Riot Grasper

Volume 2 - Ch 7.2

Translated by mranon

2nd Volume, 7th Chapter The Final Outcome 2nd Part


At that moment, an entreating cry resounded in the tranquil wetland.

From the mount which the demon was earlier astride.

Dragging its body that was crammed with arrows, it approached.

It wanted to protect the demon but it didnt seem to have strength

It was almost crawling on the ground.

After struggling for a while, it stopped close to where the demon and I were facing off.

Its abdomen could be seen heaving faintly which meant it was breathing. Even though it was still alive it didnt seem to be able to move anymore

I have one request.

And that is?

After you kill me, finish Luna off as well. It has been suffering for too long Poor creature

Stop it, me

What are you thinking?

For going along with my selfishness Thank you, Luna


However, it was necessary to confirm one thing.

There is one last thing I want to ask. In the south of Souven Empirefrom here, going south across the Liebe Mountain Range, there was supposed to be a beastkin village. It was invaded by demons Did you participate in the invasion? (Translators note: Rave Mountain Range has now been changed to Liebe Mountain Range)

South of Souven Empire huh? I have no idea

I heard from Arnold-san afterward. The demons who invaded the village were cruel beyond limit. The way they killed everyone, it seemed as if they enjoyed homicide.

I dont feel hesitation in killing humans, but I dont partake in it as a hobby However I have an idea as to who may have done it

They are

Would you understand if I tell you? Oh well. If you go south from that beastkin village, you will meet them.

I understand. Well then, you have two options. Choose.

What do you mean?

While receiving the demons gaze, which was full of suspicion, I pointed to the jaw of the lying abreast mount.

First of all, I cant kill that mount. Didnt I promise you so? I wont touch that beast no matter what After all, you never touched my companions.


When you were going to kill me with that huge Fireball, you said you would keep your words, and you indeed didnt touch them. I cant be the only one to go back on my words.

Dont kid withAm I? No, Im quite serious here

My opponent kept her promise. I must keep mine, too.

If I did that err Luna-chan? would suffer and die groaning

Looking into the eyes of the enraged demon, I continued.

You dont accept charity, right? Then, you have to pay compensation.

What do you mean?

What I mean is, I will heal that mount, and in exchange, you will have to pay compensation. Furthermore When it has recovered fully, it may go on a rampage, so it will be your duty to take it with you. If you dont mind, I can heal your injuries, too.

For a moment, the demons face turned silly. It really was precious to her.

Are you in your right mind? I may cause you harm again once my injuries have been healed.

Although the situation is different, are the details not essentially the same as I offered earlier. At that time, you rejected it and contested. Now that you have lost, you have to swallow that very same offer Even though it may seem like adding to the humiliation

After gnashing her teeth, the opponent laughed.

You are good with words

Although I would die if she attacked in perfect condition, my overly indulgent life would be settled

Oh well. Thats only one of the two options. Theres another option

I budged the thrusted sword a bit and spun those words while forcing a fearless smile.

Or die? It might be a cool thing to say, but

Or be my pet.

Fu haha- ahahahaha You really are one amusing human

It might be my imagination but those words of hers didnt have that cold impression.

She stood up with a *goto* sound and threw the large bow onto the ground.

I decided to have the demon temporarily disarm during the treatment.

Even though her Body Arts were a risk I had no choice but to trust that the opponent would not resist.

The demon naturally chose the first option.

Actually, the second option was merely for the sake of it. However, if she really chose that, it would then be perplexing.

Is it fine now? If you told me to take everything off, I would have to abide, but

Eh!? No Its fine, really On the contrary, I wouldnt be able to concentrate on healing if you did.


During that exchange No! Its so embarrassing! Kyaa! Well, there was no way that would happen. The demon was probably talking about disarming everything.

I told Lim I would explain the situation later. She had been on alert for quite some time now. I started healing the mount right away.

By the way, my flank had already healed by itself.

The demon was observing quietly from the side. Her healing had been put off.

I extracted the sticking out arrows from its body with one hand. Simultaneously, I applied Light of Healing (Light Healing)with the other hand and patched its wounds up.

-After repeating the process a number of times, only the large arrow fired from a crossbow remained.

Because it had penetrated deep into its body, it would be difficult to extract it with one hand.

Would you please give me a hand?

Upon my words, the demon meekly nodded.

Ah, I understand.

While the arrow was slowly extracted, I applied Light of Healing (Light Healing) with both hands.

The mount groaned a little in pain, but firmly endured.

Fuu, the healing of the mount is complete.

It took a good deal of time, but the healing finished safely.

I gazed at the figure of the mount once again.

Luna, huh Its race was Griffon. Upper half of an eagles and lower half of a lions right?

As for the skills it possessed, Claw Arts Lv3, Wind Magic Lv2, and Perception Sensitivity Lv3?

Was my Optical Camouflage seen through due to this?

The demon, who had been quiet until now, had her attention drawn.

The mount was ready.

Now then, its your turn next

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