Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 277: Lord Arcturus

Chapter 277: Lord Arcturus

As the army trudged along at a slow pace, we journeyed through various treacherous terrains, from barren and desolate plains with cracked and scorched earth to narrow canyons that reeked of sulfur.

The final leg of our journey was uneventful, save for the occasional far-off presence of Shades and corrupted monsters. However, they seemed to have no desire to approach us this time, content with simply observing us from a distance.

I didn't concern myself with their curious gazes; after all, we would inevitably have to confront them sooner or later. But for now, the acquisition of knowledge was of utmost importance. And soon, we came upon a formidable stronghold perched atop a steep hill, its towering walls a symbol of hope for the dwindling human race against the Shades.

Even from afar, I couldn't help but admire the intricacies of its design. Its walls were made of rough-hewn stone, with towering battlements jutting up at regular intervals. The massive wooden gate was reinforced with iron bands, and I could see guards stationed along the walls, scanning the horizon with sharp eyes.

That was when they spotted us. As we approached the stronghold, the soldiers stationed on the wall began to panic, rushing about and ringing the bells to signal the alarm. I could see the nervousness in their eyes as they stared at us from afar and whispered among themselves.

The commander of the army leading us turned to me, his expression apologetic. "Please forgive us, Great Dragons, my Goddess. We have been plagued by numerous attacks lately."

I waved off his apology. "It is of no concern."

The commander nodded and called for one of his men. "Go quickly and announce our presence to the Lord."

The young man saluted and rode ahead of us on his horse, rushing towards the gates of the stronghold.


As the young man approached the gates, he was met with a group of soldiers who hesitantly opened it for him. They whispered amongst themselves, wondering how things have gotten this way, and when the enemy would attack.

The young man was then escorted by the soldiers to the lord's chamber. The door was already open, with guards standing by the sides. The young man bowed respectfully before the Lord gestured for him to stand up.

"What is the meaning of this, soldier?" asked the lord in a stern voice.

He was a towering figure, easily over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He wore a suit of black armor, etched with intricate patterns of silver and gold, that seemed to gleam in the dimly lit chamber. His long, dark hair was pulled back in a neat braid, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to look straight through the young messenger, assessing him with a cool, calculating gaze. Despite his intimidating presence, there was a regal air about him, as if he was born to rule.

"My Lord, we have encountered two massive great dragons and the goddess of peace!" the young man said, trying to catch his breath.

The lord's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief. The guards and soldiers gasped and began to whisper.

The Lord turned to glare at them and spoke, "Silence!" He then turned back to the young man and asked, "Dragons and a goddess? What is the meaning of this?"

The young man quickly recounted the events of their journey and how they had encountered the unusual allies against the shades.

The lord listened intently and then leaned back in his chair, his face seemed to age visibly as he released a long sigh, "Heaven, what is the meaning of this? And you say they are already by our doors..." The Lord shook his head, "No matter, if it is like you say, then we must treat them with the utmost respect and hospitality. We cannot afford to make enemies of such powerful beings."

The young man nodded and then bowed again. "Yes, my Lord. What are your orders?"

"I shall go out to personally meet them," the Lord turned to one of his guards and spoke, "Prepare for battle."

"My lord?" The young man's face paled.

"Fear not, I dare not antagonize such existences, but for all we know, this could be another ploy by the Shadows. We must be careful, the stronghold cannot fall!" The Lord's eyes were sharp as he made his way out of the chamber, followed by his personal guards.

"My lord, please reconsider, it is too dangerous!" One of the guards advised anxiously.

"Your caution is noted, brave guardian," replied the Lord in a firm voice. "But the fate of our people lies on our shoulders. I will not cower behind these walls, when this might be the chance we have been waiting for. Ready my horse, I set off immediately!"

The guard bowed respectfully and stepped aside, knowing that no amount of persuasion would sway the determined Lord from his course of action.


The lord's eyes narrowed as he stepped out into the bright sunlight. He was tall and imposing, with a stern face and a commanding presence. He now wore a suit of armor, embossed with intricate designs and adorned with jewels.

As he made his way to the gates of the stronghold, the lord thought deeply about what he would say to the dragons and their goddess companion. He knew that his words could make the difference between life and death for his people.

When he finally arrived at the gates, the lord was stunned to see the two massive dragons waiting patiently. One blue with a few streaks of yellow and faint purple horns, towering like a mountain. The aura he exuded made the Lord subconsciously regard him as the leader of the group. The other one, a smaller obsidian dragon, was as equally terrifying, they were flanked by the serene goddess of peace. Her glowing figure filled him with a sense of calm, but for some reason, a part of his mind made him all the more nervous seeing as how she could alter his emotions.

He approached them alone, slowly, holding up his hand in a gesture of peace. The army parted ways and bowed respectfully to their lord, making way for him to move. Once he reached the massive mythical beings, the Lord struggled to retain his composure, as the blue dragon's intimidating gaze studied him with indifference.

"Greetings, noble dragons and goddess," he said, his voice ringing out. "I am Lord Arcturus, ruler of this stronghold. I welcome you to our humble abode and offer you the hospitality of our people."

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