Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants

Chapter 85

About half a month passed in no time, and finally everything was ready.


I spoke to the Demon Kings soldiers and the Beruza sailors in line.

From now on, we will start a joint operation between the Demon Kings Army and the Beruza Navy. The operation procedure is as trained, and there is nothing special to say now. It is neither difficult nor a deadly mission. Do it as trained.

Its not really that easy because the opponents ability is unknown.

However, everyone is nervous, so it seems that I have no choice but to soften the atmosphere.

The opponent is just a big octopus. Its not the enemy of our octopus-beating fleet. When it comes to that, there are about three trump cards.

This is a lie. There is only one.

However, since it is an oversized trump card, I think I will never lose.

Even if all the trump cards are missed, you can transfer all the personnel to five warships and leave the sea area. Dont worry about the details, concentrate on octopus hunting.

It seems that the wind and tide stop around the island octopus, but the galley is convenient because it can move without wind.

This will be the first joint operation with humans for the Demon King Army.Letssee to our bravery.

Oh oh!

The centaurs hit the quiver and shouted.

Wanwan Wanwan!

The dogs began to bark, as they seemed to burn their opposition.

Alright, lets set sail!

Parker, do it

This time, the rowers of the five galleys will be in charge of the Demon Kings army. Human rowers can panic during combat, but thats not the key source of power.

Thats why Parker summoned a skeleton rower.

An always cheerful skeleton magician now screamed for the dead from the Netherworld with a gruesome voice.

Come from the Dark Gate of Gevena, my friend.

The space was distorted, and a large amount of skeletons sprang up from here and there. It looks like the sailors who died in Beruza, looking at their clothes.

Lets give the ocean another chance to row out. Come on, get on our boat.

Following Parkers voice, the skeleton sailors board the galley, squeaking their bones.

The Beruza soldiers were backing up, staring at this eerie sight.

Wow, awesome

Is this the Wizard of the Demon King Army

Only Parkers ability is one of the best in the Demon Kings army.

After finishing a job, Parker makes a gesture to wipe his forehead and says in a frivolous tone as usual.

No, it was pretty bone.

Yeah, yeah. Thank you.

Only for bones!

I ignored his silly jokes.

Vampires, command the skeletons of each ship.

I borrowed about ten vampire necromancers from my senior Melene. They are disciples to me because they are under Gomoviroa.

Have them board two people on each ship and convey the instructions from the captain to the skeleton. Since the skeletons can move with undisturbed control, perfect maneuvering will be possible.

So thats fine.


Why are you here, even senior Melene?

Then, Senior Melene, who wore a Belusa-style dress, smiled.

No, there are Taishou vampires under Berneheinens rule, and I heard that Vaito would do something interesting, so I came to see him.

Its not that great for you to come to see.

Isnt everyone mistaking me as an interesting entertainer?

Well, lets set sail anyway.

I dont know how many more people will be added if I linger.

Of the five galleys, I made the newest and finest one a flagship. Rather, Garsh was noisy, saying, Make this the flagship.

Flagships are usually in a safe place, so they probably wanted to preserve the new ones as much as possible.

But will it work so well?

Welcome to the fleet flagship Frieden Richter, Admiral

Garsh, who stood up completely from the captain of the pirate, grinned.

By the way, the name of the ship is what I requested as a trade-off.

Leave the maneuvering and hand-to-hand combat to me and your subordinates. You should feel like you are in the office on land and take command slowly.

Thank you. Let us take care of making the octopus sloppy.

Oh, Im looking forward to it.

The combined fleet of the Demon King Army and the Beruza Army is a total of eleven fleets.

The warship Friedenrichter that will be the flagship of the fleet. I have a catapult attached to this guy as well.

Below, the second to fifth ships are warships. Functions as an aircraft carrier and rescue ship for Centaurs.

And there are six armed merchant ships that have been refurbished. Fire support is provided by the large crossbow installed.

Also, galleys can carry a minimum amount of luggage for the convenience of rowers and combatants. I will leave the spare supplies to the armed merchant ship.

The fleet took its course east and entered the route to the neighboring fishing city of Lotso.

Its about time to join.

When I thought so, the guard Beruza soldier shouted at the right time.

Admiral Weit! Its a mermaid!

Oh, Im here

You can see the mermaid flickering in the waves. Is it about 20 people?

Apparently he came.

Mr. Vaito, the number of people is small, but I came to help.

Please help us with something.

It was the young mermaids who greeted me that way.

The sailors are curious about the amiable waving girls.

Wow, its really a mermaid!

Its just beautiful women I hope.

Ive never seen a real mermaid

Garsh screams at his wowful minions while facing forward.

Thats right! Dont stretch under your nose during the voyage! If you like the mermaid sisters so much, show them their brave points!

Hey, hey!

When I thought it was surprisingly solid, Garsh was chasing the mermaid with a sideways glance. After all it seems that even he is weak to beautiful women.

Its not straightforward, uncle.

Thanks to Parkers persuasion, the mermaids joined us safely, so well put them under command.

Their role is underwater vigilance.

If the Devils Sea attacks from directly below, we have no chance. If you can prevent that, this operation should be successful.

We also ask for rescue if personnel fall into the water. Its a mermaid life saver.

I cant blame you even if someone deliberately drops water.

Fortunately, the wind and tide seem to be going well. The skeletons of the warships are rowed in an orderly manner, and the armed merchant ships are sailing and riding in the wind.

I ordered the fleet while watching the situation.

Distribute the armed merchant ship moderately and watch the surroundings. The warship can also be a rescue ship in case of emergency. It is bad if it is sunk first.

The number of crew members on sailboats, including the Crossbow Corps, is as small as 40 to 50. Even if all six armed merchant ships sank, all can be recovered if the warships are safe.

All you have to do is send some of the rowers skeletons back to the underworld and let them sit in vacant seats.

A few hours after leaving the port early in the morning. The time is past noon. We take turns eating easily and the waves and sea breeze wash our hearts.

The South Shizuka is an inland sea surrounded by land, and the waves are calm. I remember when I got on the ferry in the Seto Inland Sea. Its just right to calm down before the fight.

Id like to say that, but there are a lot of demons who get seasick, so I was busy trying to prevent them from getting sick with healing magic.

Im not a surgeon.

Meanwhile, the guard soldier shouts.

Admiral Weit! There is fog ahead!

Looking through a telescope, it is true that there is a thick fog on the ocean.

According to the eyes of the sailors, the scale of the fog seems to be unnaturally small. The wind is blowing normally around it, and the fog on the outer circumference seems to be washed away.

Once inside, the sailing ship is inoperable. However, there is still a considerable distance. Im ready for battle now.

Preparing for battle!

Beruzas signal flag, which indicates that the flagship is ready for battle, is raised, and at the same time, a signal bullet is fired from the Demon Kings army to announce the discovery of the enemy.

The inside of the warship became hectic at once.

Phil Neal carries a spear and inspires the Centaurs.

We will fight in the ocean for the first time in the history of the Centaur tribe! We will never have this honor again! Lets do our best!

Oh oh!

Its still noisy before the battle, but morale seems to be high as usual.

Probably the most damaged would be the Centaur corps, but I want as many people as possible to survive.

I ordered the fleet to rush, praying for their safety.

Lets do it! Rush all the warships! Armed merchant ships deploy on the windward side of the fog and wait for a signal! Operation starts!

Oh, Ill show you the pride of Beruza!

Ill do it! Sorei, win the Demon Kings army!


Both humans and demons shouted in unison, and the five warships rushed into the fog.

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