Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 27

(T . N: after a while, I think Shrine Princess sound better than Princess Shrine Maiden, thats why I will start using it instead)

For Alexis, this is the home country of Mitsuha,

He tried to obey the instructions from the gesture of the physician silently and get treatment with excellent technology .

Mitsuha told him she will come back in a few days when his treatment is finished and return to the capital together, that he slept with no worries .

Mitsuha also got treatment, the arrow bullet was safely removed .

Its nice to know that there will be no scar remain afterward .

Yes, it really is .

The mercenary group was called for an urgent mobilize .

Because some people are on vacation .

And participations are freely to decide for themselves this time .

How many people will participate in the total of 59 people ?

Everyone in the group is in preparation .

Inspection of weapons and vehicles, additional supplies of ammunition .

Actually, there was enough stockpile, but since it is necessary just to make sure that ammunition supplies is available at any time, they want to prepare ahead of time and purchase a little more .

In the mean time, Mitsuha made various explanations .

Like we may not be able to disable Orc with handgun bullets, and as for Ogre, they may endure even sub machine gun and handgun bullets, perhaps we might need 5 . 56 mm of the assault rifle etc .

Mitsuha does not actually experience shooting those monsters, but she made speculation from stories heard from Svens group .

Everyone of the Mercenary Wolf Fang had suspicions that Mitsuha isnt from the Earth .

The way Mitsuha appeared so far and her behavior were quite dubious, but the current event has too much impact .

So, they all haveinevitableatmosphere, and there was no one pursue any further .

Dont invade the client s private .

Confidentiality .

Even here on earth, Mercenarys rule is similar to Svens group .

After one and a half day after Mitsuha appeared, right now its 5 am .

Location: Mercenary group Wolf Fangs home base, vehicle hangar front square .

57 men in line and one girl standing on the platform in front of them .

Holster on a white dress .

Right waist is 93R .

Since her left arm is hung, there is no revolver or dagger but plenty of spare magazines instead .

Since the left arm can move from the wrist to the tip, the magazine exchange can be managed somehow .

The girl raised her right hand .

Everyone, its time for war!(Mitsuha)

The enemy is 20,000, we are 58 peoples, its a dangerous mission, payment are only a few dollars, but the spoil of war are some gold coins, honor, pride, and words of appreciation from the citizens(Mitsuha)

The speech of Mitsuha continues .

With thing such as war, both sides can claim they are righteous but neither of them is justice and acceptable .

Its just a competition between money and power, and the sacrifice is always common people .

But this time it is different!

The mission is a defensive game to defend the citizens of the capital from enemy soldiers and herds of demons who ignored the treaty and attacked unilaterally!(Mitsuha)

Mitsuha shouts after taking a while .

Ohhhhhhhhhh! (Everyone)

Mercenaries are excited .

I will leave the seat for about 10 minutes, those who refuse this assignment can leave in the meantime, those who remain will go to the battlefield and I expect the courage from all of you(Mitsuha)

That said, Mitsuha left the spot and entered the building .

And after ten minutes .

Mercenary group Wolf Fang 57 people, all of them were in line, except for the 2 who didnt make it to this place because they were away on vacation .

Lets go!(Mitsuha)

How great, young lady (Captain)

Actually Mitsuhas speech was inspired by the recruitment of soldiers for the Antarctic expedition party, but the captain who didnt know about it was impressed with Mitsuhas talent as agitator .

Mercenaries Wolf Fang owned several vehicles .

Light armored mobile .

Jeep with heavy machine guns loaded .

Truck with hood . And God

Godwas the object of absolute faith for Mercenary Wolf Fang .

When the mercenary team was still a small mercenary team without names, they were forced into the battlefield by the employer at government military army .

They cant complain . Mercenaries are such things .

There are no regular forces would like to sacrifice themselves for mercenaries .

For regular soldiers, mercenaries that fighting for money without justice and belief were subjects of contempt, unlike themselves who devote to their own country .

There are no loyalty for mercenaries which is why tomorow they may be hired by enemies or may flee .

And thats why the regular army withdrew from the battlefield quickly, and left the mercenaries as decoy .

There were no transport vehicles, and they were overtaken by anti-government forces with light armored vehicles pursued .

And when they were about to give up . Goddescended there .

Half track which was left to ride on the rock . And 20 millimeter cannon mounted on the carrier .

When approached with anxious feeling, they realized the engine was hit and wouldnt work, however the cannon was still usable .

They took it off from the half track and hid themselves in the rocks to ambush the rebel army .

Random 20 millimeter cannon . The roar of God, an angel hammer . The pursued light armor vehicles cant withstand a 20 mm burst bomb and are all crushed .

The mercenaries survived, brought back their God with huge labor and expenses .

Their God fangs can chew against air, ground and any opponent .

And they decided to name the groupWolf Fang

It was around the time that the current captain was stillYoung and the mercenaries were not being called by TAC name yet .

Godwill fly after a long absence .

Looking at the glimpse of Mitsuha, the captain thought so .

And, this time the angel will also accompany us .

The captain was convinced of his victory .

At the next moment, everyone disappeared from the plaza, the air flowed into the vacant space, the hues and the wind blew .


The soldier received an order and was monitoring the courtyard .

Keep an eye on this place?

How long has passed since he was told to keep his surveillance?

And what do higher personel want to do by watching the courtyard?

Isnt the enemy outside the wall? Dawn is close, too .

When the soldier was still half-sleep as he wondered so .

All of sudden, at that time the air was pushed away and the hues and the wind blew .

The soldier was surprised with his eyes wide opened and he saw .

There were a flock of big beasts with variants . On one of the beasts had a girl with a white dress .

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Wolfs Fang, Look!(Mitsuha)

The girls voice echoed in the darkness of the night .

When receiving the news, the general commander, Marquis Icebringer and the staff rushed there, Mitsuha kept her body leaning from the upper hatch of the light armored mobile car above the knee . This posture is a bit

Take position .

At dawn, the main force will sort from the main gate and kick the enemy .

I need 6 men to protect each gate .

The main force will also provide support to each gate from where we are(Mitsuha)


As the Marquis and other staff members are surprised, the wolves start to take their position .

6 people are dispatched to three gates other than the main gate in the south according to the prior consultation .

Beside their personal equipment they also took heavy machinery gun and grenade shell with a vehicle to carry the ammunition .

After that, all the vehicles go through the main street lead to the main gate in the south .

The peoples who surprised by the sounds of vehicles running around the streets come out together from the houses .

Engine stop(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

With the direction of Mitsuha passing through the wireless microphone, the vehicles stop .

And the voice of Mitsuha which resonates with the microphone of the speaker echoes in the city .

Everyone! I love this country!(Mitsuhas speaker Microphone)

Wolf Fang members dont understand this language so they dont know what Mitsuha is saying . Its fortunate .

I love many thing about this country!

I love this city, I love the people who live in this city, so we will dye our hand with blood . Wolf Fang, sortie!(Mitsuhas speaker microphone)

As the last word was English, the vehicles restarts the engine and slowly resumes forward .

Open the gate!(Mitsuha)

They dont have any choice but open in this situation . The gatekeepers hurriedly open the gate .

The vehicles slowly go through the gate and go out .

The hem of Mitsuhas white dress, which is out of the hatch flutters in the wind .

Oh, Oh! Thunder Shrine Princess squad(Old man)

Do you know about her, Old man Leiden?(Young man)

A young man asks about what the old mans muttering .

Oh, I saw it, when the third Princess was attacked behind the alley, the figure of the shrine princess helped the third princess with a thunder storm!

Indeed, the Thunder Shrine Princess gave out her name at that time,

From the gap of the wall, I certainly saw it!(Old man)

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Shrine Princess

Shrine Princess of thunder

Shrine Princess is going to fight for us

The word continues to spread to the crowd that gradually increases as it goes bumpy .

It gradually becomes screaming voices .

Shrine Princess, banzai!

Shrine Princess, Banzai!

We cant see it here! I will climb to the wall!

(From behind, there are somewhat disturbing cheering

No, I must have been misheard it . Yes, I cant hear it, I cant hear it!) (Mitsuha)

Mitsuha tried to close both ears, but she couldnt use her unfortunate left arm .

As Wolf Fangs people still do not understand the world language, they dont care that much about it . She was fortunate .

***Enemy Army Front Line Headquarters***

(This part is the enemy commanders POV)

It is almost dawn .

The invading general commander got up to command the attack, looked at the main gate of the capital .

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The main gate is open!?(Enemy Commander = EC)

With this situation, it was already decided that the kingdom side has no other choice but to defend the capital .

Because the reinforcements will arrive if they can hold out for a few days .

Its impossible for reinforcement to arrive this soon, nor the capital have enough soldiers to fight back .

If they had succeeded in assassinating the kingdoms commander, the kingdoms side might surrender . But they had failed so thats also impossible .

While the general commander wondered, the enemy came out of the gate and advanced, and stopped at a certain distance . Then the gate is closed again .

What is that?(EC)

Something is coming out of the gate . It looks like horse carriage with no horse attached .

Are they pushing it manually? Is it a suicide squad to earn time or messenger for negotiation?

I do not intend to play along with their time earning, but I will show some manner to exchange a few words

Hey, you will be our messenger . Come quickly(EC)


Instructed by the general commander, the noble in charge immediately prepared and got on his horse .

Something coming . Sniper, get in position and waiting for my command .

Goal: disable enemy riders(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

Mitsuha ordered the snipers who positioned on the wall with the wireless Microphone .

Enemy rider stopped at a position about 100 meters to the group of vehicles and started to speak out loud .

I am the glorious Alder Empires nobleman, Count Torsten von Lott! This time my empire (Torsten)

Fire at once(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

Ta~an (SFX)

An enemy riding soldier falls from his horse .

Huh Dont they have any honor or proud, to attack our messenger when he is still speaking, barbarians!(EC)

Enemy commanders face became red with anger .

For the Imperial soldiers who abandoned honor and pride(Mitsuhas speaker microphone)


Enemy commander was trembling with anger and now he ate his own words .

The words of Mitsuha continue .

There is no qualification for honor and pride as the bandits that broke the treaty one-side,

sneaking into our country with the traitors guide,

killing ordinary people and hand them to the monsters with your hands!

God is angry .

No matter how brave you fight, no matter how much you decide to do, Imperial soldiers will never have Gods blessing .

All of you will fall into hell!(Mitsuhas speaker microphone)

He dont feel like to oppose the voice of a girl which is so loud as to reach all the soldiers even though she isnt screaming .

No matter how much the general commander shouts, it will reach only the nearby soldiers .

He regreted it, but he cant do anything .

The voice of Mitsuha continues .

Why can I declare so, do you want to know?

Thats because I decided so! Receive the Gods wrath!(Mitsuhas speaker Microphone)

Heavy machine No . 1,

10 oclock to 14 oclock, sweeping in 5 seconds . Shoot!(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

Mitsuha shouts with Wireless Microphone and giving instructions with the Wireless Microphone .

Zodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo (SFX)

A roaring sound that the soldiers had never heard roared, with dozens of soldiers tearing off in just a few seconds, blowing off, meat pieces scattering .

Gya aaa (Screaming)

There was a hell . Yes, for this world .

Why, what in the world (EC)

Enemy commander lost his words . He cant understand the reality, his head and mind cant keep up with the scene .

Young Lady, there seems to be some sort of different people near the side of the monsters(Captain)

That, shoot them all(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

roger that(Captain)

Ta~an, ta~an, ta~an (SFX)

The resounding gunshot .

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Its an attack!

Release the kraken monsters to crush the enemies . And let the soldiers advance after that!(EC)

The general commander returned to his mind and gave out instructions, but the movement of the army is bad .

Whats wrong, hurry up! Before that attack comes again!(EC)

Commander, all of our officers who in charge of the monsters were all collapsed!(Soldier)


Thanks to a lot of efforts, after finishing hard training, some empire officers finally can communicate with monster by simple gesture . They are valuable talents who cant be replaced

Many soldiers were killed by monsters but the empire still trying without giving up . They are literally blood crystals and now they are all destroyed even before have a chance put it into good use .

Get off all members, deploy squad firearms(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

Other than the person in charge of in-vehicle weapons, everyone deploy from the truck and the light armored car then they are installing the stationary machine gun seat . Each member holds an assault rifle .

Push out monsters forward with force!

The monsters will kill the enemies even we cant control them!

Let the recruits and disposable farmers go first!(EC)

Machine gun, shoot the monsters . After that, the recruit soldiers .

Attack intensively to those who seem to be leading soldiers with assault rifle .

Spare only farmers and monsters that run away(Mitsuha)

Huh, monsters, too?(Captain)

Yeah, theyve been deceived, they will never trust any human beings again . We will push the monsters that became distrust to human beings back to the imperial territory .

And those monsters might hide somewhere in the forest .

On the way back, they will attack a lot of enemy soldiers .

Farmers were only forcibly drafted, as we impose plenty of fear, they will never respond to the empires military again and will place their anger, hatred for the empire instead(Mitsuha)

Lady, can I say one thing?

Yes, what?

Im impressed!!

Daddo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo (SFX)

The gunshot reverberate .

The person who seems to be giving orders, the person with good equipments, those who are riding, etc . Everyone get crushed from the head

The military wont move even if the middle layer get crushed . Yes, the layer of honorable officers will not move .

They will not go forward to help someone such as farmer soldiers who were forcibly recruited and handed over some cheap spears .

Monsters, too . They know they will die if they come out in the front,

Now that they didnt get any order, they just fidget as if they wanted to return .

Theres no need to annihilate all of 20 thousand enemy troops .

Let them run away if they lost their will to fight .

Even in the war of the earth,

The battle that most soldiers really die is very rare,

If nearly 50% are killed, they are said to be destroyed and the fight is over .

Normally it will be an earlier stage, Its judged to be defeat at the time of about 30% are killed and the battle ends .

Anyway, we just need to crush specialists and professional soldiers .

Oh, I wonder if mercenaries are also mixed .

Sorry, I knew it was an opportunity for you to earn a lot .

Compared to farmers, they have better equipment and will also move to the battle, so they are also a priority goal .

Oh, I wonder if Svens group are also hired . (by the kingdom, I think)

Then they are lucky to have the request fee without battle .

But maybe they can earn more by pursuing the enemies later .

Oh, it seems like the commander on the top started to collapse .

Huh something coming!?

They are coming at last! Time for a counterstrike(EC)

The enemys general commander looked up at the sky behind and shouted .

It looks like a group of Wyverns in the sky . Their number is 36 .

The general commander was reminded of the empire hardship from long time ago .

We used a lot of soldiers and mercenaries to steal eggs from Wyverns nest and let them hatch .

Many people failed at stealing eggs and died at the nest .

We collected eggs with a lot of soldiers life .

And even after we got the eggs, many soldiers were eaten when they tried to communicate with young Wyvern .

Some soldiers finally succeeded and they could ride on Wyvern to fly in the sky .

We finally accomplished this feat with hundreds of sacrifices and over 20 years of years hardship!

The strong aerial cavalry in the world, with a strong soldier and Wyvern brought together and integrated .

Unbeatable power equipped with battle sword and long spear, few short spears for throwing from the air .

Throw short spears at the center of the enemy, descend to the other side of the gate, open the gate while prevent enemy hindrance with the spears and swords, also the powerful nail of Wyvern and the Fangs, let the allies get into the castle .

Perfect! Now I can see the worlds first accomplishment with my eyes

God, its your turn!(Mitsuhas Wireless Microphone)

Roger that!(Captain)

Doedo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo doodo (SFX)


A few seconds .

In only a few seconds, the crystals of enormous budget, blood, sweat and tears of 20 years .

To meat pieces .


I collapsed .

Cried .

Our battles are yet to come . I know that .

But my seniors (Senpai) . My friends .

And my cute juniors (Kouhai) . All of my Brothers in arm .

The air cavalries that we believed that would become the foundation, which we dedicated our life .

In only a few seconds .

Sorry . Let me cry a little

Do~sun Dosu~n Do~sun Do~sun! (SFX)

Loud noise on the ground, a giant figure appeared from behind .

What are you doing, lowly creatures (Ancient Dragon)

Dragon . Besides, its a dragon with spiritual intelligence far beyond human .

Ancient Dragon .

And there are 3 of them .

Was this the reason why the Empire made a reckless invasion?

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