Reincarnated Lord: I can upgrade everything!

Chapter 31: War [1]

After a night of waiting, the barbarian forces found in the forests refused to attack, causing the soldiers to grow weary. By the time they started sleeping, it was already very late, and Alec couldn't do anything about it.

He was also a bit tired.

He looked at a watchtower and saw Eritrea tenaciously watching the forests for any movement.

Puffing out, he leaned against the wall and peered at the forest. It was now the early hours of the morning, and their sight was impaired by dew.

Suddenly, Eritrea picked up the horn hung by the wall of the watch tower and blew it. As the sound drilled into the ears of those that slept, jolting them awake, she yelled.

"They're here!"


Alec heard an angry voice come from behind the covering of the dew, and in the next moment, hundreds of barbarians wielding axes and shields stormed out of the dew, rushing toward the wall.

Alec looked at his right and left, and when he saw the fifty Ashbourne riders on their mounts and ready to ride into battle, he grew calmer.

He picked up his spear, smacked a barbarian sleeping by his side, and then picked up his shield.

"So they didn't attack because they wanted to build ladders!"

Alec ground his teeth in simmering anger.

"Throw those ladders down!"

He yelled.

The barbarians began to scramble toward nearby ladders to push them away. Alec took large strides toward a ladder, lifted his feet high, and brought it down with a great force that slammed the ladder off the wall.

Four men climbing it fell along with it.

While the warriors were trying to stop the raging bear forces from breaching the walls, the sharpshooters reaped lives! Eritrea quickly became a nightmare to them, as her arrows never missed a target.

In a matter of minutes, twelve had been struck down by her arrows, and four narrowly survived but were injured.

After a while, the raging bear barbarians, who had stained themselves with the blood of animals, finally breached the walls, ensuing a battle on the allure. Alec faced two barbarians with a solemn expression.

The reason for his solemn expression wasn't these bronze-ranked axemen before him but that the raging bear axemen were overpowering their forces.

His men had to ascend the walls to help.

As he thought, the first barbarian dashed toward him, cleaving upward. Alec casually deflected the heavy swing with his shield, pierced his spear through the man, and flung him toward the other, causing them to fall off the wall.

He grunted.

The sound of his foot hitting the wooden floorboards as he dashed toward the barbarians that had cut down two wolf barbarians fell into their ears. They turned toward him, but it was already too late.

Alec's spear swooshed out like a dragon, slithering through the skies.

In an instant, it had pierced their bodies several times, and Alec continued running toward others, leaving the dying men in shock of their own demise.

Upon seeing Alec's outstanding feats, Eritrea left the tower and began to shoot three arrows at once! Her aim dropped just a bit, but her kill count rose exponentially.

Still, they were against an army of 1000 iron-ranked axemen, 200 bronze-ranked axemen, and 10 silver-ranked heavy axemen, among whom two were the most prominent.

They were Madman and IronTooth, the chief's sons!

After slamming a man off the wall, Alec looked at the crowd still heading toward the wall and exhaled heavily. His men were the pillars that kept the barbarians back a little, but soon all hell would be let loose, and this was due to the sight of a foreign war machine that gave Alec a bad premonition.

He watched some barbarians put a huge stone in the spoon-like part and lit the stone on fire, then IronTooth slashed a rope, and the boulder was let loose to Alec's shock.

He did not believe that a stone that big could ever fly that high.

It fell and destroyed several tents.

Asher, who sat by his wolf, got to his feet at the sight of the destruction. Before he could make sense of what was happening, another boulder crashed into a tent, and it began to burn.

He knew no one inside that tent would survive.

'How did a barbarian tribe in the depths of the mountains build a catapult?!'

Upon seeing the destruction, the wolf axeman fought with increasing rage, but more boulders kept falling. All of a sudden, IronTooth pointed at Eritrea, and a boulder flew toward her. Even if it couldn't hit her, part of the wall would be destroyed, and she would be caught in the disaster.


Dust rose.

Smoke covered the vicinity, and sounds of people coughing could be heard.


IronTooth pointed at the destroyed part of the wall, and Madman led the troop toward it. While Madman led almost a thousand remaining men toward the walls, IronTooth ordered for the catapult to be set to launch another stone.

Suddenly, as the catapult had been set, a spear came from nowhere and struck a crucial part of the machine, causing the spoon-like part to be put under pressure. It broke instantly, and the stone broke the lower part.

IronTooth almost went mad at the sight of this. This machine was plundered by his grandfather from an old ruin beyond the mountains! It was the machine that made them a terror to all the mountain tribes, but this machine, which his tribe almost worshipped as a god, had been destroyed!

The destruction didn't affect Madman and his bloodthirsty troops, whose eyes were on the prize of taking their spoils, which were women and any valuable thing in the tribe.

To their shock, one man emerged from the smoke holding a long spear and a heavy shield.

Madman smirked at the sight of this.

However, a huge creature suddenly came from the man's back, and a man sat atop this great beast.

Behind him was a force of 50 horse riders.

"Is that the great white wolf and the legendary rider?!"

Madman's eyes trembled as it met with Sirius' cold blue ones.

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