Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 44: 041 Is Gu Wanzhou more important than me? The lost Rao Shi Yun

Li Zhiyan received t thousand yuan.

He waved his hand, signaling for him to scram quickly.

To be able to do this was ough; after all, he was only an old family frid of Liu Jingfg, and this Zhang Si was, in the d, his man.

So, Li Zhiyan wasn't too harsh.

"Thank you."

"Th I'll be leaving first, sorry about this, Miss Fang."

Zhang Si felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. Before leaving, he stealthily took one last look at Fang Zhiya. What a pity, this woman was too fiery, still unwilling to bow her head ev wh pushed to a wall.

From now on, there was no longer any connection betwe him and this stunning, mature beauty.

Holding the hefty t thousand yuan, Li Zhiyan felt what was meant by "a beauty brings trouble".

The wom of the older geration were indeed very traditional.

Such as Gu Wanzhou, Rao Shiyun, and Fang Zhiya before him.

But there were also many things that seemed far more morally bankrupt compared to 4 years ago.

He had heard of things happing in cornfields with fathers-in-law and...

And in his hometown village, a middle-aged woman, because other m were having affairs and her husband was not, feeling she had lost face, called another woman over and watched her sleep with her husband.

Such cases were dless.

Ev shocking evts like this image!

Some legds oped Li Zhiyan's eyes wide.

Many born in the '70s were more promiscuous than the young people, with some m thinking of nothing but that one thing.

Thus, it wasn't hard to understand why Rao Shiyun and others had so many suitors.

With their kind of beauty, coupled with more frequt interactions with people, if no one were interested, that would be truly odd—those uncles thought of only one thing, sleep and nothing else.

"Aunt Fang, please take your salary."

Fang Zhiya didn't know whether or not to accept it; under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have be able to retrieve her own money.

But now, this kid had gott her salary back for her, and ev added an extra five thousand.

"Xiao Yan."

After Fang Zhiya took the t thousand yuan, she handed half of it to Li Zhiyan.

"Auntie thanks you, keep this five thousand as your salary," she said.

"This half is to thank you."

Li Zhiyan didn't accept it; if he took this five thousand yuan, there would barely be any connection left betwe him and Aunt Fang.

"Aunt Fang, please keep it. You are my elder, and it's only right for me to help you. I can't take your money," he said.

"Besides, with my uncle locked up, you have no source of income; this is the time wh you need money the most."

"If you really want to thank me, how about making me a meal someday?"

"I am quite fond of tasting other people's cooking."

Fang Zhiya's eyes got red, and she nodded, uttering a "Hmm."

She felt an urge to throw herself into the child's arms and cry her heart out; she had never before felt so helpless and alone.

In the darkness, Li Zhiyan was the only one who reached out a helping hand to her.

"Auntie, you're all wet."

"With the weather like this, I should take you home to change into dry clothes first," he said.

"Otherwise, feeling all sticky must be quite uncomfortable."

"Right, you should op a new bank account for the money."

Fang Zhiya felt utterly helpless in her heart; at this momt, Li Zhiyan became her only lifeline.


She returned home with Li Zhiyan and saw the red paint splattered on the wall.

Fang Zhiya worried that Li Zhiyan might be scared.

However, she relaxed after she saw that he didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"The house has be auctioned off by the court, and I guess they'll come to seal it up in a few days," she said.

"We'll have to rt a place to live after that. I'm sorry, Xiao Yan, for making you witness this disgrace."

As Fang Zhiya oped the door, Li Zhiyan saw that the living room had be practically stripped bare; the way debts were collected these days was just that brutal.

It seemed that his class leader's father did indeed owe quite a lot of money wh he was in business.

"There's nowhere to sit now, you can just find a spot," she said.

"I'll go take a shower first."

After being exposed to the sun earlier, Fang Zhiya indeed felt uncomfortable, especially as her tube top was soaked with sweat.

"Auntie, you go first. I'll just sit a here," he replied.


Fang Zhiya wt to the master bedroom, and soon, the sound of the shower running stirred Li Zhiyan's restlessness.

It wasn't long before Fang Zhiya came out.

She had changed into black pants and a shirt, completely bundled up.

Only th did Li Zhiyan recall that this woman seemed to never show her legs—truly very traditional.

"Xiao Yan, you wer't waiting anxiously, were you?" she asked.


Li Zhiyan glanced at her and sure ough, without the constraints, Fang Zhiya's full figure was fully displayed within his line of sight.

A petite "jade girl" of 60, with such fruitful bounty—it was indeed remarkable.

"Xiao Yan, you're really impressive. At 8, you could help Auntie solve such a big problem," she said.

"Otherwise, Auntie wouldn't ev know where to get the money to rt a place."

"If Auntie could have a son as good as you, that would be great."

Fang Zhiya attempted to grasp Li Zhiyan's hand.

But remembering her physical condition, she refrained.

After all, there should be no intimate contact betwe m and wom.

So she just watched the boy, and that was fine too.

Li Zhiyan remained silt for a momt—what, was he now the dream lover of many aunties?

Everyone wants to have a son like this.

"Xiao Yan, what are you doing now?"

Fang Zhiya thought that Li Zhiyan must be involved with some business or job to resolve her problems so swiftly.

She also remembered that her son mtioned Li Zhiyan wh he was home, and her husband had ev instructed her son to give Li Zhiyan a hard time to curry favor with the class teacher.

Realizing Li Zhiyan was like an emy to her son, her shame deeped.

For someone from a poor family like Li Zhiyan to have come this far, he must have had some talt.

"Auntie, after I graduated, I started running an Internet Cafe, so I also know a few people."

"It just so happed that I was able to help with your problem."

"I didn't expect to run into you there by coincidce."

A glint of admiration flickered in Fang Zhiya's eyes.

"You run an Internet Cafe?"

"Is it money from your family?"

"Aunt Fang, no, it's the money I've earned from doing Frch translation work."

Li Zhiyan realized the skills the system had giv him were really useful, especially wh others asked about his income sources.

He could easily explain it, after all, earning money by translating Frch or by programming was indeed plausible, and once the Internet Cafe was up and running, his income was ev easier to justify.

"You also know Frch!"

Fang Zhiya's eyes brimmed with maternal pride as she looked at Li Zhiyan.

She looked from Li Zhiyan to her own son...

"Xiao Yan, Auntie is really vious of your mother for having such a good son."

"Yesterday, I asked Liu Yaolong to prepare to move out and rt a place with me."

"But he refused to live in a rtal property and ran off to stay with a frid instead."

"And today, he ev complained that I embarrassed him."

As she spoke, Fang Zhiya could barely hold back her tears.

"Aunt Fang, don't cry, life has to go on, doesn't it?"

"If he doesn't want to be with you, just think of him as not your son, and from now on, consider me as your son."

Li Zhiyan's joke greatly improved Fang Zhiya's mood.

The more she spoke with Li Zhiyan, the more she liked him.

"Aunt Fang, do you use QQ?"

"I don't have a QQ account."

Li Zhiyan fell silt for a momt. This woman was indeed traditional, not ev having a QQ account. He guessed she was probably the type to wait until WeChat launched before registering.

"Th let's exchange mobile numbers. Wh you have time, come to my Internet Cafe, and I'll help you register a QQ account. That way, it will be convit for us to chat in the future."


After chatting with Li Zhiyan, Fang Zhiya's mood became much more stable. They exchanged mobile numbers, and after talking a bit more, Li Zhiyan left.

Leaving the class leader's place, Li Zhiyan couldn't stop thinking about Fang Zhiya in her revealing outfit and her appearce after she freed herself from it.

The momt he saw the contrast, Li Zhiyan felt his brain go blank.

The visual impact was astounding.

Putting away his strange thoughts, Li Zhiyan oped the system.

The system task was completed, and the fifty thousand yuan had be credited to his account. It was the paymt for a programming project he had done online for a company.

Every paymt was clear and accounted for.

However, there were no new tasks yet, but with fifty thousand yuan in hand, Li Zhiyan was not in a hurry.

After visiting the Brotherhood Internet Cafe and seeing it still not crowded, Li Zhiyan understood that the system's marketing also required time. Anyway, with a fixed thirty thousand yuan of pure profit monthly, he didn't need to worry too much.


In the eving, Li Meifg called Rao Shi Yun.

"Miss Rao, the great beauty."

"What's up, remembered to call me?"

At the momt, Rao Shi Yun was applying a facial mask. Her skin was so fair, largely thanks to her regular skincare routine.

In this era, most wom over forty didn't look good anymore.

Except for a few with naturally great skin, only those from economically well-off families could still look young and beautiful at forty.

"I wonder if you're breastfeeding Li Zhiyan!"

Rao Shi Yun's face heated up slightly. She was more resilit than Gu Wanzhou.

But only to an extt.

"Nonsse, just tell me what you want, I'm about to sleep!"

"It's about Li Zhiyan."

"The kid?"

Rao Shi Yun's curiosity was piqued.

"Yes, about the kid. I want to ask you, if you had to choose betwe your husband and him, who would you pick?"

"I bet the kid really wants you to breastfeed him."

"Alright, stop your nonsse, or I'm hanging up."

Rao Shi Yun's mind involuntarily conjured up some images.

"Okay, okay. Did you know the kid bought an Internet Cafe?"

"I had no idea."

"I bet you didn't know, and that's what Gu Wanzhou and I were discussing! This shows that in the kid's heart, your position has slipped compared to Miss Gu!"

"Look at you, still prudish with your D+ breasts, not willing to give a few sips to the kid."

"Now, he's got Gu Wanzhou to feed him."

"Although her 36D is a little smaller than yours, not ough to overfeed the kid, she can still fill him up, can't she?"

Rao Shi Yun didn't respond to Li Meifg's crass words, but she felt a sse of loss within.

How did Gu Wanzhou come to know of this? Why hadn't the kid mtioned it to her?

"I called you to discuss something."

"Let's visit the kid's Internet Cafe one day, to congratulate him and give him a big red velope."

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