Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants

Chapter 1

I dont remember my previous life. Not that I feel the need to remember it.

Currently my name is Vaito. No one should worry much about how to pronounce it, since Im now, a Demon.

Vaito-san, the infiltration is complete.

Alright, the advance team has given the signal. White assault team, wait for my instruction.

Yes su~.

Im now, a werewolf, a demon that is able to transform from a human into a wolf. Before the transformation, my looks resemble to my previous life. However, when I transform, Im a black werewolf that is feared by human. Im confident that I look cool. I wonder, in many races to which I could have reincarnated, if I hit the jackpot to be reincarnated into this race.

The current me is a servant of the demon king. More precisely, the commander of the third division of Demon army. That is my title now. It may not be much but I lead several people under me. I have fifty six werewolves to command and two hundred Inujin engineers loaned from another division.

The mission given to me is to attack a frontier trading city. It is surrounded by walls and the population is around three thousand people. The city is called Ryun Height.

I looked at the city at the bottom of the hill from back of the forest. The Inujin messengers, waiting beside me, are now giving me a live report.

The enemy stationed here, is around two hundred people, patrolling around the city, for security maintenance.

Is that info reliable?

The child soldier, that resembled a Beagle, tilted his neck as he looked troubled.

After the messengers relayed the orders to each unit, we started walking towards the city.

On top of the wall, that surrounds the city, there are guards monitoring all the time. Although they wont be able to notice that Im a demon from my appearance alone since I dont look any different from a normal human boy. I look like a teenager boy with black dull hair.

The guard wearing a simple armor with a breastplate and helmet and holding a short spear in one hand stopped me.

You there, I havent seen your face before.

From the luggage bag, that I was carrying, I took out a small bird shaped whistle.

Ah sorry about that, Im a broker, came here to deliver some whistle toys to the shop, the Petun shop.


The guard took it in hand, blew lightly. A goofy sound, Supyorororo was emitted.

Just then, it became noisy around the gates.

Its a monster!


Merchants with their luggages rushed in desperation.

Immediately surrounding became abuzz. Guards surrounded the merchants.

Its a monster!?

They replied this with a pale face,

Its a dog! Their face is those of a dog and they are carrying weapon.

Wow! There are a lot of them.

Upon entering the town, in the covers of the crowd, I took out another whistle. So as to not to be found out, I blew in it, big time.

The sound couldnt be heard. But to us, the werewolves, it was clear as day. Thats because it was a dog-whistle.

It was a signal to move to the next stage.

Without anyone being suspicious of me, I headed towards the city square in the center, slowly. I expect there to be the mansion of the Viceroy in there.

After a while, it has become noisy is in the city, also.

Theres the monster!

Its a demon dog!

Of course it was the werewolf troops that had infiltrated in advance. They seemed to have started the action. It has become a fuss.

However the nasty guards are still glued to the wall.

Moreover, the information relayed was confusing. There are inujin outside of the city! and There are werewolves in the city!, its become jumbled up.

Its a demon dog!

Its alright, the guards are fighting back!

Oh, is that so?

This is a perfect example of chaos. But I want them to differentiate between cute inujin and vigorous werewolves. We are not dogs.

Situation is exactly as planned, there are no troubles which I was worried about. Soon it is a good time, so I also decided to transform.

With a deep breath, I release the power within me.


It is exhilarating every time I transform. I am filled with power and mood is uplifted. This excitement is just like a child.

But of course, it is not so for the people around me.



Its a monsterrrr!

I smile wryly at the people in panic. Because I am a fusion between in human and wolf now, it would not look like anything but threatening with baring fangs at them.

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