Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 858 Tieba City's Unorthodox Security



SCAN: Completed

MAP: Updated



Soon the system finished its task and Lin Wu saw several strings of data appearing in front of the window that had just popped up. Each line represented an entirely different window that Lin Wu could open by willing it.

"Let's see… hmmm… yes, yes… just as I thought… oh what? Damn… unexpected." Lin Wu went through each window, learning more about the city and its people.

The first thing that Lin Wu had checked was the population of strong cultivators in the city. And just as he had heard there were several Dao Shell realm and Dao Treading realm cultivators in the city.

Just by a surface scan, the system pointed out the presence of nearly thirty Dao Shell realm cultivators in the Tieba city!

And when it came to the Dao Treading realm experts there were around eight of them in the city. But Lin Wu knew this was not all as the system had found several areas that were blocking its scan. They were protected by barriers and isolating formation arrays.

'There are certainly more of them hiding there.' Lin Wu thought to himself before opening the map widow. "And seeing the locations where the barriers are set up, they are the central areas of the powers that inhabit Tieba city. No doubt theres are many more hidden there. Perhaps the strongest ones stay there." He guessed.

Along with the human cultivators, Lin Wu sensed beast aura's in the city to upon reaching it. The system's scan had given him more information and showed that there were several hundred beasts in the city as well that were kept in the open. Then there were restricted areas where the system couldn't fully scan, but could sense the presence of beasts due to a bloodline resonance scan.

"Those should be the 'cages' where the stronger beasts are restrained. Tieba city is said to be involved in the trade of beasts as well after all." Lin Wu muttered to himself, deciding to take a look there and adding to his list of things to do.

With the Chimeric Fiend Worm bloodline and its capability to improve further on its own, Lin Wu was now highly interested in consuming various kinds of beasts. Before this he would only be interested according to the taste of the beasts, but now he was interested in each and all beast.

After all who knew what kind of a dormant bloodline was hiding in some ordinary or weak looking beast that could be unearthed with the work of the system.

Having got the gist of it, Lin Wu returned to the ground about fifty kilometer away from the city and burrowed his way back to the city while avoiding the detection formations.

Tieba city was a lawless city, but it still had a certain level of security. Though it was not what would casually be considered security.

For example, Tieba city had no barrier that restricted entry into the city limits, but there was indeed a secret formation array that could sense and record each being that entered it, whether it be a human, beast, normal animal or even a bug.

That's right! The formation array was set to the highest sensitivity possible so as to detect even normal bugs, flies and mosquitoes that might enter its limits.

This might seem a little too paranoid but it was apparently done intentionally and was planned after multiple incidences.

A few decades ago, there was a certain rouge cultivator who was apparently cheated in the city. This cultivator wasn't that strong physically, but he did have other unorthodox skills that allowed him to wreak havoc. The man had the ability to control a certain type of insects, fleas.

These fleas themselves were very weak as any normal flea would be, but when these fleas were released into the city and multiplied there massively? They could wreak havoc.

Not to mention, the man's skills allowed the fleas to carry certain diseases and one of these disease could turn beasts mad. Even humans that were bit by these fleas would become irritated and have short tempers.

The effects of these fleas wasn't apparent right away and took months.

It all started with small incidents of beasts going out of control and attacking their traders or scuffles between humans out of petty things. But soon these scaled up and turned into massive conflicts of different powers that resided in the city.

And it wasn't as if the flea infestation was unnoticed either. The cultivators had certainly been informed of it early on, but they ignored them since these were just normal fleas and couldn't affect them even if they bit them. Not to mention most of these fleas would be unable to get past the defenses of stronger cultivators.

But the man's target was never the strong cultivators, it was simply to induce chaos in the city which he certainly did.

A year after his plan was initiated, Tieba city was in a dangerous state and it was as if a war would break out. It was at this point that the man acted and stole massive amounts of fortunes from the party that had cheated him.

Not only that, but to add insult to injury he left behind a note that said who he was and not to mess with him again.

The powers of Tieba city learned from this and upped their security in a way without changing their core values.

As for the man, he was hunted for years but he became one of the handful that had managed to escape their clutches.

Lin Wu recalled this little history of Tieba city as he quickly avoided the detection of the formation with the help of the system and entered the city limits. And the area he had entered was none other than the slums.

"Let's gather some 'on-ground' information shall we?" Lin Wu muttered to himself as several tentacles rose from his body and pulled a few unsuspecting victims into the sewers.

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