Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 5153: extreme pull

Chapter 5153: extreme pull

They are there, chase after me. After seeing Zhang Xu and the others getting into a car, people on the ground shouted as they ran towards the car.

After hearing the shouting, Lu Xiaoxiao glanced in the direction of the underground stadium, then she immediately started the car and drove towards the train station.

Fortunately, we are fast, otherwise we might not be able to escape so smoothly. Monkey sighed after leaving the underground yard at the station.

Dont be too happy too early, they are not fools, they will definitely catch up soon.

That shouldnt be the case. We havent disclosed the escape route. How can they pursue us?

Split the troops into several directions and chase them. Dont forget that this city is their base camp. Its not easy for them to chase people.

Hanghou immediately became alert after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Then he stopped talking to Lu Xiaoxiao and looked behind the car from time to time.

Not long after, he saw a car following closely behind them, and it was getting closer and closer.

So he immediately said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, a car is catching up with me."

After hearing what the monkey said, Lu Xiaoxiao glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a car following their car, so she said to everyone in the car: "Sit down, I'm going to speed up."


A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the car chasing them had been thrown away by her. This made her sigh in relief, but she did not slow down the car.

Because since the people on the ground floor know where they are going, they will definitely be able to catch up soon. Maybe even take a shortcut to intercept them.

Thinking of this, she took out two handfuls of wooden warehouses from her bag and threw them to Zhang Xu: "Put wooden warehouses on their tires if necessary." After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Xu did not ask Lu Xiaoxiao where the wooden warehouses came from. Instead, he said hello to Lu Xiaoxiao and handed one of the wooden warehouses to Haimao.

Because the best people in Mucangfa in the car are the two of them.

More than ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw a car coming out of the fork in the road and following closely behind them. She knew that the people at the exit were catching up.

So she said to Zhang Xu: "If I speed up and still can't get rid of them, you can open the wooden warehouse."


A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw someone being thrown away by her again. She couldn't help but curl her lips, and then continued driving towards the train station.

"Bang bang bang..." Just when Lu Xiaoxiao and the others were about to arrive at the train station, they heard the sound of wooden warehouses and the sound of Zi Gongdan rubbing against the car. Lu Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she immediately drove the car into a snake shape.

Then she said to Zhang Xu and Gray Cat: "Give me a shot. Don't be reluctant to give up the bows and arrows. I've brought a lot of them."

Zhang Xu and Haimao said hello after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then they opened the windows and shot at the car following them without saying a word.

However, the opponent seemed to have known for a long time that they would open a wooden warehouse, so they had made preparations early, so all the sub-missons that Zhang Xu and Gray Cat played were in vain.

But Zhang Xu and Haimao did not give up because they were empty-handed, because Lu Xiaoxiao said that she had a lot of sub-gun orders, so after they took the sub-gun lists that Lu Xiaoxiao handed them, they continued to follow them. The car shot away.

Finally, a wooden warehouse hit their tire. The station chasing them instantly skidded on the spot, and then hit the railing on the side of the road with a bang. The entire car was totaled in an instant.

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