Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants

Chapter 87

The warship towed the sailing ship, passing by the tentacles. The reef was invisible due to the fog, so I had to get a little closer.

But if the octopus has the intelligence to use the wreckage of a sailing ship as a fake bait, then its time to getridof the phantom ship.

This time, it may attack us at anymoment.

The size of the reef was measured by the mermaids. They can sing in the sea and detect their surroundings with echoes. An excellent sonar hand.

Mr. Vaito, this is about it.

They form a circle and tell you the approximate size.


That is about two tennis courts.

Rashi, how many more illusions can be developed?

If you just put it out, you can have ten or twenty, but you can only move one at a time.

Rashi answers apologetically. As expected, it seems impossible to increase the number of decoys anymore.

Okay, the illusion of the ship can be left alone. Get ready for the next.


As long as there are four tentacles in this area, the main body is right there.

Sure enough, I immediately saw a reef in the fog. It was a very foggy place, so I couldnt see it unless I got close to it.

This could have been stranded without the mermaids.

But with this, I got the whole picture of this octopus guy.

The water part of the reef is about 6 tatami mats. The rest seems to be submerged in the sea.

Imagine an octopus in your head, and imagine the undersea condition based on the visible legs and reefs.

I saw a lot of octopuses in the aquarium and the fresh fish corner of the previous life, so the image is somehow manageable.

Alright, thatsenough.

I ordered the Dragon Fire Engineer to launch a catapult.

Target the sea level in front of the reef! First bullet launch!

Immediately, the dragons repeated the command and operated the catapult with a familiar hand.

Target the sea level in front of the reef! The first bullet will be launched!

Garsh, who was scolding the frightened sailors, gave a voice that he expected when he saw it.

Oh, is that the secret weapon of the Demon Kings army!

Well, thats right.

The barrels loaded in the catapult were fired vigorously.

Drawing a parabola, the barrel landed on the surface of the sea as it was aimed.

And its floating.

Thats it.

Garsh was looking at it, and he hurriedly asked me.

Hey! Nothing happened!

Calm down.Thisisjustobservationalshooting.

There is only one bullet here. If you throw it in a strange place, thats it.

If this guy works to the fullest, the fight will be easier at once.

So you have to be careful.

Load the next bullet! Ready to launch Fulminate Silver!

A slight tension runs between the dragons.

However, Technician Kurze immediately repeated it.

OK, ready to launch Fulminate Silver!

The catapult was equipped with a barrel of the same size as before.

Garsh saw it and asked me as if hecouldntcontrol his curiosity.

Is that it?

Oh, this guy

Im honestly anxious because its something that doesnt look fashionable.

Technician Kurze brings the barrels and carefully sets them in the catapult.

The tentacles of the octopus have been rampaging all over the place since a while ago, but if you get impatient here, a catastrophe awaits you.

Evacuate the horsemen and mermaids behind the mothership! Use the hull as a shield!

After confirming the evacuation of the friendly army, I ordered.

Launch Fulminate Silver!

The catapults arm makes a loud noise and growls, throwing a barrel.

Then the barrel landed on the surface of the sea as intended and floated.

Hey, isnt it the same as before!

Garsh shouts, but thats not the case now.


Got it!

As trained, Rashicast anillusion on the barrel.

Immediately, the barrel turned into a human struggling on the surface of the sea.

I mean, it looks just like Rashi. The appearance of struggling is very similar to her when she started practicing swimming.

Maybe thats you?

Yes, it was easy to imagine the movement

Thats fine, but its eaten by the island octopus, right?

The island octopus, who seems to have been tired of playing with the phantom ship, did not miss the stupid little girl who had fallen in front of him.

Immediately, the fake Rashi was wrapped around the tentacles of an octopus and dragged into the sea.

Even if you know its an illusion, its a shocking sight

Hey, whats going on?

Garsh seems to be worried, but to tell the truth, Im also worried, so its hard to reply.

However, lets be proud as the person in charge of the Demon Kings army here.

On schedule

The next moment, a big explosion occurred in the sea.

Water column stands and seawaterfelllike rain. The yellow light flashed many times in the sea, and the surface of the sea boiled.

All the swelling tentacles retractedastonishingly. The wreckage of the Beruza Merchant Ship was thrown into the sea.


It worked, so I screamed unintentionally.

Im accountable to Garsh, who was vacant.

That is a secret weapon of the Demon Kings army that explodes when it touches water.

Whats that amazing?

Moreover, the water you touch becomes extremely poisonous and melts the body of the creature.

The Devil

Its the Demon King Army

What I fed the island octopus was a barrel tightly packed with metallic sodium.

When I was in high school, a friend ofthechemistry staff showed me a video of an explosion of metallic sodium. When a large container of metallic sodium was dumped into the water, a large explosion occurred.

That explosive power and subsequent water pollution can do a lot of damage to aquatic monsters.

However, I heard that it is usually stored in kerosene because it is a chemically unstable substance and reacts with moisture in the air.

Of course, it shouldnt exist naturally in this world either.

It was made by the former king and his master.

It seems that the former king was experimenting with various things to see if his scientific knowledge could be applied in this world as well. It was written in the notebook of the former king.

However, in this world, the components of matter seem to be a little different, and it seems that the results were often different from what was expected.

So I cant say if its metallic sodium. Since the properties are almost the same, it must have been metallic sodium.

I got the results I expected, so it doesnt matter.

Im happy with that, but Technician Kurze is sighing next to me.

Using the legacy of the King for such a thing Why does Vaito want to explode anything?

Because Im a soldier

Im a little worried about the eyes of the technicians, but this will give me an advantage in the battle, so lets take a big look.

Kurze reminded me, As a result, it seems that it was effective as a weapon, but above all, it will be difficult to make a yellow dragon ball for a while, so please understand that.

I understand. Im sorry.

This is because the yellow color of fireworks is made of sodium compounds.

The color of the fire turns yellow when the salt is dropped on the stove.

Kurze, can you substitute salt?

Salt absorbs moisture.

So Im sorry.

Lets check again if the chemical formula is correct.

Well, sodium is Na and water is H2O, right?

Its a strongly alkaline sodium hydroxide that can be attached to it, isnt it? That means NaOH, and there is one more H Oh yeah, is the gas generated hydrogen?

I see, it explodes.

I didnt think too much about the principle of explosion, but now I understand.

Chemistry is interesting.

The island octopus is probably in agony with the pain of burning in his mouth.

All the tentacles were swelling and slamming the surface of the water. The wreckage of the Beruza Merchant Ship was hit by a tentacle and the mast broke from the root.

Its more rampant than I expected.

Youll get caught up in the tentacles, dont approach it too carelessly! And the seawater around him is deadly poisonous!

I want to fold it all at once, but I cant get close to it until hes a little weaker.

The island octopus has a magical power that stops the surrounding wind and tide. Im not consciously using magic, but Im doing it on my own with my abilities.

Therefore, it is not possible to escape by riding the current of the tide and to wash away the aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide with the ocean current.

The body surface should be steadily melting, covered with a strong alkaline solution.

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