Reincarnated in the Astral World

Chapter 26: Mommy is Mommy (2/2)

Arthur has never felt as happy as he is now. Of course, his life had been wonderful until last night, but he could never feel complete when hiding his dark side from his mother.

But now that he has revealed it to her, and she still loves him as her son, his life just got a lot better.

That's why he hugs her so tightly, his arms completely around her thin and delicate waist, all her soft parts squeezed against his firm body...

But there are no dirty thoughts in his mind; only his heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for his much-loved mother.

Aria is in the same situation; she loves her son so much that feeling his tight hug fills her with happiness and pride.

"My little boy..." She stands on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. "You can hug mommy like this whenever you want..."

"Just let the bad feelings flow out of your heart and mommy's love enter."

Aria's sweet words take away any worry from Arthur's mind, and he becomes extremely relaxed.

Only her sweet voice in his head, her fragrant perfume in his nose, the sensation of her soft body...

In such a state of ecstasy, Arthur doesn't notice the natural reactions of his body.

But Aria notices them right after noticing the reactions of her own body.

"Oh my~~" she exclaims with that charm only she has. "Is mommy making you this happy?"

"Huh?" Arthur takes a while to realize that he is pressing something big and hard against his mother's belly.

"How could he respond to such pure and warm love from his perfect mother with such an immoral action?

Of course, he feels very guilty and embarrassed.

"Mom!!" Arthur stops hugging Aria and quickly turns around, trying to calm his excitement. "I'm so sorry… it wasn't supposed to-"

He is clearly panicking, and now it's Aria who hugs him tightly from behind.

"Mommy doesn't mind such a thing," She speaks lovingly as she wraps her arms around his abdomen.

"That…" Arthur can't stop thinking about how wrong that seems, but at the same time, he feels the opposite.

"How can it seem so wrong to accept all her love and respond with all my love?" Such a dilemma drives him crazy.

Arthur tries his best to contain his "happiness," but with Aria pressing her more-than-perfect huge melons against his back, it's simply impossible.

"Mom…" He doesn't know how to ask her to be less perfect; that seems even more wrong than any stupid morality.

"Yes, dear?" Aria doesn't stop acting so lovingly, which messes with Arthur's feelings even more.

He tries to focus to continue telling how he went from Liam to Arthur. "I won't be able to continue my story if you hug me like this…"

"I don't want to stop hugging you," She says and presses her body even harder against his. "Just keep telling me your story; mommy will keep the bad feelings away!"

"You really do this so nicely!" He can't deny it in his mind.

"Alright…" Arthur finds it very difficult to keep talking while his body feels so good that he should be moaning.

But he manages to concentrate and finish telling how Liam died and Arthur was born. He makes it clear that he doesn't remember well how that last part was, and he only started to regain his memories after the age of five.

That complements all of Aria's assumptions like a puzzle that assembles in her mind.

But only one part is ready because what led him to reincarnation and keep his memories remains a mystery to both.

Arthur also doesn't mention that Liam thought he heard his mother's voice at the moment of his death because that seemed just an illusion and not something real.

He is very happy to have Aria as his mother and doesn't want to think about Liam's deceased mother since that is the most painful memory he has.

"That's really fascinating..." Aria thinks out loud, then she quickly regrets it and hugs Arthur more tightly. "Mommy didn't mean that. I didn't want you to have suffered so much; it's so unfair!"

"I understand," Arthur comments in a gentle and loving tone. "Liam's life was horrible, but having such memories makes me love what I have now even more."

Aria can't stop smiling; her heart aches every time she thinks about Arthur suffering due to those memories, but he seems to have been molded by heaven to be her perfect son.

The fact that he appreciates life with her and Eve so much and also the way he accepts all her love makes her very delighted.

She doesn't want to imagine what it would be like if Arthur were a small version of Draven, wanting to go out into the world swinging a sword against everyone who seems like a villain.

"I'm so glad you're my son," she whispers as she hugs him more and more.

Arthur smiles and strokes Aria's hands around his waist. "And I'm so glad you are my mother."

She rests her face on his back and enjoys his scent. "Let's stay like this a little longer… let mommy have this."

"How could I deny you anything?" He thinks.

Aria continues to hug Arthur to her heart's content, and at some point, he stops trying to contain the reactions of his body and just lets nature take its course.

But of course, nothing weird happens; they just enjoy the warm moment.

After several minutes, Arthur hears Nyx's voice in his mind. She was very quiet all the time, probably giving him and his mother some privacy.

But her patience also has limits, and she goes straight to the point. "Are you going to tell her about me?"

"I will," He quickly responds. "I can't hide anything from her anymore."

"Alright," Nyx responds positively. "I also think that's best; Aria has proven she will support you no matter what."

Arthur makes his decision and speaks to Aria. "Mom, I have another secret…"

"You can tell mommy anything," She speaks lovingly. "Nothing can separate us."

"Let me show you," He says and gently removes her hands from his belly so that he can turn around.

Aria looks at him curiously, but it's impossible to stop her cheeks from blushing a little when he starts to take off his shirt, revealing such a strong chest with that hot six-pack.

"Oh, my~" She lets out a charming sigh while trying not to focus on how hot her son is. "Don't think strange things, Aria!"

She really tries her best, but things get even harder when Arthur points down.

Aria can't help but think something crazy. "Is it about your D-"

Arthur notices Aria blushing and quickly realizes the misunderstanding. "No! No!! It's my Nexus, just my Nexus!!"

"Oh," Aria's eyes sparkle with curiosity as she bites her lips in a very charming way.

Arthur begins to doubt his own sanity and can only ask Nyx for help.

"Is she doing this on purpose, or am I misinterpreting her actions?" He mentally asks Nyx.

"Honestly..." Nyx pauses before responding. "I am also confused."

"Maybe there is something wrong with me? I mean even more wrong." He comments.

"Even if there is, I doubt it would make a difference to Aria," Nyx responds.

Arthur refocuses on his mother and sees her beautiful face painted with the colors of excited curiosity.

"You can appear, Nyx," He speaks aloud.

Aria is confused by his words, and then she sees his heart-shaped Nexus glow and transforms into a pink cloud, which then converts into a beautiful demon girl.

Nyx doesn't appear in a bikini as she usually does, but materializes a beautiful black short dress with a design that goes down to her knees, a refined neckline, lace accents, and short sleeves.

She also has small, delicate shoes, and her beautiful red hair is tied in an elegant small bun.

Some tiny, round earrings adorn the outlines of her pointed ears, and a simple necklace around her neck, all made with the energy she shares with Arthur.

It's not just Aria who is shocked by Nyx's appearance but also Arthur due to how graceful her look seems.

"Why are you dressed so well???" He mentally asks Nyx.

But she ignores his question and slightly bows to Aria while holding the edges of her dress, a simple but elegant and respectful way to greet her future mother-in-law.

"Hello, Aria," Nyx speaks in her most courteous tone. "This one is Nyx, and I'm really happy to finally meet you properly."

"It's not possible!" Arthur feels that his jaw could drop to the floor at any moment due to the shock of seeing Nyx acting that way.

"Where did that Tsundere demon who couldn't have a conversation with me without panicking and starting to curse go?" He wonders.

His surprise is natural; after all, he has never seen Nyx interact with anyone else and doesn't understand how the interactions with him make her more shy due to her feelings for him.

Those same feelings now make her strive to the maximum to make a good first impression on Aria.

And it's working because Aria starts laughing as soon as she sees Nyx. "I knew!! I knew there was a girl!! So it was you all this time??"

"You were right," Nyx speaks in a respectful tone. "And I'm sorry for that, but this one didn't feel ready to appear, and I asked Arthur to keep my secret from everyone."

"NO SHIT?!?" Arthur is shocked again.

Nyx always blames him for anything that makes her feel shy, but now she's lying to hide his insecurity about Aria's reaction to finding out about her.

"Is she doing this to hide a weakness of mine and not to interfere with my relationship with my mother?" Arthur only thinks about that as a reason for Nyx's actions.

Despite most of their interactions being chaotic due to her shy personality, he can see that she is always doing her best for him.

Aria also notices it the moment she hears the way Nyx talks about Arthur, which leaves her with conflicting feelings.

"My~ my~! You are a beautiful demoness who was inside my son's Nexus all this time…" Aria smiles at Nyx.

But then she casts a stern, inquisitive, and also jealous look at Arthur. "Tell mommy, what have you been forcing this poor girl to do all this time?"

"What the?!" Arthur feels really wronged now.

But Aria's look becomes more and more piercing, as if she were trying to see through his soul.

"Don't lie to mommy, Arthur!" She approaches and gently holds his face, making him look into her bright eyes. "I can see how she tries to defend you, so your relationship must already be well advanced."

"No, no, no!!" He tries to shake his head. "I don't force her to do anything, for real!!"

Aria casts that inquisitive look at Nyx, who quickly spills everything with a blushing face. "This one has been sleeping with your son for over three years, I won't deny."

"What?! Sleeping together already?!" Aria can't help but feel very frustrated.

She also gets worried and looks at Arthur again. "Have you already become a complete man, and I didn't even notice? How can mommy be so blind?"

"No, no!!" Arthur tries to clarify the misunderstanding. "She just sleeps with me because she can't sleep in my Nexus, but it is just sleeping; we don't do anything, for real!!"

"Really?" Aria feels more relieved, but then she looks at Nyx to confirm. "Is this true?"

Nyx can't stop her face from blushing even more while her heart beats so fast.

She doesn't want to talk about the things she does with Arthur in front of him because it makes her very nervous, but she knows she can't hide anything from Aria; their relationship has to be perfect for Arthur's sake.

"This one has touched and kissed your son…" Nyx begins to detail the thing.

And Arthur notices flames arising in Aria's eyes, which makes him panic again. "Oi, oi!?! Nyx, what the hell are you doing???"

"Don't blame her for telling the truth!" Aria exclaims while looking at Arthur with a mixed expression of frustration and love.

He can't understand how she didn't mind him having a past life full of shadows and violence but seems upset about him having kissed a girl.

And he will never be able to understand how a mother feels when a girl comes out of nowhere to steal her little boy while she seeks so hard to give him all her love.

That sentiment exists within all mothers, but Aria's case is different, as her feelings are much more powerful and intense than those of any other mother.

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