Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 646 Nihilistic Nova

Chapter 646 Nihilistic Nova

?Even though Leviah defended herself, the force of his enhanced strike propelled her body backwards with powerful impact, almost sending her flying.

She stabbed her spear into the ground and forcefully halted her body's motion, before quickly unearthing it and kicking off the ground, leaving a crater behind as she charged towards him.

Leviah moved in zig zags as if attempting to confuse him, before pivoting on her foot to garner momentum for a single spear thrust.

Evan bent his upper body to the side to avoid the spear thrust, before tilting his body clockwise and swinging the Unforged upwards, knocking her spear in the same direction.

The ground beneath their feet cratered from the shockwaves of the weapon collision, but Evan quickly used a void step to maintain his footing while sending a sword thrust straight towards Leviah's head.

She barely dodged the strike at the last moment, but by then, Evan was already moving his body into position for a follow-up.

The boy pressed on the offensive, pushing Leviah back with just pure sword skills.

What's more, the boy lived up to his title as Hero of Mimicry, switching sword styles every now and then, making it so that Leviah didn't know how to react to his next move.

He sourced techniques from his predecessor's memories, used Finley's techniques, Luke's and by the time he had pushed Leviah to the boss room walls, he was using Pride's Origin Sword Style!

Naturally, Pride was none too pleased about it, with Greed even gloating about her technique being too easy to mimic.

However, when Evan suddenly raised his blade and used elemental weapon projection to coat it in ice and transform it into a Great sword, the smile on his face disappeared.

"I remember you were saying something about a technique being 'Easy to Mimic'…"


Greed remained silent as he saw Evan actually pull off his 'Covetous Blade' style, with the boy's arms being coated in orange-coloured flames that didn't seem to be giving off any heat.

The precise heavy blows were blocked with Leviah's spear, but each one made her arms tremble slightly.

The High Demon's brows narrowed and she clicked her tongue in annoyance as she spun her body around, dodging Evan's overhead strike while generating momentum for a diagonal slash.

Evan crouched to dodge it and tried to sweep her off her feet with the blade, but his eyes widened in shock when he saw her retract her spear and pierce it downwards.

'Skill activation?!'

The instant the spear tip touched the ice blade, it shattered into pieces, and Evan who had been moving it with more strength than usual, lost his footing a bit when the weight of the weapon in his hand abruptly changed.

Leviah took this chance and kicked the boy in the side, knocking him away before chasing after him with her spear pulled back.

Just before she could pierce him with a full-powered thrust, the boy disappeared and reappeared behind her, swinging down his blade coated in prismatic flames.

Despite how unexpected this was, Leviah somehow spun around just in time to block the strike, though the resultant force made her legs sink knee-deep into the ground.

'That teleportation just now; it was a skill yet I did not sense anything until I felt the surrounding space distort…

It's the same power as that other bastard.

But more importantly…'

Leviah looked right at Evan who had returned to his base side stance, her eyes narrowing in displeasure as she thought.

'Something's off…he's too 'calm' considering why he's fighting me.'

For a moment, her pupils darted to the side to look for Pride but in that short moment, Evan suddenly appeared in front of her and swung his blade down on her neck.

'Tsk…Heavy Body.'


Leviah silently activated a skill while she held her spear up diagonally, blocking Evan's blow without even moving an inch.

The boy's eyes widened ever so slightly, his arms trembling as if had just struck an iron wall, but he knew he didn't have time to play around as Leviah was already attacking.

'Crushing Blow.'

'Elemental Shield.'

Leviah's spear collided with the half-spherical barrier of light that manifested right beside Evan's head, and in that same moment, the boy kicked her in the torso, launching her body into the air before following right after her with his sword glowing.

'Elemental Skewer.'

The High Demon flipped in the air and was about to land on the ground, only for her instincts to scream 'DANGER!' at her.

She quickly reacted, creating a foothold of ice which she used to jump back into the air, avoiding the spear of crimson gold light that pierced out of the ground where her foot was about to land.

'Vindiction's Strike.'

As the space beside her suddenly turned dark, her eyes darted to the side and she saw the black portal rimmed with golden light, charging up a beam of prismatic flames within.

'Ethereal Ward. Mirror Shield. Adamantine Fortress.'


The colourful explosion brightened up the Boss Room, the loud noise overshadowing the sound of breaking glass that rang out at the same moment.

Sparks rained down on the ground below, prompting Kolvar to create a protective barrier to prevent the others from being burned.

As for Pride, the sparks that fell towards her all changed directions midway and went to Greed instead while she continued watching the spectacle while eating her popcorn.

Evan was about to charge towards the cloud of smoke in the air, but his danger sense warned him against that.

'Burst Cannon. Envy Bolt.'

A rapid barrage of projectiles rained down on Evan above, forming a never-ending barrage of dark red energy bolts.

Knowing better than to be hit by them, Evan jumped backwards, stomping his foot on the ground upon his landing and erecting a massive ten-metre-tall shield of metre-thick ice to block them.

The projectiles showcased the power they packed, cracking Evan's reinforced ice and breaking through it within seconds.

He jumped out of the way, creating multiple shields with Elemental Weapon Projection to block the projectiles as he ran, however, Leviah remained in the air and kept up the barrage, predicting his movement path and firing them with calculated precision.

Suddenly, the barrage lessened, and Evan looked up to where Leviah was, meeting the scene of the woman holding her spear back with her right hand while her left hand continuously fired more projectiles.

'Vorpal Serenade. Inferno Javelin.'

For a moment, Evan swore he could hear a melody playing in the background, but that sound was quickly overshadowed by that of the sound barrier being shattered by the flaming spear that hurtled towards him.

'Tsk…Hollow Magic.'

Evan stopped running and turned around, holding up his palm in the direction of the incoming spear as he used a spell he recalled Dominik Velak use in the game.

"Nihilistic Nova."


Non-attributed magic power rapidly condensed into an orb in front of his hand and he launched it at her spear, the two of them colliding almost instantly and creating a dazzling explosion of white light.

The blast rippled with chaotic distortions, causing the fabric of space to warp and shift ever so slightly.

The true nature of the Nihilistic Nova manifested, creating a zone of 'Zero-Energy' centred around the point of impact.

It appeared as if the very space itself rejected the presence of these energies, and as a result, the spear which was guided by magic power, lost its power and was sent careening in a random direction.

The weapon crashed into the boss room wall with a resounding impact and embedded itself into the stone.

Leviah was momentarily stunned by this, and that short moment was all Evan needed to bring her down from her elevated position.




'Everlasting Chains!'

The golden chains wrapped around Leviah's legs were pulled downwards, with so much force that the woman's body descended to the ground in a split second and mercilessly slammed down into it.

Evan wasn't done yet, pulling on the chains to drag Leviah closer to him in preparation for another attack, but the Deadly Sin Demon held out her hand, causing her spear to unearth itself and fly straight towards his head.

However, Evan only sent a cursory glance at the spear, using his Harbinger skill to encase it in a layer of ice before pulling on Leviah and flinging her over his shoulder.

He was about to fling her away once again when she pointed her hand towards him and activated a skill, one that summoned an ethereal avatar of a multi-headed serpent.


The dark red serpentine heads all roared loudly as two heads bit on the Everlasting Chains while the third snatched Evan up in its jaws.

Before it could bite down, Evan unleashed a burst of frigid energy, but what encased the hydra-head was not only ice but also his prismatic flames.

'I see, Frozen Inferno is the best way to simultaneously use both Mesarthim and Harbinger of Ice without them counteracting each other…'

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