Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 8 - Chapter 395 - Exam planning and Schedule

"We are going to have end-of-term exams soon."

Sierra started the first Monday after the long dungeon festival called dungeon week... or I mean, the long holiday with these words.

"E-exams! Hmph, they have the guts to test me."

"Huh? Why do you suddenly look so smug, Zephyr?"

Why? You should ask why not! It's the moment to test out my deep love for the <Dungeon Activity> after all. As someone called the walking database of <Dungeon Activity>, a term exam would be the last place where I would ever stumble. In fact, this was just the perfect chance to show my deeper than ocean love for <Dungeon Activity>!

Isn't that fun? To score all the questions correct! Fuhahaha!

"Anyway, the exams will begin in two weeks. Dungeons will be off-limit from next week onwards till the exam ends. I believe we are going to receive an explanation about it from the teacher as well, but we should also decide on our activities in the guild for the duration."

"Nice idea. A part of summer vacation would be wasted in make-up exams if someone fails. So, let's hold a study session for the members who aren't up to the marks."

The exam would last from July 1st (Mon) to July 12tth (Fri), and as Sierra said, dungeons would be off-limits for the duration. The first week of July was a preparatory period, while the rest of the five days would be when tests take place.

The exam process in the game consisted of answering the few MCQs presented to us and then handing it over to the academy. The final exam could then be skipped.

Later, when the exam's ranking was announced and player boast top marks, they would become the target of envy of other students, which would subsequently raise their evaluation. It was one of the ways to raise the fame value of the guild.

Of course, if the result was a failure, players would receive negative fame value, their 10 days of summer vacation would be spent in making up for it all the while being unable to enter the dungeon (which was skipped in the game).

But seriously, as long as players haven’t missed the tutorial and properly paid attention to the story, it was impossible to get fail in them.

On the off topic, I have only ever scored perfect marks, and naturally, on my all without looking up for an answer. Oops, I guess that counts as bragging, eh? Hahaha!

"But, we can't dive into the dungeon for two weeks huh, what a bummer."

"It would be impossible to take the guild rank promotion exam for that duration as well. This means we have to take the exam within this month. We are pretty much done with our preparation, so I think we should quickly proceed with the application.”

"Yeah. I also wanted to be promoted within this week."

I discussed my plan with Sierra before the homeroom.

Today was 24th june. I had already planned for boss farming this weekend while Friday was occupied with my lecture. It effectively leaves till Thursday to get over with the D-rank promotion exam. Wow, we really didn’t have much time.

We have already completed the conditions to take the exam, now all that was left was to see if the necessary 10 members---who have cleared the condition of conquering 3 Int-mid dungeons, including me---had free time in the weekday or not. It would be nice if the schedules align, but for now, everyone has their own stuff to do. We were still in phase to sort that out.

Alright, let's discuss during breaks between classes. Fortunately, all the 10 members were in the same class. Gotta hurry up. Oh, and I should also contact Marie-senpai for <Dash Boots>.

I mentally noted down the necessary stuff while casually discussing with Sierra.

"Speaking of, how are others' academic abilities? Do you know?"

Once we were done with the guild battle discussion, I asked my next question, which I was quite curious about. Come to think of it, the topic shifted midway but Sierra was initially talking about exams.

Anyone failing in these exams would be mercilessly dragged away to the prison of supplementary lessons. The most dreadful punishment was, of course, ban on dungeon diving. In that case, this wasn't just an individual's problem, but the guild as a whole. I mean, how could a party function properly with incomplete numbers, no? It was basically everyone's responsibility to make sure it didn't happen.

I kind of think that's the main intention behind that punishment. Want to dive into dungeon? Then make sure your party members are up to qualification.

"I am not sure about others, but I have a general gist about the capabilities of members in this class. There are......quite a few people who need serious help."


"Class-1 lessons are the most difficult after all."

No one told us we were starting from last position...I couldn't let it happen. It would have to be the world's end before I voluntarily gave up on the dungeon!

We have a week after the exam period, after which summer vacation would start. I was currently in the middle of planning the schedule. There was basically no time to relax.

Moreover, this was reality, so some members were bound to visit their home during this time frame.

I need to investigate that as well and schedule things early! My summer dungeon dive was on stack!

"But seriously, I can't tell how happy I am to have you around. It was a complete hindsight from my part. Alright, let's support everyone with all our might, this concerns our summer vacation! Oh, and we need to coordinate our summer vacation plans too."

"I am glad if I’ve been of help. I'll ask the members about their summer vacation plans later."

"Great. I will also sketch out a schedule from my side, and see who is available to participate and who is not. Okay?"

"Alright. But don't come up with any weird plans."

"What are you saying? I don't think I have ever come up with a weird plan."

"...............True. I believe in you."

"Just leave it to me!"

But, did she just hesitate in her response? No way, right?

I graciously accepted her request.

Well, well, end-of-term exams were just the starting. There's a lot of things to schedule out, but first was to draw out a proper schedule. And while I was at it, I guess I should also design our summer vacation event.

Now, where should I start first?

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