Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 22

A few days after the journey that became a valuable experience .

No, I have been pretty busy these past few days . Consumers wanting shampoo, shampoo, and shampoo keep coming . I guess the rumor has got around considerably . The Maid Corps of Liner Viscounts house did a good job! Maybe because Earl Bose-sama did something, there havent been dealings with weird nobles since that time . Okey Dokey .


Oh, its a customer . A little girl . Does this girl want shampoo too? Is it shampoo?!

Um, this is General Store Mitsuha, is it not?

Oh, come to think of it, I havent put out a signboard . So thats why customer traffic hasnt grown . Give me advice on these things, Kunz-san!

Shoot, Ill have him make it next time .

Yes, thats right . Thank you for your consideration()

I bow with a bob of my head .

No, this girl seems noble-ish . About 10 years old, fluffy blonde hair coiling around, cute and elegant . Its a beautiful girl that screams Definitely a princess! Somehow it seems the girls fated to come here are all beautiful ones Well, a noble gets married to a beautiful woman, then a beautiful boy or girl is born, like the work of a top breeder? Its definitely not the work of the Freemasonry or the Nyantoro-ians() . I think .

Then, Ill have a little look around

The girl went towards the display shelves while smiling . Jeez, the store manager will gush out a nosebleed if she saw her . But even with a nosebleed, the manager definitely wont fall . Because she cant carve the image into her brain if she fell . Thats the store managers quality . On that, I dont scorn nor do I admire . ()

Oh, I received the edited Blu-ray Discs of Adelaide-chans debutant . The screenshot in a transparent sheet too . The quality was as expected . I wonder how much will it sell to the viscount . 1 piece could earn around 1 gold coin, no no, Im thinking like that maniac code of conduct I dislike!

(tl note: I discovered there is a forum called Confidence trick maniacs for victims and fans . I thought () referred to an anime character but she could be referring to this instead . )

Somehow, she seems very happy, the little girl . She keeps putting things one after another into the shopping cart but its already quite a lot of money, in total . Ah, about time to check out .

This, also, some shampoo please!

Yes, yes . The cloth shopping bag is free of charge . Oh, shes happy, shes happy . Un, character printed goods are rare, around here .

Ho ho, youll pay in gold coins, huh . Really, shouldnt you have someone like a guard?

It was fun-desuwa! Ill come again!

Thank you very much~!

Shes a guest of honor . I see her off until shes beyond the door . The girl smiles while walking .

Hey .


(tl note: I think this is the metal gear solid discovered sfx)

That on the other side of the road

A strange man that doesnt seem to be doing anything is standing at the entranceway to an alley, watching over here . A officer, its this guy!stalker-ish dirty feeling young man thatll definitely be reported if it was Japan . Is the target me, this store?

As I thought that, he starts walking, what a coinci wait, in the direction of the girl from before!

Big trouble, if the lost young noblewoman was last heard going to General Store Mitsuha becomes a rumor .

Mitsuha rushed into the store in a hurry and pulled out the interceptor bag from the hidden storage under the counter . An interception counter bag from the bottom of the counter, ah, shut up!

Wear the shoulder strap around the neck . Close the door and lock it . Taking a peek, walking even steps, the girl is not far away . That man doesnt look like an escort, he crosses the street and went behind the girl . Mitsuha approaches with a fast pace quietly to avoid being noticed .

The moment the girl passed in front of the alleyway entrance, the man jumped at the girl from behind, seal her mouth and draws her into the alley . Bingo!

Mitsuha runs in a hurry . Sprints into the alleyway . The 2 figures disappear down a crossroad . After turning and going a little further, theres a gagged girl, and 4 men tying her up . A large sack is laying around . Kidnapping by putting her in it? Thoroughly Prepared .

What are you doing!

Although the kidnappers momentarily panicked at Mitsuhas angry voice, they smirk with a relieved looking face when they notice the other party was a lone little girl .

Hoohoo, that was brave . However, our financial sources have only increased by one . You are welcomed here .

One of the men walks towards Mitsuha . Mitsuha removed the sheathed knife from the bag and inserted it into the belt on her left waist .

Hee, you intend to resist? However, no matter how strong you are, girl, can you kill a person? You see, killing a person,

Retrieving something from the bag once more, Mitsuha sticks it out in the approaching mans direction .


A light tone sounded, and when the man falls to the ground in convulsions .

Can you kill? Is there a reason not to kill trash?


Handgun type taser . A high voltage current flows using electrodes that fly while pulling a thin cord . In order to prevent it from being used for crimes, hundreds of small pieces of paper with the serial number sealed in the cartridge are scattered at the time of the shooting .

Of course, the case of illegal acquisition does not mean anything in another world .

Sale and possession were prohibited immediately after release in Japan but as something that can be purchased normally in foreign countries, I got it through the mercenary corps . For now, I dont want to kill as much as possible .

You, what are you!

Un, well asked! I need momentum and bluffs to get through this situation!! Revive, my dark history!!

Me? Im, a himemiko(princess shrine maiden)

The respected Kurizuka Asahi-sama, I speak in a low voice thinking of his bitter voice . In my head himemiko changed to bodyguard

(tl note: Kurizuka Asahi is an actor who specializes in jidaigeki or Edo period dramas)


The men have I dont understand at all faces . Un, I dont understand anything either . Right now, Im full of anticipation that I might be able to burn through my I want to say someday lines collection .

(tl note: Focus, Mitsuha!)

I am the princess shrine maiden of thunder . Relentless towards those who oppose me

This time I take out Beretta 93R and 3 round bursted at a broken pot left in the alley . No, its not cool to operate the selecting lever .

Papapan! .

Gunfire echoes, pot fragments cracks, burst and fly .

U, uwaaaaah!

The moment the screaming men were about to run out, a somewhat showy soldier-ish group from the other side of the alley

Hime-sama, are you safe?

Oh, she really was a princess, is that so?

While the soldiers men and women, gather to the princess, slowly and quietly draw back, turn around and escape

Please wait, Himemiko-sama


There was a person on the other side too! Moreover, an elderly man who feels a little bit higher up than the general soldiers . Oh, a bit awkward .

Um~, from when did you start hearing?

To me whos fearfully listening, it was todays saddest news .

Would be around, What are you doing . .

From the beginning is it, is that so . Thank you very much .

Mitsuha crumbles down miserably and places her hands on the ground . (OTL)


Please forgive me . Im sorry, I got ahead of myself

I would like it for you to come to the castle

Its like that~ . My true colors are exposed to the princess, I cant get away huh .

Do not look at me with such sparkling eyes, princess .

Before that, please let me properly close up the store

I have not closed the counter yet(), the curtains are not closed, and the security system has not switched to closed mode . I have to briefly return to the store .

And so the princess went to the castle with the soldiers . I went to the shop with a bitter uncle and two young soldiers . No, I wont run so you dont have to be so cautious .

Well, what to do

I finished the closing process of the shop, but I wonder how should I go to the castle

A dress? No, its still early for that setting . There is also the equilibrium with Earl-sama . As a mere shopkeeper to the end for now .

Equipment? I was seen firing . Leaving my flank one for self-defense as is, will the 93R be necessary? I wont be using it Escaping the castle in a firefight, no, there will be no such thing . In the first place, I would teleport if it comes to that . But then, the shop and noble connections

In the end, my flanks Walther and bags 93R . I shot three shots, but theres no time to reload . Keeping it this way . No knives . Even if guns can be insisted to be ritual articles, knives in front of the royal family is a nope~ .

Also, struck with an idea I took a minute to pick something from the shelf to place in the bag . The shelves are always full of products!

No, its because I properly replace them . Besides, its our policy to sell 1 for 10 silver coins instead of selling 10 for 1 silver coin . Wouldnt I be busy if they sell quickly? Well, I will compromise a bit if its for the happiness of women .

Ah, maybe Ill sell sanitary napkins next time . My items not being cheap is one thing, but they arent sold at all because no one understands their usage or convenience . If I could get a walking signboard(someone influential) to advertise it with a real sample like shampoo, itll be done in 1 shot .

However, because I would be busy, as expected I wont go out of my way to advertise .

In the end, while still in clerk clothes, I had only put the souvenirs and the 93R in another bag and Im ready .

Oh, young guards, its dangerous to walk in the store while in closed mode . its not my fault if lightning strikes you .

Oh, they turned pale and hardened . Un, straight ahead as you were, absolutely do not touch the shelves, un .

Its a shiroro ceiling . No, Castle(shiro), White(shiro), partway unfamiliar(shiranai), wait, enough of that . Anyway, I arrived at the castle . Not exactly by a carriage drawn with white horses, I walked normally . Walking is plenty for commoners, is that so . Going on foot

Even in stop-over the waiting room, that bitter uncle is still keeping his eyes me . Un, bitter uncle is good . Like Earl-sama or the butler Stefan-san . Liner Viscount is still a little immature . After about ten years .

Oh, were being invited in, is that so .

Is that the person called Mitsuha?


Un, the king come out .

I dont mind, raise your head and come near . Sit there . My daughters benefactor, I dont care about etiquette . I wont use difficult words ether, talk to me normally

Oh, the king isnt always talking like the king huh . Well, you cant talk with among family like that . Besides, its not like hes been king since he was born . Once in a while, someone may unexpectedly become a king

Here as well, it isnt an audience between a row of ministers . Its not a regular audience or the conferring of decorations, but something sudden . It seems that this is just that he would like to say thanks as the father of the girl you helped, a simple private meeting .

What, all that thinking went to waste . Here is just a normal room with a table and chairs around it . Well, it is ordinary in the royal palace, but its plenty luxurious . On contrary, if its like some folding chairs around a folding desk thatll be amazing .

Behind the king are a queen-looking person and the princess . Also, someone like the prince is sitting alone . Smaller than the princess . About eight years old? I feel like hes very interested in something Princess, what did you tell him?

There is a senior citizen behind him . Is he the grand chamberlain? The bitter uncle is standing behind me . Like I said Im not running . ()

So, princess shrine maiden of thunder, Mitsuha-dono

Its Mitsuha the shop owner of a general store

So, princess shrine maiden of thunder, Mitsuha-dono

Its Mitsuha the shop owner of a general store

So, princess shrine maiden of thunder, Mitsuha-dono

Its Mitsuha the shop owner of a general store

So, princess shrine maiden of thunder, Mitsuha-dono

Its Mitsuha the shop owner of a general store

Mitsuha the shop owner of a general store

Finally, the king has run out of patience .

No, theres no stupid line where I return with, Its princess shrine maiden of thunder, Mitsuha .

Yes, when I saw off the princess who had purchased various things in our store, a suspicious man entered my eyes so I followed them out of worry . Whereupon I came across a kidnapping . I gathered my courage and cried out but in the end I was only a little girl, in such a dangerous situation all the soldiers come to our aid

Hmm, its quite different from what I heard

Yes, when I saw off the princess who purchased various things in our store,

No, enough! Thats enough!

Hehehe, I won!

In the end, maybe he gave up due to Mitsuhas behavior of saying nothing butEh, princess shrine maiden of thunder? Is it a fairy tale? Is your head okay?, the conversation is unsettled .

According to a report that came in the middle, the thieves have no political background, they seem to have been underlings of a trafficking organization that simply kidnap and sell cute girls . It seems when the 3rd princess who had heard a rumor about General Store Mitsuha from a maidservant by chance came out of the castle and shaken off her desperately pursuing guards, she was targeted without their knowledge of her being a princess .

The human trafficking organization leeches onto influential nobles so they couldnt quite touch them, but this time is a case of, kidnapping of the princess . Whatever influential nobles say, after being told, Youre interrupting the princess kidnapping investigation? Associate of the kidnappers! Traitors! they cant do anything . Probably the organization will be destroyed, and the nobles behind the scenes get crushed as well . Wow, princess, you desire some credit .

Ah, the princess is 3rd Princess Sabine: 10 years old, the prince is 2nd Prince Ruhen: 8 years old . The other princes and princesses are a little older, and the bottom 2 seem to be very close .

No, it seems the other princes and princess also love them . They just dont run and roll around together .

The king says, Please get along with my daughters from now on, theres nothing I can do while stared at by Princess Sabine with a big smile . I answered, Y, Yes with a stiff face .

Eh, king, what did you just say?

Daughters? King, what are you plotting?

Ah, thats right .

King, have your eyes become less visible compared to when they were young?

Ah, ahh, its true that it became a bit difficult to read the little letters on the documents from a short while ago .

Can you give this a try, please?

Mitsuha took glasses from his bag . The amount: 5 of them .

Please put it on like this . Because each is different, try to find one that the look best

n, like this? E, ohh!

The king is changing glasses one after another .

Hey Saar, come over here! Put this on

The old man behind called Saar going what as he approaches and tests the glasses as told .

Oh, ohhhhh!

How is it, you have been troubled because couldnt read the paperwork anymore . How is it now?

I see, I can see! If this is the case, I can still be useful to you the king!

The old man seems filled with emotion . It seems that it was more useful for this old man than the king . Well, theres no loss in selling a favor to the grand chamberlain . The king will be pleased too .

With this, this Saar still has some ways to go before retiring from the seat of Prime Minister

Oh, it was not the chief chamberlain but the prime minister, is that so .

Mitsuha collects the 3 remaining glasses and returns them to the bag . Un, I caught a billboard! If the other partys a minister or great noble, then I can ask for an outrageous price .

Eh, Maniac code of conduct? What are you talking about? Dont be so negative(), its just that the selling price is very high .

Mitsuha, is there anything else? If you have something good, show me! Of course, Ill properly pay money

Thats what business is . General Store Mitsuhall sells you anything if we receive the money . But, other than girls, that is

Girls are no good huh

No good

Is that right . Hahaha


No, even if it sounds like were about the princesss kidnapping, were not because we mean,No matter how much money you have, you cant use me as you like . Of course, the king knows . The Prime Minister also . The Queen may not understand, probably .

The return was also a walk . Even if you like me, you wont send me in a carriage, king .

Well, Ill be embarrassed if a wagon with the royal emblem was sent to my shop in an alley .

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