Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 43

Eh um, hero Ivanov is someone that came from this world?

Thats right! That name, those words from before, theres no mistaking hes person from my country!

A certain countrys agents were excited about Mitsuhas words .

T, then, the 3 legendary sacred treasures its said that the hero had, Avtomat-Kalashnikov 47, Tokarev, and the thunder of God, ru pi ji 7, they were .

Eh, eh, eh!

The men were on the verge of weeping .

This is must be a meeting brought about by our ancestors and your countrys hero! Lets us make a friendship treaty with your country!()

. can I bud in?

The man leaning on the table and moving to grasp Mitsuhas hands was stopped by a new mans voice .

The certain countrys agent looks behind him and scowls at the man who poured water on their precious momentum .

Apparently, it seems another team wanted to interfere with the previous one after feeling a sense of crisis from their sudden excitement .

Princess, we would like to join in by all means

Mitsuha smiled and answered the man who cut in .

Yes, please do! It would be troublesome to have the same conversation many times if it can be done all at once

The previous men grind their teeth .

Seeing that, the other groups stood in unison .

Then, they surround the people around Mitsuha .

A large number of suspicious men are cornering a girl, naturally unable to overlook this, the people here and there in the store use their cell phones and smartphones simultaneously . To report to the authorities of course .

There were women at some seats tightly gripping their cake knives and forks ready to help the girl if push comes to shove .

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As the agents from many countries are all focusing on Mitsuha and those on the table, and they did not notice the movements behind them .

Most civilians dont want to get involved in anything unrelated to themselves so they pretend not to see most things . Besides, we arent doing anything suspicious or illegal either .

For those whom such ideas have sunk in, they forgot what kind of customers this shop serves and how they will appear when they crowd around someone .

That a large number of men are surrounding a girl aged 11 to 12 was plenty suspicious and an incident worth reporting .

Ah~, this is a bit too many people It seems it would be better if we talk at a later date after picking another place .

Then, everyone, I will contact you again later, so can you give me your contact information?

At Mitsuhas words, the agents from different countries handed over addresses written on memos, business cards, and other preparations in a hurry .

Despite still making irritated faces, the agents from a certain country believed in their superiority and thought, Not yet, we can get her to agree on a secret rendezvous to continue our conversation again after getting rid of these extras, agreeing to change the location is a step towards that . After all, they are the homeland of the hero who aided her ancestors .

And then, as those men hand over their contact information along with people from other countries think that, they came .

Is this the stop where the calls were coming from?!

Yes, 12 police officers were rushing in because of the numerous reports .

Many calls came at the same time reporting that a girl is surrounded by a large number of men and several patrol cars came to the site as a result .

As they look inside the shop, the policemen were calm .

You guys, dont move! Missy, do you know who these people are?

Mitsuha responded brightly to the police officers words .

No, I dont know them . I was called out by them a little while ago because they want to talk, they said theyll treat me to a meal and asked me to get in their car, but I had a bad feeling so I asked could we go to this shop instead

There was no lie . It was honesty itself .

Ohh, and the callers were impressed with the little girls cleverness and pleased that their actions were spot on .

Ehhh~, the agents from different countries were surprised .

And the policemen glare at the men with scary eyes .

Agents were taken by the police officers, Mitsuha was released after a brief on-site questioning and was treated to a parfait after being preached to not to go out alone by the older ladies who reported .

The agents from various countries caught by the police were questioned in various ways, had their identities were examined, fingerprints taken and were meet with harsh shares . ()

They managed somehow to get released by continuing to insist on the story that only the first countrys agents called out to Mitsuha and the others only happened to see and followed them out of worry, but because they were blatantly suspicious, public security was contacted .

Public security jumped out of joy . An agents value drastically deteriorated when the countrys public security take notice of them .

Well, while unable to tell the truth, they were still better off compared to a certain countrys agents who were severely immobilize over the attempted kidnapping of a little girl .

One day, an email invite to an informal conference was delivered to the agents .

(Princess, you were serious)

The agents that thought she was clearly buying time until the police came were surprised .

Certainly, the explanation that the princess told the police officers wasnt a lie . It seems that the princess wasnt the one who called the police but the other customers .

(Maybe, she was just obediently answering the police officers question without any ill will?)

Of course, there was no such a thing .

The agents from a certain country were thinking almost the same thing .

The fact that the princess talked to the police officer is just that .

She wasnt aware of what thatll bring us, because she is ignorant about this world .

After all, our country is the home of their great hero, they didnt doubt their superiority .

In 3 days, at that mercenary groups base .

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And 3 days after the delivery of the email invitations .

Mercenary Group Wolf Fangs base, strategy conference room .

In that room, which was large enough for all their members to gather, almost all the seats were filled . Most of them are the agents from different countries and the mercenary group members that were guarding Mitsuha . In addition to the countries that gathered at that sweet specialty shop, e-mails with an invitation and explanation of the previous events have been sent to several countries selected by Mitsuha, and these countries were also participating .

Because its an urgent and also unofficial negotiation, there wasnt much room for ministers holding important officials in a country to participate so for many countries the top of their information divisions along with their inner circle took part . Of course, with considerable discretion . The time for foreign bureaucracy is still ahead .

Everyone, thank you for coming a long way this day . We have gathered here to have an informal conference with everyone who requested diplomatic relations with my territory

The meeting started with Mitsuha taking responsibility .

First of all, as written in the invitation letters, the matter of the tribute

Originally, a tribute is something that a poorer country gives a richer country and the richer country will give back in return something worth several times as what they were given . But Mitsuha changed it to something more convenient for her .

The representatives from the different countries who wish to have negotiations for themselves competed in their tributes . Wherein Mitsuha receives them all and presents a return gift only to those who brought what she liked the most . Theres little monetary value in the return gift so its also something of an honor to be chosen, Its at the level of a so-called commemorative gift . Furthermore, it wont give them any advantage at the negotiations .

To put it frankly, it was a scam .

However, each country was brimming with motivation to win this gift contest to get the princesss favor .

Jewelry . Dresses . Honorary ranks . Various gifts follow .

The national representatives leaked snickers when a certain country came with a smug face carrying a 3 set of AK 47 Assault Rifle, Tokarev automatic handgun, and RPG 7 . In addition to all being obsolete old weapons, they cost a negligible amount of money . But that countrys representatives were confident .

However, there was no sign of the princess being moved by any tribute .

And then came a small developing countrys turn .

The deeds for 2 used human paddled wooden ships, 13 meters in length and 3 meters in width .

Snickers leaked from among the people present once again . However .


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Representatives were surprised by the fierce reaction of the princess .

I, is that true?! How, how did you know

Yes, our country has neither money or special products, so we hoped to bring you at the very least a little delight and heard that you once said that you wanted a wooden ship when we ask the mercenary group various things .

Un, un, I want! I wanted it! Ah, now we can start using dragnets, itll be a stopgap until we can construct a new type of ship on our own for fishing with nets .

Mitsuhas biting made the representative of a large country panic and shout We will also provide a large ship from our country! but the topic was closed and discarded with how getting a powered ship that her people cant maintain or repair wouldnt be very useful and it wont help her people build one as a reference .

In the end, the small country that presented the wooden ships were chosen for the return gift, they were awarded a pair of live rabbits with horn on their heads, ornaments that arent like anything seen on Earth made of a strange metal, and 2 another world travel tickets for 2 nights and 3 days .

For Mitsuha it was as good as nothing, but delegates from each country were staring at the gifts with the eyes that said: well steal them even if we have to kill!

They finally realized that they were fundamentally wrong in choosing jewelry and dresses for their gifts, but it was too late .

However, it wasnt like Mitsuha wasnt pleased to get more jewelry . They are useful simply as cash items . Just, for now, she was more happy at those that have directly contributed to the development of her territory rather than anyone giving her cash .

And thus the ceremony was over and, the negotiations finally began .

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