ReLife Player

Chapter 844

Relife Player 844(a)

[Chapter 211]

[Chill Horse (4)]

It was difficult to expect support from players.

As Jinseo-na ran with her mother in her arms, she made sure that there was no hole through the department store.

A terrorist attack of this magnitude has taken place.

They would have noticed the situation from the outside and sent reinforcements, but can they break through all of them?

It’s impossible.

The average rank of the monster group seemed to be roughly the 6th tier overrank.

A lot of 5th and 4th tier monsters were mixed.

With those guys filling the inside of the department store and blocking the road, it seemed like it would take time for the players to infiltrate.

Buy people buy… R… Uh…!!

Kwaduk kwajik!!

The situation was so dangerous.

She, too, was in a hurry to protect herself.

She averted her eyes from the sight of a woman who came out from under the table to ask for help and was eaten by monsters.

Not Caesar Hopper.

What the hell is that thing?

I had to run away at once.

Jinseo-na gritted her teeth.

The man following her from behind at a terrifying speed was truly terrifying.

She moved her feet when she felt the presence of a persistent pursuit of her coming downstairs.

Fortunately, it seems that he is less agile than Caesar Hopper.

The only relief is that the man chasing him is slow.

In fact, it was ambiguous to say that it was slow.

The man was obviously fast.

It’s just that the man was distracted by consuming the human he could see during the chase.

It’s fortunate that his intelligence is low… but

the attacks were useless. If you get caught by that guy, your limbs will be torn apart.

I don’t know how many have already died.

And she was prolonging life at the expense of them.

It wasn’t a very good feeling.

Guilt pricked his chest.

However, she was helpless because she had no strength to deal with men.


-Stand up… Is that person still chasing you?

…I was bullied once, but I’m not going to back down. I guess I liked it.

That’s right…

Jinseo-na was protecting her mother.

Her course of action was clear.

Protect yourself first and protect your mother second.

Protecting people from being bitten by locusts was the next priority.

…I guess I still have a little affection for this person.

In that sense, it was surprising that Jinseo-na was protecting her mother even when she was running away for her life.

If he abandoned his mother and ran away, he could pass through the locusts and get out of the department store.

But Jinseo couldn’t do that.

While avoiding the man’s pursuit, she tried to save anyone she could and was trying to protect her mother.

She had no sense of justice.

It was Jung that moved her.

Or you could call it compassion.

Either way, she harbored a feeling that she never wanted to give up on her mother.

Listen mom.

…uh? Seona, you just…

just got telepathic contact with the outside world and were able to convey the current situation. Still, telepathic information has limits in explaining the situation. I don’t even have enough money for that. So, when I meet the players, I want my mom to tell me in detail about the culprit behind this scam.

what does that mean?

Soon the players will be drilling a hole in the wall over there. It’s temporary, but a hole in the wall will make a way out.

Then shouldn’t we just get out there together!?

I am also a player first.

I came down to the children’s clothing store.

Hell was unfolding.

Parents were lying on the floor trying to protect their children.

Naturally, the placenta was facing death while the parents gave up their backs.

The children’s cries were loud.

Jinseo-na checked the number of people still alive and realized that she couldn’t run away anymore.

It was not that a sense of justice reared its head, but compassion for her who liked children.

So please take care of me, mom.

I can’t stand it! Just like me… Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Jinseo-na telepathically signaled the player outside.

One, two, three.

The outer wall she was aiming for exploded.

Fragments of the outer wall bounced sporadically, and the Hopper-type monsters were startled and avoided their seats.

In the meantime, she ran towards the hole and threw the mother she was holding.

It was 5 stories high.

I was worried inside, but I’m sure the player below will accept it well.


—At that time, I won’t let you go.

I didn’t want to admit it.

No, I had to admit it.

The fact that he had two mothers, not one.

Now, with the hole on his back, he glared at the monsters.

Just buy time until reinforcements come inside.

Jinseo-na repeated to herself.

She was a telepath.

Often intertwined with the Navigator, she was knowledgeable about monsters.

I had dealt with Hopper-type monsters a few years ago.

Of course, he knew very well which attack they were most vulnerable to.


Jinsanna started a fire.

Pandora Clan members now knew how to handle fire magic to some extent.

It was because the understanding of fire magic increased in the process of reconciling the will with the galaxy.

She manifested her mana and set the flying ones on fire.

Her fire, of course, was weak.

Monsters with higher ranks did not budge from her fire.

It didn’t matter though.

Gift < Somatotropin >

Mode: Komorebi Kitsune Jinseo

I activated a gift.

her body has grown.

Clan uniforms were also modified accordingly.

Jinseo-na, whose tail had grown into three, waved her hands.

The fire grew stronger.


Fifth Rank Komorebi Kitsune.

Jin Seo-na, whose monster factor became stronger, stood out in magic.

In particular, he showed excellence in fantasy magic and transformation magic.

So, the intensification of the fire was only the beginning.


She activated her transformation magic.

Her transformation magic allowed her to deal with the power and providence of a subject she knew well.

Of course, the power is greatly reduced.

You have to transform into a person who can overcome this situation now.

Become an incredibly strong person while winning against monsters.

Jinseo-na focused her mind.

There was no need to worry.

In the first place, the person she mainly transforms into was decided.

Now I could transform comfortably without having to concentrate.

A symbol that will never be defeated.

A strong man who can overcome any crisis.

Someone you can rely on at any time.

─Blast Cross

< Cardinal > Noh Eun-ha.

Transformed into Noh Eun-ha wearing a mantle of flame, she immediately swung her sword.

Even though the power was nerfed, the swordsman burned the monsters.

Fox…. I wanted to eat it….

Around that time, he appeared.

Jinsona looked at the man wearing Caesar Hopper’s armor and made a hard expression.

How long can you last?

Reinforcements should come quickly…

A terrorist attack on the subway.

All Son Ga-yeon could do was keep the monsters in check while waiting for ordinary people to find a way to the ground.

done! Run this way!

Players, come quickly!

Fortunately, people found a way out.

They stomped over the rubble and rumbled up.

Son Ga-yeon faced the monsters with them behind.

I can’t help myself.

Especially the one who is causing the omnipresence over there, I can’t help it.

There was no time to change ammunition.

After all, mana was made into a bullet and he was pulling the trigger.

Snipers were vulnerable in close combat.

Although he learned gun kata, the effect was not expected to be great.

At best, it would only create a safe distance by pushing the monsters away.

In such a state, there was no way I could deal with the man on the opposite track.

La la la…

“I’m fine. Rather than that, la la, you too, quickly go upstairs.」

La la la!

She is aware of her role.

His role was to guard the way for people to ascend to the surface.

Son Ga-yeon, who started to lose her strength, decided to send her up.

But Lara shook her head and refused to get out of her pocket.

Expression of intention to go up together.

She gave up trying to convince Lara.

not human

Humans can’t handle omnipresence freely.

But it’s not a monster…

Meanwhile, Son Ga-yeon’s thoughts were heading towards the man.

The man with dyed hair was creating ubiquity with both hands, adding to the confusion.

The players were dealing with the man, but they couldn’t beat him.

It was then.

The man jumped up.


There was a hole in the ceiling.

The man went upstairs.

Son Ga-yeon was taken aback when she saw it.

Presumably by the man’s ability, he was trying to create omnipresence from above.


A little while ago, people climbed up.

The latitude situation will most likely be congested.

Monsters must have been appearing upstairs, eating people’s anxiety.

If the man’s ability was added to it, the upper floor would become a mess.

You have to go up and block it.

All players noticed.

They climbed through the hole in the ceiling.

Son Ga-yeon also sent the last remaining person upstairs and went upstairs.



People scream and run away.

The monsters chase after them excitedly.

And the man was creating omnipresence and creating monsters.

This is chaos! Do you know how hard it was for me to hide quietly all this time!?

The man bursts into laughter.

Ga-yeon Son kicked the side of the monster that was chasing the woman who was running away.


The monster recognized her as food.

She hit him with her rifle and then shot him as his feet lifted off the ground.

Leaving behind the disappearing monster, she pulled the monster’s aggro to buy people time to escape.


The monsters came out endlessly.

There was no way out of the situation unless the man was knocked down.

However, even approaching the man was difficult.



Quiet! You keep your mouth shut and hide there. see you later I hate mom! go with me!

Can you play hide and seek?


A mother and daughter caught my eye.

The woman avoided the monsters’ gaze and put the child into the fire hydrant.

It was a smart way.

A situation where monsters are scattered everywhere.

Both the child and the mother could lose their lives if they ran with a slow-footed child or ran while carrying it.

So locking the child in the fire hydrant was surprisingly effective.

If you hold on, reinforcements will come and if they sort out the situation, the child will be safe.

You know what Ga-yeon’s mother said, right?

never make a sound

But that touched Ga-yeon Son’s trauma.

Witnessing the sight, she couldn’t take her eyes off the woman who lured the monsters away with a loud voice.


the mother and that woman overlapped.

A child trapped in a fire hydrant reminded me of myself as a child.

And the monsters chasing that woman ate her parents—.


When the thought got to that point.

Son Ga-yeon awakened herself from being consumed by trauma.

A voice burst out.

The horse fell sparsely.

She took a sniper stance, not even knowing that she had spoken.

Her eyes sharpened.

I don’t want to be as helpless as I was back then.

will kill

That I would get rid of all the monsters that hurt my parents.

Why did you become a player?

to kill monsters.

I became a player so as not to repeat the past, where I was helplessly hiding in a closet and trembling.

However, should we be left blankly watching a situation similar to the past?

I never wanted to.

Gift < Metabolism >

Heat Beam

To say goodbye to the past.

Son Ga-yeon pulled the trigger.

The moment the trigger was pulled, no children were trembling in the closet.

In her heart, the child was jumping out of the closet and shooting at the monster that was about to attack her mother.



A gun is a good weapon.

This is because it can pierce the eyeballs of hated monsters.

Son Ga-yeon burst the eyes of the guy who ran into the woman.

The bullet that blew one eye blew the other eye in an instant, cutting off the monster’s breath.

Phew…. la la la!

“I’m fine, thank you.”

Without realizing that he said it unintentionally.

Son Ga-yeon smiled at Lara’s cheering in her pocket.

Soon she was greeted by the woman’s eyes and walked to the fire hydrant.

I decided to protect the child in the fire hydrant as if it were my life.

To do that—.

—As expected, we have to defeat that person.

The situation had to be quelled by killing the omnipresent man.

Ga-Yeon Son took her rifle and aimed at the man who was overpowering the players.

huh? What? you want to shoot me? okay! Take a shot! Ahahaha!!

A man entered the scope.

The man noticed her gaze.

he was laughing

Rather, he told me to shoot between his eyebrows and even let me know with his fingers.

Son Ga-yeon was not subjected to psychological warfare.

Control your breathing.

Calmly reload bullets.

La La La ♪

Then La La sat on the rifle.

Her body radiated light.


Before you know it, Lara and the pass are connected.

Ga-yeon Son quickly accepted the changes that were happening to her.

Starting with the rifle, her body is covered with some machines.

As it transforms into a form equipped with weapons, wings sprout from its back.

It was a wing reminiscent of a butterfly.

Machina Sniper

Lara was an unusual

phantom beast.

She used to lend her powers to her clanmates.

Her powers are reminiscent of fairies and act to be reborn to suit the character of the player.

Son Ga-yeon, who became one of Lara’s contractors, immediately shot the man.

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