Return of the Unrivaled Spear Knight

Side Story Chapter 180

Side Story Chapter 180

Hes not the same Shining Darkness. Just like that weakling human who went down after one attack, hes just a pathetic human, Altheon thought, bolstering his confidence.

Many of the surviving demons were from the lower part of the Demon Realm. In contrast to them, Altheon had been born as the noble head of the prestigious Heavenly Demon Family.

There had been millions of demons in the Demon Realm. If the monsters without intelligence were included, the total number of life forms would be similar to the Human Realms. Regardless, only just over one thousand demons were considered to be chosen by a god, and there were less than one hundred demons of Altheons rank. The demons at the top of the social hierarchy were absolute rulers of their land and believed that only the weak formed packs. All other creatures were subjects to their reign, they believed.

It was those same aristocratic demons who approved of the three prestigious families in the Demon Realm: the Earthly Demon, Heavenly Demon, and Evil Demon Families. The Earthly Demon Family was the kingdom of devils which had been led by Urus, the second strongest demon. On the other hand, Altheon, the strongest demon, had ruled over the Heavenly Demon Family, while the Evil Demon Family had been serving the Demon Spirit for generations.

Naturally, the three families had disbanded upon the fall of the Demon Realm, but

-Im still here.

Altheon slammed his foot against the floor as Joshua approached him.

At some point, the Heavenly Demon Family had started to worship a being much like the Evil Demon Family had. That being was called the Sky of the Demon Realm despite the Demon Spirits existence, and the Heavenly Demon Family devotedly worshiped him for his power. The demons had called the being the Grand Duke, an acknowledgement of his dominion over the entire Demon Realm. When that being had disappeared, Altheon had become head of the Heavenly Demon Family and Grand Duke himself in an effort to erase all traces of that being from the family.

-Unwelcome in both realms and now just a human. That is who you are, Shining Darkness.

Rays of black light rose from the back of Altheons hands.

Two kinds of demonic power clashed with each other. Divine power was the polar opposite of the demonic power, but the chamber had already been converted into the Demon Realm. Joshua knew better than anyone else that the best choice, therefore, to deal with Altheon was demonic power, not divine power or aura. However, there was a problem that needed to be taken care of first.

-I dont think you can afford to fight me right now. It looks like your dear human wife is about to die.

Ordinary people couldnt survive in the Demon Realm, even a small fragment of it. As a matter of fact, Icarus had already been having trouble breathing after Cain and Ulabis were incapacitated. She had accumulated quite a lot of mana with Icelines help and armed herself with all sorts of artifacts, but they were of no use right now.

Tshchary and Perchilin. Turn this place back to its original state, Joshua ordered.

Perchilin stiffened awkwardly and looked at Tshchary in surprise. Since the two demons had Joshuas Overlord Symbols, they had no choice but to follow his orders.

Are you thinking of betraying me? Joshua narrowed his eyes.

-No, sir.

Once again, Tshchary was the first to regain his composure.

What are you going to do? Perchilin quickly whispered to Tshchary through telepathy.

We have to play along for the time being.

Are you an idiot? The only reason we stand a chance is because this place is now the Demon Realm. Do you think we can even imagine winning against the Shining Darkness in the normal Human Realm?

But we cant free ourselves from our Overlord Symbols right now. The moment we shed our souls again, well be completely vulnerable for at least ten minutes, Tshchary explained.

The Shining Darkness is preoccupied with Altheon, so now is our chance. When will we have a chance like this again?

How can I trust you enough to undo your Overlord Symbol?


You tried to betray me.

Perchilin gaped at him, completely dumbstruck.

You cannot be serious. If anyone else saw us right now, they would think I was the one who tried to betray first. You were tempted by Altheons shit first.

I cant believe that youre such an idiot. I was trying to find the right moment to stab him in the back.

Am I really supposed to believe that?

And you didnt seem to have any intention of letting me have Pride, either, Tshchary scoffed.

What are you talking about!

Dont even think about denying it. Do you think I'm that dumb? I saw the way you flinched.

Its true that I considered it, but only for a moment, and I couldnt help it, Perchilin awkwardly protested. Think about it. The two demons whose ranks are higher than me are coming at me, so I wanted all the help I could get!

At this point, the human woman seems more and more remarkable. She has an extraordinary skill for driving wedges between people, Tshchary mused. He glanced at Icarus, who was on the floor. Shed started everything.

She must be killed Ugh.

Whats wrong Aghh!

Perchilin and Tshchary clutched their heads. Their ill will toward Icarus and disobeying Joshuas orders triggered a splitting headache.


Perchilin screamed aloud, unable to endure the pain.

I-Im going to my mind! D-Decide quickly! Get rid of the Overlord Symbol or do something else!

You should promise befo Urgh.

Hey, you damned reaper! Im not going to get fooled twice. I dontno, cant trust demons!

What in the world are you talking about?! Youre a demon too! Tshchary snapped.

Icarus stood up as the battle was ongoing.


Are you torn? The face covered in tears was gone; Icarus stared at Perchilin and Tshchary with pursed lips. Remember what happened earlier.


Cant you tell whats going to happen when one of them wins?

Perchilin and Tshchary flinched.

You dont even have to think about what will happen when His Majesty wins since it seems you two are obligated to follow his orders for some reason. If you disobey, even your lives are at risk, Icarus said, incisive as always. It doesnt matter even if the fight ends in a draw and both of them end up mortally wounded. You two have to come up with a way out before the battle ends You wont even be able to dream about it when your lives are at risk right now.

-We can let Altheon have all our Evil Sins and stop that from happening.

Perchilin gave Tshchary a surprised look. He was asking her to hand her Sloth and Lust over to Altheon.

-Tshchary! What the hell are you talking about?

-Is there any other way?

-B-But Altheon is

-Altheons ultimate goal is to make the entire Human Realm into the Demon Realm, which means its similar to our goal. Its a much better option than living as a humans slave for the rest of our lives.

That silenced Perchilin, but it wasnt nearly enough to deter Icarus.

Youre worried because you might be betrayed and end up dead after losing your Evil Sins. Im sure that you already know from your experience that demons arent trustworthy beings.

Icarus was bad mouthing demons to demons, making Perchilin shake her head in disbelief.

-For goodnesss sake.

So stop pretending to be friends and make a deal, Icarus suggested. You two arent even good at acting like friends.

-What deal?

Tshchary tilted his head in confusion.

From what I heard, Perchilin wants the powers of Sloth and Lust, while its the power of Pride for Tshchary, yes?

The demons blinked in surprise once again, this time because Icarus remembered their names. Of course, that was nothing special for Icarus; she never forgot what she saw or heard.

First of all, give up Pride, Perchilin. You already have two Evil Sins, dont you? Youre acting too greedy after Tshcharys made plenty of compromises.

-I-I only thought about it! If things hadnt turned out this way, I never would have dreamed about it!

Yes, I believe you. And Tshchary. Icarus looked at the reaper. I wont ask you to trust Perchilin again. You should put the cards you have on the table. For example, you dont have to tell Perchilin how to undo whatever oath youre under until Pride is firmly in your hands

Tshchary was visibly taken aback. He and Perchilin had talked using telepathy for a reason. How did this human woman know that they discussed the method to undo their Overlord Symbols?

Icarus glanced back at Ulabis and then pressed her hands together with a desperate look. I beg of you. That greedy demon Altheon will try to take everything, but I can promise you that youll have all the Evil Sins you want if His Majesty wins.

-How are we supposed to trust you? You told us to make a deal, but you seem to contradict yourself.

No, I also offer this deal because I want to save my friend, no matter what it takes. I could never miss this golden opportunity, Icarus told them, her eyes burning with fervor.

-That is why Im telling you that youre just daydream

Ill persuade His Majesty to give the Evil Sins to you two by any means necessary.

-I dont trust humans empty promises.

Tshchary shook his head without a moments hesitation.

Its not an empty promise, Icarus said with a firm voice. She placed her hand over her heart. Ill also make a Mana Pledge.

-A Mana Pledge?

Yes. Icarus nodded with a faint smile. This is a binding oath that is similar to yours. If I dont uphold my Mana Pledge, all the mana Ive accumulated until now will scatter. Of course, you two demons are formidable, so my mana wouldnt mean anything to you. In fact, it might seem ludicrous, but we human knights and mages believe that its better to lose our heads than to lose our precious mana.

Perchilin and Tshchary looked at each other. The witch subtly inclined her head at Tshchary, meaning that Icarus was speaking the truth. As Perchilin had Lusts memory, she was well aware of humans traits.

How does my proposal sound? Icarus asked.

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