Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 515: Breaking My Throat, Come Save Me!

Chapter 515: Breaking My Throat, Come Save Me!

The Fortress' Grand Prison, renowned throughout the Jade Empire, boasted a record of zero escapees since its inception. Its reputation likened it to a living hell for the prisoners. The prison, divided into eighteen floors, descending from top to bottom, reserved its lower levels for more significant prisoners. With each descending level, the security intensified.

"The warden and elite jailers will be challenging, and soldiers from the Direct army might be lying in ambush. This place is a veritable pit of vipers," Yaeger murmured to herself, deep in thought. The best strategy, she concluded, was a stealthy infiltration to quietly rescue Layna. The challenge, however, lay in the prison's unique security; sneaking in was hard enough, let alone escaping with someone else.

"If only I had the [Cloak of Invisibility]," she lamented. Sadly, the cloak was with Alicia, who was currently unreachable. A sudden realization struck her Allie, who worked in the Sage Tower, had created the cloak and might possess another. Despite this insight, Yaeger didn't rush off to the Imperial Magic College. She waited, anticipating a particular development.

After fifteen fruitless minutes, she concluded, "They're not coming to arrest me. It seems they've concentrated all their manpower on the prison, expecting me to fall into their trap. And the crackpot from the Direct army isn't here. With his tendency for destruction, he would've leveled this place. But, of course, it's unlikely for a high-ranking army commander to appear so easily." Her stay was an attempt to gauge any further developments.

Then, a message from Yunuen: the Master of the Pharmacist's Association was heading towards the prison. "Good. This buys Layna some time and gives me a window to prepare," Yaeger reflected. With the Master Pharmacist's intervention, Layna would be spared from torture. As for a rescue by the Pharmacist's Association, Yaeger held no illusions it was beyond their capabilities.

"Fortunately, I have a trump card," she thought. Her arsenal included three powerful items: a replica of the [Sword of Eternity], [Ocean's Tears], and [Holy Spirit Shard]. She also possessed Unique and Epic crates, along with lucky draw tickets resources she would use only as a last resort due to their value.

"I hope for a peaceful resolution." With just an Uncommon weapon, Yaeger felt disadvantaged against formidable foes. "[Sunscorch] needs urgent repairs." Post-mission, she planned to gather upgrade materials in the Canyon of the Dead. "But first, I must return the favor," she resolved, standing up with a grim expression.

Stepping out of the store, she eyed three individuals, her gaze steely. "One, two, three of you. You will experience my wrath." Standing erect on the street, her eyes emitted a grim resolve. As she spoke, an aura surged from within, unleashing a chilling killing intent. The air grew thick with the scent of death.

Suddenly, with the sound of a sonic boom, she leaped forward like a reaper springing to action. In a blink, she appeared across the road, gripping a black-armored soldier's head. "The first one," she declared, her tone grave.

At that moment, the soldier was suddenly struck by dizziness. With a resounding crash, he cried out in agony as he realized the Black-hearted Princess had slammed him onto the ground, filling him with terror. Intense pain wracked his brain, causing him to vomit blood and scream.

"The second one." Yaeger, without a second glance at the unconscious soldier now embedded in the ground, turned her attention to the next target.

"You Stay away!" he shouted in hysteria upon meeting her grim gaze, fleeing as if treading on boiling water. But escape was futile. With a swift motion, Yaeger's slender arm ensnared the soldier's neck from behind, forcefully pressing him to the ground with a thunderous impact. Onlookers shivered with fear at the scene.

"You Stay away!" he shouted in hysteria upon meeting her grim gaze, fleeing as if treading on boiling water. But escape was futile. With a swift motion, Yaeger's slender arm ensnared the soldier's neck from behind, forcefully pressing him to the ground with a thunderous impact. Onlookers shivered with fear at the scene.

Filled with regret, he wished he had never stayed to spy on her, knowing now her brutal and cruel nature. But it was too late. With a loud bang, he was forcefully acquainted with the floor.

"Consider this the interest. I'll make you pay the debt in full later." After effortlessly defeating three formidable soldiers, Yaeger's expression remained cold and indifferent. The scene fell into a deathly silence. No one dared to speak, move, or even breathe loudly, overwhelmed by fear.

Yaeger withdrew her hand, surveying the trembling crowd. "What are you looking at? Never seen someone fighting before?" she exclaimed in exasperation. The crowd averted their eyes, fearing retribution for their curiosity.

Unperturbed by their reactions, Yaeger, with a light tip of her toes, vanished from the fearful gaze of the crowd.

In the Fortress Prison, on the 10th floor, the atmosphere was bleak and gray, exuding hopelessness.

You What do you want to do?" came a panicked voice from within one of the cells. This plea was met by a chilling response, "Huhuhu, don't be afraid, cutie. I'm here to examine your body. Every inch of it~"

The scene unfolded under the ominous illumination of an orange glowing crystal. Standing in the cell was a pale-faced woman with flowing curly blonde hair, her eyes obscured by her bangs. She was tall, around 180 centimeters, and clad in white robes. With a sudden, forceful gesture, she ripped open her robes, revealing her alluring figure and the various torture tools hanging menacingly from the cloth. The atmosphere was heavy with menace and fear.

Opposite her was Layna, pressed against the wall in a prisoner's uniform. "You Stay away. I I will shout!" Layna warned. The tall woman, with a twisted expression and a voice tinged with madness, replied mockingly, "Huhuhu, shout all you want. If someone actually comes to save you, I'll wash my hair while doing a handstand!" Her demeanor was both terrifying and shockingly deranged.

Layna, facing this seemingly insane woman, was petrified. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead as she trembled in deep panic, silently pleading for rescue.

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