Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 20 Early In The Morning, In Front Of The Mercenary Guild

Early in the morning, in front of the mercenary guild .

When the 4 people arrived, Mitsuha was already waiting . Though they came quite early so the client wouldnt have to wait . How much is this ojou-sama looking forward to this?

And those clothes .

An unfamiliar top coat with inconspicuous colors and many large pockets . And sturdy looking blue pants . No, if you think that she could have come with a flattering dress with flashy colors then its 100 times better .

And on her waist is a dagger and knife . This is fine . The problem is the unknown things worn on both sides of her hips . Theyre pulling her belt down, seems heavy for their size . Lastly, a small quiver and something weird that seems like a bow at first glance but has a added solid body . The strings are tight, is that range weapon?

And on the backpack on her back, there are 2 different large cylindrical objects . The cylindrical objects dont seem heavy but are quite bulky . Whats with this large luggage? Is it that, they say women will have lots of luggage, is it that? Something like changes of clothes, makeup kits and skin care kits?

Somehow, Sven feels tired right from the very beginning .

And so, they depart .

Surprisingly, the ojou-sama started walking while carrying all her baggage by herself . Theres not much luggage over here so I could hold some, well, she at the age where she works hard . Ill hold it if youre tired and ask . I have to carry the prey so there wont be much leeway when we return, but while on the way back food and consumables will disappear so I can carry them the entire time . Well . this time theres definitely income thanks to ojou-sama so Im relieved no, no, it seems I had let my guard down because of how smooth this is going .

Party leader Sven has a lot of worries .

Taking small breaks in between, we have been walking for several hours . We left early in the morning so we arrived in the forest around noon . On the way, starting with merchants we passed a lot of travelers, nothing especially unusual . As expected, there is a lot of traffic unlike the countryside where Colette and the others live . But that was only until entering the path to the forest, after that there are no more people moving around . Only the cries of birds can be heard from afar . According to Sven and the others: hunters for their main job, mercenaries on their side jobs, those who come to acquire certain prey, plant, and so on for a request, and many others will come and leave the forest .

Walking for about 10 minutes after entering the forest, we unload our luggage where the forest slightly opens up . A stream is flowing nearby . Un, this is the place to make a base camp . Cause if the base camp is made too far in then carrying luggage and prey back becomes troublesome .

Because they cant waste daylight, everyone goes to work immediately after putting away the luggage . That means, other things can wait until it gets dark and they cant gather . Hunting animals is a pain right now, that said, well hunt for medicinal herbs and wild vegetables that fetch a good price for now . Something like jinenjo(wild yams)? But that, digging is hard . I tried once when I was little but gave up after digging the about length of my pinky; about 15 centimeters .

(tl note: This is a wild yam)

Ill follow Grit-san for the time being, and learn various things by helping him gather . The things I pick will be offered for free, of course . Im not that greedy .

I didnt find a yam . What feels really like edible wild plants, vegetables-ish things, small hard tree nuts and so on, we collected many things that I cant tell whether are medicinal herbs or just food . Since it got dark, we set up the camp .

Wait, theres nothing like a tent; tidy up the ground and cut the grass, afterward spread a piece of cloth on it and youre done? Since it wont rain, theres no need for cover, is that so . Am I also sleeping on top of that? No thanks .

After Mitsuha moves to a place several meters away, she takes a somewhat large cylindrical object out of the luggage she brought and fiddle with it for some reason .


Together with a small light sound the cylinder bursts and spreads widely .

W, what!

Grit and the others came flying surprised .

Tere rere ttete~,Anywhere Tentto~

(tl note: This is a Doraemon reference)

What was there is an one touch tent bought by Mitsuha at a sale at the home center . It quite small but its still for adult use . It was plenty for the child-like Mitsuha .

Urethane sheetss!

Mitsuha talks intentionally with an odd accent . Of course, Sven and the others wont understand . Mitsuha quickly and awkwardly unpacks another cylinder and spreads the sheet .

A tent and an insulating urethane sheet . Mitsuhas sleeping place was completed in a moment . Sven and the others are amazed .

Do you think things like these will sell?

Y, yes

If small animals are found during hunting, theyll be killed for food, but we werent able to get any today unfortunately . Its not that easy . Fortunately, we found a few plants that are bitter and bad but not to the point that theyre inedible . Of course, they are not things that will sell even if we take them back . Even so, if used to make soup then with a few hard pieces of bread they will fill ones stomach . Also, a thin soup stock from pieces of dried meat will add a small accent . While thinking so Grit hit a flint to start a fire, but it doesnt successfully ignite . The tree branches and blades of grass are completely soaked with water from the other days rain and didnt dry easily in the middle of the forest . The moisture hasnt come out yet . Grit is struggling .

Um~, a moment please?

When Grit raised his head, he found Mitsuha holding something in her hand .

Can I give it a try for a moment?

The part of me who is used to camping is struggling . Its another case if its a housewife who uses fire to cook every day, but it seems difficult for an ojou-sama who likely has never properly started a fire by herself . However, shes the employer for the time being . Furthermore, were hired for the purpose of gaining experience, we can keep her from the obstacles

Okay, try it

Grit hands over the flint but Mitsuha stops him .

No, I have my own

Saying so, Mitsuha squat down and squeezes out something a few centimeters from the tube in her hand . Rubs it on a tree branch . Then, ignites in one try with the Chakkaman() in her hand .

W, what

Grits mouth is agape .

A victory for science!

(tl note: I think this is a reference but I dont know what)

Mitsuha sticks out her chest with a smug face . Her nonexistent chest, as hard as she could .

Shut up!

Hey, what is that

Seeing Mitsuha preparing a meal a short distance beside Grit whos boiling the soup, the 4 whispers to each other . Beyond their gaze is .

Less than half the size of a normal portable stove, its a micro-portable stove with a gas cartridge half protruding from the main body . And a large amount of soup boiling in an aluminum pot on top . Camping dinnerware laid beside her . Empty can of condensed soup with its contents put in a pot . 5 pieces of mini Anpan bought for 148 yen . The contents of canned peaches served on an aluminum dish . That amount was obviously too much for only a girl . Just in case she prepared a lot of food, even though she was told that it wasnt necessary to prepare her own, can something like this be called only natural?

The remaining luggage, I wonder if its all food

Oh, this is a bit too much to eat so can you help me? Although in return, I would like a little taste of that

With pleasure!!

It was an immediate answer . What black izakaya is this?

(tl note: Izakaya are casual places for after-work drinking, black is probably short for black business or sweatshop)

Its good

Filling and has a deep flavor . Ojou-sama, you cooked something like this before we notice I thought you were a nobles or a wealthy merchants wasteful daughter, but this cooking ability and execution . Its enough skill to open a high-class restaurant .

Sven opens his eyes wide in surprise .

Too bad, thats a double-enriched canned minestrone I bought at the supermarket .

What is this, bread? Soft! Theres something sweet in the middle, what!

Grit shouts .

Ilse is silently eating . Un, you wont break it, your taciturn character .

Zepps presence is thin . Even though I thought he would talk a lot like Alexis . Oh, Im outside of your range, is that so . I was a bit over conscious, Im sorry .

How is it, this, can I sell it? All but except bread have a long shelf life though

To Mitsuhas question, Sven answered after thinking for a moment .

Depends on the price . However, even if it is somewhat expensive, you will surely be able to sell to aristocrats, rich people, and the military

Is that so

Well, the army huh . If this becomes military supplies the weirdness will attract some attention(), if you have to deal with so many things itll take time and you wont be able to do anything else . It will be for thousands, millions . When the military starts asking questions, even Earl-samas might not be any to protect me

Such an amount is impossible, rich people should eat bad meals sometimes on the occasional trip . () I understand, Ill do what I can to set the price at where Sven-san and the others can freely buy

Eh, are you sane, ojou-sama?! Even though you can make a fortune!

Its fine . other things will produce profit

Un, even if its 150 yen to stock, itll cost 6 small gold coins . Feels about 600 yen . At this price, its impossible for poor mercenaries to eat it for every meal while traveling . Something like a small luxury every now and then . That also selling at a price without much profit . Besides, canned food is quite heavy . Freeze dry is even more expensive .

Oh, what about calorie mate? Not for eating normally, when you catch even less prey than expected and there is no food, for a time of distress, to have just in case of an emergency . I wonder if that will sell even if a little expensive . Its not like they have to buy every time . Un, Ill bring some out tomorrow morning . I have lunch after all, un .

Eh, everyone seems impressed for some reason . Was it that delicious?

A conversation goes around the bonfire for a while .

I boiled hot water and made tea . Powdered black tea . Cheap, easy and delicious . My favorite . Its also popular with everyone . Un, I can sell this .

I slipped out at an appropriate time . Un, I heard about the side of the stream, so I thought about washing my body and am properly prepared . Its sweaty after walking for a long time, thats why . I enter the tent and change my clothes . Thinking about such a thing, I bought a bikini swimsuit with me . No, its not to show off, but itll be hard to wash my body if its a one-piece type . Because the goal, in the end, is to wash my sweaty body .

I wont use soap . I dont want to pollute such a beautiful streams water and its troublesome to wear a bathing suit . Just lightly wash with water . I quickly finished changing clothes, and when leaving the tent with a towel, I meet eyes with Zep-san looking my way . Zep-san drops the cup in his hand with a plop .

O, ojou, y, you

Stupid, what are you wearing! Boys, turn around!!

Ilse-chan, who jumps over and shouts at me, takes off her jacket and covers me .

Eh, what happened??

What the heck are you thinking, coming in front of men naked! Even if youre a child, you arent at that age anymore!!

Grit-san shouts with a bright red face and Ilse-chan repeatedly nods next to her . Sven-san and Zepp-san fled somewhere to evacuate .

No, this, its a swimsuit, you can show it

Quiet! Something like that, its isnt even underwear! Its just being naked!!

Ahh, the underwear women use here are pumpkin pants, or rather, was it called drawers, its like that . When trying to sell underwear to Beatrice-chan, you saw my underwear and collapse didnt you, Beatrice-chan . . Sorry .

And so in the end, after a long sermon, bathing was permitted under Ilse-chan escort while Grit-san monitored the men .

The next morning, I woke up together with the sunrise . Its planned to start gathering immediately without eating however, that suddenly changed . After going straight to the gathering well take a slightly messy break for breakfast/lunch before noon to be honest, then its hunting until evening, or so was the plan, by the time the 4 of Svens group woke up, Mitsuha who already woke up was boiling water and waiting . Unlike Sven who starts with making a fire, Mitsuha using a micro-portable stove that ignites instantly doesnt feel boiling water to be much trouble .

Here, please try eating this

Served with black tea in my cups is the fruit favored calorie mate .

Its a filling food full of nutrition . Doesnt expire quickly and has great portability

Saying so, she offers 2 boxes of calorie mate, the 4 people timidly accept it . Each takes an inner package and starts eating .


The amount is small, but somehow I feel nourished

Umu, its pretty popular . Eh, seconds? Theres none . Lets quickly go gathering .

Everyone goes out to gather, Mitsuha is camp-sitting . The gathering location is nearby so theres no problem . Eh, why doesnt Mitsuha do it? I got tired of it, shut it!

Everyone came back before noon, maybe around 10 oclock . Im already fully prepared . Hot water is already boiling . All thats left is adding noodles .

Welcome back~ . Lunch will be ready soon~

I feel like this is now normal, nobody calls me out .

A few minutes later, something like stewed soup was handed around . Together with a fork instead of a spoon .

This is?

A secret cuisine passed down in our famly, its calledbag ramen!


You guys are getting better at changing moods . ()

What is this!


Hey, occasionally say something different . Your vocabulary is deficient .

Un, bag ramen is cheap and light . It only needs water and warms the body when its cold . Cup Noodles? Those guys that eat it and says,I, dont have money, I eat a cup noodle everyday . I wont accept that! If you are really poor then it should be bag ramen, bag ramen! Also, bread crusts!!

Well, with cup noodles, when a mercenary cram it in the luggage to carry, the styrol container will break so its no good, probably .

Anyway, a major product is decided .

After a break and lunch, its finally time, come, its time to hunt!

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