Chapter 6: CHAPTER 5

Time passed quickly, and many events occurred in these 7 years, my father got sick when I was 15 years old, and unfortunately he could not recover. After resisting a few months he could not overcome his illness and passed away.

As the man of the house, I took his job as a farmer, I didn't earn much, but I was able to provide money for my mother and myself, but it seems fate decided that, I had to go alone in my journy, since two years after the death of my father, my mother joined him, leaving me alone in this world.

While it is true, that, I did not consider them my parents, I have to admit that I appreciated them, since they tried to give me the best they could, not to mention the love that they had for me. If I said that, I did not mourn their deaths, I would be lying, but such is life, and I had to go ahead.

Being by myself, I managed to save some coins from working as a farmer, although I did not have much knowledge of that trade, I worked hard and was disciplined, thanks to that, I received a raise, it was not much, but no matter how little it was, it was extra money.

This world handles money in metal coins, there are 3 types which each one is divided into two as follows: small copper coin and large copper coin, small silver coin and large silver coin and finally small gold coin, and large gold coin.

The small copper coin is the one with the smallest denomination and the large gold coin is the one with the largest denomination, between them exist a ratio of 10 to 1, like this: 10 small copper coins are equivalent to 1 large copper and 10 large copper coins to 1 small silver coin, and so on.

My salary as a farmer after the rise was 5 large copper coins per month, my expenses were 1 large copper coin per month, so I had managed to save 48 large copper coins, this was not a small amount for people of my status in this world.

At that rate, the day of my 18th birthday arrived, and with some anxiety, I checked the system. The mission came out as completed, but to my surprise, I not only went up one level, but two, not to mention the great reward I recibed.

Reward: Body Enhancement Candy: Increases the user's stamina, strength, and speed by 100%.

Reward: Tree Potion: Increases the size of the penis by 1 cm.

Reward: Opening of the Exchange Zone.

The first two rewards were incredible, after consuming the candy my physique improved, the pain this time was much stronger, but I still managed to tolerate it, as for the potion it was even better, now that I was 18 years old, my body had developed completly, my penis was already about 15 cm, and after taking the potion.

it increased to 16 cm, yes, I know this is just a normal size penis, but my theory is, that, because my system gives me potions that allow me to increase its size, then I should start with a normal size.

I did not give much importance to the size of my penis, in the end it had been shown in my previous world that, it is not the size that gives pleasure, and if in this world it was not like that, the system could increase it, so I put that aside, and went on to the topic that I'm most glad about all this, and it was the third reward, it turns out that the system will no longer give me missions, therefore there will be no rewards either, the system had completely changed to a points system, in other words, I must become a gigolo.

Let me explain better, the "Blessing of Eros", consists of becoming the God of sex and eroticism, so the more sexual activities I do, I will receive points, which I can exchange in the system's Exchange Zone, either for objects , skills or level up.

Now everything depends on my will to improve, so I was excited, I couldn't wait to see what new things the system would bring, I was ready to start my journey again.

Wanting to see what the system's Exchange Zone was like, I accessed it, honestly it was like the portal of a store in a video game on earth, in the transparent box that only I could see, there were 3 tabs: objects, abilities and others.

I reviewed all three of them, the amount of itm that appeared was insane, at the point thet, not even with all the time of my life could I review all of them, which was a problem, since I wouldn't know the best things I should get, that caused me a little headache, so I decided to put that aside.

I closed the Exchange Zone and focused on the wooden tablet that, could summon a servant, it had been 7 years, and finally I could use it, I was excited, I thought I could summon a powerful creature to defend myself, you have to know that, although I am a God candidate, I have zero combat skills, and this world is far from peaceful and safe.

It is true that, thanks to the sweets of the system I am 3 times stronger, more resistant and faster than a normal person, but this does not mean that I have combat skills, also in this world, there are beings so powerful to erase mountains with one hand, being a poor citizen, nobody would teach me how to fight, in fact I didn't even know if I had any fighting skills.

To be honest, I wasn't interested in fighting either, in the few novels and animes I watched to rest my head after watching porn in my previous life, the characters who had similar situations to mine, always became incredibly strong and became maniacs from the fights, but I just wanted to develop my system, and rise as a God, so I didn't want to become a warrior.

I know that, having fighting skills would make a lot of things easier, but even so I preferred not to be, I knew that the system would give me such benefits if I really needed it, so I abandoned that thought, and proceeded to use the wooden tablet.

The procedure was simple, I just had to put a drop of blood on the tablet and it would do the rest, so without delay I followed the instructions, then the tablet emitted a strong light. Tooked by surprise, I dropped it to the ground, when I covered my eyes because of the intensity of the light.

Seconds later the light receded, then I could see again, in front of me was a small creature floating, if I had to describe it, it would be a white fluff ball the size of a softball, with eyes, a nose and a mouth, it also had a thin tail which ended in another fluff ball similar to his body, but much smaller.

The little fluff was very cute, women would surely love it, it looked like a cuddly toy, however, I was dumbfounded with my mouth open, I did not see how this creature would defend me, it did not seem strong at all, in fact, it was just pretty.

"Greetings master, a pleasure to meet you, I need you to give me a name", said the little fluff pulling me out of my train of thoughts, "Hello, how about Fluffy?", I answered without thinking, I just said what came to my head, however, the creature did not care, and accepted the pathetic name without question.

"Thank you for the name master", answered the fluff making a kind of bow while floating, I am still a little uncomfortable, but I forced myself to regain my composure and began to ask him, "Tell me, what are you? And as my servant, how can you help me?

The fluff stood there in the air, thinking about what to answer, so a little anxious I wanted to ask again, but the fluff replied, "I am a divine creature, and although I am your servant, I am also an observer", I did not understand what he wanted to say, and seeing my expression of confusion he continued, "As your servant, I am in a nutshell an assistant for your system management, think of me as an artificial intelligence from your previous life of the Blessing of Eros system."

Hearing that I understood everything immediately, before, I was worrying about how to find the skills and items I need in the sea that was in the Exchange Zone, but now I could only tell Fluffy the characteristics and functions of what I wanted, and he could look for them giving me recommendations, Fluffy is like a search AI with a conscience.

Having learned that, I continued the questioning, "What do you mean observer?", to which Fluffy smiled and replied, "It's just as it sounds, to put it simply, I am your companion during your ascension journey, if you succeed, I will continue to be your assistant after becoming a God, and if you fails, I will return to the divine land to report your experience so the future candidates have better chances."

Well, that clears things up, he will be my assistant and help me to ascend, but if I fail my experiences will be taken as study material in order to help future Gods candidates, I wasn't amused, but I didn't mind, I just had to ascend and there would be no problem.

Having that clear, I kept asking Fluffy diferent questions, learning about how to earn points, although I already knew this, doing things related to sex would give me points, the problem was that until now the only thing I did was masturbate and see women while they bathed, not to mention that, this activities only gave me 1 point.

From Fluffy also learned that, if I continued like this, it would be years before I could have enough points to exchange something useful with the system.

If I want to raise the level of the system, I have to start doing more adult things like kissing, touching and having sex. I also learned about my blessing.

My blessing was not suitable for combat, it was more appropriate as a support, in other words, instead of training as a warrior, it was better to seduce women with great skills as my swords and shields.

Honestly, I feel really pathetic to become something like that, however Fluffy said that for the candidates of Gods of my type, this was normal, since I become stronger through sex and at the same time I make my partners stronger.

I really don't like it, but at the end I accepted the fact that my women would protect me in the future.

After asking Fluffy a lot of questions I sat down to think about the new course of action, I have to say, Fluffy would only help me with things related to the system, he wouldn't advise me or anything, besides Fluffy could only be seen by me, so it just hovered over my shoulder and did nothing.

I was lost in my thoughts for a full hour. In the end, I came to a conclusion, I mainly needed two things, money and women, the first to live, and the second to rise as a God. Sudently an idea came to me, what I need is simple, a brothel.

Having my own brothel, would allow me to earn money and women, the problem was that I needed money to start this project, the small amount of copper coins that, I have woult not be of any help, I needed gold coins and a lot of then, an amount which working as a farmer I would never get.

It is true that thanks to my blessing I have a long life expectancy, but still I did not want to be a farmer for years to collect the money I need, however, as much as I thought, can not find a better solution, so I stop thinking about that for the moment, and went to sleep.

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