Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 252: Glen’s Dream

Chapter 252: Glen’s Dream

Glen’s journey held a great deal of meaning for him.

A journey to find the final destination of his life.

It started as a search for the meaning of life, but at some point, it transformed into a preparation process for facing death.

However, that didn’t mean Glen’s heart was sad or so desperate that it’s beyond recovery.

Even though he chose to become a knight by following in his brother’s footsteps and wasn’t even sure if he was properly fulfilling his duties as a knight now…

Glen felt a considerable sense of satisfaction in acting on his own desires rather than those of his family or prophecy.

There was no nagging from Yuma constantly echoing in his ears, and he also discovered the girlish side of Lady Kyrie, which was unknown to the public. The fact that the man she loved was his blood relative, Shiron, kept surprising Glen.

A great hero and warrior from 500 years ago.

Although the founder of the Prient family was not Kyrie, that didn’t diminish the admiration Glen had for the legendary warrior.

For this reason, Glen looked favorably upon Lucia’s feelings for Shiron.

‘If Lady Kyrie loves her son, then it’s right for me to support their relationship.’

Before he knew it, Glen was mentally sketching out their ideal relationship.

‘I heard from Yuma that Shiron has even been chosen by the Sacred Sword. If that’s the case, a great picture will surely emerge when the two come together.’

‘First, they should start by holding hands. With many beasts lurking around, it would be nice to have them fight and defeat a strong one together.’

500 years ago, a warrior. And now, a coupling of warriors.

Since they began as siblings not connected by blood, Glen even felt that their attraction, which transcended time, might be fate.

If the two came together, and a child was born from the warrior couple, Glen vaguely calculated that the Prient family would truly become a family of warriors.

His chest swelled with grandeur at the mere thought.

Though he wasn’t the type to outwardly express it, Glen continued to indulge in pleasant imaginings until they ‘reached the great plains.’

“Smooch! Smooch! Umm… Slurp.”

…That was until they reached the great plains, just before Siriel pounced on Shiron.


Even as he witnessed the scene before him, Glen couldn’t believe it.

If what he saw was correct, Shiron was on the verge of being ‘violated’ by Siriel, his ‘cousin’ and ‘brother’s only daughter.’

‘No. It has already reached the stage of violation.’

Her thighs pressed down so tightly he couldn’t move an inch.

Her hips embarrassedly wriggling atop his waist.

Even though it was just a kiss, the sight of their mucous membranes touching and exchanging saliva made Glen, a simple country man, involuntarily blurt out that it was vulgar.

Glen squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead.

‘Lady Kyrie’s rival is my brother’s daughter, Siriel. Who on earth am I supposed to support…?’

It was only yesterday that he decided to support Lucia, but now another strong contender for daughter-in-law had appeared. Seeing Siriel’s aggressive approach, it was clear that the virgin Lucia wouldn’t stand a chance.

However, Glen’s shock didn’t end there.


When he opened his eyes and looked away from the embarrassing scene, he noticed something about Hugo that he hadn’t seen before.



Tears trickled down, wetting his beard. Hugo was sobbing.

Despite countless defeats and being ruthlessly ignored at his coming-of-age ceremony, that brother had never shown tears. He was now biting his lips and crying like a little girl.

However, Glen could understand the reason for those tears.

He was shocked to see his brother like this for the first time, but Glen knew well why Hugo was crying.

If his one and only daughter were licking and savoring a man’s lips like a prostitute. And if she were doing it right in front of her father and uncle!

Glen knew he’d probably collapse to the ground, just like Yuma.

‘…That aside, how long do they plan on keeping this up?’

Regaining his composure, Glen looked back at the shameful scene.

It’s one thing for Hugo not to stop their perverted behavior, but with the commotion in the middle of the night, people were gradually gathering.


Fortunately, there was no bloodshed from Hugo’s eyes. Siriel noticed the approaching presence and pulled back at the right moment.

A thin, transparent string stretched between their lips, and then their gaze met golden eyes looking upwards.


“Ahem… It’s been a while, Siriel.”

“What brings you here? Did you come with my brother?”

“…I did, but there are two more… um, someone else is supposed to join us soon.”

“I see.”

Siriel briefly nodded, then helped the dazed Shiron up and tidied his clothes. She sensed the presence of an annoying woman among the approaching group.

“Brother. Brother.”


-Siriel! Siriel!

“Can you make a promise with me? No, I’m asking for a favor.”

“…No matter how much you say, doing that here is a bit…”

“Oh, come on! It’s not that!”

  • “Hey! I have unfinished business with Siriel. Do you dare block my way knowing who I am?”

Siriel let the distant voice pass by one ear and out the other.

“From now on, a woman of high status will appear. Promise me you won’t beat her up.”

“…What are you talking about? Do I even know this woman?”

“Hmm, I don’t think you’ve ever seen her before…”

“Forget it. I’m not some brute. Why would I hit someone I’ve never met?”

Shiron brushed the dirt off his clothes and laughed.

‘It’s been ages since I stopped being a ruffian, so why is she acting like this?’

It seemed that in Siriel’s mind, Shiron was still the image of a thug.

Determined to show a more gentlemanly side, Shiron even pulled out a bottle of cologne from his coat and sprayed it on himself a few times.

[Are you going to seduce a woman?]

‘…You’re quite prickly these days, aren’t you?’

[That’s because you’re doing things that could be misunderstood.]

‘…It’s just cologne. According to the Cardinal, it’s currently trendy for men to groom themselves in social circles these days.’

[Hmm… I find the source questionable.]

‘Why now?’

[Because, how would a clergyman know about such things? The Lord may not demand poverty, but He does ask for a life free from unnecessary embellishments…]

‘How would I know? Maybe he’s a rogue monk or something.’

Just as he was focusing on his gentlemanly demeanor, a sharp gaze stabbed him in the side.

“Brother. Why are you wearing cologne?”

“You told me not to hit anyone, right? Plus, I’m meeting someone for the first time. It’s important to make a good first impression.”

“…I wondered who it was, and it turned out to be the Empress.”

It was Hugo, belatedly coming to his senses. His height, a head taller than Shiron’s, was quite useful in spotting the pink-haired woman making her way through the crowd.

“The Empress… that must be the wife of the Emperor.”

A noblewoman on the rough battlefield? Glen became mildly curious about the woman who would soon appear.

Eventually, the crowd parted widely.

The first to appear were knights as large as Hugo. The different insignias on their chests suggested they were hastily assembled for the Empress’s protection.

The knights stepped aside, and a dignified woman emerged.

Like Glen, she was dressed in knightly attire. The blue fur coat wrapped around her body made it clear she was of noble status, yet her appearance was rather simple for the Emperor’s wife.

‘Not bad.’

Shiron liked the Empress’s first impression.

He didn’t know what circumstances had brought someone of such high status to the battlefield, but Shiron tended to think well of noble individuals who practiced noblesse oblige and ate with their subordinates on the front lines.

“Siriel, where were you hurrying off to, leaving me all alone?”

The woman spoke, brushing her pink-tinged hair aside.

“My apologies, Your Majesty. I heard a voice urgently calling for me, so I had no choice.”

“Urgently calling for you? Sir Hugo, was there an enemy attack?”

“…A guest has arrived.”

Even though no one had urgently called for Siriel, much less mentioned her name, Hugo didn’t bother to correct his daughter’s stubbornness.

“A guest?”

“Allow me to introduce… my proud nephew and… brother.”


“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. I am Shiron Prient, the nephew of Hugo Prient, the eldest son of Glen Prient, and the fiancé of Siriel Prient.”

Shiron placed his right hand over his chest and bent one knee. Although he had never knelt to Emperor Viktor, he had decided to act gentlemanly. So, he decided to go all in.

“So, you are… Shiron Prient.”

“…That is correct.”

‘Why is this woman addressing me so informally?’

[Sir Hero! Weren’t you going to act like a gentleman? It’s only been ten minutes since you made up your mind!]

As he was holding back the sudden surge of anger, a faint groan came from above.


Louise gazed at the top of Shiron’s head with sleepy eyes. The faint scent tickling her nose must have been cologne, not soap or wax…

‘So, this gigolo is the thug who slapped His Majesty in the face.’

Having finished her assessment, Louise became aware of Siriel’s intense gaze.

“Siriel, the wind is chilly. Since they are your guests, I trust I need not intervene, correct?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I’ll attend to the guests and return.”

Siriel replied with a gentle smile.

‘It seems she isn’t smitten by him, as there is some animosity.’

She didn’t like the way her brother looked at him, but this time, she would let it slide. Siriel, linking arms with Shiron, turned her attention away from the group that was walking away.

“Brother, aren’t you dressed too lightly? You must be cold. Let’s go inside and warm up quickly.”

“Oh, okay. Uncle, I’ll be going ahead.”


Hugo sighed as he watched the young ones walk away. Then he turned and looked at the person who should never have come.

“You’ve had a hard time.”

“Haha, indeed.”

There was a sharp edge to Hugo’s words. Although he could only guess, Glen felt that the words were not directed at him.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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