Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 21: Chapter 20. Rachel’s illness

The next day, the class started with an unexpected announcement by the teacher:

— Students, as part of a practical lesson in natural science, we will go to the Black book plants reserve for three days so that you can prepare a report by the end of this semester. Parallel classes that study this topic will also go with you.

There was a surge of dissatisfied voices throughout the office.

— Teacher! Why can't we just read about it in a book?

— Yes, yes! Why drag us into the forest for the sake of some weeds?!

— I don't want to go!

The man exhaled noisily. Of course, he expected that the capricious children of aristocrats would not agree to such a thing at the first attempt.

— The book will not give you the real knowledge that you can get from your own experience, — he continued calmly, — You will have the opportunity to see such rare plants live, and not just in pictures. Wouldn't that be more useful than regular cramming?

But since the students were still dissatisfied, and the professor's words did not convince them at all, he issued a decisive ultimatum:

— I will decide what grade to give you for the semester based on this report. Those who write it badly or write everything off from books will get a failure and will retake the subject during the winter holidays.

Everyone fell silent at once.

Staying at the academy for the holidays was the last thing any of them wanted. And even more so, to study all these days.

And knowing the professor of natural sciences, these were far from empty threats. He was one of the few who, despite the high origin of his students, did not treat them with condescension. All his grades were well-deserved, and for this reason, students simply could not shirk their duties.

After the professor's last words, they finally reconciled. Still, spending three days in the reserve was not so terrible, compared to the «spoiled» long-awaited vacation.

Seeing how the riot in the classroom gradually subsided, the man smiled with relief, as if this threat did not exist at all.

— If everyone agrees, then fine. Prepare your things, and on Monday we will go on a carriage ride to the academy. I will warn the other teachers that you will not be in class at this time.

The next second, the bell rang, and the teenagers grumbled with displeasure, putting their school supplies into bags. As soon as they leave the classroom, they will begin to discuss the injustice of the educational system with might and main.

All this time I was sitting at the first desk, not listening to the general chorus of dissatisfied voices. Actually, I didn't care whether this trip took place or not. Natural science wasn't my favorite subject, but I had pretty good grades in it.

I started packing, too. Since it was the last lesson, everyone wanted to get back to the dorm as soon as possible.

Throwing my textbook and a couple of notebooks into my bag, I headed out of the classroom, but the professor suddenly called me:

«Lady Ashford, can you stay awhile?»

— I was surprised, — Yes, of course…

When I got to his desk, I didn't know what to expect. I had a fairly neutral relationship with the teachers at this academy, and none of them ever called me for private conversations.

— Professor, did you want something?

— Yes, — he turned to me awkwardly, — In fact, I heard that you communicate well with Rachel Cassius.

Unexpectedly, the professor of natural sciences started talking about it. Probably, he had already heard a lot about our relationship, which even every cook in the dining room knew about. But I didn't think that any of the teachers would raise this topic in any way. Because they were as afraid of Rachel as their students.

I nodded as an answer to his question.

«Since that's the case, I thought you might want to talk to her about it.»

— What do you mean?

«I'm talking about a school trip,» the professor explained, «I'm teaching Rachel classes separately, and she's doing well. However… I thought it would be useful for her to participate in such an event. Although, if I offer it to her myself, she, of course, will not agree.

I was very surprised.

— Professor, do you really want Rachel to go with the class…?

It was a big discovery for me that one of the teachers really did not avoid her.

«She's also my student, and I don't see anything wrong with that,» he said, «Although Rachel studies at the academy on special conditions, but this does not cancel her duties. The report is one of the mandatory elements of the school curriculum.

«Well…» I hesitated, «then I'll do my best.

In fact, I doubted it would be that easy. After all, it will be much more difficult to drag Rachel on a trip than to the dining room.

«Thank you,» the professor smiled, «but if you still can't convince her, it's okay. I'll understand everything.

— good. Have a nice day, Professor.

After saying goodbye, I left the classroom with mixed feelings.

It seems that another incredibly difficult task has matured in front of me.


After the professor gave me such an unusual assignment, I started looking for Rachel all over the academy.

For the first time I was faced with the fact that the girl seemed to have fallen through the ground. After going around all the familiar places, I found myself in a complete stupor.

In fact, I discovered Rachel's disappearance in the morning when I came to say hello to her in the library as usual. Then, I just assumed that she left for class before me, and decided to come back in the evening.

But even after the end of the school day, Rachel was nowhere to be found.

Since this was the first such case, I was involuntarily worried.

And where the hell is she…?

In the end, the last idea came to my mind. Look in the private hostel where the girl lived.

Deep down, I was a little scared, because I was going to come to her without permission. Rachel might get really mad at me.

However, I reassured myself that I had quite a good reason prepared. Rachel disappeared and didn't even say a word to me. Like any decent «girl», I had to worry about this issue.

I spent some time searching for this building, since it was located in the opposite part of the academy grounds. Where it was extremely rare for ordinary students to pass.

Fortunately, I was able to do without even outside help when my intuition worked correctly. Seeing this house, I realized for the first time why the Cassians were considered the richest noble family of the empire.

It was a real mansion of two floors, much more luxurious than an ordinary dormitory. With a private balcony, lots of windows with separate rooms and much more. My mouth was opening wider by the second, despite the fact that I was still standing on the threshold.

At the sight of all this, the question involuntarily seized me: can this even be called exile …?! As for me, it's just a paradise for any student.

If I had my way, I would have moved here without any hesitation from the dormitory, where half of the girls of the academy lived in addition to me. But I'm afraid Rachel will definitely not be happy with this decision.

Going inside, and trying not to pay too much attention to the opened gloss, I called out loudly:

— Rachel!


— Rachel, are you there?!

The girl didn't answer, but I decided to check the whole house just in case.

She wasn't in the bathroom, kitchen and living room, so I went up to the second floor. Having searched almost all the rooms, only the last one remained — the bedroom.

I knocked just in case, but since there were no signs of life after that anyway, I ventured in without permission.

Seeing a huge bed with a purple canopy, I finally found Rachel herself. As it turned out, she was in her chambers all this time.

— Rachel!

I came closer and found that she was lying with her eyes closed. The unhealthy complexion and the lack of a habitual reaction to the violation of her personal space clearly indicated that not everything was in order.

Approaching even closer, I put my hand on her forehead and was horrified. It was so hot, as if oil had been poured into a heated frying pan.

Did Rachel really get sick?

— Hey! — touching her shoulder, I tried to bring her to her senses, — Rachel, wake up! Do you even know what your temperature is?!

The red pupils opened with difficulty and turned to me.

— You again…

Despite her illness and hoarse voice, she still turned to me with the same dissatisfaction.

I sighed.

— And what should I do with you…? Why didn't you say anything? Do you think health is all a joke?!

Rachel grumbled unintelligibly without opening her eyes.

I sat down on a chair next to her bed, and a single obvious thought popped into my head.

There was no question of any trip now. Rachel stays at the academy, and I'm with her.

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