Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 776: Reaching the Qin Family

Chapter 776: Reaching the Qin Family

Of course, since they were unable to go and visit the Qin Family without anyone knowing, they had to make the biggest fanfare they could.

Only by gathering too much attention would the Yao Family hesitate to make a move in the middle of the masses.

For that reason, the Tang Family had arranged for a full caravan to accompany Tianlong Yun and their Third Princess, with their limo being surrounded by 20 cars.

It looked even more solemn and scary than the Presidents personal security protocol, leaving many people on the way startled and shocked by the whole show.

Inside the big limo, Tianlong Yun had just filled a drink for himself and then handed one to the beauty sitting in front of him.

"Drink one, it will help you relax a bit!"

"You do know that I have no intention of turning back right? I will spend the rest of my life besides him, I will take care of him even if he remains a cripple for all his life!"

That was too much of an explosion to be taken lightly, so Tianlong Yun couldn't pretend he didn't hear it and put it under the rug,

"Aren't you afraid that I might return the whole caravan back now that you have said those words? Or perhaps I should tell the Third Elder and the other people to cage you in here!

I am sure that no matter how much they won't like the order, they will still obey me!"

His words stumbled the beauty for a moment as she seemed to have truly jumped the gun and made a mistake, but she quickly regained control, as she said,

"Hahahha~! A man with an ego like yours wouldn't do that! It would become a great heart demon to you, wouldn't it? You would be losing more than winning in this mess!"

"You sure seem to speak quite a bit now beauty, I was thinking that you were a mute before we departed!

But what would you do if having you becomes a bigger heart demon for me! In that case, I wouldn't really care whether you want, like, or love me or not! I would just pluck you off!"

As he said that Tianlong Yun even revealed a slightly evil, bandit-like grin on his face, as he enjoyed the beauty tremble for a moment.

"Would a man and a genius like you fall so low!?"

"Hahaha~! What does that a man like me, even mean? Are you saying that I am manlier than your lover? That you trust my character that much?

Let me tell you this beautiful, every man is a beast in human cloth! Especially me, I am a real beast, and even a legendary one at that!"

The more he spoke the more did Tianlong Yun's tone became dangerous, solemn, and forceful. That didn't seem like a lie, it felt more like a truth coming from the soul.

"Hahahahah~! It's impossible for you to be manlier than my lover!"

Contrary to his expectations though, this time Third Princess of the Tang Family didn't seem to be scared. No, she even laughed at him and said those words with full confidence.

That surprised even Tianlong Yun a bit, as he threw another look at her, this time more careful and thorough, as he said,

"You seem to be extremely confident in your little love!?"

"Don't call him little otherwise, you will regret it later!"

"Oh, really!? Could it be that he is big then!?"

"Yes, he is big, extremely big, for sure, not smaller than you!"

Tianlong Yun was surprised and startled by the current situation, he had tried to tease this beauty with those words, but instead of being embarrassed, she fought back squarely.

This clearly made him unable to comprehend what the hell was going on for a moment! How was it possible that she had changed so much in such a short time!?

Could it be because they had reached closer to the Qin Family? Was she excited because she was about to meet her lover soon?

Still, the more he saw her like that, the happier he felt to witness the scene of this spoiled beauty when she learned that Young Master Qin Bao was actually a woman.

His woman!

For some reason he felt just like those people that would feed their turkey or their sheep with a lot of good food, only to sacrifice them in a short time!

"Well, we will see about that! If your little man has time, I might even ask him to compare our swords!"

What swords could one compare to an injured person!? 

Yes, exactly it was that type of sword! After all, Tianlong Yun knew that Qin Bao didn't have a sword, in fact, she was actually in possession of one of his scabbards, but the Princess clearly didn't!

"Hmph~! You will be the one to feel sorry later, don't blame me I didn't warn you!"

Both Tianlong Yun and the Tang Family's Third Princess suddenly seemed to be in an extremely good mood, each of them looking at each other with some sort of mockery.

Only time would tell who would suffer!

The route to the Qin Family Mansion would normally take quite some time due to the heavy traffic, but for the Tang Family caravan, it took only half an hour.

In a majestic, and grand manner the caravan of the Tang Family stopped at the door, as Tianlong Yun and Tang Family's Third Princess came out of the car.

What the Tang Family's security and even the Elders couldn't understand for a moment was the great look of joy on their Princess's face.

Well, that took only a minute or two before they thought it was because she had finally reached the destination she wanted to, she had finally been allowed to come and have a look at her lover.

But at the same time, the whole situation was a bit weird, because despite that she should still be worried about him right? Yet there was no sign of worry on her face.

Since their visit was unnoticed there was no one to receive them at the door, but the guards wouldn't dare to block their way.

It would be more difficult to court death by jumping from a multi-story building than by blocking the path of these visitors.

In a matter of seconds, the whole Qin Family Mansion was thrown into a mess, as all sorts of Young Masters, and Young Misses started moving around and gathering, while Qin Family's Second Master came forward.

Tianlong Yun and the Tang Family's Third Princess made their way inside in quite the arrogant and high-nose entrance, not putting anyone in their eyes.

That made a lot of people in the Qin Family unhappy with them, but they didn't dare to raise comments, after all in front of them was the Tang Family.

Just because the older generation had a brain and thought things through, it didn't mean that the younger generation was the same.

After all, to them, their Qin Family was on the same level as the Tang Family, and the younger generation of the Tang Family didn't deserve more attention and respect than them.

Disliking this situation, one of them mixed up in the midst of some other descendants, finally said in a fake voice,

"I thought what it was! Just two brats pretending like they are something!"

Tianlong Yun and the Tang Family's Third Princess heard that, but they didn't react, their faces didn't show any sign of even the tiniest change, as if they hadn't heard the comment.

Seeing that he had been ignored like that, hurt the poor idiot's cheap pride and arrogance, so he decided to go harsher on them.

'Let me see how long you can pretend!'

That was what he was thinking when he suddenly felt a heavy pressure fall upon himself, and no one else around him.

Even in the presence of his grandfather he had never felt as hopeless as he felt at that moment, just like a gigantic snake had coiled around his whole body.

With great difficulty he looked around him for a moment, only to realize that no one was experiencing the same situation.

'Crackk, crackk~!'

The heavy pressure was so great that his teeth started cracking and were on the verge of breaking, he couldn't even scream even though he had bitten a chunk out of his tongue!

No one seemed to notice his situation, and this continued until Tianlong Yun and the Tang Family's princess disappeared from sight.

It was only then, that the guy could finally get relief, as he didn't even have time to scream before he passed out and fell to the ground and got surrounded by many people.

Tianlong Yun and the entourage didn't stop even for a moment on their way, as they finally reached the lobby, and as soon as Qin Family's Second Master completed the necessary greetings, he said,

"I came here to have a look upon your Young Master and have a talk with him, I have no intention of wasting time!"

That was certainly the arrogant behavior of a Young Master and a genius at that. The whole Qin Family Elders were left with red faces, and no other choice but to suck it up.

"Truly geniuses don't have time to waste! Hahaha~!

Well then follow me!"

After a weird ice breaker and a much weirder laugh, Qin Family's Second Master led Tianlong Yun and the Tang Family Third Princess towards Young Master Qin Bao's room.

Upon entering inside, the heavy smell of medicines pierced their noses, as Tianlong Yun's face got uglier with each passing moment

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