Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 35: Chapter 34. Finding

The next morning I woke up feeling like there was something on my arm.

When I opened my eyes, I found that Rachel was sitting on a chair next to our bed, while falling asleep, comfortably sitting on my arm. Taking mine with one of her hands, she also put her head on it.

In general, I had the feeling that my palm was crushed by a stone.

I sat up carefully, trying to figure out what had happened at all. My last clear memory was how I ended up unconscious in a snowdrift. But what happened after…?

— Oh…

I put my free hand to my forehead, but was surprised to find that there was no fever. This body turned out to be in perfect order, despite the fact that I almost froze to death. And this despite the fact that the original Lerian, in principle, was not distinguished by good health.

Real shamanic tricks of some kind.

Apparently, someone found me in that forest after all. Once in the warm bed of the Duke's house, I was greatly relieved that I had managed to avoid that sad fate. That's just… Who is my savior?

Squinting against the bright sun outside the window, I shifted my gaze to Rachel. She's asleep and hasn't even moved. I had no idea why she was sitting here in this position, but I decided not to wake her up.

About to carefully pull out her hand, which was already pretty numb, Rachel detected my slightest movement almost at lightning speed. Despite the fact that a minute ago the girl was sleeping soundly, she reacted immediately as soon as I tried to separate our hands.

Lifting her head, she immediately looked at me with a clear look.

— Are you awake?

— Yes… — I coughed, because I was a little embarrassed, — Have you been sitting here all this time?

— yes.

I was surprised by her direct answer, but I didn't show it. To be honest, the last thing I expected was that Rachel would worry about me. After all, initially it seemed to me that she would absolutely not care about my absence.

I was embarrassed when Rachel looked at me without taking her eyes off me. Most likely, she was watching how I was feeling.

«How long have I been asleep?» — I decided to ask.

— Two days, — she answered neutrally, — The doctor said that you should wake up after this time. It's a good thing he didn't lie, otherwise I would have had to kill him.

I stumbled.

«And you've been here all this time…?»

— yes.

Again a direct answer without any hesitation.

— But why? — I hesitated, — I have a personal maid, she could…

«That fool is incapable of anything,» Rachel snapped, «How could an old man let such a brainless maid follow you?» She even managed to lose you.

I felt uneasy that all the blame for what happened lay on Melinda. She really didn't do anything.

— It's not like that at all! — I hurriedly waved my hands, — It was me who left, and didn't say anything. Melinda had nothing to do with it. If anyone is to blame, it's me.

«You left?» What for? Rachel frowned.

— Well… — I awkwardly lowered my gaze, because for the first time I realized how stupid this situation was, — I–I saw a white rabbit and decided to return it…

— A rabbit?

«I thought he had escaped from the menagerie and people were looking for him. Therefore… I wanted to help a little.»

Hearing my explanation, Rachel flew into a rage.

— So you almost died because of some hare?!

«I-it was a rabbit…»

— What's the difference! — the girl threw away irritably, — I can't believe that everything happened because of such a nobody. I knew from the very beginning that the old man's idea was a failure.

Spitting out these harsh words, Rachel suddenly stood up, intending to go somewhere. I watched her in complete disbelief.

— Where are you going?

— To catch this creature, of course, — the girl replied calmly, — I will catch it, and I will chop it for a chop. And if this happens again…

— Stop! — I excitedly interrupted her, — A rabbit for what? I'm the one who ran after him!

Rachel chuckled.

— I don't care how it happened. The fact is that this animal crossed my path.

I was stunned when, instead of accusing me of carelessness, Rachel turned all her anger on this harmless creature. After all, initially I thought that she would call me a fool, and blame all the blame for what happened, too. But it turned out to be the opposite.

— I forbid it! — I decided to declare, — Don't even think about touching him!

— What?

— If you want to punish someone, then do it with me.

I was ready to take responsibility for my actions, so long as Melinda and this unfortunate creature were not touched. After all, all this commotion was solely my fault.

Rachel froze when I, with such a belligerent look, forbade her to go. Of course, I understood that she might not listen to me at all, but still…

— Are you sure about this…?

— yes! — I said firmly, — You can vent all your anger on me.

I willingly closed my eyes, expecting that anything could happen in the next few minutes. When Rachel was in a state of anger, she really became uncontrollable. However, I was willing to go through all this to atone for my guilt.

Even with my eyes closed, I felt Rachel approaching me. I shuddered, but tried to hide my slight fear.

Come what may…

I tensed, being completely ready to accept the impending fate.

But instead…

The next second, Rachel suddenly hugged me to her.

— Thank you for waking up.


The class at the Royal Academy was coming to an end.

This semester it was the last history lesson, as the next week all the students were leaving for the winter holidays. In this regard, the excitement in the classroom increased, and few people actually listened to the teacher.

Everyone was impatient to get home as soon as possible, and he, realizing this, did not burden them too much with tasks.

Prince Philip sat at the last desk and looked gloomily out of the window. There was not even a glimmer of joy on his face from the upcoming event. Rather, he was completely immersed in himself.

The guy ignored everything the professor was talking about, and did not even immediately notice how the bell rang.

He came to his senses only when he found himself alone in the classroom, while everyone else had long since left. Sighing heavily, the prince threw a textbook into his bag, which he did not even use, and was about to leave.

But the professor awkwardly stopped him.

«Your Highness, may I ask you a favor?»

— Yes? What's the matter? When the stranger spoke to him, the old radiant smile appeared on Philip's face.

— Since you're the last to leave… Could you take these textbooks to the library? — he asked, — I could have done it myself, but we were urgently called to a meeting.

Philip looked at a stack of twenty history textbooks, and despite the fact that he was not too eager to do this, he decided to be polite.

«Yes, of course,» he said dryly, while an expression of relief appeared on the man's face.

«Thank you, Your Highness! I always knew that you were a role model among the students.»

With a strained smile, the prince took the entire stack and headed to the right place. Dark thoughts continued to walk in his head, which he tried not to pay attention to.

But it came out hard.

Leriana had left with that damned girl a couple of days ago, and it still bothered him. Philip was outraged by the very fact that she dared to violate school rules by threatening the director with the status of her family. Is it even legal?

Having arranged a vacation ahead of time, the prince had no idea what they were doing there. And from these thoughts, the blood boiled in his veins only stronger. He refused to believe to the last that Leriana really preferred this monster to herself, instead of the most suitable candidate like him, the Crown Prince.

While his whole mind was languishing in such torments, Philip reached the library, where almost no one was there now. And who would be stuck in a place like this when the holidays are coming?

The guy loaded all his luggage on the desk of the head of the library, and began to wait for him. But that didn't happen for a long time, which is why Philip began to slowly lose patience. He hated being kept waiting.

Out of boredom, the prince's gaze began to wander around the room, where he previously did not like to come, due to the fact that Rachel Cassius was almost constantly stuck here. But now she was absent, which allowed him to be completely calm.

Philip was looking at the bookshelves when by chance his gaze caught on the most extreme table in the reading room. It belonged to Cassius, and therefore everyone preferred to avoid it. But not Philip. Why should he be afraid of her?

After she publicly beat him in front of Leriana, he felt not fear, but only a sense of revenge towards her. The guy will never forget that humiliation.

Snorting, the Crown Prince noticed that this girl didn't even clean up after herself. Before leaving, all her things and books were left in place, and she did not bother to clean the table. Apparently, because she thought that no one would sit down for him anyway.

Out of scanty curiosity, the guy decided to come closer.

Nothing interesting. Some dubious books in dark covers, a couple of crumpled notebooks and that's it. For a split second, Philip even felt sorry that there was no useful compromising material here.

He was about to go back, but at that moment, something still stopped him.

The prince noticed that a piece of paper was sticking out of one of the books at the very bottom. Of course, it could only be a bookmark, and yet… He decided to make sure.

Carefully pulling out a piece of paper, the guy noticed at the very top of it a strange word: «Contract».

«And what is that…?»

Philip frowned, and was about to read it. Fortunately, he was here alone, and no one could catch him looking at Rachel's personal belongings. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good moment in his reputation.

Philip lowered his eyes and began to read. With each item, his pupils grew wider and wider. It turned out to be not at all what he expected to see.

Finally, when the guy reached the last line, where the family seal of the Ashford family stood, he was left in complete shock. I reread the contents again, and couldn't believe my eyes.

— This is… A relationship contract?!

These words involuntarily escaped from his mouth along with a sigh of relief.

Philip was ready to burst out laughing with joy. Clutching the document in his hands like a real treasure, the Crown Prince could not believe his luck.

He knew that something was not clean here! And he was right.

The reason why Leriana was so protective of this girl was because of this piece of paper. Rachel Cassius simply threatened her with the influence of her family, and forced her to conclude an agreement with her. Otherwise, the guy was sure Leriana would never have agreed to such a thing.

In fact, Leriana refused him not because she liked him, but because… she simply had no other choice.

Rachel even made her put her family's seal on the contract so that she wouldn't break her word for sure. In other words, it was a real manipulation.

Philippe Blanche experienced the strongest surge of relief in his entire life. He and Leriana still have a future! How could it not please?

It remains only to bring this monster to the surface, and everything will finally fall into place.

At that moment, footsteps were heard near the entrance to the library, and Philip froze. His excitement subsided a little.

— Brother, are you here? Razor called out to him.

«Yes… did something happen?»

The second prince looked inside, but stopped in front of the reading room. Philip breathed a sigh of relief.

— I just wanted to remind you that we need to pack our things, — he said, — Are you ready yet?

— Yes, almost… There's one more thing left.

«Okay,» Razor nodded, «then I'll wait for you in the hallway.» Let's go back to the dorm together.

— Yeah. I am now.

As soon as his younger brother left, Philip hastily stuffed the contract into the inside pocket of his jacket. He will definitely need this piece of paper in the future.

The Crown Prince had an anticipatory grin on his face.

— Rachel Cassius, just wait. Soon you will definitely pay for everything!

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