Reincarnated Lord: I can upgrade everything!

Chapter 82: Shura Madness

First of all, how was it possible that just two knights could stand against a diamond-ranked sniper? Especially the ones that were upgraded by his system.


A bandit yelled as he came from behind Asher. Before he could bring down his sword, Asher grabbed his arm and slammed him from over his shoulder to the g. He plunged his sword into the man's chest, pulled it out, and faced his next oppont without flinching.

Swaying left and right, he confused the next bandit for a short momt. Not willing to let go of that opportunity, he spun his wait, launching a fierce kick that st the bandit meters away. He collided with another bandit, and they both crushed a wood building.

Not a sign of life came from where they fell.

After dealing with the bandits, he turned back to Eritrea's battle. She kept a safe distance while launching arrows at these m, but neither of them were hit. At this point, Eritrea's pride was affected.

She closed the gap almost instantly, slid under the attack of the thin man, and punched the big man right at his lower abdom!

She swiftly pulled out an arrow and pierced it into the thighs of the thin one, causing him to grunt deeply.


The big man stretched his hand to grab her, but Eritrea suddly sprung up like a compressed spring. In the process of somersaulting midair, she nocked two arrows and fired through the big man's back!


Eritrea landed elegantly and moved some strands of her hair behind her ear.

The thin one suddly cut his palm and placed it where on his brother's wound, causing Eritrea and Asher to frown. Nero and his father were busy fighting and taunting as many bandits as they could.

The rest of the bandits formed a circle with Asher and Eritrea in their midst. Almost 80 bronze and silver-ranked m with differt weapons were slowly croaching, but their presce didn't match the fearsome aura rising from the twins.

Knowing they might turn into something troublesome, Asher stepped on a bundle of straws, leaped over a large distance, and was about to pierce through the twins wh three arrows came for him. Eritrea countered the arrows with hers, but Asher, who deviated and landed a meter away from the brothers.


A fierce gale caused dust to rise and his hair to flutter.

Before his shocked eyes, the twins merged to form a massive hulking figure. Asher could see the line in the middle of their faces, showing that although they merged, both m still had minds of their own!

Looking at the figure who could match Alec in height and beat Alec in size, Asher swiftly closed the gap and slashed at the man's left leg.

His blade cut the bandit leader's leg, but the wound healed up almost instantly. Bam!

Asher was slammed meters away. The bandits wided the circle but did not take the opportunity to attack Asher.

They left both him and Eritrea for their leader.


Eritrea's hair blew backward as the bandit leader, who was some meters away, was now in front of her!

The speed did not match his absurd size.

Eritrea narrowly evaded his large palm and was about to create some distance wh a spear was hurtled toward her from the back.

Eritrea leaned to her right. She turned in the next momt and shot an arrow, which pierced through the bandit leader's palm. That arm was paralyzed, but he could still move!

He appeared before her wh his foot was almost before her. Eritrea jumped with all her might and landed some meters away.

Unfortunately, she landed in the midst of the bandits, and they lunged at her from all sides. Since their leader had a tough time dealing with her, they had the privilege to take her as their prey.

Seeing Eritrea's dilemma, Asher dashed toward her. He stepped on the bandit leader's right thigh, jumped over his head, rolled on the g, and swung his sword at a bandit.

Asher mercilessly slaughtered the bandits until he found Eritrea fighting in the midst of bandits. She was still able to stand her g, and bodies were piling up a her. Her arrows could be se embedded into the bodies of the corpses, and though she breathed heavily, her eyes were as sharp as an eagle's own.

A bandit came from Asher's right with a spear, but Asher held the spearhead and looked at the stunned bandit. He reversed it and killed the man with his own weapon before removing the spear and hurtling it toward a bandit that wanted to attack Eritrea from behind.

Just as he was about to approach her, a piercing whistling sound fell into his ear.

"Your Lordship!!"

Eritrea screamed, causing Asher to turn.


Blood stained his face!

Asher looked at the sharp triangular spearhead right before his eyes. It came out from the body of his personal bodyguard, Alex!

With a heavy grunt, Alex was about to pull out the spear wh Asher stopped him. Pulling out the spear would cause excessive bleeding, and that would mean death.

The physician was at the camp, so he had to make sure Alex got there fast.

He took Alex's sword from him and cut his forearm.

Having se Asher's action, Eritrea aided Alex and began to run for the fortress gate. Although Nero was confused as to why they left their lord behind, he had to obey Eritrea's command.

"Lord Asher is still there!" He yelled.

"Run or you might not make it out of that gate."

Eritrea's grave tone st shivers down Nero's spine. While following them, he looked back.

As the blood flowed down, Asher walked toward the bandit leader with two swords in his hands. For the first time, he was about to dual-wield like his ancestors.

His eyes turned .

Instantaneously, everything about Asher changed. He swung both swords at a speed that only those who were really proficit with dual-wielding for decades could and took a battle stance with his left sword up and the right one down.

"Hahahaha! I have killed diamond-ranked beasts, ! But I like it wh my prey is fierce."

Two voices came out of the bandit leader's mouth at once.


The rocky g imploded as Asher shot forth, appearing right before his eye. The bandit leader swung his cleaver downward with a boisterous laughter, but to his shock, instead of dodging, Asher clashed with him and didn't slide ev one inch back.

The intsity of force billowing out of him was unnatural.

It felt as if many terrifying knights were looking at him through those glowing eyes.

Before the bandit leader could ev blink, Asher slashed his abdom and kicked him with so much power that the big man slid 4 meters back.

For the first time since he got this unparalleled talt, he felt pain!

That feeling alone brought fear.

As Asher calmly walked toward him, footsteps fell into his ears causing him to tilt his head toward the right. From the corner of his right eye, he saw dozs of bandits rushing over.


Nero who cut down a bandit at the gate heard screams causing him to turn. What he saw made him unable to move as fear veloped him.

In what seemed to be an instant, corpses were littered a his lord. Bodies fell like flies and all he could see was sword slashes and not ev his lord moving!

Forget him, ev the bandit leader was filled with horror.

"Nero move!"

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