Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 117: Chapter 14. The Fernandez Family

It had be some time since Camilla Fernandez began working as the que's private secretary. During this period she has come to realize that the image she had visioned was somewhat differt from her initial expectations.

While Camille had previously thought that Rachel had worked hard for the good of the country, it later turned out that all her efforts had be multiplied by three.

Rachel Cassius was indeed loaded. As much as the viscount's daughter was not ev used to seeing. Her work schedule started early in the morning and ded as luck would have it.

All that time she was busy with documts and signing decrees in her office, meeting with ministers, holding meetings in the assembly hall, and more… All day Camille followed her a and couldn't understand how she managed it all.

Rachel did not have much free time. In fact, very little. And every time she spt it on a joint meal with the crown princess at the d of the day. It was during this period that she put aside all business, ev if it was something urgt.

But, worst of all, Camilla really didn't understand why the Archduke's daughter was receiving such honors. She hadn't ev done anything and had be in her chambers all day…

In Camille's eyes Rachel had always remained very rational and collected, but wh it came to this girl, everything changed dramatically. Fernandez really didn't understand why she had chos her.

After all, Camille herself decided to light her burd a little.

Every day she spt time preparing dinners and begging Rachel to take a little break, since she would never do it herself. The que oft forgot the need for sleep and food altogether, unless it involved a shared dinner with Leriana.

But all her attempts at ev-handedness proved futile.

Rachel rudely rejected the girl's concern, declaring that she had no need of such a thing, and that it was not on the secretary's list of duties. Ev wh she said that this dinner had be prepared by the crown princess, Rachel did not believe her.

— She loves to eat, but she can't cook at all. She would never make it this perfect.

Wh the girl said those words in front of her, it hurt in Camille's soul. At that momt, she barely held back her tears before she grabbed her lunch and left the office.

Th the thought flashed through her mind — that Leriane Ashford really was some kind of witch. After all, apart from her beautiful appearance, she had no merit by which she could so attract the que's atttion. Compared to Camilla, who could do everything from embroidery to dancing, the Archduke's daughter seemed much more useless.

However, right now there was nothing she could do about the situation. So Camilla had no choice but to keep trying to take care of Rachel.

This eving they were also finishing late.

Rachel spt the rest of the night sorting out and signing the ministers' petitions, and ded up unwittingly falling asleep. It was a rare occasion wh a girl couldn't stand it after all and laid her head on the table. She did not move in any way for a while, and the impression was that she was really asleep.

Camille decided to take the opportunity to admire her face. After all, if there was anything perfect in this world, this would be it.

She sat down on the other side of the table, and stared at Rachel for a while, her head propped up on her fist. In reality, it was much better than just looking at the picture.

The graceful facial features were like a sculpture, and Camille wanted those scarlet eyes to look only at her. It would happ someday, wouldn't it…?

Suddly Rachel began to cough in her sleep.

The viscount's daughter reacted immediately, assuming that she was cold, throwing her comforter over her shoulders. At that momt Rachel oped her eyes abruptly.

— What are you doing?

Camilla flinched.

— Your Majesty, I… I thought you might catch cold.

Rachel sighed and pulled her head away from the table, thereby throwing off the plaid. The wool cloth fell to the floor.

— Don't touch me again without permission.

It sounded more like an order than a request. Camilla understood this and nodded hastily.

— C-course…

Rachel looked at her watch, and noticing that their work schedule had long since come to an d, she muttered:

— It's getting late. You can go back now.

Camilla hesitantly hesitated.

— Your Majesty, what about you…?

— I still have some business to attd to.

— Th I can stay with you! — The girl declared, but Rachel frowned.

— I said you could go.

— B-but…

— That's an order,» Rachel said coldly, «and it's not up for discussion.

Camilla knew that the que had a strong dislike for anyone challging her decisions. And so she thought it dangerous to insist.

— I see…

The viscount's daughter lowered her head sadly, while the que paid no atttion to her, returning to her work.

— Good night, Your Majesty.

No reply was heard.

Camille Fernandez walked out the door and leaned her back against it. She sighed heavily, as she had no strgth to get to her chambers.

She had known from the beginning that it would not be an easy journey. But that much… Wh Camille had tak up her duties, Rachel had drawn a formal line betwe them, and had never fall for anything more wh she had attempted it.

Thinking about it, the girl involuntarily remembered her father's last visit.

Wh Camilla had expressed her desire to become the que's private secretary, Viscount Fernandez had «picked her up» in the corridor of the imperial palace the next day. The guards let him in because he introduced himself as a relative of the que's closest subordinate.

— Stupid girl! — Without ev saying hello, he exclaimed, «What do you think…?!

Camilla looked at him coldly.

— What is it? Father, ar't you glad to be rid of me at last?

These words made the viscount ev angrier.

— Don't you dare snap at me! — The older man shouted, «How dare you do such a thing without my permission? Do you want to ruin our whole family?

Despite the fact that her father was shouting at her in public, the girl's expression did not waver. She had long be accustomed to such sces.

— I don't understand how my decision and this family are connected.

— Of course it is! — He spat out, «You know everything! One wrong move and the Fernandez family will be executed along with you.

— I'm afraid you exaggerate too much.

The viscount snorted.

— Since the Cassius family girl has ruled the country, no cturies-old aristocratic line has be exterminated. Today you're her frid, tomorrow you're her emy.

Camilla shook her shoulder casually.

— So they must have deserved it somehow.

— You…! — The viscount was ready to choke with rage, and already raised his hand to swing and slap his illegitimate daughter. But at that momt the servants passed by and he held back.

All this time the girl was silt.

— Who knew…» the man exhaled angrily, «I did you a favor and took you in out of pity, and it turns out that I took a real snake in the house.

Camilla involuntarily grinned. From the viscount's point of view, it really looked as if he was a befactor who allowed to carry his family name to a bastard child. But in reality… All these years were more like hell than real life. The girl finally got out of there, and she certainly wasn't going back.

— «Grace…?» — Camilla repeated it with a smile on her lips, «All this time, your wife and legitimate childr didn't ev consider me a human being… And you call that grace?

The veins in the viscount's forehead swelled with anger.

— Ungrateful wretch…! People like you have to drag a miserable existce on the streets, but you are lucky to live in luxury! That's ough to make you grateful to Frieza and me for the rest of your life…

Frieza is the official wife of Viscount Fernandez.

Camilla hummed.

— In that case, I'd really rather live on the street.

— WHAT?!

— You talk as if I'm the only one to blame for my birth. But obviously you had a hand in it too…

This time the viscount couldn't stand it wh the girl mtioned his former advtures in his youth. If he had known th how the connection with that witch would turn out, he would never have agreed to such a thing…

Louis Fernandez punched his daughter in the face. But Camille didn't ev move, continuing to stand in the same place.

— Remember that I warned you! — Through gritted teeth,» You pull anything suspicious again, and I'll definitely take you off the family registry.

«You can do that at any time.» — These words threated to come out of Camilla's mouth, but she did not have time to utter them, for the viscount had already left.

Th the girl could hardly contain herself to keep her composure and not show her restmt. Too many people were already looking at her…

Just swallowed the lump that came to her throat and wt back to work.

Now, as the day raced through her mind again in her memories, Camille felt the same anger. No matter what happed, she would get what she had come to this palace for…

Someday, those bastards called family members will surely be sorry for treating her this way.

«The day will come wh I will surely sd you all to hell!» — she swore to herself.

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