Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 40: Chapter 39. The Rose Coat of Arms

The sudden attack on our carriage by a dubious gang was not at all what I expected from this trip. While my father and I were the only ones in the salon, we could only guess what was happening on the street. And this only increased the fear.

Judging by the heart-rending screams, the sounds of various weapons and the trampling of dozens of people, a real massacre was unfolding outside the window. I was even afraid to twitch, expecting that at any moment the sword of one of the attackers might fly in here.

All this bacchanalia outside lasted for several minutes, after which everything suddenly quieted down. While my father and I held on to each other for the last time, the harsh silence outside the window seemed too unnatural.

I cautiously opened first one eye, then the other. I blinked in surprise, not believing that everything was over so quickly.

A minute later, the carriage door opened, and Rachel and Duke Cassius entered the salon. Both of them had blood on their hands up to the elbows, although they tried to get rid of these traces. The faces are completely unperturbed.

— Is that all…? I asked in amazement as the Archduke and I slowly pulled away from each other.

— Only fifty people, — Rachel said.

— Fifty people…?!

I was taken aback that there were so many attackers on us. And, moreover, that Rachel and her father were able to cope with them in less than ten minutes. Is it even real?

So, I'm already reading prayers here before my repose in the afterlife, and for these two it was just a warm-up…?

My father and I looked at each other at the same time, and a similar thought arose in our heads: today's case has become another confirmation that it is better not to argue with the Cassius family once again.

— And I said that it was necessary to take my army, — Duke Cassius calmly declared, — Otherwise, these rats would not have dared to attack us so easily.

While the Duke was saying this reproachfully, Henry Ashford was able to admit his mistake.

— Well, who knew that this would happen…

While Rachel and Duke Cassius were wiping the blood from their clothes, I decided to ask:

— And who were these people?

— Ordinary garbage rats, — the girl answered similarly to her father's previous words, — Just forget about them. It's already over.

But I, meanwhile, became curious.

Since the danger was no longer threatening us anyway, I wanted to go out and personally verify what had happened. Rachel tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. She could only sigh humbly.

After leaving the carriage, the iron smell of blood immediately hit my nose. I saw piles of bodies that the guards of the Cassius and Ashford families were hurriedly pulling apart so that they would not interfere with the carriage's passage. So much blood on the white snow really looked monstrous.

Despite the fact that any lady in my place would have screamed and fainted from fright long ago, I reacted very calmly. For some reason, so many dead people in one place didn't shock me. Probably because I realized a long time ago that I was in the Middle Ages, and such a picture could be found all the time.

But of course, it was unpleasant for me, and I held my nose with my hand so as not to feel this smell. While I was walking around and looking at the bodies of the people who had the courage to attack the Cassius family carriage, I noticed that they all had something in common. They were clearly not ordinary robbers who attack aristocrats to profit.

These were the real wars, dressed in knight's armor, and, apparently, having a noble origin. On their purple cloaks I found the same coat of arms in the form of a rose. This was a direct sign that these knights served a certain noble family.

Each of the aristocratic families of the empire had its own coat of arms, which distinguished them from the rest. The Ashford family had an emerald lizard, Cassius had a black raven, and the imperial family had a golden lion emblem. They were the only nobles I knew at the moment. But there was no scarlet rose among them. Moreover, I haven't even heard of her.

But at the same time…

I squatted down in front of one of the warriors and looked at this symbol even more closely. Despite the fact that I had never met him in this world before, he seemed vaguely familiar to me. As if… It was a memory from the distant past.

Or is it something I read about in the original novel? Now, after such a long time spent here, I hardly remembered such details.

While I was trying to figure out what the aristocratic family with the rose coat of arms had to do with my sudden deja vu, someone touched me on the shoulder from behind.

I flinched, but to my relief, that person turned out to be Rachel.

«Come on,» she said, «haven't you seen enough yet?»

— I…

— This is not a sight for you.

Rachel took my hand more firmly, and I had no choice but to follow her. We returned to the carriage, where Duke Cassius and my father were already waiting for us. In some silence, after the road was clear again, we set off.

All this time I had a question that I finally decided to ask Duke Cassius.

— Sir… Do you know the people who attacked us?

The man frowned.

— I know.

— I excitedly squeezed the folds of the dress, — And who are they?

The Duke looked at me in surprise, because he clearly did not expect me to start taking an interest in this. But at the same time, he did not shirk the topic, and answered directly:

— The Windsors.

This name also seemed vaguely familiar to me, which only struck me even more. It's like trying to remember the name of a distant relative you know. Only now my situation was completely the opposite.

— The Windsors? Who are they?

Raymond Cassius sighed.

«The Marquess of Windsor of the Kingdom of Oberon.» A worm that has been trying to eliminate me for several years in a row. He even took advantage of the fact that this time I didn't take any mercenaries with me, and dared to attack right on my territory.

The Kingdom of Oberon… But I knew a little more about this. In particular, because it was one of the topics that we went through in history lessons. It was a defeated country, over which the king of Azeroth seized power about ten years ago.

With the help of Duke Cassius' military force, the kingdom of Azeroth was able to take control of many small empires located nearby. Oberon was one of them. Thanks to the Duke's imperial and mercenary army, the king was able to gain full power over this country. Even the local ruler became his puppet, giving more than half of the collected tribute.

Oberon was a weak empire that was unable to withstand such a powerful rival. And that's why the king there gave up so quickly. Unlike the local layers of the nobility.

The aristocrats of the country were outraged by this state of affairs, and since then they have repeatedly tried to launch a coup. In particular, it was the family of the Marquess of Windsor, whose family members became knights of the imperial army from generation to generation. Now, all this was useless, since their ruler voluntarily gave the country into the clutches of foreign invaders.

And since it was Duke Cassius who was directly involved in this, the Windsors have been trying to take revenge on him for many years, so that after his overthrow, they could easily return the lost lands. Apparently, today's case was another attempt by them to assassinate him.

All this information was new to me, since the novel never mentioned that the family of the main male character had a long-standing feud with another aristocratic family. Moreover, I was shocked by the very fact that someone dared to challenge them.

However, this was not at all surprising, since all these events took place before Robert was born. And who cares what history his ancestors had? Even Duke Cassius himself was mentioned in history only once and in one short line.

— And why are you interested in this? The duke suddenly asked, while I froze for a long time with a thoughtful expression on my face.

When I came to my senses, I absentmindedly tried to come up with an excuse.

«It's nothing,» I smiled, «it just got interesting, that's all.

— Hmm…

The man looked at me strangely, but didn't say anything.

For the rest of the journey, the atmosphere in the carriage became more relaxed, and Duke Cassius and my father even managed to talk about some distant topics. Rachel and I still didn't communicate with each other on principle. More precisely, I tried to establish contact, but she ignored me.

Oh, well, that's fine.

When I couldn't understand Rachel, I didn't even try to do it. In the end, all this turned out to be completely useless.

After three days of traveling, which seemed to take forever, I finally saw new views outside the window. Our carriage stopped in front of a huge golden gate that led to the main capital of the kingdom of Azeroth.

Even from here, the white towers of the majestic palace could be seen, stretching all the way up to the sky. I leaned out of the window admiringly while Duke Cassius issued us a pass for further entry into the city. At the sight of him, the guards looked scared, and did not ask unnecessary questions.

I was absolutely delighted. Very soon, in this place, my first appearance as Lady Ashford will take place.

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