Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 776 - The Only Weak Spot

Chapter 776 The Only Weak Spot

Yuan Xi and Ding Tong were always so mysterious.

Shao Tianze did not go straight to her but relaxed a bit before sending his men to see if she got any progress.

Figuring that he might have landed, Gu Changle called him to check out.

“Everything is alright,” Tianze said to her.

Gu Changle nodded, “Good. Be careful of Song Yunxuan. And… You don’t have to really help Ding Tong.”


“I mean they have been so offensive and arrogant since they came to the Harbor City, claiming to be from a rich and powerful family, but we have never really known their background.”

They didn’t know Yuan Xi’s family, his birthplace, or his family history.

All they had collected were either made-up information or unreliable speculations.

“We do not even know their purposes.”

“About that, Yuan Xi already told us that he wants our Shao Family.”

“I am guessing that they are trying to take root here because that may explain their desire for taking over the Shao Family. But again, if the Yuan Family is a century-old and distinguished business family, which is as powerful as our Shao Family, why should they hide their past and background?”

“That is truly weird.”

“So just do not take it seriously and go through the motions, okay?”

She reminded him again.

Shao Tianze nodded, “I see. Do not worry.”

“Ok, be careful.”

“You, too.”

They hung up after a few caring words.

Meanwhile, Ding Tong was so anxious that she was like a cat on hot bricks.

She let her assistant call the Shao Family several times to ask about Shao Tianze’s position.

But every time it was picked up by a servant.

The servant did not know exactly where he was.

So, she had to look for Yuan Xi by herself and just wait for Shao Tianze to help her.

Thirty-six hours were gone, but she still got nothing.

“Maybe I should call the police,” thought Ding Tong desperately.

However, when it just occurred to her,

She got a phone call. It was an unknown number.

She picked up without hesitation.

From the other side came the familiar voice of Song Yunxuan. She laughed lightly, “Hi, Miss Ding. It has been a long time.”

Ding Tong’s muscles tensed instantly at her voice. She asked in a serious tone, “Where is Yuan Xi?”

“How would I know?”

Song Yunxuan answered smilingly when noticing her grave tone.

“Don’t play dumb. I know it was you! What are you gonna do to him?”

“Well, how about something you have done to me?”

After Song Yunxuan said this, Ding Tong frowned. Ding Tong got her point immediately.

“What do you want from us? Gu Changle killed Miaomiao. Shouldn’t you go after Gu Changle?”

“Gu Changle did that?” Song Yunxuan inhaled and asked calmly, “But Yuan Xi told me it was you.”

He was not so particular as to what he said about Ding Tong. In fact, he had put all the responsibility on her when he smelled danger.

It was unbelievable that they should be a couple.

For a moment, Ding Tong was rendered speechless. She got Song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan was to avenge Gu Miaomiao’s death.

Considering that Yuan Xi was in her hand,

Ding Tong got two ways only: One was that she should tell her to let Yuan Xi go and take this out on her.

However, Song Yunxuan apparently would not listen to her.

The other was that she should pass the buck to Gu Changle. Then Song Yunxuan would deal with Gu Changle.

But it seemed Song Yunxuan’s anger and hatred were not gonna change that easily even in this way.

“You want to see Yuan Xi, don’t you?”

Song Yunxuan asked.

Ding Tong nodded at once, thinking that maybe her words had worked. She asked, “Yes, where is he?”


Song Yunxuan smiled darkly.

Ding Tong’s heart chilled when she heard the bad news.


“Me?” Song Yunxuan laughed and said, “Make haste, or I am afraid you will only see his dead body.”

Of course, Yuan Xi would not get away with it easily because of the forces in Thailend.

After all, Yuan Xi had offended White Dragon King.

What Yuan Xi did could be an unbelievable provocation to local powers in Southeast Asea. If they did not know yet, that was not too bad.

But if they did,

Yuan Xi would be doomed.

It was not going to end well anyway.

Song Yunxuan was going to hang up after saying all this.

But Ding Tong knew that Yuan Xi would suffer in Thailend. Her rage against Song Yunxuan became stronger than ever.

“You b*tch! ” She shouted.

“Well, I think you deserve the name more than me.”

“Make haste, remember.” After that, Yunxuan hung up smilingly.

Ding Tong felt nervous at her dark laughing. She restrained herself from the strong impulsion of ripping her heart alive and prepared to start immediately to Thailend.

She ordered her men to get ready the passport and relevant materials.

And she booked the flight ticket. After preparatory work, she set out without delay.

On the way to the airport, she got a smarmy call from Shao Tianze.

Shao Tianze asked, “Any progress, Miss Ding?”

“Yes. Come with me to Thailend if you do care.”

She could go alone, but it would be better to go together with him. After all, he could help her.

Besides, who could tell what kind of traps she would face?

Shao Tianze also got grudges against Song Yunxuan. If they went to Thailend together,

They were in the same boat.

If she died, he was not going to come back alive either.

The problem was that she could not make sure whether Shao Tianze would go with her.

Ding Tong didn’t know Shao Tianze’s attitude.

After Shao Tianze listened to Ding Tong, he kept silent.

Presently, he answered, “Alright, I will be right there.”

“Meet you in the airport.”

Shao Tianze was willing to go to Thailend. That was great.

Ding Tong felt excited somehow in her heart.

At the same time, Song Yunxuan left Thailend.

Ding Tong and Shao Tianze were in a hurry to go to Thailend.

But Song Yunxuan headed for Yuncheng.

Gu Yi was on the way to the Natherlands. Everything in his “new home” had been set up appropriately.

As for Ding Tong, somebody would teach her a lesson. Song Yunxuan did not have to do it herself.

What was more, she could kill two birds with one stone if Shao Tianze would come with her.

If not, she could kick his ass back in Yuncheng.

On the way to the airport,

Mei Qi said to her, “We should have taken a shot. What a good chance to kill them!”

Thailend had nothing to do with the Yuan Family or the Shao Family.

What was more, local powers in Thailend were still chasing after Ding Tong and Yuan Xi.

If Song Yunxuan wanted to kill Shao Tianze and Ding Tong, it would be a perfect chance for her.

But it seemed that Song Yunxuan had no such intention.

Mei Qi was a little bit confused about why Song Yunxuan let them off.

But Song Yunxuan noticed it. She said, “Do you think I still have lots of things to lose?”

Having not expected such a question, Mei Qi paused a moment before consoling her, “You still got many invaluable things.”

“Like what?”

“Like your unborn baby.” Mei Qi said.

“The baby will be safe as long as I am.”

“But Gu Yi…” said Mei Qi.

Song Yunxuan looked through the window at the scenery that flashed by. She said, “He is in the Natherlands. Shao Tianze could not do any harm to him no matter how capable he is.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“I have talked to Lu Xia.”

Mei Qi understood immediately and nodded, “I see.”

Lu Xia had given birth to a boy in Family Sophia.

Some family members did not accept him because he was half Asean.

But as the first son of George, his heirship could not be deprived of by anyone under the aegis of George.

Having left the commercial realm in Harbor City, Lu Xia was now of higher social status and owned a lot more power in Roume.

Family Sophiahad lots of power in Natherlands.

Lu Xia, the wife of George, was also a member of Family Sophia.

With the good relationship between Lu Xia and Song Yunxuan,

Gu Yi would be perfectly safe in the Natherlands.

“No one can hurt him,”

“Unless Lu Xia loses her power.”

Song Yunxuan said.

“Based on Lu Xia’s measures, if she pays attention to George, I do not think that is going to happen, at least not in the immediate future. I have heard that George loves her very much. And she bore him a son.”

Song Yunxuan nodded, “Yeah, he loves her. Or he would not have been willing to be a steward at her side in the first place.”

George had been lurking for a long time, which could confirm his sincerity to Lu Xia.

Their love would last for a while.

Or maybe it would last for a lifetime.

“Why don’t you kill Shao Tianze if you aren’t afraid of anything?”

To Mei Qi, if they wanted to kill Shao Tianze, they should do it quickly.

But Song Yunxuan said lightly, “I have nothing to lose. Shao Tianze got nothing on me, but I do. So it’s my turn to make a fool of him.”

Killing them would bring her pleasure, but only for a momentary period of time.

She wanted more than that. What she hoped was to see them suffer.

She wanted to see them being deprived of everything they cherished.

Death would be too good for them.

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