Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 581: Princess Hugged Me, I Love Her So Much!

Chapter 581: Princess Hugged Me, I Love Her So Much!

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A figure materialized on the rooftop.

"It’ll be safer to bring Little Fairy here for her treatment," Yaeger mused as she scanned the deserted area. After the last kidnapping incident, the authorities had sealed off the place, making it inaccessible to ordinary people.

‘Just to be safe, I should dismantle the stairs to the rooftop first,’ Yaeger thought. Even though ordinary people couldn’t enter, she remained cautious—after all, there were many extraordinary individuals in this world.

In no time, Yaeger dismantled the stairs with her bare hands, using the pieces to seal off the passage completely. "All done," she said, clapping her hands in satisfaction as she surveyed the now-sealed stairwell.

"Now that I think about it, I should put a mattress here," she realized, knowing the patient would need to lie down during treatment. She quickly ordered Little Blue to teleport a spare mattress to the rooftop.

"All set. Time to pick her up," Yaeger noted as she checked the time—it was nearly nine o'clock.

Meanwhile… "Auntie, I’m heading out. I’ll be back later." Little Fairy pushed her wheelchair from the slightly cramped living room toward the entrance.

A slightly short, middle-aged woman responded in a fluster, "Rachel, where are you going this late? It’s dangerous for a girl to go out alone, especially if…" She glanced at Little Fairy’s legs, trailing off without finishing her sentence.

"Auntie, I’m not going out alone. A friend is waiting for me downstairs," Little Fairy reassured her with a smile. Her aunt glanced at the clock on the wall, still looking concerned.

"Don’t stay out too late… And is your friend male or female?"

"She’s a girl," Little Fairy quickly replied.

"Oh, that’s fine then. Just have fun, but avoid places like clubs—they’re chaotic and dangerous!"

"Yes, I understand," Little Fairy said, waving her hand. "I’m heading out now, Auntie."

With five minutes left before the agreed-upon time of nine o’clock, Little Fairy impatiently pushed her wheelchair into the lift. Outside the building, a few passersby lingered.

Little Fairy, seated in her wheelchair, drew plenty of attention. A girl as beautiful as she was in a wheelchair—it was a sight that couldn’t help but stand out.

Yet, Little Fairy remained unfazed by the curious glances. She scanned the area for Yaeger but couldn’t spot her, so she checked the time on her phone. It was 8:58 PM, two minutes until nine o’clock.

Just then, "Hey pretty girl, are you alone?" a teasing voice suddenly called out.

Looking up, Little Fairy saw a young man in his twenties, around 180 centimeters tall, with dyed blond hair, wearing a floral T-shirt and jeans. He was smiling at her.

"No, no, I’m waiting for someone!" Little Fairy responded, panic creeping into her voice. One glance was enough to tell he was trouble. The obvious look of lust in his eyes made that clear.

"Haha, that’s fine. I’ll keep you company. So, what’s your name, beautiful? Where do you live?" The blond man leaned closer, his grin widening with delight. His smile was as wide as a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Stay away from me, or I’ll scream!" Little Fairy frantically pushed her wheelchair back, trying to distance herself.

"What are you scared of? I’m just worried that a girl like you might run into trouble, being alone at night." The blond man’s grin deepened, his eyes glinting with excitement. He had a particular fondness for frail, sickly girls like her. There was a special thrill in bullying someone so vulnerable.

Most of the bystanders began to watch the scene unfold, their faces showing clear disgust at the man's actions. It was obvious to everyone that he was the real crook. Yet, none of them dared to speak up, fearing the trouble it might bring.

In today’s world, any young man aspiring to be a hero not only needed to be skilled in combat but also backed by a wealthy family. Otherwise, if they accidentally injured the aggressor, they could face hefty compensation fees or even jail time.

As a result, the few young men with a sense of justice present couldn’t act on their righteous anger. They could only watch as this delicate girl, frail as a flower, was harassed by this insolent man.

It was nothing short of humiliation—absolute humiliation!

"Stay away from me!" Little Fairy’s face turned pale with panic. She never imagined she’d encounter such misfortune, running into a thug right after leaving her home!

"Hehe, don’t be shy, beauty. I’ll protect you." The blond man moved closer, reaching out with his grubby hands. Just as his fingers were about to grasp Little Fairy…

A melodious voice suddenly rang out. "You dare to lay a hand on my people? Clearly, you don’t know what it means to die."

In the next instant, everyone watched in shock as the blond man was sent flying like a cannonball. A bright red streak cut through the cool night sky, leaving a warm trail in its wake.

"Are you alright?" Yaeger asked, gracefully retracting her leg.

"Princess!" Little Fairy exclaimed, her surprise quickly turning into relief. The fear that had gripped her vanished, replaced by a wave of reassurance and joy. Once again, this dazzling beauty had appeared before her, saving her like a true heroine.

"I’m sorry, I was a little late," Yaeger said, slightly embarrassed. In truth, she hadn’t been late at all—she’d arrived just in time.

However, she felt she hadn’t been considerate enough, making Little Fairy wait outside her house. As she glanced around, she noticed several men in black arriving late.

‘You guys are a bit slow,' she thought.

Yaeger had asked Nangong and Mylene to arrange bodyguards for Little Fairy, but it seemed they hadn’t been as effective as she’d hoped. After all, they were meant to be secret bodyguards, so it was understandable they couldn’t intervene immediately.

Yaeger had no intention of blaming them for this.

"Princess, you weren’t late at all," Little Fairy said as she wheeled herself closer. "Why would you apologize?"

"Still, you were scared," Yaeger said with a small, bitter smile. She bent down, placing one hand on Little Fairy’s waist and the other under her legs. "There are too many people here. Let me take you somewhere else first."

As she finished speaking, she lifted Little Fairy into a princess carry. At that moment, Little Fairy’s brain seemed to short-circuit, her mind going completely blank. When she finally processed what was happening, her face turned a deep shade of red, and her heart began to race wildly.

‘Princess… gave me a princess carry. Ah, I’m dying!’ The softness of Yaeger’s body and her sweet scent overwhelmed Little Fairy, leaving her intoxicated. Like a bee drowning in honey, she was engulfed by sweetness and lost all coherent thought.

Once Yaeger had moved a safe distance away with Little Fairy in her arms, the men disguised as bodyguards quickly contacted their superiors. Had Little Fairy been abducted by anyone else, they would have intervened immediately, even using force if necessary. But the person who had taken her was [Princess]! They wouldn’t dare interfere, even if they had ten lives to spare.

"Close your eyes," Yaeger instructed as she entered a deserted alley, still holding Little Fairy in her arms.

"Oh, yes!" Little Fairy finally snapped back to reality and hurriedly closed her eyes. In the next moment, both she and Yaeger vanished in a flash of light.

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