Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 155: The Lucroy Family

Chapter 155: The Lucroy Family

While Don was thinking of his plans, King Edward arrived with Princess Amber and Queen Sienna to the lawn.

"Your majesties"

General Brown bowed towards King Edward and Queen Sienna and then bowed towards Princess Amber

"Your royal highness"

"General Brown is everything ready?"

"Yes, your majesty, you don't need to worry about his majesty's safety"

"Excuse me,"

Don excused himself and walked away giving Queen Sienna and King Edward a space to talk alone before leaving

General also excused himself and joined his men

"I think we can expect some trouble in the gathering"

Arwen noticed the slight tension among the Sigalla's men

"Me too" Arrora nodded

"Is Joel back?"

Don didn't bring Joel to the castle as he let him roam around the taverns and villages to gather information of Sigalla

"Yes, he will be here in a few minutes"

"Lord Clemo, do you have any idea of what happened this morning?"

"No, your majesty, I've also noticed the tension in King Edward's eyes but I don't know why"

"Tell me about this Vreston Kingdom, Lord Clemo"

"I know a little, your majesty, they are not very friendly per se"

"What do you mean?" Don frowned,

"I never personally went to Vreston but I've heard King Orlin have a little prejudice toward outsiders"

"What about their military power?"

Lord Clemo couldn't help but have a bad feeling when he heard Don

"Obviously they can't be compared to Enarin still they are more powerful than Sigalla"

After a while, King Edward finished talking with Queen Sienna and came to Don with General Brown

"Have a safe journey"

"Bye, father"

Queen Sienna and Princess Amber said as Queen Sienna raised her hand and opened up the portal

"I hope we'll me again soon, King Don"

Queen Sienna smiled at Don

"Likewise, Queen Sienna"

He nodded and noticed Joel join with the rest of them as he walked into the portal to disappear


Stepping out of the portal, a slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one. The air was warm, the beams of sunlight were penetrating through the white maple trees. 

The road to Enarin built between the lines of white maple trees and resembled a white rug as it was covered with the white leaves. Occasionally there were benches for the travelers to sit and rest and small water fountains were built to quench the thirst of travelers as well as other beings.


Arrora mumbled when she arrived as she could hear the men murmuring about the beauty of the road

"King Edward, this white orchard road, which kingdom owns it?"

"Enarin, they built roads like this to get more merchants and traders to their kingdom, you see those statues over there"

King Edward pointed at the statues of a big bears 

"Those are the guards to this road, if any bandits decide to rob the travelers, the statues will come to life and tears them apart"

The road and the statues itself showed the wealth of Enarin and he realized that it was no exaggeration to say that Enarin is the most powerful kingdom among rank fours because with the more wealth a kingdom had, the more powerful it could be.

"Why don't we walk a bit?"

Don nodded and started to walk with King Edward looking at the scenery 

"Lord Clemo, where can we buy a sapling of this tree?"

Arrora asked Lord Clemo

"Lady Adria, even if we buy the saplings, Agoria's weather is not suitable for it to grow"

Lord Clemo had no idea that Arrora was asking to buy the saplings to plant in Everlight

"No, I will plant it in my garden at Everlight"

"Oh, I think there's a shop for saplings and garden supplies in Enarin, but they are damn expensive, Lady Adria"

So what are you going to do after the gathering, King Don?"

"I'm going to the ancient dungeon"

King Edward was surprised and shocked to hear Don even though, he kind of expected this

"No king would choose to enter the dungeon but it makes sense since you're a grandmaster, a peak level one at that, but you have to be careful, King Don"

Don could see that Edward's not pretending to care as he nodded

"Who's entering the dungeon from Sigalla, King Edward?"

"Some rich kids, I warned them about the dangers of the dungeon but young age tends to do whatever they want without considering anything"

Edward just realized that Don was rich and young only after saying this 

"Look at that five-colored bird,"

He quickly pointed out a bird on the tree branch to Don as Arrora had a good chuckle inside seeing Edward change the subject

"So Arwen, do you miss Yvonne?"

Arrora nudged Arwen on his elbows as Arwen frowned

"Why would I? I don't like her"

"She would have paid you more and made you her concubine"

Arrora giggled 

"Did you look at the way she looked at you? you would have been her concubine too"

Arwen said with a serious face

"Eww, gross"

"What are you guys talking about?"

Joel came to join the conversation.

"You really want to know?"

Arrora giggled as Joel nodded with great interest. While Arrora was narrating the events, Arwen couldn't look at Joel's face as he felt pretty embarrassed

When she finished telling the story, Joel burst out laughing

"It seems you missed out a great opportunity Arwen, who was she?"

"Some rich girl named, Yvonne"

Joel suddenly stopped laughing 

"Yvonne, do you mean Yvonne Lucroy? The second heir of the Lucroy family?"

"You know her?"

"Of course I know her, everyone knows her and her family, they are big deal here, well they were a big deal"

"What do you mean by they were a big deal?"

It was not a secret what happened to the Lucroy family so as a spy, Joel obviously knew about it

"Well, until three or four years ago, the Lucroy family controlled many lands and businesses in many kingdoms, they had an influence that even equal to the Enarin kingdom itself" Joel paused for a moment and went on

"The sole reason for their influence and power was Francis Lucroy, Yvonne's grandfather, he was a peak level grandmaster then and many said he could reach heavenly level anytime he wants"

Years before Don's return to this world and before the life energy started to replenish, reaching grandmaster level was a humongous feat

"And when he started the tribulation to enter the heavenly level, everyone thought that he could do it"


Arwen asked as Joel sighed

"But he failed to cross the tribulation and injured himself pretty badly in the process, ever since that the family slowly became declined, now with everyone reaching higher levels unlike before, many other families took over Lucroy family's turf and businesses"

"Where's Francic Lucroy now?"

"Some say he died, some say he went after some healer, some say he's recovering in a secluded place underneath their family manor, the only thing keeping the family alive is there's still a chance that Francis is alive, no one would want to attack the family with a grandmaster, the injured tiger could still do some damage"

"Well, if he"

Arrora glanced at Don and then continued

"Knew this when Yvonne attacked our men, they would have been disappeared in overnight"

Joel nodded since the Lucroy family couldn't face the wrath of two grandmasters and Reghys, the dragon.

"What about the others in that family? You've said that Yvonne is the second heir, who's the first one?"

Arwen asked 

"Florent Lucroy, Yvonne's elder brother, just like her, he's a great master too, and Arwen?"

Joel looked at Arwen 


"She does have a court of concubines, male and female concubines"

Joel let out an evil grin and winked at Joel

"Still gross"

"Shut up, Joel"

Arwen rolled his eyes as Joel burst into laughter again

"Jokes aside, did you learn anything special?"

Arrora finished giggling and asked Joel as he also stopped laughing 

"As a matter of fact, yes"

"What did you learn?"

Arwen looked at his surroundings and stepped closer to Joel and Arrora

"The dry season of Sigalla, it might be the work of King Hedor, I've heard the rain stopped and the water sources dried up soon after King Hedor visited Sigalla"

"What could have he done?"

"He had so many dirty tricks and evil magic up his sleeves, I'm very much sure that he did something that made the water sources dry up and the rain to stop"

Hedor already poisoned an entire water supply of a kingdom to conquer their lands and killed many in the process, so it wouldn't be a big surprise for Joel if he really did something to Sigalla too.

While hearing King Edward's story of how he spent his youth and how he met Queen Sienna, Don also heard everything that Joel said.

After a few hours of talking and walking, they decided to take a rest and fill their bellies.

"Your majesty,there's a few boars around this place, shall I order the men to hunt and cook them for you?"

General Brown came to King Edward and King Edward pondered about this for a moment when Don shook his head

"No need, General Brown"

As he said, Don waved his hand, and plates full of meals appeared before them from his space ring.

"King Edward, it's my treat now"

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