Reborn: Instead of Chasing the School Beauty, I Chased Her Mother

Chapter 10: 010 I want to sit with Aunt Gu

After arriving at the private room, most of the frids had already arrived.

Except for Liu Yan, who hadn't come, there were a total of people.

"Here we are, why hasn't Presidt Liu arrived yet?"

"Presidt Liu's business has be growing bigger and bigger, he's ev moved up to a Mercedes-Bz S-Class."

"Don't worry, he should be here soon."

"Presidt Gu, I heard that an 8-year-old boy in your daughter's class confessed his affection for you, is that true?"

Rao Shi Yun chimed in, "Of course it's true. Our beautiful Gu's charm is only increasing. At 4, she can still attract 8-year-old boys! Old Zhang, you're finished, the competition is just getting fiercer."

Ev though Gu Wanzhou was already 4, she was indeed very beautiful.

Like Rao Shi Yun, she had many admirers ev in her middle age.

Some of them were ev willing to give up their currt families just to be with her.

After all, it's not easy to find such a stunning mature woman.

Zhang Hongbin just smiled.

"The kid doesn't know any better, Presidt Gu, don't take it to heart."

"Everyone has a bit of a teage fantasy wh they're young, once his thusiasm wanes, it'll be nothing."

Liu Zifg sat down and poured himself a glass of Sprite.

"I think that Li Zhiyan is just a pervert, a loser, he's got an infatuation and that's why he confessed to Aunt Gu."

"Utterly worthless."

Young people td to talk impulsively and without restraint.

"Zifg, you can't talk about your classmate like that!"

After being scolded by Rao Shi Yun, Liu Zifg immediately shut up.

In his heart, he was still quite afraid of his beautiful mother, owing to the authority she had established since his childhood.

"Actually, maybe everyone has their own fantasies wh they're young, but there really ar't many who would like an older woman and ev take the initiative to confess, that does take some courage."

Yu Sisi felt uncomfortable upon hearing this.

Now, every time she heard anything about Li Zhiyan, she would think of him confessing his feelings to her mother.

Gu Wanzhou didn't say anything; her impression of Li Zhiyan had already deteriorated significantly, she was certain this boy just wanted to sleep with her.

Today's despicable tactics really made it impossible for her to like Li Zhiyan.

Although, deep down, she still felt pity for Li Zhiyan.


Outside the door, the weather was hot. Li Zhiyan had waited a long time and still hadn't se Liu Yan come.

"Is Presidt Liu coming or not? My fifty thousand."

The day was gradually darking, but ev in the eving of July, the heat was somewhat unbearable.

After waiting another fifte minutes or so, Li Zhiyan was getting impatit.

He suspected there might be a back door, and if Presidt Liu had gone to private room 999 through it, he would really be at a loss.

Th, he took the elevator directly to the third floor, room 999.

Wh he pushed the door op, the expressions on the faces of the people in the room looking at Li Zhiyan were somewhat strange.

Most of them didn't know Li Zhiyan.

Gu Wanzhou's look at Li Zhiyan was already tinged with disgust; indeed, this kid had come for her.

And to think he did some project, computer programming, what could an 8-year-old high school studt know about computer programming?

"How did you get here..."

Just as Liu Zifg was about to sd Li Zhiyan away, he was tapped on the shoulder by Rao Shi Yun.

Startled, he immediately closed his mouth.

"The person I'm waiting for hasn't arrived, so I came to see if Presidt Liu was here."

Gu Wanzhou's expression grew increasingly unpleasant; this kid really was too naive.

Wh Zhang Hongbin saw Li Zhiyan, the wariness in his heart also vanished.

If it was an unusually handsome young man, she might really have to consider whether Gu Wanzhou could restrain herself and not d up sleeping with him.

But this young fellow could only be considered a bit good-looking, an ordinary person.

There was nothing about him that could move Gu Wanzhou.

"Alright, alright, it's so hot, and it just happs to be dinner time, sit down and eat something."

"Li Zhiyan."

"There are quite a few empty seats here, you see who you want to sit with?"

Rao Shi Yun said teasingly to the young man.

She quite admired him, for after all, having the courage to confess to a classmate's mother in front of the tire class was a first for him.

Li Zhiyan didn't speak, and sat down next to Gu Wanzhou.

"I want to sit with Aunt Gu."

Li Zhiyan wasn't being prettious either; he didn't know the other people.

As for Liu Zifg, they were at odds, practically emies.

Not to mtion Yu Sisi.

"Haha, I knew it, you kid, still want to sit with your favorite aunt. Have a good chat with your aunt and try to win her over as soon as possible. Such a great figure, always without a partner, is such a waste."

Zhang Hongbin's face looked a bit displeased; this woman and he were quite familiar with each other, but she had never helped him like this.

But th he thought about how he was a man in his forties, and surely he couldn't be petty with a child.

If he did, th maybe Gu Wanzhou would really look down on him.

After Li Zhiyan sat down beside her, Gu Wanzhou felt an unwillingness to talk to Li Zhiyan.

This must be his ultimate goal, taking the opportunity to get close to her, childish, wasn't it?

"Aunt Gu, what a coincidce today, I didn't expect to run into you while I was here to collect money."

Li Zhiyan was indeed a bit hungry, he picked up a pair of new chopsticks and ate a few bites.

The more he looked at Liu Zifg's mother, the more beautiful she seemed, that kind of voluptuous figure was absolutely what true connoisseurs dream of.

In his past life, how had he not noticed that his classmates' mothers were all so beautiful?

"Yeah, quite a coincidce."

Gu Wanzhou felt that she could delete Li Zhiyan's QQ now, this kid was really not simple at all.

Hearing Gu Wanzhou's somewhat indiffert voice, Li Zhiyan felt inexplicably sad.

Did Aunt Gu start to dislike him?

His expression did not escape Gu Wanzhou's eyes, but her heart felt ev more annoyed.

This kid, always pretding to be pitiful, playing such childish tricks, wasn't it just to vt his hormones on her?

What he has in mind is a little too much for his expectations.

At that momt, Liu Yan walked in from outside.

Everyone greeted him thusiastically, "Boss Liu! You're finally here, we've be waiting for you for so long!"

"Boss Liu, is that your S-Class downstairs? It's way cooler than our 56E, clearly longer by a stretch."

Liu Yan greeted everyone with a smile as well.

Th he said to Li Zhiyan, "Young man, here's your fifty thousand yuan, take it."

Liu Yan took out two thick velopes.

Inside were crammed full of hundred-yuan bills.

This left Li Zhiyan somewhat speechless; ev in the year 0, cash was particularly popular.

He had all his online banking sorted out, yet he was giv fifty thousand in cash.

Upon hearing this, the crowd looked at Liu Yan with some surprise.

"Boss Liu, do you know this young man?"

"Of course, I don't mind telling you all, this young man named Li Zhiyan, though he's young at 8, is a guine prodigy."

"If it wer't for him, my company would have be in big trouble."

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