SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Chapter 187: Michelle?

Chapter 187: Michelle?

Why is that? Hazel frowned at the man. 

Because news of your status has already been spread among the clan. Liang informed. 

And how does that affect me? 

You will be killed if you separate yourself from the Young Master. 

What? She chuckled and thought he was speaking nonsense just to scare her.  

Im pretty popular with the ladies. Many of those ladies wouldnt mind killing you to take your place as my servant. So, if they happened to see you wandering about alone, well, you can say goodbye to any sort of future you wished to have. Kai grinned. 

Was I seriously saved by a bunch of nutcases? She muttered. 

I understand your confusion and disbelief but this world isnt forgiving just because youre ignorant or logical. There are only two paths for you. Become Young Master Kais servant and grow strong enough to protect yourself from any assassinations or leave and be helplessly killed. 

Yep yep. Only those two choices. Kai annoying added. 

Ahuh... Just show me the way out already. She refused to believe them. 

What?! Do you seriously not believe us!? You will die, you know! Kai anxiously yelled. 

Ill take my chances. Just point me in the direction of the nearest city. She hoped these nut jobs would let her leave. 

Fine! Go and die, stupid ugly girl! Show her to the city Liang! Kai crossed his arms and turned away with a pout. 

Liang led her out of the Yingjie Clan and brought her to Yellow Jade City. She thanked him for showing her the way and ventured inside the city. He only looked at her with pity before turning away.  

Now that she was finally in a city surrounded by humans and no dangerous wild animals. After taking a second to realize that she has absolutely nothing to her name and wouldnt be able to get far despite making it to civilization. The first thing she planned to do was get a job! Cant be a productive member of society without contributing to it with some manual labor. She walked inside a blacksmiths shop and rang the bell. There was no particular reason why she chose a blacksmiths shop over any other shop. It was just that she had a feeling that a job like this wouldnt be bad considering all the people carrying swords and other dangerous weapons around their waists and on their backs like it was the most normal thing in the world. 

Seriously! Even children were carrying around little swords of their own. Some were play fighting with each other with the swords while their fathers and uncles cheered and gave them advice for improvement. It was at that point that she thought that maybe this city wasnt as civilized as she thought it was. Or maybe that was just her amnesia acting up. This couldve always been normal and seen as civilized. She couldnt remember anything about how society functioned, she only had a feeling that things were different from how she thought they should be. 

What do you want girlie? A bearded heavy-set man with a large gut and a hand-sized hammer in his hand greeted her. 

Are you hiring? Id like to work in your establishment. She got straight to the point. 

He looked at her with a look of disbelief before looking around. Then he walked from behind the counter and took a look outside the shop for some reason. 

Arent you a little too old to be making jokes at your age? A disappointed gaze found itself on her. 

Im not joking sir. Id like to become a blacksmith or an apprentice. She told him. 

So, youre saying... You want to be a blacksmith over being a seamstress or something more ladylike? He was confused why a young gal like her was even looking for a job. 

Didnt she have a family or something to take care of her? Tengfei knew he wouldnt have his daughter out and about looking for a job. Hed have her cleaning, cooking, and being at home while looking for a nice respectable man for her to marry and take care of her. Either this lasss family situation is horrible or shes nuts. 

Yes sir. She nodded. 

Whats your name, girlie? Tengfei sighed, moving back behind the counter. 

Uhh... A name is required to fit into society. Call me Michelle. Michelle told him. 

Whats your real name, kid? Tengfei asked again. 

That is my real name. Michelle doubled down. 

Fine. Tengfei didnt wanna argue with her. If the kid wants to have a weird name who is he to stop her? 

What do you know about metalwork? Your father did any smithing?  

I know absolutely nothing but I'm eager to learn! Michelle lied about that last part with a big smile on her face. 

What use are ya then!? Tengfei shouted in an annoyed tone. 

I could man the counter or clean up the back while watching you work. When you have the time, you could teach me how to work the metals and when youre busy, I can just do other stuff. Eventually, I'll be able to help you and lighten up your load. She tried to reason. 

You think a little lass like you can handle working in a place like this for more than a week? Tengfei chuckled. 

I know so, sir. She didnt really have any other options unless she wanted to sell her body. Which was not going to happen under any circumstance. 

Fine, Mi-Michelle... He still had issues trying to pronounce that name. Get to sweeping. He handed her a broom. 

Thank you for the opportunity... 

Tengfei. Boss Tengfei. 

Thank you for the opportunity, Boss Tengfei! Michelle gladly grabbed the broom and began sweeping the front area. 

If anyone comes in just tell them to ring the bell. He told her before lumbering to the smithing area. 

Yes, sir! Michelle figured older men like spunky go-getters to work for them.  

She didnt mind acting unlike herself for the job. Money made the world go round after all. With money, you were set. Without money, you are nothing. So, Michelle worked her tail off doing menial tasks around the shop for hours. By the end of the working day when the shop was about to close, Boss Tengfei handed her some silver coins in a small little bag. Michelle guessed this was the currency here. 

You cleaned up well. Here some yuan for your work. Come back early in the morning tomorrow. Im heading home. He said his goodbyes as he led her out of the shop. 

Thank you so much Boss Tengfei! Michelle shouted as he walked off in the distance. 

He didnt have to pay her today but she guessed he figured out her dire circumstances. Hopefully, with this, shell be able to afford some food and a place to sleep tonight. Considering she had work tomorrow of probably the same thing she went through today. It would be for the best if she spent her money on food if she cant do both. A full stomach is more important than a comfortable rest. 

Michelle found herself a decent reputable inn to spend the night at. Decent and reputable by having the least number of men and women with swords going into the building. She ordered a room for an entire week and spent most of her money. Skimping out on buying food for a week of comfortable rest! There was a reason for this sudden flip-flop of opinions. 

Sleeping outside in this unfamiliar, dangerous, and barbaric city with nothing but the money around her waist and the nice clothes that Kais clan clothed her with was not going to happen. Her broken sword from the forest was gone and she knew no other ways to protect herself. It was much safer to sleep inside this inn than somewhere on the streets even if she had to go hungry. Michelle thought it was scary enough just wandering through the city during the daytime! She couldnt imagine how different it will be when the moon is up. Nighttime was the perfect time for low-lives, criminals, and scum to come out and do their business. Being the small and harmless little thing she was, shed be devoured by them before she could even scream. 

So, Michelle made it to her room and sadly counted up her remaining coins before choosing to fall asleep. There wasnt much else she could do right now. No books to read, no bathroom to take a bath in, just a room with a bed, covers, pillow, a window, and another room inside that led to a hole in the ground. She believed she knew what the hole was for but actively blocked it out of her mind because of how badly she wanted to reject it. Civilization seemed a lot less civilized than she felt it should be. The only difference between doing her business in the city and in the wild is that she doesnt have to keep an eye out for any wild beasts and there are nice safe walls surrounding her. 

Welp. Here's to my new life, I guess. A future blacksmith goddess in the making... 

As Michelle drifted off to sleep, it slowly became night. At the entrance of the inn, a man dressed in regular clothing walked inside. A shiny silver sword hung on his waist and his body radiating with elegance. It made the innkeeper quite nervous just looking at him, he figured this man must be a cultivator! 

What can I help you with, respected sir? The innkeeper asked. 

Have you seen a dark-skinned girl coming into this establishment? He asked plainly. 

Yes, sir! Shes on the 2nd floor, room 215. He answered without pause. 

Thank you. He walked past the innkeeper and pulled out his sword as he headed to the room. 

The innkeeper let out a breath of relief as it wasnt his life that was in danger anymore. It sucked that that girl was going to die but it was better her than him! He had a family to raise and take care of. If she didnt want to die, she shouldve never offended whoever that cultivator was. 

Once the cultivator made it to room 215, he easily broke into the locked room. With some not-so-silent footsteps, he made his way over to the sleeping girl. She was a heavy sleeper it seems. That was good for him. There wasnt going to be much of a struggle. 

I apologize but you must die for My Ladys sake. He plunged his sword into the chest of the girl who suddenly opened her eyes and stared into his eyes. She reached out with her hands to grip the sword but it did nothing to prevent her from dying. In a matter of seconds, she passed away and Banbang exited the building after accomplishing his task. 

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