Robando a los amantes Yandere del protagonista

Chapter 39 David Feels Desperate

While Jasmine was busy chasing after Elandor, David was in a complete mess.

His hands were already shackled and in a few hours, he would be taken to the royal court for his trial.

His mind had already thought of various possible punishments he could receive.

He was sure of one thing, given his family's connections and Leon's support, he won't receive the death penalty.

But no matter what he thought, his face still ended up distorted, thinking of one name that kept coming to his mind again and again.


David himself didn't know how many times he had cursed him in just the past couple of hours.

He always hated the people who backstabbed him.

When he was 10 years old, he noticed a boy staring at Aushima while they were shopping in the market.

The next day the boy again came to them to become friends with them.

But David knew he secretly plotted to get close to Aushima.

He couldn't tolerate such pretending.

So he took him to a nearby abandoned house on the pretext of showing him a rare treasure.

While he was distracted he sneaked on his back and stabbed his heart directly.

The boy died shortly due to excess bleeding and lethality of the attack.

Yes, as a protagonist he was hot-blooded and so what if he did not like Aushima?

He already considered her as his property.

That's why he never bothered to answer her feelings for him, as in his opinion...he will just give her the status of a concubine later on.

But when Elandor betrayed his trust and left him alone, the shock he suffered was too big.

He wanted nothing more than to torture and kill him.

He knew as long as he remained alive, he would one day, definitely have a chance to take his revenge upon him.

He had already thought of various ways to torture Elandor.

First, he will tie him up and then slowly cut his fingers one by one.

Then use healing magic on him then repeat the process till his mind breaks with pain.

Then he would burn his body so that his screams echoed the entire room.

He was busy thinking of such things and was laughing madly at his ideas.

But suddenly he was interrupted.

He heard the door of his cell being forcefully unlocked.

After some creaking sound, the door was flung open.

David was taken aback on seeing the person standing next to the door.


"What are you doing here?"

Seeing her he started frowning.

He wasn't sure of her objectives.

Seeing him ungrateful, Eve felt a little sad in her heart.

She had already silenced the guards stationed outside his cell to let him out.

She couldn't help but shrug off her shoulders saying,

"Of course, it's to get you out!"

Yes, Eve after separating from Evelyn a while back decided to take things into her own hands.

She did some secret investigations and the result of it was enough to surprise her.

She saw this as a golden opportunity to get together with David by rescuing him.

She thought by rescuing him, he would feel much better towards her in his heart and at that time taking advantage of the momentum she would directly force her marriage upon him.

But when she saw him frowning, she didn't know about what went wrong...

David suddenly gritted his teeth and asked, "Go back!"

"Eve, Are you out of your mind?"

"If I escaped from here, it would mean that I acknowledge the fact that I'm guilty of the crime I'm accused of!"

"Moreover, Why should I even escape?"

"I already have so many people who will speak for me in the court."

"Just an hour more then we will head to the court."

"I tell you with the number of people that are willing to stand up for me in the court even the king won't be able to do anything."

"I will just get some sort of mild punishment and then be let off easily."

"Moreover, it's Elandor who disappeared, he seems more suspicious!"

"We will just put the blame on him tomorrow and make him a scapegoat!"

"Haha! I am a genius!"

Seeing him like this Eve had a headache, she knew if things go as David said she won't have a chance to be with him.

But this time, she smiled lightly.

After all, she had done her investigations in the past hour and after staying by his side for some time...she knew some important points about his personality.

"David, are you sure that you don't wanna leave with me?"

"Do you know. Hmmm..

Let's say!

I did some research and the results were quite amusing!"

"I found out Elandor was not the only one who betrayed and backstabbed you."

Upon hearing her David immediately closed the distance between them and stared into her eyes before speaking in his deep voice.

"What do you mean Eve?"

"Hehe, feeling desperateNow?"

"Are we?"

"Don't talk nonsense, cut to the chase Eve!"

"David, I checked Aushima's home!"

"Did you know she had already gone missing a while back?"

"Her mom told me, she just came back home one day and started packing her stuff, saying she will live with her friend from now on."

"Then she never went back home."

"But she doesn't have any friends besides us."

"Then think where is she living?"

"Didn't you realise she always stayed by Elandor's side whenever we met?"

"Also, both of them never visited our group's rented house to stay so where are they staying?"

"They even appeared and disappeared together so many times."


Eve went closer to David and whispered in his ears in her gentle tone.

"Are they staying together?"

"A lone man and woman in a single room"

"What do you think will happen?"


Suddenly David broke the shackles on his hand with his brute force and punched the wall with his left fist.

"Dammm you, Elandor"

"And....You cheating bitch Aushima!"

"Just wait for me to catch both of you."

Seeing her provocation working Eve was in a cheerful mode and hopped close to him again.

"There's more!" She again spoke slowly.

"Who?"..he asked in a stern voice.

"Remember who along with Elandor made the plan for prison break?"


"You are lying, Jasmine would never collude with them!"

Eve knew she needed proof to drag Jasmine down the waters but in the past hour, she was already busy collecting evidence.

She commanded, "Aren't you coming in?"

Soon the loyal maid who always stays by Jasmine's side came in.

There were many whip marks on her body showing how brutal the physical trauma was, that Eve inflicted on her.

Eve was clever and quickly rushed to Jasmine's house after learning David was caught.

She was betting on the fact that David can't plan such a prison break alone and only possible person who could help him was Jasmine.

She initially wanted to team up with Jasmine to free David but upon reaching Jasmine's house she couldn't find any traces of her.

There, she caught Jasmine's maid by surprise.

Then she forced various methods to make her speak the truth which was the reason she came to know the gist of the situation.

The maid under the threat of death spoke about all the things done by Jasmine, David and Elandor to free Parul.

Under the threatening eyes of David and Eve, her shivering body finally spoke.

"Yes lady Eve is right, a while back...Lady Jasmine left the house in a hurry under a fake excuse and I heard her muttering to herself that she will go to the restricted forest in the kingdom of light."

"See, I tell you David, even your fiance, Jasmine is a traitor."


She further tried to provoke David.

"Maybe both Aushima and Jasmine had intimate contact with Elandor right under our nose."

"She was your fiance, how could she collude with someone who was plotting against you!"

"I'm afraid she is already sleeping with Elandor after happily tricking you!"

There was another loud sound as David used his other hand to punch the wall.

His knuckles were already bloody with the amount of force he used to punch.

His eyes were bloodshot.

As a protagonist, being greened was one of the biggest humiliations.

The feeling of being betrayed by his cousin and fiance who had been with him for some years dealt the biggest blow to his prestige as a man.

He already planned to make them as his woman so why they betrayed and left him?

He could already imagine Elandor laughing and mocking him while holding both Aushima and Jasmine in either arm.

Eve knew the fire was almost lit and thus burned the final straw.

"Parul also I think disappeared at the same time as ElandorNoo?"

"Is she....hmmmm"

"Perhaps....also with them?"

David gritted his teeth hard and clenched his fists.

He took a deep breath to calm down and once again looked at Eve as he finally spoke.

"Let's chase them!"

'The humiliation of being put a green hat right under his nose can only be redeemed by his death.'


(once again thanks and love to all the people who are sending golden tickets and power stones, as well as other gifts, so novel can get further reach and more recommendations .

Also, I finally put my discord in the synopsis since some of you wanted to talk xd)

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