. Hasn't she been ignoring me for the last few days? So why did she suddenly appear as if she really cared about what was happening?

My brain refused to understand the logic of her sudden mood changes.

And while the degree in our strange love triangle continued to heat up, the Archduke was one of the first to notice this and wanted to intervene. Raymond Cassius unexpectedly quickly appeared next to him, and held him back.

— The kids will figure it out for themselves.

— But…! He wanted to object, but the duke remained unshaken.

«Can't you see they don't need us?»

It turned out to be true. The conflict between Rachel and the Crown Prince took place only between the two of them, and the third extra could not affect the situation in any way. Even I thought so, hoping to calmly «sit out» on the sidelines.

Let them solve their own problems.

But it wasn't there.

Having shared something among themselves, they turned to me at the same time, waiting for some decision on my part.

I blinked in surprise.

— Well, what will you choose?

Rachel turned to me with an expectant grin, as if it was some kind of game. Philip, although he also had no doubts about his victory, looked more serious.

I was already taken aback when they stared at me with the same eagerness in their eyes. It's like I'm a judge at some competition.

However, it is still not necessary to choose the lesser of two evils. Since I still have to give preference to someone and get out of this situation, then so be it.

Rachel was my «girlfriend,» right? So it would be right if I chose her…

With this thought, I more than confidently took Rachel out of the two palms outstretched in front of me. The girl pulled me along without any hesitation and we went to the center of the hall.

Philip was left standing behind with a shocked expression on his face.

This scene reminded me of a banquet at the Royal Academy, where everyone present was also amazed by what was happening. Only, if I was the initiator of all this last time, now… everything has become quite the opposite.

Before the musicians figured out what to do the first time and belatedly started playing music, Rachel had already wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me to her. I watched her actions in surprise.

What had gotten into her?

We began to dance, and this event caused even more commotion than the arrival of Duke Cassius. Many noble ladies with whom I talked «dropped their jaws» at the sight of all this. Probably, no one could have imagined that the daughter of such an influential family had such connections.

I could only hope that this fact would not affect my father's reputation in any way.

After all, now, the whole secular society knew that Rachel and I were not strangers to each other.

And while I was looking around, watching the reaction of the others, Rachel's hand tightened on my waist. It made me look at her.

— Where are you looking? — the girl asked unkindly.

— What…?

I was confused by her sudden question, as well as by the fact that irritation slipped into her expression.

— At such a moment, you can only look at me.

The girl said this in an authoritative tone, which I had never heard from her before.


Philippe Blanche ran out of the ballroom as soon as Leriana and Rachel appeared in front of everyone as a couple. Unable to bear such a disgrace, the guy even forgot that being the crown prince, he could not just leave the event.

Breathing heavily, he walked quickly down the corridor, barely restraining himself from the urge to hit the wall.

His thoughts were in chaos, and he could hardly concentrate on one thing.

— Vile brat…!

Philip cursed into the void, not expecting anyone to hear him.

He really couldn't believe it had happened. Contrary to common sense, Leriana continues to participate in this absurd performance. And even in front of the whole crowd, I still chose her.

Did the Cassias really intimidate her so much…?

After catching his breath, the guy stopped at one of the columns, and pulled out the ill-fated contract from the inside pocket of his jacket. He always carried it with him, so that if an opportunity arose, he would immediately present it as proof of Rachel Cassius' criminal nature.

However, the prince didn't dare to do that today. When aristocrats from all over the empire and even the king looked at him, he changed his mind at the very last second. And now he was terribly sorry about it.

Clutching the document in his hand, Philip barely restrained himself from going back with it.

But no. The time has not come yet.

At this moment, trying with all his might to calm himself, the guy suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Turning around abruptly, he felt some relief.

Razor Blanche left the hall after his older brother when he saw that he had suddenly left.

The second Prince had a worried expression on his face. He slowly approached him.

«Brother, I've been looking everywhere for you. Something happened?

«Didn't you see it yourself?» Philip asked irritably, «Are you going to humiliate me even more?»

Razor was stunned. Philip had never spoken to him like that before. More precisely, he had never been so angry.

— No, that's not what I meant at all…!

The guy couldn't even justify himself, because the Crown Prince didn't listen to him at all.

— Go away! «Leave me alone!» he barked.

Razor wanted to make another attempt to talk to him, but the furious expression on his brother's face prevented him from doing so. In the end, without further explanation, he just turned around and left in an unknown direction.

The second prince was left alone in an empty corridor, and his soul turned out to be restless.

Events were moving even faster than he had anticipated.

Razor never expected Rachel and Philip to become enemies so soon. And this is very, very bad.

If everything goes on… However, he didn't even want to think about it.

While there was still time to fix something, the Razor had to use any means.

And the main weapon in the fight against their common tragic future will be…

He sighed heavily.

«It looks like it's time for Leriana to find out the truth.»

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