Reincarnator’s Stream

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Boom, boom-!

Lightning rumbled in his hand.

The moment he grasped the glowing light, a massive bolt of lightning pierced through his body.

『You have acquired the “Lightning Spear”.』

『You have cleared “Stage 6 – Legend”.』

『Level Up.』 x 2

『Strength increased by 1.』

『Agility increased by 2.』

『Stamina increased by 2.』

『Magic increased by 1.』

『You have earned 2000 achievement points.』

『Would you like to continue the trial?』

『Would you like to move to the next floor?』

‘Got it!’

A cheer erupted from within. Stamina increased by 2. It rose by a good amount just when needed. When his fatigue was at its peak like this, every bit of stamina stat was crucial.

The Lightning Spear.

He needed to check what kind of reward this was, but there was still something he needed to do.


The lightning crackled in his hand. Thinking about using this to clear the remaining meridians made him chuckle.

‘This is going to hurt like hell.’


He squeezed his hand tight and closed his eyes. At that moment.



The lightning energy coursed rapidly through his meridians. It was fast and powerful. In short, it was uncontrollable.

From now on, his task was to channel this wild energy in one direction.

‘Come this way.’

Buzz, crackle-!

The lightning flowed like waves through his cleared meridians. It wouldn’t obey. It tore through his body as if to defy him.

It felt like trying to lead a raging bull. If he couldn’t control it, the result would be death.

Enduring the pain?

Nonsense. This was not something mental strength could handle. It had to end quickly.


Suhyuk utilized the lightning within his body. The energy that had been clearing the blocked meridians began to respond.

If the lightning in his hand was the raging bull, the lightning in his body was the red flag. The only way to lure it.

Fortunately, it responded as expected.

‘One, two……’

Counting quickly and steadily in his mind.

‘Come this way.’


The small spark he controlled reacted to the raging bull.



With a silent scream, Suhyuk lost consciousness.

『Meridian clearing is complete.』

『Magic amplification rate increased by 20%.』

『All skill casting speeds increased by 20%.』

『All stats increased by 2.』


Suhyuk slowly opened his eyes, holding something in his hand.

‘Did I pass out?’


Grasping his throbbing head, he struggled to lift his body. The omnipresent energy of the lightning that filled the area was gone without a trace.

Of course.

If he had passed out in such a place, he would likely have been disqualified from the trial due to death by now.

– He’s awake

– He didn’t die

– Woke up a bit quickly this time

– But wow, that was intense. Top-notch concentration

It was only when he opened his eyes that he noticed the chat.

– Intense? More like just walking LOLOLOL

–It’s kind of over the top LOLOLOL

– (Walking steadily) Wow… what physicality

– The haters are too much LOLOLOL

– Haters? More like fanboys?

There were more chats than he expected.

A battle between those frustrated with Suhyuk’s trial method and those supportive of him. Reading through the chat, Suhyuk scratched his head.

‘How much time…’

Wondering how much time had passed, he realized he could simply ask.

“How long was I out?”

– About 10 minutes?

– Around 7-8 minutes

– 10 hours

— ????????

『‘Ggeulker’ has been muted by the manager.』

– Should ban the guy above. Oh, already done?

– Do we already have a manager here???

– A viewer who joked in the middle got muted.

It seemed like 10 minutes was accurate.

‘It wasn’t too long then.’

Thankfully. If the blackout lasted too long, it could affect the trial results. Moreover, he had already experienced passing out for a long time during a stream before.

“Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting.”

– No worries, it’s okay

– Happens often in trials anyway LOLOLOL

– Only the ones who left missed out

– Patience is key

In response to Suhyuk’s apology, the viewers indicated they were fine. In reality, checking the number of viewers showed little difference from before the trial began.

‘That’s a relief.’

He let out a sigh of relief. He had been so focused on the trial that he completely forgot about the stream.

To be honest, if he had been worried about it, this outcome might have been difficult to achieve.

‘Fatigue level…’

『Fatigue: 81』

His fatigue was much lower than before he passed out. It was still high, but manageable. Partly thanks to the brief rest, but the real reason was the increased stats.

‘In the end, I did it.’

Clearing the entire body’s meridians. At the final moment, he had heard the message confirming it.

The reduced fatigue was thanks to the increased stats achieved from that.

Status Window

Name: Lee Suhyuk

Affiliation: Earth

Level: 23

Strength: 27

Agility: 27

Stamina: 27 (+2)

Focus: 23

Magic: 29

The most noticeable stat was the magic. Initially, it had been his lowest stat. But the number of magic stat points gained from this trial wasn’t insignificant.

While the other stats enhanced his physical attributes, magic increased the potency of his skills. Additionally, magic was the most efficient single stat among the five.

‘Good results.’

A smile crept up.

‘Really good.’

Clearing the entire body’s meridians. He had accomplished it quicker than he expected. No matter how extraordinary the opportunity was, he hadn’t been sure it could be done this fast.


Suhyuk moved his stiff hand. It still felt unnatural to clench and unclench it. It seemed the status abnormality from the electrocution still lingered.

– Haven’t you checked the rewards yet?

– What exactly is that?

– Passed the mission like a boss LOLOLOL

While checking his condition, the rising chat caught his attention. He realized there were several things to check at the moment.

“That’s right, the money.”

It seemed he had become quite the money grubber. The fact that he recalled the mission reward before even considering the trial rewards highlighted this.

『Mission completed.』

『1000 points donated from “MissionVillain”.』

『Mission completed.』

『2000 points donated from “LivePlayer”.』

『Mission completed.』

『500 points donated from “Baldies1”.』

『Mission complete…….』


A series of messages appeared.

Thanks to the increased number of viewers, there were quite a few missions. The small amounts added up, resulting in a substantial number of points.

『Current Points: 20420』

20,000 points.

That was about half of what was needed to raise the Selfish Sacrifice skill to the next level.

‘Once I take down that guy… I should have enough.’

The giant he saw in the cutscene. Even though he had raised his stats and cleared his meridians, he still didn’t think he could defeat it.

The giant was on a different level from the other giants he had encountered in this trial.


He opened the yellow light ball he was holding in his hand.

The system had called this the “Lightning Spear”. Lightning did not have to take a single form.

It could be a sword, a bow, or anything else. But among them, the most powerful and fitting form was undoubtedly a spear.

‘If it’s a spear, it’s the form I used the most after the sword. I’m confident.’

The real question was whether this could take down the giant from the cutscene. Suhyuk checked the reward.

【Lightning Spear】

Grade: Legendary


Requirement: None

An ancient spear forged from thunder and lightning. Allows for one mighty strike. Activation requires a significant amount of concentration and magic.

Usable Times: 1


Suhyuk’s eyes widened.

The viewers reacting to the reward also exploded with reactions.

– What?????????

– Are you kidding me

– Legendary???

– This trial is all over the place with the dad giant and now this LOLOLOL

– Why is this even here????


That one word alone was enough to cause an uproar.

There were several ranks of items.

Normal, Magic, rare, Epic, Unique. And then there was Legendary.

The highest known tier of items was Mythic-tier, but even Suhyuk had never possessed one.

Even now, 20 years later, fewer than five Mythic-tier items had been discovered.

“Why is this even here?”

– Exactly LOLOLOL

– What are we supposed to say to that LOLOLOL

– Dunno?

– Brain freeze ON

– At least it’s single-use, so it’s fair LOLOLOL

Suhyuk nodded at a chat that hit the mark.

“You’re right. At least there’s some fairness.”

He then clicked his tongue in disappointment and muttered.

“It wouldn’t hurt to have a bit less fairness though…”


– Fairness, what is it? LOLOLOL LOL

– This guy is full of greed LOLOLOL

Suhyuk was well aware of his own greed.

If this were an item without usage limitations, it would truly disrupt the ecosystem.

Most legendary-grade items usually required a minimum level of 50 to use, but this one had no such restrictions.

‘A legendary item with a usage limit of 1.’

A smile crept up inside Suhyuk’s mask.

“I think this will do.”

Items with usage restrictions shared a common trait. Once all uses were exhausted, the item would be destroyed, but its power was immense.

And among those, single-use items were invariably extremely powerful. Moreover, this was an untradable item found during the trial.

Its power was guaranteed.

『‘SafeAsset’ has donated 100 points.』

『Change your username or something, damn it』


– King SafeAsset LOL

– Exactly LOLOLOL He hasn’t failed once LOLOLOL

– Will Lee Suhyuk win again this time?

– Didn’t you know? Lee Suhyuk always wins ^0^


True to his username, he only issued missions for trials that seemed impossible to succeed. But since Suhyuk had never failed, he kept donating points.

“Thank you for the donation, SafeAsset. Exactly, live up to your name.”

Continuing to clench and unclench his hand to loosen his stiff body, Suhyuk stood up.



– Look at the mockery LOLOLOL

– How about betting your username?

– Username bet? Is something big coming?

While chatting a bit with the viewers, the numbness in his body started to subside. He was almost ready to move. His dulled senses were returning.

‘This trial’s reward is linked to the next one.’

Stage 6, legend.

The reward was a single-use item to defeat the upcoming giant. Though uncommon, linked trials sometimes worked this way.

Clearing one stage and moving to the next one before receiving the reward, connected stages.

In such cases, the difficulty was high, but the rewards were bundled together as well.

“Now that I’m ready…”


Suhyuk cracked his neck one last time and began to walk.

“Let’s arrange a family reunion.”

– Family reunion LOLOLOL

– Giant child: Dad, when are you coming?

– Let’s show them the taste of lightning LOL

– SafeAsset, time to change your username~

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