Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants

Chapter 93

Fine, is it okay to do this?

I looked at the shrine made by the werewolves and nodded.

It is a shrine for the octopus memorial service.

In this operation to subdue the island octopus, two mermaids and one merman have been lost. Much less damage than expected, but not zero.

For them, it was a mission that they couldnt return to life.

Besides, many Beruza sailors have been killed in the past.

Therefore, I decided to build a stone monument that doubles as a victory monument and a memorial monument, but as a side note, I also made a small shrine.

Im Japanese, so it feels like everyone who dies is a Buddha.

At the same time, there is also the feeling that there is no worship for the Spanish mackerel god, its okay, but for the time being, its worshiped.

Therefore, I decided to enshrine the island octopus in the shrine. Even though it is a shrine, it is a small wooden box that can be held under the armpit.

I ordered the design in a shrine-like atmosphere because no one would know it anyway. However, I remember the details.

As a sacred body, the noisy arrowhead of the crossbow used when burying him is enshrined.

Vaito, what is this?

The werewolves who made the shrine were wondering, so I answered appropriately.

Im doing a ritual to prevent the island octopus from reappearing. Im not an expert, so its just for some relief.

Alright, lets name it Shimamo Shrine.

I soaked a paintbrush with black paint and wrote it in Chinese characters on a frame like a kamaboko board.

Buddhahood, octopus guy.

I recommend the afterlife like Werewolf.

And I board the airship Friedenrichter again.

Now, this ship is under the command of the Beruza Navy. This time Im not an admiral, Im just a guest. Its easy.

Admiral! Its about time to set sail! Are all the Admirals minions ready now !?

Im not an admiral this time. whatever.

I shouted back to Marines Beruza.

This is everyone! Ill leave all but the werewolves and aides!

Understood, Admiral!

Thats why Im no longer an admiral.

Im going to negotiate with Lotso, so I only brought a minimum of escorts and aides.

Specifically, eight members of the Werewolf corps, Rashi, and Parker.

Dont you look at my face and think Im rude now?

Parker said something but I as usual ignored it.

By the way, Vaito, can I really leave the rower to the Beruza army? If its not enough, Ill prepare it.

Then Garsh laughed.

Dont worry, Beruza has plenty of troops!

Rashi, who heard it, tilts her head.

But according to the Senate materials, Beruza has a population of 2,000. The guards are assigned 100 people by all means, there are more.

Yes. In Beruza, the entire cove is a city, and the buildings are lined up.

In the city, strong guards are holding shamshirs and folding their arms, and if anything happens, they will let their arms say something and knock them down.

Parker murmured.

By all means, Beruza has a population of over 10,000 and hundreds of guards.

It was Garsh who looked happy.

Oh, the population is certainly only 2,000. Beruza is a port city. There are a lot of moored ships. Thats why there are so many people.

Its a boathouse

Garsh laughs more and more happily, as I say.

No, it seems that if the wind and waves are convenient, we will leave the port immediately! Isnt this all that can be done?

The captains laughter makes his minions laugh.

Among the cities in the south, Beruza has a particularly bad relationship with the north.

Therefore, the city area was narrowly divided, and the walls were set to prevent the city area from expanding.

But you can float something on the sea.

There, he built a Janjan house on the sea under the name of a ship under berth or construction, or a pier.

That seems to be the case.

Thanks to this, people are gathering from all over the south. Everyone is waiting for departure.

Whether its Rune Heights or Shaldir, the wall restrictions have caused similar problems and the population cannot be increased.

The north is wary of cities close to them having too much power.

Therefore, the surplus population of each city migrates to Beruza and Lotso at the southern end. Here, the Senates eyes are out of reach.

My old mans hometown is Shaldir.

My dad is from Rune Heights. My cousin is at Rune Heights Chamber of Commerce.

Oh, Im Tuban. I came with my family ten years ago.

The Marines of Beruza greeted me.

Everyone is like this.

Garsh says:

If I accepted the drifters properly, it would have become a bad city. Now Im ignoring the walls and there are houses all over the place. But thanks to that, there are 6,000 standing armies in Beruza. There

Six thousand!?

Rashi was surprised and looked around.

Im supposed to. If I call out, Ill get more together.

Beruza seems to maintain a connection with the north by bearing the standing army in the south.

In reality, the standing army exists only on paper, and the standing soldiers live by catching fish and building ships.

I was half amazed and had no choice but to answer:

Its a villain

Because its a pirate

Garsh laughs happily and orders his minions.

Its time for the guys to set sail! Aim for Lotso!

Hey, boss!

The bronze sword that announced the departure was slammed, and five warships slowly began to slide over the sea.

When the ship leaves the cove, the mermaids appear as if they were looking somewhere.

Since the extermination of the island octopus, the mermaids have been actively interacting with the Demon Kings army.

Oh, Mr. Vaito, Mr. Parker

Are you out?

If we dont mind, would you like to accompany us?

They offer it and Im grateful to accept it.

We will go to Lotso while checking the route. I hope many people will come.

If thats the case, Ill be happy.

If there are underwater reconnaissance personnel, it is encouraging to check the route.

It takes about two days from Beruza to Lotso on a galley. Compared to sailing ships, galleys that have to rest the rowers are slower.

It is an advantage of galleys to go against the wind and tide, but if you go zigzag, you can go upwind.

I should have called the skeleton after all? They can row day and night.

Parker says that, but I shake my head.

Im telling you that Garshs old man will negotiate. The Demon Kings army is scared, so we just want to keep it in the form of a party of Beruzas Viceroy.

Human beings are also quite difficult.

Isnt it originally a human being?

Parker shrugged with a bitter smile.

I dont need food or sleep, Ive forgotten the crush of love if I dont feel any pain. My human heart gradually fades.

Oh, I see

Yeah, this guy was in a rather serious situation.

But soon Parker laughs.

Thanks to that, I can make a plan to bring you while you sleep!

Im telling you to stop it! Lets stuff the hollow eye sockets with oranges!

Oh, thats really good! Can I use that material next time?

Do whatever you like.

During such exchanges, the voyage goes smoothly, and Beruzas fleet captures the port of Lotso.

Garsh folded his arms and grinned.

Land squadron, ready to land!

The ones who came out of the cabin were the ones with a bad look.

Mohawk and skinhead muscular men carry maces and axes full of thorns.

Hey, boss!

Huh! Is it your turn !?

My arms ring!

Where did you come from at the end of the century?

Hey Garsh, what are you going to do with these guys?

When I ask, Garsh shrugs.

If you want to persuade Lotsos Viceroy, Petores fucking Jijii, you need at least this much persuasive power.

Is this kind of persuasive power in Beruza?

Its a mistake of violence.

Well, leave it to us. Im grateful to you. I cant do my duty even a little. Im gonna do it!



Is it really okay to leave it to him?

While thinking about that, I decided to keep an eye on the situation for the time being.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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