Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 14: 014 Gu Wanzhou wants to be a godmother

"Don't worry, Mom won't be doing any more overtime. I'll spd more time with you."

As she stroked her son's head, Zhou Rongrong's heart was a jumble of emotions. Her child had really grown up.

It seemed that he might become someone she could rely on.

"Okay, Mom, pinky swear!"

Watching her son, who was becoming more and more childlike, Zhou Rongrong also made a pinky promise with Li Zhiyan.

That night, only after watching an episode of Love Apartmt did Li Zhiyan fall into a deep sleep.

Holding t thousand yuan, he slept very soundly.

The whirring sound of the small fan in the rtal room also added a sse of security for him.

The next day, the first thing Li Zhiyan thought of wh he woke up was completing tasks and Gu Wanzhou's fair and beautiful legs.

Today, he was going to help Aunt Gu with a leg massage.

Spit, it was supposed to be a neck massage; what was he ev thinking about?

However, he seemed to have dreamt about something like ponies and carts the night before.

Wh he oped the door, Li Zhiyan saw Wu Qingxian, who almost became his godmother, his mother's best frid.

"Good morning, Auntie Wu."

Wu Qingxian looked at Li Zhiyan with a gaze full of admiration, as she came to join Zhou Rongrong on their way to work.

She didn't expect to hear that Zhou Rongrong was planning to deposit forty thousand yuan, telling her that it was earned by her son through programming.

This instantly made Wu Qingxian think of her own son.

Why couldn't she have a son as outstanding as Li Zhiyan?

"Little mommy's boy, I really didn't notice that you had this skill."

Following that, Auntie Wu showered Li Zhiyan with a bunch of complimts.

Being able to earn forty thousand yuan at the age of 8 was indeed impressive.

After his mom and Wu Qingxian left, Li Zhiyan also finished breakfast, tidied up a bit, th wt back to his room and took out two thousand from his t thousand yuan.

The remaining eight thousand were stuffed into the very bottom of a cardboard box that was used for miscellaneous items.

Inside the box, there were many treasures hidd.

Including marbles, toy guns, slingshots, and the like from his childhood.

"Online banking is still not so convit."

"Paymt methods still mainly revolve a cash, two thousand yuan is ough for me to spd for quite a while."

With two thousand yuan in his pocket, Li Zhiyan left the house, planning to struggle towards his goal of becoming a millionaire.

Wh he arrived at the internet cafe, sure ough, there was Li Shiyu, that loser, playing CrossFire.

At that momt, he was grossed in playing the game underg.

Soon ough, he was forced to quit the game.


"Kicked out again!"

Li Zhiyan carelessly slapped a hundred-yuan bill in front of him.

"Go get yourself a membership, otherwise, if you keep exploiting bugs like this, you're gonna get kicked out every day."

Li Shiyu was clearly surprised.

"Li Zhiyan, did you really rob a bank or something? How did you get so rich? I really feel bad taking your money!"

Li Zhiyan flashed a stack of red bills from his pocket.

"Relax, I've made some money rectly. I didn't steal or rob, just pay me back wh you have the money."

Li Zhiyan didn't actually plan on having Bath Emperor pay him back.

What he really wanted was for Li Shiyu to feel at ease spding his money.

A buddy who would go hungry himself but still buy him a coke, and wh pniless, would sell his car to ld him two hundred thousand.

In this life, he was certainly going to give him a hand.

"Alright th..."

In the d, Li Shiyu couldn't resist the temptation of a CF membership and wt to the counter to charge 30 Q Coin.

Meanwhile, Li Zhiyan logged into his QQ on the side and st a message to Gu Wanzhou.

"Aunt Gu, are you there?"

Gu Wanzhou: "Yeah, Xiao Yan, just come over at noon."

"Don't worry, Sisi has gone to Wang Xinyue's place."

Yu Sisi and Wang Xinyue got along very well, and they ev applied to neighboring universities.

So, Yu Sisi oft wt to visit Wang Xinyue.

Gu Wanzhou knew that her daughter and Li Zhiyan were like water and fire now.

So this would also spare them some awkwardness.

"Okay, Aunt Gu, I'll be there at noon."

Talking about everyday matters, Li Zhiyan suddly heard the System's voice.

"Massage skill learning complete."

With this skill now available, Li Zhiyan felt he really wouldn't be poor in the future, thinking that ev if he specialized in giving massages to wealthy wom, he could become rich.

Of course, it was still better to focus on the tasks from the Salted Fish System, because according to the system's hints, not completing tasks would lower the chances of refreshing new tasks later on.

While chatting, Li Shiyu also noticed the chat window that Li Zhiyan was using.

"Damn, you're really chatting with Yu Sisi's mom, and it's such a lively conversation. Don't tell me you've conquered her!"

"How does it feel with a mature woman? Is it differt from a young girl?"

"Thinking about her being 3 years older than you, isn't it thrilling?"

"This is truly the best revge on Yu Sisi!"

"You ignore me, so I'll conquer your mom!"

"Just imagine if Yu Sisi could hear this from next door, tsk tsk…"

Hearing Li Shiyu's dless chatter, Li Zhiyan felt somewhat helpless.

He was indeed the Bath Emperor; his imagination was truly rich.

"Alright, stop guessing. I have to go in a bit."

"Tonight, I'll take you to a bathhouse to relax properly,"

"and spd some money."

Li Zhiyan couldn't just stand by and watch as his brother once again got strung along by Wang Xinyue.

He had to awak his Bath Emperor Martial Soul True Body ahead of time.

That way, he wouldn't d up being a lapdog again, ev if you beat him to death.

Li Shiyu didn't take it seriously.

"It's just a bath. At most you add some milk, put some salt, and get a back massage. Boring."

Li Zhiyan: "Cut the crap and come grind with me in the dungeon for a bit."

"I want to level up an Asura."

Li Shiyu didn't waste words and logged in directly.

"Perfect, my alt wants to run a DNF . Let's team up."


At elev-thirty, Li Zhiyan took a taxi to Yu Sisi's home.

The commercial housing that Yu Sisi's family had bought in rect years was 40 square meters.

In a place like Wanchg, this area was already considered a high-d district. In years, those who could drive a Mercedes were guinely wealthy people.

"Aunt Gu!"

After knocking on the door, Gu Wanzhou's pretty face quickly appeared in Li Zhiyan's line of sight.

Today she was wearing a black shirt paired with a black pleated skirt.

Beath the short skirt, her bare, snow- legs were particularly eye-catching.

Thinking about how he was going to help Aunt Gu massage her legs,

Li Zhiyan felt an unruly itch in his heart.

"Good boy, you're here."

"Sit down. Your auntie is cooking for you."

Gu Wanzhou decided to talk seriously with Li Zhiyan today about the Oedipus complex.

To tell him that it was impossible for them to be together.

However, if Li Zhiyan was willing to acknowledge her as an elder, she wouldn't mind being his godmother.

But she couldn't date him.

A youngster pulling a large cart was too absurd, too childish.

As long as there was a trace of sobriety in her heart, she wouldn't let Li Zhiyan pull her along.

"Aunt Gu, let me help you."

Li Zhiyan also followed her into the kitch, which made Gu Wanzhou's heart ache a little—childr from poor families had to take charge early in life.

Because of poverty, they had to understand everything. Like her own daughter, who at 8 years old, had never set foot in the kitch.

"Li Zhiyan, would you like to be my god... "

Gu Wanzhou was about to ask Li Zhiyan if he would recognize her as his godmother wh a phone call came in. She chatted for a few stces after answering the call with some irritation before hanging up.

"What's wrong, Aunt Gu?"

Li Zhiyan asked with some confusion.

"It's nothing. It's just that your auntie has some extra cash. I looked a rectly and thought about buying a house,"

"But after thinking about it, if I paid the down paymt, I'd only have a few hundred thousand in cash left, so I put it on hold."

"Lately, real estate salespeople have be calling me oft, and it's getting on my nerves."

Li Zhiyan thought for a while and advised, "Aunt Gu, actually, I think you should buy the house."

"Because it's a good opportunity to make money."

Gu Wanzhou was kind to him in his past and prest life.

And he also wanted to take advantage of her.

Telling her this minor effort was no big deal.

"Why, sweetheart?"

"Because house prices will continue to surge. There might ev be a small increase in the next few months,"

Li Zhiyan paused, th added, "I'm guessing."

Gu Wanzhou looked at Li Zhiyan somewhat surprised.

This kid, he knew about real estate?

"You're guessing?"

"Yes, since the 007 subprime mortgage crisis in America swept across the globe,"

"the whole world has be forced to foot the bill for America. Ev Lehman Brothers, one of America's five major investmt banks with a history of 78 years, collapsed in this disaster."

"The country also increased a large amount of currcy, and this money has flooded into the market,"

"leading to rapid inflation in real estate. However, I think that the rate of this inflation is far from over."

Li Zhiyan hadn't paid atttion to these matters before, but after being reborn,

he caught up on a lot of knowledge. Leveraging his foresight into the future's geral direction, he could infer many things.

Anyway, buying a house now would definitely be a windfall.

Gtly setting down the bowl she was holding,

Gu Wanzhou looked at the boy beside her incredulously.

How did he know so much!

She had never ev heard these terms before; a string of words left Gu Wanzhou somewhat bewildered.

"Sweetheart, what are 'the big five investmt banks'?"

"And the subprime mortgage crisis, what does that mean?"

At that momt, Gu Wanzhou deeply felt her own ignorance.

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