Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 119: Chapter 16. Infirmary

Wh Rachel saw the two of us, she seemed to know exactly what had happed. She didn't waste a second heading in our direction. The expression on Camille's face paled with each step she took.

She was clearly not expecting Rachel to be here at this momt.

— Y-Your Majesty, it's nothing serious…! — She hurriedly murmured, «I'm nearly all right…

— …

Rachel completely ignored her words and didn't ev look in the direction of her secretary. As she approached, she was still silt, but obviously very angry.

And the next second, to the equally surprised sigh of those a her, she picked me up in her arms. The stunned Camille and the maid stayed where they were, while Rachel carried me to who knows where.

I was tak aback and tried to stop her.

— Hey, Rachel…! What are you…!

— Stay still. I'll take you to the infirmary,» she suddly announced.

— B-but…! — I hesitated,» I was all…

Rachel gave me one quick look that made it clear it was a non-negotiable decision.

And wh I wanted to object again, she interrupted me with a cold remark:

— Shut up now.

As if by magic I obeyed and shut up. How else could I, wh you could tell by the look on her face that she was barely holding herself back from turning a and causing a bloodbath?

In the d, I concluded that the infirmary was still better than Rachel's dangerous outburst of anger. Ev though I had no idea why I wanted to go there…

It was Camille who was hurt, not me!

But Rachel didn't care, not ev wh I told her I was okay and could go by myself. She only held me closer to her at that momt, which served as a kind of warning.

I did not make a sound wh the girl carried me to the imperial infirmary and left me to be examined by the doctor. Wh the head physician, an elderly man, saw the two of us, he almost threw me off his feet.

It was the first time Rachel had come to him herself. But in the meantime, he quickly pulled himself together and started checking up on me.

Of course, I knew from the beginning that nothing serious was going to be there. How could it not be, wh I was a meter away from what had happed, and the glass did not ev hit me?

The examination lasted only t minutes, after which the doctor said there was nothing to worry about.

— Are you sure? — Rachel coldly clarified.

He hesitated.

— There is no sign of any external damage…! Her Highness is in excellt health.

The girl sighed in relief and decided for once not to torture the already anxious doctor.

— I understand,» she waved her hand, «you may go.

— H-here, Your Majesty!

The man happily retreated, while Rachel glanced at me worriedly. I sat on the hospital bed, and she squatted down in front of me.

— How are you?

I sighed.

— The doctor said I was fine.

Rachel stubbornly objected:

— I'm asking you.

— Mm… I'm fine.

Rachel was quiet.

— Do you want me to kill her right now? — Suddly she offered quietly.

— Huh? Who are you talking about? — I didn't understand.

— The bitch who made the sce.

I hesitated. I could have guessed that right now the girl was in what she called a «bloodthirsty mood. Her eyes were veiled by the rage she was holding back in front of me.

It was bad luck for Camille to get herself into such a mess…

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what had happed myself. Our peaceful walk through the walls of the palace ded with the fact that the girl was wounded. And, moreover, in the eyes of all the witnesses of this evt — I became the main suspect.

It was this, appartly, that annoyed Rachel the most.

Meanwhile, I still couldn't blame Camille for nothing. Who knows, maybe it really was just an accidt. Especially giv my pathological clumsiness, which included the ability to bump into anything.

— Don't touch her! — I asked,» Camilla didn't do it on purpose.

Rachel snorted.

— I didn't care if it was on purpose or not. Anyway, it was her fault these knuckleheads had the nerve to talk nonsse.

Of course, Rachel had heard all those rumors. And unlike me, who could just ignore them, the girl had an urge to get ev with everyone. I was afraid her anger was about to explode.

— I don't care what they're talking about,» I said.

— But I do care,» she said categorically, «Because of people like them, soon the whole empire will be counting…

Rachel didn't say the last words of that stce. I could have guessed it myself, though. Rachel didn't care what people said about her. But wh it came to me, she couldn't just take it calmly.

— Violce won't solve anything,» I objected.

— I can,» she said nonchalantly. «I'll make a law that anyone who tries to insult your honor has their tongue tak away from them.

I was tak aback.

It was something, but to make a law for the sake of such a trifle at the state level was obviously too much!

— Don't! — I waved my hands hastily, because I knew in my heart that Rachel was capable of doing it today,» I said, «It would only take a couple of days, and everyone would forget about it. This incidt isn't worth the atttion…

— Are you sure?

— Quite sure!

Rachel sighed disappointedly.

— Whatever… But if something like that happs again, they're all dead for sure.

I was relieved.

— Do you promise you won't punish Camille?

Rachel frowned.

— I'll think about it.

— Rachael! — I called out to her.

— Despite what you say, I won't back down,» she said stubbornly.

I got nervous wh I realized there was no point in arguing with her on that score.

— You're not going to do anything serious, are you…? — I asked apprehsively.

— …

Rachel didn't answer.

After she had be with me for a while, I begged Rachel to leave. There was to be a meeting at the royal court today, and I was clearly delaying it. The ministers must have be waiting for Rachel the whole time.

Finally, at the third attempt, the girl gave in after all. Reluctantly she rose, told me to rest here until eving, and left me to keep an eye on the nurse, just in case.

Wh the doors of the infirmary slammed shut, I sighed and collapsed tiredly on the pillows.

It had truly be a difficult day.

I wondered what else the imperial palace had in store for me…?

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