Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu



Bones creak at the moment of impact, his body whirling through the air before slamming into the wall. Unhalting, the shock pierces through the flimsy woodwork, splinters showering the figure as he shoots out of building. He lands to skid gracelessly over the snow, kicking up frost as he tumbles.


The prone figure doesn't even twitch. Everything falls so silent that he could practically be dead. Subaru glances at the person who was shunted through the wall, and at the pugilist inside the building. The assailant notices Subaru's gaze, and with a satisfied sigh,

“Yeh... I goddamn got it done, oi.”

Says the blond boy who smiles as he clicks his sharp fangs—Garfiel.

Subaru scratches his head, watching Ram run over to the pummelled Roswaal,

“Y-you sure did,”

He manages to say.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Garfiel and the others met up with Subaru's group in SANCTUARY half a day after Emilia announced her pregnancy, otherwise said, on the morning after the Sizeable Hare fight.

Patrasche came to SANCTUARY pulling a carriage of six people, including Garfiel.

Hearing that the girls they'd gone to rescue in the mansion, Rem, Petra, and Frederica were all okay, and that the rescuers Garfiel and Otto were fine too, relieved Subaru.

But the bonus that they brought along with them was,

???: “Oh look, hi there again, Mister.”

Says a girl with pigtails, bound in a corner of the carriage—Mei Lee, the beastmaster who attacked the mansion with Elsa.

The unexpected reunion strikes Subaru dumb. Mei Lee addresses him with the same friendly tone and demeanour as before, in the mansion.

Mei: “Care to hear me out? This blond guy has just no clue how to treat ladies. He leaves them sitting there wrapped up in bindings, it's so awwwfulll. Don't you think so, Mister?”

Subaru: “Yeah. Though I don't know what you could've done to me so I'dve gagged you too.

...Which means we caught you, but what about Elsa?”

Mei: “No clue there. But Elsa wouldn't have survived that blaze, would she? So I guess she's dead. Doesn't bother me.”

Mei Lee doesn't care in the slightest about the death of her supposed compatriot, Elsa. Subaru furrows his brows.

Subaru: “You sure must be relaxed if you're looking for better captivity conditions. Doubt you're gonna be having a great time. You did some really bad stuff.”

Mei: “I know. But I messed up, so it's kinda just like, oh well. And if I go back Mama will just scold me anyway.”

Subaru: “Your mom. I know you mentioned this a few times in the mansion, but that means you have some kind of kingpin. ...Well, just another thing that'll get cleared up by talking to Roswaal.”

Mei: “Give me meals thrice a day with no peppirs, okay?”

Mei Lee cheerily turns her back to Subaru, announcing that the conversation is over. They'll have to deal with her incarceration later. But either way, she's an important witness to what happened in the Roswaal Mansion attack.

It genuinely surprises Subaru that Garfiel had the smarts to capture her.

Next is the safety of SANCTUARY and the Arlam villagers. After they learned that those who evacuated SANCTUARY earlier were safe in a nearby town, everyone's well-being was secured. Just when Subaru put his hand to his chest in relief, the first blow of closure struck.

Garfiel: “Personally think my amazin' self's bein' damn nice t'let yer off with just one punch.”

Garfiel swings the arm he used to punch Roswaal as he gazes at the open hole in the wall. Though Subaru has quite a few objections about Roswaal, and believes that Garfiel's fury is justified,

Subaru: “When that punch is stronger than ten of my punches combined, I really have to wonder about calling it 'nice'...”

Garfiel: “Stop bein' so passive, Captain. C'mon, have a go.”

Garfiel snorts and presents something to Subaru. Subaru looks to Garfiel's hands, to find him holding a branch that he must have gotten in the forest.

It's a rather good branch, thick and long. Like a wooden baseball bat.

Subaru: “...Where is this going, exactly?”

Garfiel: “'D be a dick move t'hit him a bunch. Yer get one shot, but ain't no one got any right t'complain if yer use this t'make it a good one.”

Subaru: “It's already enough of a dick move to beat him up after what you did!”

And he's using a weapon. Subaru could start arguing semantics over whether or not this counts as a 'punch'. But Garfiel just tilts his head, and jerks his chin toward the hole.

Garfiel: “It don't look like anyone agrees with yer, Captain.”

Subaru: “Huh?”

Stricken with a rather rueful Garfiel, Subaru looks outside to find that Ram has gotten Roswaal back to his feet, where Frederica faces him with her fist brandished over her head.

Frederica: “Brace yourself, Master!”

Frederica's powerful arm cuts through the air as she drives her fist into the same spot Garfiel hit, his left cheek. Roswaal goes flying through the air yet again, this time coming to a stop several meters away when he slams into a tree trunk. The impact makes snow fall from the treetop, burying Roswaal beneath it.

After witnessing it all, Frederica claps her hands with a satisfied nod.

Subaru: “Seriously!? Everyone endorses this retaliation?”

Garfiel: “We gotta get closure, Captain. 'S gonna be fuckin' awkward later on 'f he don't get his payback fer what he did. Ain't like I ain't gonna heal him. 'N there's Emilia-sama too.”

Roswaal pokes his head out of the snow, his eyes spinning, as Petra and Otto await their turns beside him. Ram pulls Roswaal out, while Emilia stands nearby to heal him at a moment's notice.

Subaru: “I mean Emilia-tan is there as a healer yes? She absolutely isn't waiting her turn yes? Though I guess she does have a right to be included.”

Garfiel: “Eh, think'd be hard with her personality. But anyway, that's what yer got. So c'mon, Captain.”

Garfiel pushes the wooden bat over to Subaru. He timidly accepts it.

Subaru: “You won't let me in on the talk if I don't hit him?”

Garfiel: “I ain't goin' that far. 'S just that you wanna smack the shithead 'cross the face too, yeh?”

A shove to his back makes Subaru step out of the house.

Garfiel shoots Subaru a thumbs up from across the hole in the wall. Looks like he's imitating things from Subaru. With that send-off from his yet-uncomfortable brother surrogate, Subaru goes to the very end of the Roswaal Closure line.

Incidentally Petra just slapped Roswaal's face with a soaking cloth.

A wet, satisfying thwack echoes throughout SANCTUARY.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Subaru: “Ahem, okay. Now that we've had our closure, I think it's time for us to discuss recent events and figure out what we're doing for the future.”

After clearing his throat, Subaru takes charge of the proceedings and glances over the group. All the important players in this loop are together in the cathedral. Which is quite a number of people, and makes Subaru sentimental about how the household has grown.

In the cathedral are the old residents of Roswaal Mansion—Subaru, Emilia, Beatrice, Roswaal, and Ram—alongside the new Roswaal Mansion residents Otto, Frederica, and Petra. And then are the main figures from SANCTUARY, Garfiel and Lewes.

Rem is currently sleeping in Lewes's house, under the care of Pico and the other Lewes doubles.

Emilia: “Subaru, your eyes look kind of distant, are you alright? Are you still not feeling well?”

Subaru: “Nope, I'm fine. Just getting sentimental. Team Emilia's doubled in size. Though, add in SANCTUARY's people and the villagers from Arlam, and you'll start getting a bigger figure.”

Emilia: “...You're right.”

Emilia nods, her eyes similarly distant.

After demonstrating her will by holding her ground, and holding the defence lines against the Sizeable Hare, the SANCTUARY dwellers and Arlam's young men's brigade must view her more favourably. Just because someone is dependable in a pinch doesn't mean they're a Ruler, but it's a world of difference compared to when they were alienating her.

If they can interact with her more often, then they'll surely come to learn Emilia's personality. They just need to gain more understanding like that, over time, thinks Subaru.

Subaru: “Aaand I'm off topic. Okay, back to the point. So we all know what happened in

SANCTUARY and at the mansion? Now I'd kinda like to exact some responsibility from the guy who triggered it all, or ask for some details, but...”

Everyone in the room turns to look at the topical mastermind.

Roswaal lies limp in a corner of the cathedral, in Ram's lap. His eyes open as he notices the gazes upon him.

Roswaal: “Oooooooooh? After you have all tormented me so thoroughly, you stiiiiiiiiill must brutalize me further before you aaaaaaaaaare satisfied?”

Subaru: “You get what you pay for. Emilia-tan even healed you, so stop saying this shameless junk. But anyway, I'm more surprised about Ram.”

Ram: “...For what?”

Subaru sticks his tongue out at the mouthy Roswaal as he redirects the conversation onto Ram. She holds Roswaal's hand as she rests his head on her lap, her words making Subaru furrow his brows.

Subaru: “No, I mean,”

Subaru: “I know you weren't in top shape, but I'm impressed how you just kept quiet and watched the Roswaal Closure. I was certain you'd flip.”

Ram: “Foolishness, Barusu. ...I don't believe in the least that Roswaal-sama is utterly incapable of mistakes. But I do wish to take his side when his path is mistaken. Of course I would find myself thinking that way. And you cannot see even that? How foolish.”

Subaru: “Don't open and close by doubling up on the fool business! But anyway with that logic,


Ram: “Exactly. You were justified to strike Roswaal-sama. So I accept that he was stricken. That I tend to him with care and kindness afterwards is my convenience.”

As always, Ram's exhibitions of love are somewhat masculine.

Nobody can complain at her about her devotion to Roswaal. Garfiel alone does look like he's beset with a dilemma, but he stays silent, probably because he's always been talked out of mentioning anything.

Beatrice: “You have odd tastes, I suppose. After all those burns to your stomach... were Betty and miss silver-hair not around, you would have been left with those scars, in fact.”

The next one to speak is Beatrice, who sits quietly beside Subaru.

Her knees are folded up to her chest as she leans against Subaru's left shoulder. She has assisted Emilia in Ram's treatment, erasing the injuries, and so allowed Ram to recover so well.

Ram: “I give you my gratitude, Beatrice-sama and Emilia-sama. But I would prefer that your saving my life acts as no pretext for you to meddle with affairs of my love.”

Beatrice: “Betty isn't generous to do that, I suppose. If you're going to devote yourself to this wrongdoing man, even if it hurts you again, that's at your liberty, in fact.”

Roswaal: “—It won't happen again.”

Beatrice gives Ram her harsh reply, when Roswaal hears her and sits up.

The two of them catch their breath, and Subaru also gulps.

Roswaal is not wearing his cosmetics, exposing his unadorned face.

Without his clown make up, the handsome man covers his left eye with his hand, and gazes over the people assembled in the cathedral with his blue. He bows his head deeply.

Roswaal: “I will never achieve anything by so arrogantly making sacrifices of us ever again. —I swear it on the soul of my mentor.”

All: “—”

Roswaal: “And I'd rather Beatrice not punch me a third time.”

Jokes Roswaal as he raises his head and looks at Beatrice. Beatrice looks away, sour.

Beatrice: “The second one was your punishment for moronic blather, I suppose. The third's beyond me, in fact.”

Roswaal: “Which is how I'd like it to stay. I'd prefer to avoid undergoing any more revenge from you all. Garfiel and Subaru-kun were so ruthless that even I had to prepare myself for death.”

Subaru: “You're putting my hit in the same class as that? It couldn'tve been that strong.”

Though Subaru had wanted his punch to be one with some oomph.

His strike cleanly struck the tip of Roswaal's chin, and what a sight it was to see Roswaal too dizzied to stand.

Either way. Roswaal's statements do feel genuine. Meaning that Subaru is unhesitant to give trusting him a try. It seems that something moved Roswaal as he watched Ram risk her life to burn his gospel, contributing to his change of heart.

Subaru: “Though you're being kinda anticlimactic considering we diverged from that gospel you loved. I was seriously thinking that winning you over while you have a breakdown'd be the last job to do in SANCTUARY.”

Roswaal: “That bud was plucked before it could sprout. No words of mine can change that I lost our bet. At the moment that I lost myself, and defied both my contract and gospel toooooooo bring snowfall. And you preformed so excellently that I indeed did do that.”

Subaru: “...Well, it's because Garfiel and Emilia-tan put in serious work.”

Roswaal: “You have a bad habit of neglecting to name yourself at moments like this. Either way, the results are the results. You overcame every TRIAL that I thought impossible, and liberated SANCTUARY. ...I have lost.”

Garfiel: “—So hey, Captain.”

Roswaal shrugs with resigned acceptance. Subaru finds himself too stuck to say anything, hen Garfiel raises his hand and butts in.

His glare remains fixed on Roswaal, while his sharp fangs clatter.

Garfiel: “Are yer ser'sly thinkin' t'add this guy t'our team? Honestly, I still ain't quite agreein' with that.”

Subaru: “Garfiel...”

Garfiel: “Well, fuckin' duh! Th'fuck was this prick thinking he was doing in SANCTUARY and th'mansion? Sayin' you weren't there, Captain, th'village'd be rabbit food n' my Sis n' this girl'd be killed fer fun by the guts lady! We protect this guy, 'n we don't known when he's gonna go back t'slicing our necks!”

Howls Garfiel as he stomps the floor, a slight quake running through the cathedral.

Garfiel is correct. They have had their conversations and beat-downs with Roswaal to bring closure, but that had only been the pre-amble for hearing his explanations.

Roswaal had exposed everyone here to mortal danger for the sake of his own goals, and Subaru has seen everyone lose their lives multiple times.

This world that has no sacrifices, where everyone is together and safe, was only accomplished because he had those deaths as a groundwork while he worked together with everyone.

Subaru is furious enough that he wants to slap Roswaal, and interrogate him. He wants to do what Garfiel is saying, and turn his back on Roswaal.

Subaru: “But still, we need Roswaal.”

Garfiel: “Captain!”

Subaru: “We absolutely need Roswaal's help if Emilia is going to win the Royal Selection. She loses this guy as her supporter, and Emilia's out of the running. We'll make him pay, of course... but, we can't just say 'okay goodbye now!'”

Garfiel: “Yer really fuckin' telling me to forgive a guy who tried to kill my family!?”

Subaru: “—”

Garfiel's emotional words pierce Subaru.

No matter how Subaru tries to pacify him with words, Garfiel will not agree. He had almost lost Frederica, and almost lost Lewes.

This boy had spent over ten years training himself so that he could protect his family. Roswaal is his unforgivable nemesis.

Frederica: “I... forgive the Master.”

Garfiel: “...Sis!?”

But the one to rebut Garfiel is his very own blood relative, Frederica, who had almost been murdered.

Her long, blonde hair sways as she speaks. Garfiel's eyes shoot open in shock.

Garfiel: “Fuck're you saying! This shithead tried to...”

Frederica: “And given that, I am still alive. Because you saved me, Garf.”

Garfiel: “Yer talkin' from fuckin' hindsight! He tried! To kill you! And Nanna! And ain't that... ain't that all there is to it!”

Frederica: “...The Master has cared for me for over a decade.”

Garfiel's shoulders heave as Frederica narrows her eyes. Her gaze inspires compassion, as she is perhaps moved by her matured brother's anger.

Frederica: “That I may achieve my goals, I accepted the hand that the Master offered me. I have learned much over the time since, and now I am here. To speak in more common terms, I exploited the Master's generosity for my own purposes. Would our debts not be even?”

Garfiel: “Don't fuckin' treat debts on the same level as life! You don't know when he'll betray—”

Otto: “Erm, I apologize for this when you're so enthusiastic, but would you mind if I interjected?”

Garfiel tries to argue, but this time Otto pulls the breaks.

Garfiel's furious gaze turns to Otto, who has his hand raised. But Otto lets the glare wash off him as he soothingly says,

Otto: “Now just calm down, calm down.”

Otto: “We'll put aside Garfiel's emotional argument for a moment, and consider Margrave Roswaal's likelihood of committing something like this again... I think we're safe to believe that he won't, at least momentarily.”

Garfiel: “Eh? Fuck're yer sayin' prick. Yer fuckin' asleep? I'll put yer lights out, oi.”

Otto: “The contract, remember? The instant that this affair reached an obvious conclusion, a contract was bound between Natsuki-san and the Margrave. Correct, Margrave?”

Otto is entirely calm as he deals with a seething Garfiel.

It is also bold of him to verify the state of the contract not with Subaru, but with Roswaal. Roswaal realises Otto's intentions, his eyes widening somewhat.

Roswaal: “Otto-kun iiiiiiiiiiiis correct. Owing to the contract between myself and Subaru-kun, I cannot defy Subaru-kun's course.”

Garfiel: “Course, bein'?”

Subaru: “He dumps the gospel and helps make Emilia Ruler. That's the contract between me and Roswaal. He can't pull this crap any more.”

Subaru takes over, Garfiel grinding his teeth in anger.

Subaru has won the bet. Roswaal is bound by the contract, preventing him from forcing the future to follow the writ of the missing gospel.

Though it's another question as to whether that makes Roswaal harmless.

Garfiel: “That still don't close th'books on what he did! 'F we settle this with a 'I'm so sorry I won't do it again', we ain't ever getting' ROGOS'S REVENGE DEMANDS MORE THAN ONE HAND!”

Garfiel's shouting emphasizes his stance even still, creating a divide of opinion among the group regarding Roswaal's deeds.

Subaru, Otto, and Frederica accept them.

Garfiel and Petra reject them.

Emilia and Lewes are undecided.

Subaru will need to wait and watch to see how Beatrice and Ram fall. Their relationships with Roswaal differ from everyone else's.

Subaru: “Petra...”

Like Garfiel, Petra is adamantly furious at Roswaal.

She grips her skirt, her face red as Subaru calls her.

Petra: “I'm still against it no matter what you say, Subaru... -sama. The Master tried... our Lord tried to do something terrible to the villagers. Even though everyone trusted him. Even though I thought our Lord was a good person!”

Roswaal: “...It does hurt toooooo hear that.”

Even Roswaal has to frown as a little girl lambastes him.

Petra is probably the one best reflecting the general feelings of the populace, without any ulterior inter-faction motives or complicated circumstances. Not because she's a child. But because her attitude clearly speaks of the rage she feels toward Roswaal for betraying her honest opinion of him as her Lord.

The villagers of Arlam and SANCTUARY have not been informed that Roswaal was behind this whole mess.

Petra is present at this meeting as a sort of representative because, after the bits and pieces of conversation she heard in the mansion led her near to the truth, she never spoke up to secure absolute conviction. They are trusting in that cleverness of hers.

If Petra had tried to thoughtlessly dig for answers as any child her age would, they might have said some junk to deceive her. But they didn't.

Subaru: “I know I'm repeating myself, but we need Roswaal. If we drop Roswaal here, we close Emilia's path. You can say you don't want to work with him, or conversely we could bind him in ropes to get him to, either way he's working with us.”

Garfiel: “We ain't gonna convince each other, Captain.”

Subaru: “We're not. So we need to find a compromise. What do you want Roswaal to do that will satisfy you for now? And apologies but we can't have you kill him.”

Garfiel: “—Tch.”

To keep Garfiel in check as he starts getting to his feet, Beatrice stands up. Short as she is, it's more than enough to look down at the boy as he sits.

Garfiel clicks his tongue and shifts his glare to Roswaal,

Garfiel: “First is securing th'necessities fer th'gramps n' grans in SANCTUARY. Yer gonna make sure everyone's safe, no matter if they're stayin' or goin'. 'S the first concrete step t'achieving what Sis's trying t'do.”

Roswaal: “Very well, accepted.”

Garfiel: “I ain't gonna be hearin' any excuses 'bout not havin' th'funds 'cuz the mansion burned down.”

Roswaal: “The building that burned was an auxiliary residence of the Mathers. The main residency is elsewhere. I try not to be so grossly unprepared as to fall into something as ridiculous as bankruptcy.”

Roswaal's confident reply shocks Subaru.

It's news to him that the incinerated mansion was a side residence. He starts looking stupid for worrying about where they would live now.

Garfiel: “N'following from that condition, two more promis... no, a CONTRACT.”

Roswaal: “—”

Garfiel raises two fingers. Roswaal falls silent.

Garfiel lowers one finger.

Garfiel: “First's what th'Captain said. You pledge t'everyone here that you'll stick t'those terms. That you ain't pullin' any more of this shit.”

Roswaal: “...Yes, of course. And the other?”

Garfiel: “Easy. —You violate that, and my amazin' fangs mash your head to pieces.”

Frigid bloodlust emanates from Garfiel.

The murderousness that should be spearing only into Roswaal is so intense that its ripples brush against everyone's skin like a razorblade.

Roswaal: “Very well. —Let us tie the contract.”

So when Roswaal accepts it only a few seconds later, and Subaru feels the bloodlust dissipate like an ebbing wave, his body untenses and he breathes a sigh.

Garfiel sits cross-legged with his elbow on his knee and hand on his chin, looking unsatisfied.

Garfiel: “...'S all I got for th'moment. You best leave it there too, miss.”

Petra: “But...”

Garfiel: “It ain't gonna make yer friends or family happy if y'tell them.”

Petra, bordering on tears, looks up at Frederica beside her. Frederica nods, and Petra suffocates her sobs by pressing her face to Frederica's chest. It's enough to pain anyone's heart.

Subaru: “Anyway, while we still have questions about how we're securing aid for Arlam's and

SANCTUARY's villagers, and where we're going now that the mansion's in ashes, and basically what we're doing, can we say that we've finished exacting responsibility and've all had our say on this?”

After waiting for Petra's sobbing to stop, Subaru sums up everyone's thoughts.

If nobody objects, then they have completed the first stage of conversations about the SANCTUARY and mansion affairs. Now they just need to discuss the other issues one by one—

???: “Excuse me.”

But someone does raise their hand in the silence.

And it's the leader of their group, who has not yet given her opinion on Roswaal, Emilia. Everyone's gaze focuses on her are she looks to Subaru, seeking permission to speak.

Subaru: “Go ahead, Emilia-tan. Feel free to say anything.”

Emilia: “Then I'll oblige.”

Emilia nods at Subaru and looks at Roswaal. Roswaal raises an eyebrow, looking rather surprised as he waits for Emilia to speak.

And she does.

Emilia: “Roswaal hasn't done the most important thing yet. This discussion isn't over until he does.”

Roswaal: “Most important thing...?”

Roswaal fails to figure out what Emilia is talking about, looking confused. Subaru tilts his head too as he contemplates what Emilia could be trying to say.

Emilia looks over the group, and with a quiet sigh,

Emilia: “When you do something bad, you have to say you're sorry.”

All: “—”

Emilia: “Everyone's been telling Roswaal to do this and do that to prove that he's repented, and Roswaal swore to his Teacher that he won't do anything bad again, but before we even get to that, isn't there something he has to say? Roswaal, did you say it even once? I didn't hear it.”

Her cheeks red with anger, Emilia rails on Roswaal.

She is saying things so juvenile that it leaves everyone speechless. But Emilia is not joking in the least, and is truly, demonstrably mad.

Emilia is angry. Even though she rarely ever gets angry at all. Except it's happening, and Emilia is mad.

To ensure that something so obvious, but that everyone forgot, does happen.

Subaru: “Roswaal.”

Subaru looks at the astonished Roswaal, and smiles as he looks to catch him off guard.

Subaru: “Apologize, Roswaal. If we're going to doing things together, then you're obligated to, just as a person.”

Roswaal: “—”

Subaru shares Emilia's stance, the sentiment spreading to everyone in the cathedral. Roswaal perceives what this sea of gazes is seeking from him, and swallows his breath.

Emilia: “—Mm, that'll do.”

The way that Emilia smiles after seeing Roswaal's apology leaves an incredible impression.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

—Subaru makes an indescribable expression as he looks down at the woman in the coffin.

Roswaal: “Whaaaaaaat an impolite face to make whiiiiiile looking at my Teacher.”

Says Roswaal, as he peers at Subaru from aside.

Inside the deepest room of the tomb, Subaru and Roswaal face each other with the coffin between them. So that they can speak, without anyone intruding. But before that,

Subaru: “This is honestly your Teacher, the WITCH Echidna?”

Roswaal: “Iiiiiiiiindeed. Her body rests eternal in the spellstone, her mortal beauty preserved. Living was worth it, when I can meet her again as I am now.”

Subaru: “All I really have to say about your descendant-hopping super-motivated faux-stalking is euch.”

Roswaal: “Beatrice hit me with the eeeeeeeexact same comment.”

Roswaal seems to be having fun, but Subaru feels no urge to smile.

Beatrice told Subaru that Roswaal has been perpetuating his life by transcribing his soul. Subaru had told a joke about something similar before, but he had never even dreamed that it would be correct.

But it does make him agree with the family's fanaticism for Echidna, since it was all actually just Roswaal.

Subaru: “Do you feel guilty at all about your descendants? ...I guess the answer's obvious.”

Roswaal: “The Mathers family was made for that purpose. I began it, I continued it, I constructed it. It doesn't discomfort me, no matter who criticises me.”

Subaru: “The quintessential stalker.”

Roswaal: “Surely not. Regardless, there's something I'd like tooooooo confirm. About this person you saw in the TRIAL, who is not my Teacher called Echidna.”

Roswaal narrows his eyes as he speaks. Subaru narrows his eyes as well.

There are differences between the Echidna that Roswaal is talking about, and the Echidna that Subaru met in the dream castle. That was the shock Subaru got when he glimpsed the woman in the coffin.

Subaru looks down at her figure once again.

Long white hair and pale skin. Beautiful features, and a sleek black dress. Her distinctive characteristics are identical to Echidna's. But she is obviously someone else.

The Echidna that Subaru knows is slightly younger than the woman in the coffin. Her features erred more on the 'cute' than the 'beautiful' side, and her hair was cut shorter than the woman's.

They do look alike. If someone called them sisters, Subaru would believe it. However,

Roswaal: “My Teacher had no relatives. She had no elder sister, and no one to call a daughter except Beatrice. I know this better than anyone else.”

Subaru: “So, who was the Echidna in the TRIAL? It was her, but with her youth restored... isn't what it feels like either. They're different people. I can tell that this isn't just a thing about ages.”

Roswaal: “Anyone intruding on the TRIAL must be connected. If this person was the one managing the TRIAL, they are assuredly connected. Perhaps some external party took action while I was unaware... would be conceivable. But.”

Roswaal doesn't continue, but Subaru senses that he has dismissed whatever he was going to say as impossible. He doesn't have any basis for it, but perhaps Roswaal is confident in his stalking proficiency. It's a confidence telling him it's impossible that someone could do something bad to his Teacher without him knowing about it. Which is gross.

Roswaal: “I feel that you're imagining something rather iiiiiiiimpolite.”

Subaru: “Blame your imagination or actually just blame you. Anyway, me and Emilia both saw Echidna during the TRIAL. Or at least, an Echidna that isn't this one.”

Emilia had been present when Subaru first saw the woman in the coffin. That was when they realised that the woman Beatrice called Mother was not the person they called Echidna.

Who was the girl in the dream? Without ever reaching any conclusions, Subaru wound up starting this talk with Roswaal.

Subaru: “We can't use the TRIAL's systems to enter the dream again?”

Roswaal: “The tomb's functions were ceased by a destruction of the algorithm. The art for it is lost, and the requirements are complex. And the miasma permeating this tomb has escaped. This tomb is just an ordinary, historical stone structure now.”

Subaru: “I, see...”

Disappointment that he cannot confirm it, and disappointment that he cannot see her again, assault Subaru simultaneously. Just for some reason, Subaru didn't find interacting with her and the WITCHES so bad, even factoring in the whole betrayal thing.

So losing the opportunity to do so summons melancholy in Subaru.

Subaru: “...We'll put the unchangeable stuff off for later. So, what are you thinking to do with the woman in the coffin? Bury her?”

Roswaal: “I'll neither bury nor burn her. Subaru-kun, I'd like you not to misunderstand. ...I desire reunion with my Teacher, but that doesn't mean I've been yearning toooooo meet my Teacher's cadaver. This is merely one step along the way.”

Subaru: “What do you mean?”

Subaru raises his brows, wariness and distrust swelling within him.

Subaru had thought that Roswaal's desired reunion with his crush was a face-to-face meeting with the corpse in this tomb.

He hadn't considered it until he learned that her corpse was actually in the tomb, but the second that Subaru found out that Roswaal's mentor was inside here, of course he began to think it.

But Roswaal easily rejects that idea.

Roswaal: “I desire to speak again with my Teacher, with blood running through her, soul housed inside her, life breathed within her. Retrieving her corpse is simply the first step.”

Subaru: “You're going to resurrect the dead!? That... this world has magic to bring back the dead!?”

Roswaal: “Make sure you don't misunderstand. This possibility is present because it is her. There is no way to bring back lives that have met a conventional death. The Od Lagna would never permit such convenient magic as resurrection.”

Subaru: “Od Lagna?”

Subaru scrunches his face at the new word.

Roswaal: “Od Lagna is... how to say, a stockpile of mana in the fount of the world. No, supposing that the world itself were a living creature, then it would be its nexus, and the od of the world. Though we can only imagine as to its exact location, and whether it is sentient or not.”

Subaru: “The od of the world... wouldn't permit it, meaning?”

Roswaal: “To explain that would require quick perusal of the entire history of magic to this day.”

Subaru: “In three sentences.”

Roswaal: “How harsh.”

Roswaal stokes his chin as he considers what to say. Then he begins explaining as coherently and succinctly as he can.

Roswaal: “All of the magic in this world was devised by past magicians. The first incidence of magic was when an individual with outstanding talent in the manipulation of mana began casting magic of their type. As more people became capable of magic, and disparities in proficiency began to arise, it became difficult to classify the phenomenon without assigning names or classes.”

Subaru: “That's when magic got names, and was split into the separate type affinities.”

Roswaal: “Yes. While magical techniques and knowledge was expanding, people with incredible talent for it began being born. They devised novel uses of mana, separated from the existing forms of magic, to create new magic. The development of magic has always proceeded as mundane magicians comprehensively over-apply the novel discoveries from a prior selection of geniuses.”

Subaru: “Kind of a spiteful lecture, since you're one of the geniuses.”

Roswaal: “I may have gone through unpleasant times, oooooonce or twice.”

In every world and universe out there, the overly proficient ones are alienated. There was a time when Roswaal was immature, and suffered those gazes and obstacles. Though nowadays he would definitely smile back and secretly get revenge.

Subaru: “So what does this have to do with Od Lagna?”

Roswaal: “The existence of a font for magic and the power called mana. Research investigating into the topic proceeded as people tested unprecedented approaches and methods for using mana. Those who created magic with shocking effects began to stand out even among the geniuses. Each case of this magic produced results beyond compare to previous magic, such that a single magician could alter a region's geography. —And when they did, they all saw exactly the same thing.”

Subaru says nothing.

Roswaal: “With its dim glow, it was the mana that they so naturally manipulated. But this was a mass of power overwhelmingly more vast than any mana they had touched before—these magicians, with their cognizance of so-called forbidden magic, all witnessed this expanse of mana, and their minds soon fell ill.”

Subaru: “And that was Od Lagna... the fountain of the world?”

Roswaal: “Just as humans fear injury or disease, the world rejects those liable to shake its foundations. Is what some first started saying about Od Lagna. The true common point between those whose minds were broken by witnessing Od Lagna, was that they reached new heights of magic that would have rewritten the practice's history.”

It's unclear how powerful their magic was.

They had divulged some portion of the theory behind their magic, but before they could publicly exhibit the completed algorithm and have it adopted for use, the magician who invented it would invariably have their mind broken.

Subaru: “Then resurrection would be one of them?”

Roswaal: “I wish to see my dearly departed again. The desire is omnipresent, shared by everyone, and more than a few geniuses were motivated by it. Though, before they could reach anyone, they all lost their minds to Od Lagna.”

How sardonic, thinks Subaru.

It isn't clear whether Od Lagna truly exists, or that Od Lagna destroyed the magicians' minds. But still, they sought. To find the limit of their abilities. To realise a goal that everyone would yearn for.

Roswaal: “One theory states that Od Lagna is the consciousness that rules over everything in the world. And though it warrants scepticism, perhaps Od Lagna could be the one bestowing people with BLESSINGS—is the nonsense that people have come up with.”

Subaru: “Trying to stay uninvolved, and then involving itself... that celestial bunch never make sense, no matter where you are.”

Roswaal: “'That celestial bunch' is an entertaining way to put it.”

Ignorant to the logic behind Subaru's epithet as he treats Od Lagna as a god, Roswaal laughs. Subaru hadn't expected this discussion, but their real topic is elsewhere of Od Lagna. Subaru brings the conversation back to,

Subaru: “So, your reunion with your Teacher won't enrage Od Lagna.”

Roswaal: “Eeeeeeeexactly. It doesn't use any forbidden arts, or any special powers or algorithms. In fact, I'm far more worried that you would be the one displeasing Od Lagna.”

Subaru: “...Honestly I was thinking the same.”

Return by Death. Subaru doesn't intend to reveal its requirements to Roswaal in detail, but it's no exaggeration that Subaru's ability is conceivably touching on the resurrection taboo.

Subaru has used Return by Death to alter his own doomed fate, and even saved the lives of others. If Od Lagna witnessed this, there is no way that Subaru would pass its harsh standards.

Unless, perhaps, the entity that allows Subaru to Return by Death is strong enough to survive Od Lagna.

Subaru: “Just the idea makes me shudder. Anyway, your methods for this are...?”

Roswaal: “Sorry, but I'm not going to tell you that now.”

Subaru shakes his head and gets back to talking, when Roswaal fires that statement. Subaru's eyes dart about in confusion for a moment as he fails to understand what was said.

Subaru: “Huh, wh, wha? What did you say?”

Roswaal: “Only whaaaaaaat you heard. I'm not going to tell you my methods for achieving my ultimate goal. I'm rather sure that nothing in the terms of our contract reeeeeeequires me to.”

Subaru: “I mean, yeah, but... come on!”

Roswaal: “I want to make this clear to you, Subaru-kun.”

Says Roswaal coldly. He walks around the coffin to come to Subaru's side, looking down at him as he raises his finger.

Roswaal: “I have lost my guide the gospel, and lost sight of the path of how things should be. But that doesn't make me abandon my goals in the least. Our contract prevents me from using my past approach. And even supposing I laid pointless obstacles before you, Garfiel would rip my throat open, so I am also barred from that.”

Subaru: “...Yeah, exactly. So what can you do? What path can you pick except one where you reveal your goal, and come to us for help?”

Roswaal: “That is simple. —I will oversee you.”

Subaru: “—”

Oversee. It's definitely not a peaceful word, and it renders Subaru speechless. Though Roswaal's eyes gleam in different colours as he looks down at Subaru, they are lit with identical emotion.

Roswaal: “Fortunately, your goal of making Emilia-sama the Ruler overlaps with my path to achieving my goal. This is where you were supposed to secure an unshakable will of iron, devoting yourself to Emilia-sama no matter the loss, and become a Knight riddled in wounds.”

Subaru says nothing.

Roswaal: “But that route is defunct. You instead chose to walk a more painful, more agonizing path of thorns. Though I do respect you for it, I also pity you.”

Subaru: “Excuse me?”

He can't let that pass. Subaru glares at Roswaal, who shakes his head. He is definitely doing so out of pity for Subaru.

He faces his palm to Subaru, who is both irritated and confused.

Roswaal: “This is where you should've learned what it is to lose something. You should have become a SAGE, who even in the face of loss, stringently protects only what is precious. I know how it sounds, but I wanted to save you.”

Subaru: “What's so sagely about that. What is so clever about accepting loss!”

Roswaal: “You have rejected loss, chosen to salvage everything, and you will hurt for it. You will repeatedly suffer wounds beyond repair, repeatedly suffer loss, frantically attempt to regain what you lost, the invisible hurt compounding perpetually. And I pity that.”

Subaru: “—hk”

Roswaal: “And so I will not be lenient about your refusal to be a SAGE, and decision to be a FOOL. As expected, yes? After all, you're the one who chose this.”

Roswaal's hand lands on Subaru's shoulder.

Subaru trembles as Roswaal draws his face near to Subaru's, and whispers in his ear,

Roswaal: “—Should you lose anyone who you needed to protect, I will swiftly incinerate the survivors.”

Subaru: “...!?”

Roswaal: “You've chosen to save everything. You must not miscarry a single thing. A world of loss must not lead to the future. So long as a future where you accept loss could lead to a future I do not desire, I will invalidate it. —Now that the gospel is gone, you are what guides me to my goal, Subaru-kun. Only you, and your path.”

Roswaal draws his face away and gives Subaru's chest a light shove.

It isn't particularly strong, but Subaru pitches back as if he's been stricken, his breath catching as his back hits the wall.

This man, Roswaal L. Mathers, is terrifying.

His conceptions have changed. He has stopped relying on the gospel, and will never do anything to throw Subaru or Emilia into adversary again. He will assist Subaru if Subaru desires it, and will put in his all to keep Emilia en-route to the Throne.

But if Subaru makes even the slightest mistake, Roswaal will instantly overturn and ruin everything.

No lie and no deception. Roswaal will absolutely do it.

Roswaal: “What, there's no need to be so scared. Provided that you continue to fulfil your roles, I will offer you my utmost assistance. —That is the contract between us.”

Subaru: “...Really taught me to be more careful when looking at contracts.”

Roswaal: “Your duty is to ensure that not a single person present today is lost, Subaru-kun. Without ever losing a single person, lead Emilia-sama to the top. Should you achieve that, I will also fulfil my goal. I will see my Teacher again.”

Subaru weakly hangs his head. Roswaal gives a long sigh at him, and nods. His shoes peal on the stone as he corrects his posture.

Roswaal: “Upon my name of Margave Roswaal L. Mathers, once we return to the main estate, I shall appoint you, Natsuki Subaru, as Knight. —The promise will be fulfilled.”

Subaru: “—”


Something that Subaru has yearned for, the right to stand at Emilia's side.

Hearing it after everything else in this conversation does diminish his joy, but after everything Roswaal has said, he will definitely stay to his word. He gains no benefit from not supporting Subaru.

Seeing Subaru silently nod, Roswaal turns to exit the room. This conversation is over, is what he must mean.

But his footsteps pause before he can exit, and he turns back.

Roswaal: “Right. I did just tell you that I'd be helping you wholeheartedly, so heeeeeeere's another piece of information.”

Subaru: “...What is it.”

Roswaal: “—I hired the GUTHUNTER to kill Beatrice, but both this and the previous attack from the BEASTMASTER are completely unrelated to me.”

Subaru: “—Huh?”

What more could there possibly be? Subaru had thought, his jaw dropping as Roswaal speaks. Unable to comprehend what Roswaal is saying, Subaru remains utterly still as he seeks further explanation. Roswaal closes one eye,

Roswaal: “There's nothing to add. I was the commissioner for the affair in the Capital, and requested Beatrice's assassination. But I never asked anyone to kill Frederica or Petra, and had no time to tell them the particulars. I had been following the gospel's writ and placed the order before the Selection started, you see.”

Subaru: “But, that can't... I mean, she and Elsa are from the same group! So!”

Roswaal: “Someone other than myself was operating to attack the mansion, iiiiiiiiiis what it means.”

Subaru: “—”

Roswaal: “Adversity never seems to end, and isn't there worth in resisting it?”

With that cynical statement, Roswaal's footsteps grow steadily distant.

The voice echoing through Subaru's head throws his mind into disarray as he stands, utterly still, his back leaned against the tomb's cold wall.

All the issues he had supposedly resolved still sit smouldering in his chest.

Feeling heat from the embers, Subaru clutches his head, and sighs deeply.

※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

???: “You look depressed, in fact.”

What saves Subaru, brooding as he is, is the astonished voice of a young girl.

Subaru sits there as he sees her dress sway. His gaze traces up the luxurious fabric to find an adorable face looking down at him, arms crossed.

Subaru: “Beako.”

Beatrice: “I don't know what Roswaal told you, but my contractor needs to stop making that face, I suppose. It reflects poorly on Betty, in fact.”

Subaru: “That's a real issue. And I just told you how awesome I'd be oh hell this is pathetic.”

Subaru slaps his cheeks and shakes his head.

Beatrice kneels down to reach Subaru's eye level, before narrowing her eyes.

Beatrice: “It seems that he said some terrible things, I suppose. ...I don't mind hearing out your whining, in fact. As a temporary, special service, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Just the sentence 'whining into a little girl's chest' is abysmal so I'll give that a pass. If it really is looking bad then I'll instantly be there though.”

Beatrice: “Well, if you're so inclined then I'll deal with it with you, in fact.”

Beatrice snorts as she gets to her feet. Subaru lifts himself up as well.

He looks ahead, gazing at Beatrice as she stares at the coffin.

Subaru: “...That's your mother, there.”

Beatrice: “And she isn't the Echidna that you know, I suppose.”

Neither of them know what this means.

But Beatrice is glad that she got to see her mother again, even if as a corpse. If the one sleeping here had been the Echidna that Subaru knows, 'disappointment' wouldn't be enough to describe it for Beatrice or Roswaal. Though Subaru is fine for Roswaal to do some anguishing, he doesn't want to see Beatrice in any more sorrow.

After all, Beatrice has already lost one of her desired reunions.

Subaru: “I wonder what happened to Lewes Meyer's crystal.”

Beatrice: “...I don't know, in fact.”

Murmurs Beatrice, leaving Subaru without a clue of what to do.

Echidna's laboratory rests deep in SANCTUARY's woods. Inside is a system to produce Lewes duplicates, and the original Lewes Meyer who acts as both nucleus and operations for the barrier around SANCTUARY.

A girl named Lewes Meyer is sealed in the crystal there, like this woman in the coffin. Or should be.

—Because the Lewes Meyer crystal has disappeared.

Beatrice had gone to the facility with Subaru, determine to see her old friend again, and was dumbstruck at the sight. Subaru cursed that he hadn't gone in to check the facility himself beforehand.

A giant hole gaped open on the floor where the crystal had been, both the supporting base and Lewes Meyer's body absolutely gone.

Subaru wondered whether they had fallen into the underground beneath the rancid, stinking room, and asked Emilia to sent minor spirits down to check—to no avail. Beneath the facility was a cavern that led to the forest through an underground passage.

Whoever took the crystal knew about the passage's existence, and had been waiting for the barrier to be broken before grabbing the crystal—is the only theory he can conceive.

The thief's motives aren't the issue here.

The issue is that they have stolen the chance for Beatrice to see her friend again. She may be acting strong, but she must be worried.

Subaru will get it back someday, and this reunion will occur.

He is determined for it.

Subaru: “Well I can sound as pompous as I want, I'm still insignificant by myself.”

Subaru rolls his shoulders and stretches his arms, wryly recognizing his own powerlessness.

He is relying primarily on Beatrice, but also Emilia and Garfiel for strength.

And for smarts he can depend on Otto, or loathe to say it but Roswaal. Everything else is Frederica and Petra—he truly does have others compensating for a lot.

As always, Subaru's skill and ability remains feeble and limited.

Beatrice: “Subaru, what are you grinning about, I suppose?”

Subaru: “Just thinking, there are times where you're weak and pathetic, but there's also times where you're not. All I can do is leave it to you.”

Beatrice: “It feels that I understand what you're saying, while simultaneously I don't, in fact.”

Though she cannot discern what Subaru means, Beatrice smiles, perceiving that he is counting on her. Subaru gives her a nod,

Subaru: “Well yeah,”

Subaru: “I'm not expecting you to figure out that much. It'd be pathetic if you saw through me. But anyway, man spiritualists are amazing. I've never done magic like that before, all got me really fired up.”

Beatrice: “...Ahm, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Though that was another case of be being completely dependant on you so I can't go bragging about it. I mean I can say I'm a spiritualist, but it hasn't exactly hit me yet.”

His contract with Beatrice has been consumed by the course of events around the library's collapse, making it a rather brief affair.

Though he felt a definite connection when she called his name and settled herself in his arms, which seems to be enough.

Beatrice: “Subaru. —I have something important to tell you, in fact.”

Subaru: “Hm?”

Beatrice looks serious. Subaru tilts his head, waiting for her to speak.

Beatrice: “Your contract with Betty means you're a spiritualist, but... Betty is very different from most spirits, in fact. So you would best consider yourself as being slightly different from a genuine spiritualist, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Well the other spirits I'm aware of aren't humanoid, and Puck's the only one that's sentient, talks, and moves around. So I get you're a little different.”

The only other spiritualists that Subaru knows would be Emilia and Julius.

Emilia is contracted to Puck, and also has a relationship with the minor spirits. Julius has multiple contracts with multiple lesser spirits, stronger than minor spirits, and should be operating as quite the powerful spiritualist.

One exception to the pattern is the evil spirit Betelgeux—but Subaru would rather not remember him and so he will be omitted. Exceptions are exceptions after all.

Beatrice: “Betty is... well, strictly speaking, Betty and Bubby are diverged from the principles of other spirits, in fact. Mother... the Witch Echidna made us, meaning that we are man-made spirits, I suppose. With that said, it's logistically difficult to create us by infallible means... while Betty is inestimably powerful compared to ordinary spirits, I do have some flaws, in fact.”

Subaru: “Flaws...”

Beatrice looks ashamed as Subaru voices the word.

Beatrice is prideful, and has incredible respect for her mother. It must hurt her to acknowledge that she has flaws at her most fundamental aspect.

But Beatrice casts that weakness away with a sigh,

Beatrice: “Bubby and Betty each have different flaws, but... one of my flaws is monopolization of my contractor, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Monopolization of your contractor?”

Beatrice: “Put simply, merely by preserving a contract with Betty, the contractor exhausts practically all of their capabilities as a spiritualist. So... erm, being that you're in a contract with me, Subaru, you can't contract with any spirits except Betty, I suppose. That applies be the spirit minor or lesser, in fact.”

Subaru: “...Okay, got it.”

Grasping Beatrice's point, Subaru nods several times.

Preserving a contract with Beatrice uses so much of Subaru's resources, that he has none left to contract with other spirits.

While Emilia can ask the minor spirits, rather than Puck, for their aid, Subaru is unable to do this.

Subaru: “Well that's kind of a disappointment, but I'll accept it anyway. There's heaps of benefits to a contract with you, ignoring the cons. And I'm not going to let go of you to go making contracts with some dumb minor spirits.”

Beatrice: “G-good.”

Hearing that reply, Beatrice's tense cheeks relax somewhat. But she instantly erases that expression, clears her throat, and,

Beatrice: “Th-there's still more left, I suppose. Though it's a very minor thing compared to that other one, in fact. No need to think too hard as you listen, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Okay. Well I'm drowning in stuff I don't know here so please just tell me anything.”

Beatrice: “Erm, so well, Betty is a little, yes, just a little higher grade compared to most spirits, and, erm... I have poor mileage, in fact.”

Subaru: “Mileage... makes you sound like a car.”

It takes a lot of MP to use powerful magic or summon creatures in video games. That balance between cost and power is the mileage, but why is Beatrice having such a hard time saying this?

Subaru: “Huh? But for having poor mileage you used tons of magic against the Hare, and you let me use magic too, and you weren't sapping anything from me either right?”

Beatrice: “That was using mana from the stockpile I had amassed over a long period, I suppose. Had I been taking the mana I needed for that fight, not even thousands of you would suffice, in fact.

You can thank me for that, I suppose.”

Subaru: “W-well sure. I can't imagine how strained I'd be if I tried doing any of that.”

Consecutive Meenyas and that final Al Shamac.

One Shamac is enough to exhaust Subaru's store. There is no way he could have provided for all of that.

Subaru: “But we can't keep doing that, can we? I'm your contractor, so of course I need to supply you with mana.”

Beatrice: “I'm expecting you to, in fact. Man-made spirits like Betty and Bubby are substantiated od, meaning we don't naturally produce mana, I suppose. So we need to get mana from the atmosphere or our contractor, in fact. And I can only receive my mana from people, I suppose.”

Subaru: “Okay. ...Then how were you getting by in the mansion?”

Beatrice: “...I-I was taking bits from everyone there, in fact.”

Beatrice must feel guilty about it, since she looks away as she talks.

She looks embarrassed, and her gaze grows even redder as Subaru stares at her. While Subaru doesn't white understand what nuance mana drains have among spirits, going off Beatrice's reaction, it is apparently not very good manners.

Subaru: “Anyway you look like you're very sorry about it so I won't probe into it. So supposing we save the mana you collect from me for everyday functioning, how much stored mana do you have left?”

Subaru's mana reserves are paltry and Beatrice consumes lots of mana.

Meaning that they will have to use Beatrice's powerful magic sparingly, chipping away at her reserved mana bit by bit.

So Subaru must confirm how much mana she has remaining.

Beatrice: “—None, I suppose.”

Subaru: “...Hm?”

Beatrice: “None, in fact. I used everything I stored over those four centuries in that battle, I suppose. The loss of the Forbidden Archive also took quite an amount... and that final Al Shamac was the killer, in fact. I have no mana left in reserve, I suppose.”

So, what. That means...

Beatrice has no mana stored up.

Subaru's mana is barely enough to cover Beatrice's day to day.

Beatrice consumes lots of mana, and doesn't have the mana to use her powerful magic. Subaru's contract with Beatrice means that he can't enlist the minor spirits for help.

Subaru: “So... did we just make a team of a spirit and spiritualist that can't use magic!?”

Beatrice: “W-well, I suppose that's one way you could put it, in fact.”

Subaru: “How else could you put it!? The hell! Are you kidding me, is this seriously happening!?” Going from the results, what Subaru achieved by becoming a spiritualist was acquiring a little girl. Subaru: “Actually I'm really worried about where this is going now!? Are you sure we'll be okay!?” Beatrice: “Whoopsie, I suppose.”

Subaru: “It's not funny!!”

This is the newborn pairing of two people that create half a spiritualist.

Their arguing echoes, far, far, forever through the tomb.

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