Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

Chapter 11: Chapter 10. The Black Rabbit

«Why didn't you say you were Lady Ashford right away?»

The unexpected question of the dark-haired guy at first put me at a dead end.

«I thought we'd never meet again, and it wasn't that important…

In fact, I never imagined that we would meet again under similar circumstances. I considered meeting this guy an episodic case, and I wasn't even going to introduce myself to him.

Actually, neither did he to me, because I still didn't know his name.

— I see. It looks like you're an even more unusual girl than I thought.

— Eh? What do you mean?

— You are from a very influential family, — the young man said, — But despite this, you were not afraid to stand up for someone, and even risk your life saving me on the lake… No other aristocrat would do that.

I perfectly understood what he meant, because my actions from the outside really looked a little strange and even reckless.

Before doing anything, all the representatives of the nobility first assessed how it would affect their place in society and further reputation. And even more so, none of them would just throw themselves into a lake or any other dangerous place to help a stranger.

Within the established rules of high society, it sounded just absurd.

Therefore, I could well be called a «strange» noblewoman.

«So I'm an exception to the rule,» I laughed awkwardly.

«So,» he smiled thoughtfully at me, «Lady Ashford, and you are not at all what they say about you in society.

— Hmm… What do they say about me?

«Actually, before I came here, I heard rumors that the Duke of Ashford's daughter is very well—mannered and sets an example of an ideal socialite.

Hearing this, I coughed in embarrassment.

Obviously, my recent actions did not fit in with this description in any way.

Probably, the real Leriana was indeed a truly noble lady, but the current «I» could hardly match this image.

The only thing that saved me from complete failure was that all the skills and knowledge acquired by the previous owner of the body over the last seventeen years of her life, fortunately, did not disappear anywhere, and penetrated into my head as well as some memories from her past.

However, knowing the theory well did not mean applying it perfectly in practice, so I still had problems with introducing it into local society.

«Well, sometimes the rumors don't quite correspond to reality,» I said, «so you're disappointed?»

— Not at all, — the guy smiled mysteriously, — In fact, before this meeting, I did not want to get to know you at all, because I thought that you would turn out to be boring and uninteresting, like most women in secular society. However, the reality pleasantly surprised me.

I didn't know how to react to that. He said it in such a way that I wasn't even quite sure if it was a compliment or not.

However, even taking into account our short acquaintance, I managed to understand that he was not a bad person. He was even nice, even though he sometimes said things that were not quite unambiguous.

— Well, — I decided to change the subject, — Since now you know who I am, maybe you can introduce yourself?

«My name is Blake,» the guy said with a smile.

For some reason, he did not name his family's last name, but I decided not to attach much importance to this. Most likely, he had his own reasons. Moreover, I didn't give a damn about such things when it came to friendship or communication with anyone.

«So we'll get to know each other,» I smiled.

It was only now that I noticed that when Blake smiled, his face looked very much like a rabbit's face. I was well aware of this, because in my previous life I had a black rabbit, which my mother gave me for my eighth birthday.

He lived with me for several years, and died of an illness shortly before I went to the hospital myself. Since then, I have been missing him incessantly, and therefore I was glad that now I have a friend who looks like this cute animal.

— This time, I definitely have to thank you, — Blake reminded, — Otherwise, as you said, you will always have to save me from trouble.

I laughed, remembering my words from the last time.

But what could I ask of him…?

Suddenly, a wonderful idea came to my mind.

«Blake, do you know Atlas well?» I asked.

«I've been there quite often,» he said thoughtfully, «so it's probably good.

«Then why don't you join me there this weekend?» I suggested.

Blake's face lit up with joy.

— Of course!

So, my companion in this city, was a charming black rabbit.


That same day, after school ended, I decided to visit Rachel in the library.

To get a little closer to her, I went there every day, and sat next to her while she read books.

After the incident, which proved the seriousness of my intentions, Rachel finally stopped «sending» me, and was not even angry when sometimes I distracted her from business with conversations. I thought it was a good sign.

Step by step, but I believed that one day there would come a moment when she would stop despising me and consider me her friend.

What was happening now could already be called a good change.

It remained only to move on in the same direction, and try not to spoil everything…

This time, I was not going to come empty-handed, having previously taken a handful of nut cakes from the dining room, which I simply adored here.

Rachel never dined in the communal dining room, because she could not stand the hateful glances directed in her direction almost constantly. In principle, she tried to be in public places as little as possible.

Because of this, the cooks had to deliver her food separately, but what was left could be called nothing other than leftovers. For this reason, it was not at all surprising why Rachel was malnourished, and looked paler and thinner than everyone else.

Having decided to take care of her in this way, and at the same time to get even closer, I decided to bring her some food, secretly taking it out of the dining room.

At least the cakes looked delicious, and I hoped she wouldn't get mad at me.

Since Rachel was almost always in the library during off-hours, the rest of the people preferred to avoid this place, and therefore we stayed there just the two of us.

It was very convenient, because there was no need to «hold my face» and I could behave as I wanted. In addition, it prevented the spread of various rumors about our relationship.

Having reached the library in the usual way, I went inside.

As usual, when I reached the end of the reading room, I saw Rachel. Her dark wavy bangs fell over her eyes, which made her look even more gloomy.

Today she looked paler than usual, and I even noticed dark circles under her eyes.

«She probably didn't eat much this time.»

— Hi, Rachel, I'm here!

— …

After greeting her as usual, the girl again ignored me.

However, I was already used to the fact that she rarely answered me, so I just pulled up a chair next to her and sat down.

Rachel, as always, was busy reading another book, and I managed to understand that this was her favorite activity. If Rachel wasn't in class, she was constantly reading.

However, I still haven't found out what exactly, because the girl never let all these volumes out of her hands.

After sitting in silence for a while, when I could only hear the sound of pages being turned, I finally decided to talk to her.

— I… uh-m… I'm going to the city tomorrow. Didn't you hear there's a banquet coming up? I want to buy a new dress.

Rachel snorted.

— Why are you telling me about your plans? I'm not interested in that.

— Well, I just decided to warn you that I probably won't be able to come tomorrow…

— …

Rachel made an annoying sound again, and it became clear that she didn't give a damn about it at all.

I pursed my lips. Actually, I didn't have any hopes on this score. I said it just in case…

— And one more thing… I brought something today.

Having said that, I took out of my bag cakes wrapped in a piece of cloth for better preservation.

I spread them out in front of her, to which Rachel, as usual, twisted her face.

— And what is it?

— Brownies with nuts. They are very tasty,» I replied enthusiastically, «I brought them specially for you to try.

The girl's expression distorted even more.

«I'm not going to eat this,» she said contemptuously, looking at the harmless dessert as poison.

— W-why?» You don't even know what they taste like …! — I was offended, — I like these cakes the most!

«So eat them yourself,» Rachel snapped, boring me with scarlet irises, «Who do you take me for if you think I'm going to eat all the stuff you're carrying?»

— B-but… I just thought you'd be hungry…

«I'm all right. Stop pretending like you care about me. It's annoying.»

Flatly refusing to eat the food that I had been saving so diligently for her all day, I was seriously angry with her.

In the end, is it really so difficult to try at least a piece…?! I'm trying to take care of her!

With these thoughts, I took one of the cakes, and tried to put it in her mouth.

I hoped I could do it unnoticed while she was reading again, but, as expected, her reaction to my actions was lightning fast.

Realizing what I was trying to do, Rachel got angry and roughly pushed me away, causing both me and my supplies to fall to the floor.

— What are you doing…?!» she raged, getting up from her seat and looking down at me, — Stupid girl! Have you completely forgotten who you are with…?!

My sudden fall from the chair turned out to be quite painful, which involuntarily brought tears to my eyes. Although at that moment I was not sad at all, but on the contrary, I really wanted to kill her for it.

— What's wrong with you?! — I cried in a broken tone, — Why are you so cruel to me …?!

Rachel stared at me in annoyance.

«Why should I be condescending to a nobody like you?» «Just because I let you be around me doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.»

— I am… I just wanted to do something nice for you! — tears sounded in my voice by themselves, — I never tried to hurt you.

— I don't care. Whether I feel good or bad, it shouldn't bother you.

I clenched my fists because I was trying my best not to really cry. A flood of emotions suddenly seized me, and after such hurtful words, I could no longer remain cool.

— Even… Even if I annoy you so much… You could have accepted my help just once…» I squeezed out with resentment in my voice.

— …

— And I told you I didn't think you were a monster.». My opinion still hasn't changed. I'll be coming… Come as long as you let me.

Somehow suppressing the tears that came to my eyes, I, sniffling, began to collect the fallen cakes, intending to throw them away as soon as I left here.

As expected, my plan failed miserably.

Despite the fact that I was terribly angry with Rachel, I wasn't going to hold a grudge for long. In the end, it was foolish of me to hope for any other outcome.

I shouldn't have acted so rashly, especially knowing her possible reaction.

I needed to think about what else I could do, and this time I had to be more careful.

That's what I thought, picking up the cakes from the floor, and then going to say goodbye to her as usual, so that I could return to the dorm later.

After completing my angry tirade, Rachel silently watched me for a while, after which she suddenly picked up one of the cakes that I hadn't had time to collect yet.

I was surprised at such a sudden action on her part.

— What are you…

After turning it over in her hands, Rachel finally bit into it.

— W-wait…! They were lying on the floor! You don't have to…

— Doggie, it looks like you didn't lie, — the girl suddenly said, — It really is… Very tasty.

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