Return of the Unrivaled Spear Knight

Side Story Chapter 157

Side Story Chapter 157

-Terbion was killed by a human?

The humans werent the only ones who were surprised by Terbions death. Even the demons obsessing over Longin turned to look.

-Hes an embarrassment to us all.

-Would someone go and take care of those humans already? They might cause a bigger problem.

-Aere, drop the act. I can see what youre doing.

-Hehe. Was I that obvious?

-Youve been unable to take your eyes off the spear, so its impossible not to see

Even though the ten demons had become nine now, they were only mildly curious. Despite the loss of their comrade, the demons remained nonchalant.

Your Highness? Valmont cautiously approached Kireua but flinched in surprise. There was nothing but darkness in Kireuas eyes. His dark eyesno, it was safe to say that they were demonic eyestriggered humans primordial fears.

Am I looking at Prince Kireua?

Valmont blinked and Kireuas eyes were back to their original state.

Sir Valmont, Kireua said.

Huh? Uh, yes, Your Highness.

Our soldiers morale is very high right now, so lets use this opportunity to open the gates.

Ah, of course, thanks to you Excuse me? Open the gates?

Valmont couldnt believe his ears. Everyone knew that their fortifications were giving them an advantage. In addition, the entirety of Arcadia would turn into a battlefield if they opened the gates, putting ordinary citizens at risk.

Your Highness, Im sorry to tell you this, but no matter how good things are going right now, I dont believe theres any need to take that risk. Valmont shook his head.

He was always honest and didnt hesitate to give his forthright opinion to whomever he was talking to. When it was wrong, Valmont had to say no. Besides, most of the people on the street were children and people who didnt know how to fight.

This is the only way to make other kings take action, Kireua said.

Other kings?

Every person on the continent should know about this battle since its between such a large group of undead and humans, but whoever steps in first is going to shed the most blood. If other countries continue to remain spectators, Avalon will be the one who receives the most damage.

A-Although I understand what youre talking about, I think that we wont even need to consider that choice if we take care of all the undead right now. Itll increase our nations prestige to new heights, Valmont refuted, trying to calm Kireua down.

The undead here arent the end.


Since Evil Sins' powers have appeared in our lands, all of the undead on the continent will come swarming to Avalon, and we wont be enough to deal with all of them.

Valmont understood what Kireua meant but was still hesitant to carry out Kireuas order. The possibility of a massacre taking place in the center of Arcadia was too much for him.

Your Highness, they will have to take action now unless theyre crazy. The next target could be them, so how could they afford to remain idle? Valmont asked, attempting to persuade Kireua again.

You still dont understand, do you, Sir Valmont? Humans arent altruistic creatures. As a matter of fact, theyre the most selfish creatures in the world.

Depends on people

You must have seen it during the Hubalt Empires recent invasion.

Valmont went silent. He had to admit it. After becoming the strongest country on the continent, Hubalt had invaded Avalon without any justification, and Avalons foreign guests had insisted on remaining spectators that day. The invasion hadnt been much of a threat to their own countries at the time, and they must have concluded that helping Avalon wasnt beneficial. The same situation was playing out now.

Some of the delegations havent returned to their countries yet and remain in Arcadia. If they dont feel the danger, then we should make them. Kireua glanced at Arcadia.

Goosebumps ran down Valmonts arms. Although everything that Kireua said held merit, it was still a horrifyingly cold conclusion. Valmont understood the necessity, but his heart didnt agree. While Kireua sounded rational, it was somewhat unreasonable.

Open the gates, Sir Valmont, Kireua continued.

Your Highness

This is an order, not a request.

Valmont bit his lip, wracked by indecision. He was unexpectedly saved by Selim, the other prince of Avalon.

Stop. Thats enough, Selim interrupted with a frown.

Stay out of this.

Why did you change all of a sudden? Are you really the Kireua that I know?

You should also remember that a ruler must look at the forest, not a tree. Nothing comes for free in politics, Kireua snapped.

It looks like I was wrong about you. Selim stabbed his bloody spear into the ground. I really was going to hand over the throne to you because I thought you would make a better ruler than me. He heaved a sigh. He meant what he said; Selim was hardwired to be a martial artist and didnt likein fact, hatedthe mind games in politics. Swinging his spear and striving to reach the next level was far more fulfilling and enjoyable for Selim.

How funny. The Kireua Sanders that youve seen until now was a coward who fled to another country due to his incompetence, wasnt he? Kireua scoffed.

Why would you say such a thing?

Im telling you not to act condescending in front of me, Selim Sanders.

Selims lips trembled.

Sir Valmont, what are you doing? Are you going to defy orders?

I said, enough. You talk as if you were His Majesty.

His Majesty is currently away right now, so isnt it only right for the Prince to stand in his place?

By that logic, I believe that I have the same rights. Sir Valmont, dont open the gate. Thats an order.

An intense staredown started between Kireua and Selim.

U-Umm Valmont turned to look at Tremblin pleadingly, but Tremblin quietly shook his head. The duke was making it clear at the outset that there was nothing he could do right now. The Emperor of Avalon had declared that he was going to bequeath the throne to one of the two princes, so a third party couldnt rashly intervene lest they weaken the power of the Imperial Family.

I have no intention of letting Avalon suffer the damages of this alone. If no one is willing to do it, Ill open the gates myself. Kireua strode toward the castle gate in spite of the undead crawling around the castle gate like an army of ants.

However, Kireua was stopped shortly after because he could feel murderous energy from behind him.

Dont do anything youll regret, Selim. You wont be able to deal with the consequences.

Right back at you.

Kireua slowly turned, his sword already drawn, and he released a tempest of his aura.

This is for the better, really. We can use this opportunity to finish our fight. The winner is going to be the next emperor, yes?

Thats exactly what I was thinking.

The two princes energies ferociously clashed in the center of the battlefield.

W-We should stop this! Valmont urged Tremblin.

Mmm. Tremblin grunted.

Slap! Slap!

Kireua and Selims heads snapped to the side. They froze, their eyes wide.

What are you two doing?

Yo-Your Majesty Iceline! Valmont heaved a sigh of relief. He felt a thick trace of mana nearby that must have been created by Icelines teleportation.

What a disgrace. If anyone saw you two right now, they would think the war is over, Iceline scolded the two Princes, her eyes cold.

Selim lowered his head guiltily, but Kireua was still expressionless.

Both of you shall follow Duke Tremblins orders during this war since experience is something that can always be relied upon, Iceline firmly stated. Duke Tremblin, can I ask you to take care of them?

All you need to do is order me, Your Majesty. Tremblin smiled gently.

Although Iceline nodded confidently, her lips were trembling faintly. What shed caught of the princes conversation left her in shock.

I cant believe Kireua had such a side Iceline thought. This kind of news should be shared with the other Queen Consorts. Since Icarus was proficient in politics and management, she could assess the situation more objectively than the others. Of course, Iceline could never tolerate risking Avalons citizens in order to involve other countries in the war, so the whole plan sounded preposterous to her.

Im sure that His Majesty wouldnt make such a decision either.

Iceline let out a sigh and looked back and forth between the two Princes. Why are you two not answering me? Does a Queen Consorts order mean nothing to you?

N-No, Your Majesty. Selim took his spear and quickly went over to Tremblin.

Why havent I heard your answer, Prince Kireua?

Yes, Your Majesty, Kireua quietly responded, and then turned away from the gates and toward the demons. Thanks to His Majestys undead legion, the tide of the battle has turned in our favor again, so Im trying to use this opportunity to exterminate the rest of the demons. Can I ask for your permission on this?

Well Iceline trailed off. She had witnessed Kirueas skill from the sky, but she was still concerned. She had witnessed the entire fight, she now knew how terrifying these demons were, but she didnt want Kireua to lose face by instantly turning him down.

Kireua, I hope you wont worry too much about Iceline suddenly stopped talking, her lips quivering with new anxiety.

Your Majesty? Tremblin noticed her behavior first and tilted his head in confusion.

Iceline blankly opened her mouth.


What? The group looked at her, shocked.

Tell the soldiers to open the gates right now, Sir Valmont. This is an order.

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