Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 110: Chapter 7. The Fan

In a couple of days, a massive celebration was to be held in the Imperial Palace of the Empire of Azeroth.

The country was celebrating the two-year anniversary of the ascension to the throne of the first queen in her name, Rachel Cassius. All the aristocracy and the first persons of the empire were invited to honor the event.

Preparations had been underway for several weeks, and the celebration was to be the most lavish in recent years. For many it was an opportunity to see the new monarch for the first time.

However, it was not because of her jubilee that Rachel went to such great lengths. After all, it was at this celebration that I would be introduced for the first time as crown princess and future queen.

With this in mind, I had a key role to play in the upcoming event.

A week before the ball, the imperial tailors had just finished working on an outfit that would present me in the best possible way. A gorgeous turquoise floor-length dress with airy sleeves and an open neckline.

The night before the event, I tried it on in the mirror with the tailors and maids to make sure it fit perfectly.

But really, at this point I was more like a living mannequin. I stood with my arms outstretched and frozen in one pose, waiting patiently for the masters to ascertain whether something needed re-stitching or re-doing.

Needless to say, I wasn't feeling any particular enthusiasm for the holiday. It was just something I had to do while I was in Rachel's cage.

So when the tailors asked me something, I just nodded silently, not delving into the contents of those questions.

Finally, when the fitting was almost over, Rachel walked into the chambers. For the first interval she froze on the threshold and stared at me.

Obviously, she liked the sight of me.

Then, with a gesture, the girl ordered everyone else to leave. Those obediently, like mice, immediately fled.

Rachel came up close to me and remarked:

— It looks good on you.

— Thank you,» I said indifferently.

She wasn't embarrassed by the fact that I didn't look happy about what was happening on my face. Rachel walked around me and hugged me from behind.

I flinched a little when her hands closed around my waist and pulled me close.

— I tried to pick a color you like on purpose,» she said against my ear.

I was surprised.

— Do you know what it is?

— Pink, blue and white.

She said it calmly, while I was puzzled. I didn't expect her to remember all the little things I sometimes mentioned just once.

— I didn't think you'd remember that…» I admitted honestly.

— Of course,» Rachel said nonchalantly, «I remember everything you said.»

— …

At times like this, I didn't know how to react. Sometimes Rachel was very rude to me, like when she locked me in here and forced me to get married. But at the same time, she remained very attentive, especially when we were alone. I really didn't know what was going on in her head.

— Don't worry about it. Everything will go well.

The girl whispered this into my neck to reassure me, but the opposite sent shivers through my body.

— I know,» I faintly replied, «You have everything under control.»


The rich chambers — belonging to a lady of noble birth.

Despite noon and already late, the girl settled in her bed, and lying on her stomach dangled her legs in the air. In her hands she clutched the envelope her father had given her and still could not believe her happiness.

This year Camille Fernandez turned nineteen. She was the youngest of Viscount Louis Fernandez's four children.

A girl of attractive appearance whose hair shone gold and whose eyes resembled a pair of precious rubies. She had inherited all her outward qualities from her mother, who had abandoned her many years before.

Camilla was the bastard child of a viscount, which was considered a disgrace for a noble aristocratic family. In spite of this, the latter nevertheless agreed to give her his last name and accepted her into his house.

Camilla's mother was a woman of easy virtue who abandoned her daughter immediately after her birth. Nineteen years ago, she left the basket with the baby on the doorstep, and no one has seen her since.

From that moment on, the girl was brought up in the family of Viscount Fernandez.

Camilla was pretty and educated, and if it were not for her dubious origins, might have led a much better life than she does now.

From an early age, her older sisters and brother bullied her, and her stepmother considered her an empty place. Contrary to this treatment of her own child, the viscount simply turned a blind eye to it, and the taunts continued.

— Dirty girl…! I don't want to live in the same house with her!

— Why does my father allow such a worthless creature to defame our family!

Camilla patiently endured all these hardships, though deep down she was very hurt. She hoped that one day she would be able to get out of this hell.

And fortunately, in the future her situation was somewhat relieved.

When the time came, the viscount's eldest daughters and son left to study at the Royal Academy, while Camilla stayed home. It was too shameful for a child of this background to study at such a prestigious institution.

The girl was forced to study alone with a personal tutor, but she was not at all upset about it. She was glad that for the first time in years, she could breathe easy in this house.

Especially since her freedom only increased further.

Exactly one year later, while Camille was living with her father and stepmother, the latter suddenly expressed a desire to see the country. And since then she had been away for a long time on her travels.

Camilla took over her older sister's luxurious room and was happy. Only at the age of nineteen — she was able to truly enjoy the delights of aristocratic life.

But even this circumstance was not what stirred in her blood so much.

For more importantly, apart from the significant changes in her life, two years ago she had fallen in love for the first time.

When the heiress of the Cassius family suddenly seized power, she was feared and hated by everyone in the empire. Everyone except Camilla.

The girl thought Rachel had done the right thing and finally punished all those hypocritical nobles. Who did nothing but despise the weak because of their origins. Camille had been subjected to this kind of bullying all her life. And justice was finally served.

Since then, Camille has become Rachel's number one fan, and has dreamed of getting close to her.

But it wasn't so easy. The viscount's daughter could not come to the palace simply to see her. For Rachel seldom made exceptions, and almost never received outsiders without good reason.

But to great good fortune, a suitable occasion presented itself quite unexpectedly.

The viscount had received an invitation to the Queen's jubilee, but he was somewhat embarrassed to come to such an event alone. His eldest children had gone to university and could not attend. And his wife was not in the capital at all. In short, thus the choice fell on Camille.

For the first time, Viscount Fernandez decided to bring his youngest daughter out into the world.

Today he handed her an invitation to the ball, which was to be held in a couple of days. The girl held it in her hands and could not believe her happiness.

«Could it not be long before I could see Her Majesty in person…?!»

Camilla shuddered at the mere thought of it. Her whole body was in anticipation.

Opposite the girl's bed hung a portrait of Rachel Cassius, which she looked at when she woke up and when she went to bed. And now she glanced at it again.

Those scarlet eyes… Aren't they truly beautiful?

While Camilla «devoured» the portrait with her gaze, she could not wait to tell her feelings in person.

Even though everyone in the empire rejected and did not accept her, Camilla was not like that.

«Your Majesty, I am the only one in this world who truly understands you.»

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