Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 331 Double Checked

While looking at the water and the dragon along with other creatures passing by with Alix, Adora wiped her eyes and he sighed.

"If it bothers you, have Kyris take a look at it," he suggested, and she sighed.

"That's not it, one of my abilities might come to light soon enough, it's not that fun," she replied.

"It doesn't matter if it's fun or not as long as you master it and it can help, right?" he asked, and she smiled.

"Yes, you are correct once more; I am amazed at how quickly you are learning; do you want to get even stronger?" she inquired.

"I'm not sure why," he replied, "but I feel like I have to for some reason."

"That's because there is more than one reason as to why you need to get stronger," she said and he looked at her.

"I am starting to see that," he replied and she smiled then got up and he looked at her.

"Where are you going? Sleep?" he asked.

"I wish I could at this time, but no, I am just going to make sure I have everything packed in my bag for when we leave," she responded.

"I'll accompany you; when I entered the room last night, you were already sleeping; did you sleep well?" he asked as they walked to their room.

"In a way," she replied and he scoffed.

"It's going to take a lot for you to actually sleep well, isn't it?" he asked as they entered the room and she sat down on the bed before looking at him.

"That's one way to put it; maybe if certain things just vanish, most of us won't have as much trouble sleeping," she replied as he checked his bag and smiled.

"Things like nightmares?" he asked and she nodded.

"That's going to be really difficult to get rid of, people could be haunted by them for the rest of their lives, it can get pretty bad for most," he said.

"I'm aware of that; do you have everything in there?" he looked at the bag after she asked.

"Yeah, I have everything that I came with, what about you?" he asked then she grabbed her bag and checked through it.

"I'm missing something," she responded, then looked at her headphone on the couch, picked it up, approached her, and placed it around her neck and she smiled as she stared at him.

"Thank you, that's all," she said before looking away and he smirked.

"You are welcome; should we put our belongings in our ship rooms?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's just pack them and get it over with," she responded as they left the room with everything they brought.

"Are you packing your things as well?" Scott inquired as he approached them on their way to the ship, which had already been opened.

"Yes, we are; are the others doing the same?" she asked, and he sighed.

"Yes, they are; I am also ensuring that everything on the ship is in working order; we can't afford for anything to go wrong, so I double-check," he responded, and they smiled.

"You're stressing out a little," Alix said, and Scott smiled as they went into the ship and put their belongings in their rooms before leaving and he continued working on the ship.

"Did you guys already pack your belongings on the ship?" Yan asked, approaching them with his and Nina's bags.

"Yes, we just did, and Scott is double-checking the ship as well, just to be safe," Adora replied, and Yan smiled.

"He's worried, but he's doing his part; I think we'll be fine," he said before walking away and they returned to the mansion where they saw the others getting their things ready to pack in the ship as well.

"Do you know what time we're leaving, Adora?" Sarah asked as Adora sat down on the couch and looked at the girl.

"We'll leave around 3 p.m., relax, there's no need to rush things, we have a lot more time on our hands," Adora responded, and the girl sighed.

"Yeah, I know," Sarah said, "but I just wanted to make sure we didn't make a big deal out of forgetting anything or so on, that can be a pain" Adora smiled.

"I understand, but you guys worry a little too much as well; take your time, relax, and then pack; we're not in a hurry," Adora replied before Sarah sighed and smiled.

"I see, well, thanks Adora, I guess we are just a bit worried," Sarah said and Alix looked at her.

"Sarah, I can't say it'll be fine, but you guys are doing your best, that's what matters, don't think about it too much," Alix replied, and Adora smiled at him along with Sarah, who sat across from them on another couch.

"That's kind of relieving coming from you Alix, look how we were when we first joined, now we trust each other, no one knows what will happen but so be it," she said.

"I hope we all get what we want and, if possible, return very much alive," Ayden said, and they smiled before nodding.

"All we have to do is fight for our survival, you can do that, Ayden," Alix replied and Ayden smirked.

"We will all fight together to survive, give it our best shot," Ayden said and Alix chuckled.

"There are a lot of us so we should be able to protect each other as well, depends on the circumstances as well, we cannot just rush and do anything in these situations," Mazen said and Ayden sighed.

"You are right about that, this is not going to be easy for any of us here, that much I do know," Kyllan replied.

"I agree with that, not even me, the enemies are strong, we cannot underestimate them at all," Kyris added and Adora sighed.

"You are all correct, this is going to be really difficult, but don't forget, we'll get help if we need it, you can at least rely on others," Adora said, and they looked at her and then smiled as she stretched off and lay back against the couch.

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