Chapter 44: CHAPTER 43

Oliver carried out his orders efficiently. All the slaves who served as guards were men who had fought in one way or another, either in wars or alone, for that reason they knew death closely.

Being men of combat and experience despite not being the most powerful, they had the right mentality and disposition to comply with orders as sadistic and cold as if they were normal things.

In fact, these orders in situations and businesses like this in this world really were normal, unlike Andrew's previous world where there was better control of public safety, this world was quite lacking.

To be more exact, it was not that they did not have the capacity to improve this situation, but that there were many interests and money involved and that is why the high spheres of power turned a blind eye, that is why the appearance of one or two corpses in the river once in a while was not too strange.

Oliver and the boys fulfilled Andrew's orders perfectly and disposed of the bodies of the three men quickly and without a trace, only Costa was upset with the situation, as it was obviously he who had sent the three dead bodies floating in the river.

His annoyance was not for the fact that he had lost three men, but for the fact that when they turned up dead, it was clear that they had failed in their mission. It was also letting him understand that the owner of the Heavenly Palace was not simple.

Aside from these thoughts, there was another one that caused him to scrunch his face in worry the most and that was, "How did I report this to Debos?" Although he is the most trusted subordinate and had certain benefits, by knowing his boss so much, he knew that he was not a patient person and hated failure.

This worried him, he did not know how his boss is going to react when he told him that the plan his boss had made and that he had given him to seize the Heavenly Palace had failed since it was not only a matter of a tantrum, but of losing confidence, which was problematic at this moment.

Despite his concerns, he went to report the mission failure to his boss and as he had expected, Debos was not at all happy. His eyes were bloodshot and his face red from the anger that he tried to contain and it was clear that he couldn't.

Costa was nervous because he knew what was coming, the other four had a slight smile on their faces rejoicing at their partner's failure, after all, in every organization there are differences and the ambitious always seek more power and they were quite ambitious.

Ironically, before Debos exploded into wild yells of rage at Costa there was a knock on the door that completely destroyed the atmosphere in the room, causing Debos to yell angrily, "What do you want?"

He obviously didn't know who was knocking on the door. Still, it must have been a very stupid subordinate to interrupt the meeting of the gang's highest powers, at least that's what everyone in the room thought, until the subordinate behind the door reported, "Sir, I'm sorry. I am very sorry, but a letter arrived with the seal of the 5 and you said this should be given priority.

The reporting subordinate was scared, certainly, his boss had said to give priority to these letters, but when he heard his boss yelling at him, he knew that he had come at a bad time and now he only prayed that he would not wake up next to the fish the next day.

When he was at the peak of his nervousness, the door opened and Debos appeared with a stoic look and all the emotion that had invaded him before seemed to have evaporated.

After taking the letter and returning to the room, Debos sat on his sofa that simulated his throne and opened the letter. It was not very long, in fact, it was quite short, it only had one sentence, "Leave the Heavenly Palace alone, you are already targeted, I have warned you".

Debos immediately understood what the letter mean because, in the last meeting, they had talked about how Mrs. Candice had them in her sights for ruining her business.

They had not really targeted her on purpose, the reality was that they had attacked several businesses that they thought were a threat to their hegemony in the sector and it turned out that they all had business with her and created the current situation.

Debos wasn't the youngest of the group, but he was definitely the one with the least experience, connections, and the biggest ego. A thug who still thinks like a thug, it never occurred to him that he now had to play differently and so he continued to do things the way he always had, only on a larger scale.

Due to his poor judgment, the other four always took advantage of him. Things like allowing him to move first into a target to test things out were the most used, but when Mrs. Candice was in the equation only a fool like Debas wouldn't pay attention.

Debos only knew that she was a mid-level food and grocery merchant in the city and since he never got too involved in the traditional business of the city, he was unaware of the amount of power these merchants have, especially Candice, which she still concealed her true strength.

For all this, Debos remained steadfast in his character as a self-centered bully with the airs of a ruler and tore up the letter, ignoring the warning. The five subordinates were curious about what it was saying, but seeing that his boss didn't mean to say anything, they didn't ask.

In the end, they ended the meeting after Debos told Costa to increase the pressure on the Heavenly Palace. The initial idea did not change, just increased the number and so everyone left.

While this entire conspiracy was brewing early in the morning, Andrew was sitting on his bed with a slight smirk looking at his bedmate from last night who was fully covered from head to toe.

"Pretending to be asleep won't stop you from seeing me, you know?", he said with a mocking tone, trying to provoke Carolina, who was under the sheets pretending to sleep because she didn't have the courage to face the man who turned her into a woman.

Under the sheets, Carolina was as red as a tomato, not to mention that she was naked and her crotch was a little sticky, although Andrew cleaned her a little when he brought her to his room, it was quite superficial, therefore, traces of semen, sweat and own juices still remained in her.

Feeling strange and embarrassed by her condition, she could not face the young man who was making fun of her, but being naked and even with a strange smell, to say the least forced her to show her face because she wanted to bathe urgently and decided to use that as an excuse to escape.

However, she was too naive, because when she got out of the sheets, she began to say as if she wanted to run away from the place, "Good morning, I'm not pretending, but we'll talk later I need a bath", however, she was held tightly by Andrew who he didn't care in the slightest about the dirt or emotional state of the lady, he simply pulled her closer to him and stole her lips.

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