Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 897: The Infuriated White-Haired Boy

Chapter 897: The Infuriated White-Haired Boy

Ten minutes later, a loud crash echoed through the research facility. The walls along the hallway near the central control room had been violently torn down. Not only this hallway but also dozens of surrounding labs had been affected. Su Xiao and Accelerator's battlefield had shifted multiple times, nearly flattening the entire facility. Sparks flew everywhere, and the building was on the verge of being scrapped. The ceiling had over a dozen gaping holes.

On the second floor of the research facility, several white lines suddenly appeared on a metal wall, which was then shattered. Su Xiao emerged from behind the broken wall, his clothes noticeably damaged and the sleeve of his right arm wholly torn, exposing a slightly swollen arm.

"254th reflection, no sign of the reflection force weakening."

Su Xiao glanced at Accelerator, who was standing a short distance away. Most of the time, Accelerator stood still with his hands in his pockets. From start to finish, Accelerator had only attacked Su Xiao three times, none of which caused substantial harm. After that, Accelerator stopped attacking proactively.

Did Accelerator have no hostility? Of course not. He was constantly thinking about how to kill Su Xiao. The reason he stood still was to conserve his energy.

Accelerator had already guessed Su Xiao's strategy—a war of attrition. At first, Accelerator found it laughable that someone would try to exhaust his stamina through direct attacks, causing him brain fatigue from using his ability. He had withstood full-force attacks from an army.

However, a few minutes later, Accelerator stopped laughing. Every slash from Su Xiao was powerful, requiring extensive calculations for Accelerator to reflect. While dozens of such calculations were manageable, hundreds caused his forehead to throb with pain.

By now, Accelerator felt a pulsating pain in his temples, a consequence of continuous high-intensity calculations in a short time.


Su Xiao's long knife slashed towards Accelerator again. If he didn't reflect, he would die. If he reflected, his brain would become even more fatigued.


A powerful force flung away Su Xiao, and his arm started to feel numb.

With a bang, Su Xiao crashed into a wall. The next moment, he burst out from the large pit in the wall like a cannonball, continuing to charge at Accelerator.

The same slash different angle. Su Xiao had slashed 256 times, each with full force. His biggest worry was that his right arm wouldn't hold up.

As expected, the blade was deflected when it touched Accelerator's skin. Without activating Qing Gang Ying, Su Xiao couldn't harm his enemy. Moreover, Qing Gang Ying, a form of energy, would likely be reflected by the Accelerator.

Su Xiao's strategy was to keep attacking Accelerator without giving him a moment's respite.

"Die, you scum!"

The accelerator kicked a metal plate, which shot towards Su Xiao at high speed.

With a flash of bright blade light, the metal plate was sliced into dozens of pieces, flying past Su Xiao as he continued to charge at Accelerator with a blank expression.

Charging, slashing, getting deflected, repeating the cycle—Su Xiao was like a robot programmed to repeat this process silently, undeterred by anything except death.

By the 467th slash, Dragon Flash's durability had dropped to 32/98. Despite this, Su Xiao's investment paid off; the blade remained intact while Su Xiao himself nearly fell apart.


Su Xiao was deflected again but had learned Accelerator's habit of reflecting attacks. Accelerator liked to deflect attacks in the opposite direction, causing more significant harm to his enemies.

After being flung far away, Su Xiao landed in a half-crouch, spitting out a mouthful of blood before charging at Accelerator again.

"Get lost!"

Accelerator, his eyes bloodshot, was infuriated. Extending his arms and leaning back, he altered the vectors around him.


A powerful kinetic wave spread out, launching Su Xiao, who crashed into a thick metal pillar, bending it with the impact.

"That should... kill him..."

Dust and smoke filled the research facility as Accelerator, arms hanging, gasped for breath. Each of Su Xiao's slashes was powerful, and the continuous attacks gave him no time to rest.

Accelerator had never used his ability at such a high intensity before, even when surrounded by an army.

By now, Accelerator realised that the onslaught from an army was nothing compared to the relentless assault from this single enemy.

Before the dust settled, a gleaming, long knife slashed through the smoke. Dragon Flash's blade remained unscathed as long as its durability stayed above 10 points.

Reflecting the slash, Accelerator stepped back a few paces, triggering a severe chain reaction.

Just as Su Xiao was about to charge again, a notification from Reincarnation Paradise appeared.

Seeing the notification, Su Xiao grinned, blood seeping from his white teeth.

Su Xiao sheathed Dragon Flash and formed an energy shield around his arms, creating a protective layer close to his skin.

His tactics had changed. While the previous strategy hadn't exhausted Accelerator, it had caused his will to waver, activating the passive effect of Su Xiao's aura.

Su Xiao was puzzled as to why Accelerator's will had wavered. But considering the relentless onslaught from a silent, expressionless enemy, it wasn't surprising that Accelerator's resolve had faltered. Plus, the high-intensity use of his ability was undoubtedly taxing his brain.

Su Xiao charged at Accelerator for the 469th time, bare-handed!

Watching Su Xiao's steady steps, Accelerator was confused. Wasn't the enemy tired? Hadn't he charged nearly a thousand times already? Each time, he had withstood the reflection. Was he made of iron? Even titanium would deform under such repeated reflections.

Su Xiao was indeed struggling. Even with Bubotni's support and recovery potions, his health was only 26%. His body was aching all over. If Accelerator lasted five more minutes, Su Xiao would surely die.

Su Xiao charged heavily towards Accelerator, his breathing laboured and his heartbeat pounding like a drum.

Amid the battle, Su Xiao had only one thought: to kill the enemy. Tasks and third-tier promotions were secondary. In his view, a fight was pure—either the enemy died, or he did.

Su Xiao halted his charge abruptly, his feet sliding forward over twenty centimetres, as planned.

Lowering his body, he bent his right arm and threw a straight punch at Accelerator's face.

Seeing Su Xiao charging bare-handed, Accelerator was initially surprised but then smirked cruelly, expecting to see his enemy's hand twisted in pain.

As Su Xiao's fist touched Accelerator's jaw, a kinetic force surged over his fist, pushing his arm back.

Su Xiao stood his ground, not being flung away by Accelerator's ability. The moment before his fist touched Accelerator, he had withdrawn the force of his punch. The accelerator's reflection habitually adjusted the reflected kinetic force to 1.4-1.9 times the original force.

Thus, Su Xiao's feeble punch only pushed his arm back slightly without causing harm.

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