ReLife Player

Chapter 841

Relife Player 841

[Chapter 211]


Eunhyuk Choi pursues justice.

His justice was in the pursuit of reason.

benevolence and agreement.

Inhyeop (仁俠) was what Hwang Jin-hee, his mentor and living legend, pursued.

His justice was completed as he was taught by Hwang Jin-hee.

‘Then send me to Uijeongbu too. I’ll lead them and fight.’

That’s why Choi Eun-hyeok often bumped into Eun-ha.

It’s often been like that since sharing the sword with Eunha at the Academy General Division Competition.

Choi Eun-hyeok, who found his own justice, was no longer swayed by Eun-ha’s justice.

Sometimes compromised, sometimes conflicted.

However, Choi Eun-hyeok could not compromise on the death of Lee Cheon-seo and the dispatch of new recruits to Uijeongbu.

‘Yes, do as you like.’

for this day only.

The two couldn’t back down from each other.

The two definitions were different.

If Choi Eun-hyeok pursued humane cooperation, Eun-ha pursued defeat.

No compromise could exist.

That’s why they decided to split up to pursue each other’s justice at the end of the conflict.


After that day, the atmosphere in Pandora Clan cooled even more.

People often looked at Eun-ha and Choi Eun-hyuk.

Then, the day came when Choi Eun-hyeok served as Baek Ui-jong.

Early moning.

After arming himself, Eunhyuk Choi looked around the clan hall.


Clan members were outside to see Eunhyuk Choi off.

There was also a galaxy in its place.

The atmosphere was solemn.

It wasn’t a good spot.

The faces of Choi Eun-hyeok and other clan members leaving for Uijeongbu were dark.

The people who saw them off were similar.

I mean, it was a dispatch, but it was actually an exile.

no one knew


Oh Eunha

Then Eunha moved on.

He approached Eunhyuk Choi.

He immediately held out his hand.

be careful.

…thank you.

The two have been ignoring each other for a while.

Eunha couldn’t understand Eunhyuk, and Eunhyuk couldn’t understand Eunha either.

There was a wall between the two.

However, as the day of Choi Eun-hyuk serving as Baek Ui-jong approached, Eun-ha could no longer ignore Choi Eun-hyuk.

Choi Eunhyuk was the same.

The galaxy could no longer be ignored.

So we joined hands.

It’s not too late even now


You don’t have the heart to change your mind?

Eunha asked with a hard face.

Choi Eunhyuk knew.

It was Eunha’s consideration.

Eunha was not this kind of person.

He had a disposition like a knife to a person who had once lost his heart.

The case of Cheonseo Lee was an example.

That’s why Choi Eun-hyeok was very grateful for Eun-ha’s consideration and felt sorry at the same time.

sorry. but this is my way I can’t do anything that stabs me in the heart.

you’ve been like that since long ago

I know. Is it really the same? Aren’t you crazy? That would be stupid by my standards. But by your standards, it’s something you have to do.

that’s right.

It’s really… frustrating.

It’s because it’s already over.

The two chatted lightly.

Eunha let go of her hand.

If you have any difficulties there, please contact me. I… I’ll do something for you.

Then give some support to the kids.

I’m sorry, but that won’t work.

You are also really frustrated.

You can, but they can’t. OK got it. Thank you though.

The two forced a laugh.

This was the best option.

The two did not want to fight for their own justice.

But there was no compromise.

So I had no choice but to part like this.



They patted each other on the shoulder.

There was no right answer in justice.

Justice was like a belief.

In their hearts, they prayed for each other to live a life worthy of their beliefs.

Although the relationship between Clan Lord and Sub Lord caused friction.

It wasn’t that the friendship was broken.


Eunhyuk Choi was about to leave.

Then he felt a gaze.

Choi Eun-hyeok, who was about to turn around, saw people in front of the hall to see them off.

One person caught my eye.



They looked at each other silently.

Soon, Choi Eun-hyeok laughed wimpily and Jin-seo-na waved softly.

Serena, you’re staying in the clan.

It wasn’t just the galaxy.

The definition between himself and Jinseo-na was also different.

His justice existed for the good of all.

On the other hand, her justice existed only for the happiness of her people.

That was the reason why one person was dispatched to Uijeongbu and the other person chose to work at the clan headquarters.

She didn’t understand him.

He didn’t understand her either.

The two found a difference in values in the most important part.

It was a gap that could not be filled.

‘What if.’


‘There are two tracks here, and bombs have been planted on the tracks. Among them, you must choose one of the two tracks to save the people tied to the tracks.’


‘There are 100 people tied to one track. On the other side, only one person is tied. Which one do you want?’

‘It’s a difficult choice… Either way, it doesn’t change that people die.’

‘That’s right. But what if that one person is me?’


‘Can you save me even if you give up the lives of 100 people?’


‘I can do it.’

She had asked before.

At that time, Choi Eun-hyeok was able to quickly answer that it was natural.

But I hesitated for a moment, and that was the end.

Jinseo had pierced his heart, and that’s why he didn’t talk about it anymore.

Choi Eun-hyeok didn’t even try to bring it up in front of her.

It was an issue that had been neglected for a long time between the two.

guys let’s go “Your subload!!”

Please don’t call me a subloader anymore. I’m just your guide.

It was also the cause that they did not make progress in their relationship from sometime.

were afraid of each other.

The moment the relationship showed progress, it was obvious that the problem that had been neglected would come up again.

So I couldn’t go further.

We didn’t want to hurt each other.

I didn’t want to get hurt.

They were selfish and selfless towards each other.

Eventually, Eunhyuk Choi turned his back.

Choi Eun-hyeok resigned from the sub-road.

Choi Eun-hyeok said he wanted to become a pure clan member and lead the clan members to the northern part of Uijeongbu with him.

All of the subloads, including Eunha, had to accept Choi Eunhyuk’s will.

Choi Eun-hyuk’s heart has left.

It was unavoidable.

do this

what’s this?

what do you have to do It was the job that Eunhyuk was in charge of.

After Choi Eun-hyeok left for Uijeongbu.

The atmosphere in the Clan Hall was gloomy.

However, it slowly returned to normal over the course of a few days.

Even if you don’t know the seat of the person who entered, it didn’t last long to hear that you know the seat of the person who left.

They slowly became accustomed to and filled the place they left.

Under such circumstances, Mok Min-ho brought work to Eun-ha.

This is a subload job.

So you want to see us? …….

After all, it’s like Choi Eun-hyeok resigned from the Sub-Road because of you. Until Eunhyuk fills the vacancy.

OK got it. I can’t help it.

Eunha meekly understood.

I couldn’t pull out the subload right away.

There was a meeting between the subloads, and there were many things to be done right away.

In the end, Eun-ha had to take over Choi Eun-hyuk’s work while confined to her office.

This guy… he was doing this.

As Choi Eunhyuk’s job was replaced.

Eunha was able to know what he had been doing for Pandora Clan.

It was mainly managed by new clan members.

Eun-ha read the report he had written and suddenly remembered a thought she had forgotten.

As the size of the clan grew, I did end up giving up on the newcomers at some point.

It’s not just Lee Cheon-seo’s fault.

He also had his own faults.

I ran too far ahead and didn’t pay attention to the people following me from afar.

Ji-hyeok, Shin-ji, Yu-bin…

Eun-ha soon fell in love with reading the activity reports of the clan members who joined this year.

There were many interesting stories.

Above all, there were so many stories of innocent times that you and your friends no longer felt.

Eunha smiled.

I’ll have to pay some attention to the newcomers.

The galaxy has awakened from inertia.

The other clan members did the same.

The purge of Lee Cheon-seo and the resignation of Choi Eun-hyeok taught them many lessons.

Thus passed the second quarter, the beginning of summer.

Around that time, Jin Seo-na took the place of Choi Eun-hyuk as a sub-roader.

Time has passed and the time has come to dispatch guest instructors to the Player Academy.

In Pandora Clan, No Eun-ah Joarairiya will go as a guest instructor.

As the three moved to the academy, the Pandora Clan’s workload increased.

Around that time, Eunha also visited the academy for the first time in a while.

Eunha why did you come here? Recently, I haven’t been able to contact you….

It’s been a while since I came to see you. Isn’t the life of an instructor difficult? After that, where is the hard work? That’s okay, tell me the purpose you came here. There’s no way you’ll come here so suddenly.

I can’t stand my sister.

Eun-ha found Shin Seo-yeong.

Shin Seo-young greeted Eun-ha and gave him a seat.

Eun-ha sat on the sofa and got to the point while eating the refreshments she had prepared for her.

I came to the academy today because I wanted to recruit someone.

I’m sure you don’t know… Don’t you know the rule that recruitment is only possible after the cultural festival? Also, people from your clan have already come to the academy as guest instructors.

Do you really need to come?

Seoyoung Shin expressed her doubts.

Her question was valid.

Currently, it was not the recruiting period, and even if Eunha did not come to recruit, the guest instructors would take care of it.

However, the person Eunha wanted to recruit was not a student.

—I came to recruit my older sister.

what? me?

your sister

Eunha put down her coffee cup.

Seoyoung Shin blinked her eyes.

He hadn’t even thought that he would be singled out.

The galaxy grew.

I sent Eunhyuk to Uijeongbu before and I was in charge of the work Eunhyuk had been doing.


Seoyoung Shin found her composure.

She crossed her arms and crossed her legs as if to listen.

Eunha explained the situation.

However, as the number of clan members increased, I realized that it was difficult for Bruno to train the children alone. In the first place, Uncle Bruno can’t even teach magic.

So you’re going to take me to the magic advisor and teach the kids magic?

yes that’s right. As the clan grows, I need to find someone I can trust, but my sister comes to mind. Noona is a player in this field.

After Choi Eun-hyeok left for Uijeongbu.

The galaxy decided to reorganize the clan.

All the executives agreed.

In that sense, the existence of Shin Seo-young was very helpful.

Shouldn’t you be thinking about retiring from being an academy instructor? It’s been a while since I worked here.

Who told me to retire? If I put my mind to it, I can communicate and become the principal.

And you’re going to die managing over 3000 students.


On the other hand, Seoyoung Shin made a face that wasn’t too grim.

It was smoke.

Eunha couldn’t have known.

Shin Seo-young is trying to bounce on purpose to raise her ransom.

If they offered better conditions than now, there was a high possibility that they would come over.

As expected—.

─I’ll treat you three times the wages you’re getting now. I’m not looking at this. 3 times, 3 times.

…was your money that much? Do you know how much my salary is?

Even if my sister is paid the most among the instructors at the academy, where can it be as much as the wages paid by the business group? Even without that, we have a lot of money right now.

…Come to think of it, sea water devices were selling like hot cakes.

Even though it’s a side income, it’s salty. And there is even a tax revenue from Jung-gu, Yongsan-gu. There are many more besides side income. So you can pay.

I have known Seoyoung Shin for a long time.

Eunha didn’t want to reconsider.

So, he decided to promise Shin Seo-young the best conditions and treatment.

Seoyoung Shin was attracted to her.


You will have to formally write a contract, but magic advisors will be guaranteed an executive position or higher on an equal basis with technical advisors. It means that all authority and treatment are received above that of an executive.

Not bad. Alright, then I’ll join your clan from next year.

I made a good decision. I’ll send the contract sooner or later through my older sister, who is a guest instructor.

From now on, I’m going to eat one pot rice.

I wish you well in the future.

It didn’t take long.

Shin Seo-yeong did not ponder for long.

she accepted the offer.

After that, the two had a pleasant conversation and spent time.

Then, it was when Eun-ha came out of Shin Seo-young’s lab.


In an empty hallway.

Suddenly, I felt a strong energy.

Feeling the energy, Eun-ha quickly took damage and blocked the attack from behind.

Then he threw his capital into the air.


This guy… Hey, he almost died.

Eunha hyung as expected! do you avoid this? No one at the academy could escape my attacks.

It was Urbaneer, who turned 18 this year.

Abenir, who had been hit hard on the back by Eunha, appeared from the air.

Providence of the King of the Third Tier Lizards.

Abenir, who absorbed some of that providence when he was young, had a talent for making his body invisible.

As for the galaxy, it was just scary.

Really, I almost died.

It was Eunha’s honest feelings.

It was useful to avoid the heavy blow that approached without warning.

Eun-ha was disgusted and hit Abenir one more time.

Aww! Don’t hit me brother!

you must be right Excluding the idiot hyung, I’m saying to control your strength well. Because you really have the power to break a man’s head with one punch. So I did it to my brother… Ah!

I’m getting a little more gentle now.

Ugh, okay…

After graduating from the academy, it was confirmed that Avenir would join Pandora Clan.

Eunha was satisfied with the idea of recruiting a mass of superpowers.

I shouldn’t keep him under my exclusive possession, but I should make Baekryeon or the children to be born in the future.

Oh, Seoyoung noona should use it too.

The use of Avenir was decided.

Ha Baek-ryun’s escort and the children’s escort.

Eunha was thinking of using Avenir for personal use.

It was Giulietta and Bruno’s wish, but it was also the wish of Avenir himself.

Eunha tapped him on the shoulder.

One year left now. Don’t make an accident, graduate safely and enlist. huh! okay! Just trust me!

But how many brooches do you wear on your school uniform?

Oh this? It’s a battle badge!

Medal of battle?

Hear what he said right after.

Eunha stuck out her tongue.

There was no strong player in this academy that could surpass Avenir.

Jung Ha-yang’s stomach swelled.

A baby is due early next year.

As a result, Jeong Ha-yang was slowly preparing for the takeover.

Even if I step back for a while, I have to take over well so that there is no gap in your work. So don’t worry.

don’t worry about that Even if you’re not there, the twins and Taehee and other people will take good care of you. So Hayang, take care of your body first.

After taking care of Noh Yoo-seong, Eun-ha would visit Jeong Ha-yang.

On this day too, Eun-ha went to Jeong Ha-yang and often touched her belly.

She was organizing the bookshelves.

Even though Eun-ha touched her belly, she quickly got up when she tried to put a book on the bookshelf.

give me Because I will. You sit down and tell me where to plug it in.

Hehe, did I take good care of my husband?

Did you know that now? This?

Oh, there’s that… It’s the book over there that needs to be put on the second bookshelf from the left. Put that in later and organize the bookshelf in front of you first. I’ll sort it out. Honey, just plug it in.

There are only two of them on the bookshelf.

Jung Ha-yang has been showing aegyo.

Eunha pulled her round face and burst into laughter.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Soon after, Eun-ha started organizing the books as Jung Ha-yang told her to do.

That was then.

Jung Ha-yang suddenly asked a question.

if it is huh.

Assuming the villains plant bombs on two tracks and a train passes over them. Where did you hear that example? was it a movie When we were in elementary school, teacher Lim Do-hoon showed us a movie saying that progress was over. That’s the situation in the movie.

Was it however?

There are people tied to each track, but there are 100 people on one track and only 1 on the other. If you could only save one side at this time, which one would you choose?

Is it a utilitarian problem?

The greatest happiness of the greatest number.

The issue Jeong Ha-yang brought up was related to utilitarianism.

Eunha, who was tidying up the bookshelf, came up with an answer that probably many people would say at the end of her thoughts.

If you could only choose one side, wouldn’t you try to save 100 people?

Because 100 lives are worth more than 1?

It’s strange to put human lives in numbers, but it’s true.

but there is


What if that one person was me?

……. Can you say the same thing then?

Eunha turned her head.

Jeong Ha-yang was looking up at him with his eyes twinkling.

she is testing herself

Eunha’s answer was clear.


Chi lies. Don’t say anything when you’re in a relationship. tell me real

I will try to save you even if I kill 100 people. do i have to say this shy people

really? Really?

What is the value of 100 unknown people? It’s only worth it to one person I know.

baby did you hear If Dad says something else later, do you have to scold him?

Listen to Eunha’s answer.

Jeong Ha-yang seemed to be in a good mood.

She talked to my stomach.

Eunha said it was absurd.

Then he blew honey chestnuts on her forehead.

ouch! why do you hit

Because the premise itself is wrong.

huh? what?

are you the only one If you count the kids in there, there are two of them. Then what are you saving two people for?

Well that’s right.

And it’s not like Hayang, because of your personality, won’t try to give birth to just one. Then I’m not just saving two people, but I’m also saving future children.

Are you saying you like me that much?

don’t know

Sun is Dad! Please tell us!

he is selfish

People inside the fence are more precious than people you don’t know.

Wasn’t the reason why he wanted to change the future in the first place so that he and the people around him could live a happy life?

The greatest happiness of the greatest number.

Eunha didn’t even look at it.

i just need you

So no matter what.

I will protect this little happiness.

I will never lose.

Eun-ha made a promise while playing pranks on Jung Ha-yang.

27 years after returning.

It was a promise I had made several times.

but there is Why?

But Seohyun unnie and Yoojung are tied to the track where 100 people are tied. Then what will you do in this case?

how do you pick that I’ll have to find a way to get them all somehow.

Even if you only have to choose one? So which one will you choose then? Keep doing that…

Keep doing that? Say something to Seohyun. You guys are so precious to me that I can’t distinguish superiority or inferiority?

oops sorry! Stop stretching the ball! If this happens, the child also becomes glutinous rice cake…

Then I have to increase the child’s cheeks like this. Looking forward to it.

Eunha pulled Jung Hayang’s cheek.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to take a look at the glutinous rice cake.

Time continues to flow.

In the meantime, very good news was delivered to Eunha.

October of the 22nd year of the Seonryeok.

Eun-ha went to the hospital with Lee Yoo-jung.

Eunha over there

what does the teacher say? Are you okay? How are you? That’s it… Wait a minute.

Are you sick somewhere? What?


Yujeong Lee whispered in her ear.

A smile spread across Eunha’s face.

Her face just lit up.


yeah really

There will now be two pregnant women in our house. good job. thank you.

I’m more thankful. Because it allowed me to live a normal life like everyone else.

Yoojung Lee is pregnant.

Lee Yu-jeong, who had been secretly nervous since Jeong Ha-yang became pregnant, finally saw the results.

Eun-ha was grateful to Lee Yoo-jung.

We haven’t had a second child, but we’re expecting a third one next year.

Only good things are happening.

I hope you continue to do well in the future.

Eunha hoped that this happiness would continue without ending.

However, the predestined fate was approaching step by step even at that time.

It’s been a very long time.

It really took a long time.

My research will end with this.


Seven plagues arrive.

A disaster that no one has prepared for will shake the world.

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