Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 181: Poison

Chapter 181: Poison

"Friends. Little one, you do realize that the Gods don't exactly like us, nor do we like them. Friends you say? If anything it's the exact opposite."

"I understand, but if I'm being honest Granduncle, I don't care for the grudges of the past," Glancing at the blurry figure of the large poison dragon, I took a deep breath before continuing, "I don't want to hate someone because I was told to, nor do I want to like someone because I was told to either. I want to be the one to make my own decisions. Whether I like them or hate them, I want to be the one to make that decision based on my judgment."

Hearing my reply, Amanita let out a deep sigh, I could almost see him shaking his head as he spoke, "Little one, this Goddess lass, how long have you known her for? If anything, aren't you at the level of acquaintances at best?" He asked.

A smile made its way to my face before I replied, "I suppose its a matter of perspective?"

"A matter of perspective?" He repeated in a confused tone, to which I simply nodded.

"En, a matter of perspective."

"So you want to help her?"


"And you will not change your mind, no matter what I say?" He asked again.

"No, I will not. B-But I'd appreciate it if you could lend me your strength."

"Heh, you became bolder and more shameless. I wonder where you took that from." He mumbled.

"Friends, huh? Alright then, I'm curious to see where this one-sided friendship of yours will lead."

"Does that mean-?"

"Yes, yes, I'll help you save the lass."

A wide grin quickly extended across my face as I hastily lowered my head in respect and gratitude, "Thank you, grand uncle!"

"Though, all I will be doing is offering you some guidance. You will do all the actual work, understand?"


"Good, well then, the first thing you need to understand is that there are different types of poisons. An earth dragon who is compatible with the poison element is different than a water dragon with the same affinity."

"Are they different in terms of strength, or?" I questioned in puzzlement.

"No, fire, water, earth, and on some rare occasions, wind. Poison is one of the most compatible elements, it can work with almost all mana types."

"Then, what exactly is the difference between them if not in strength?"

Hearing my question, a long sad sigh escaped Amanita's mouth before he continued, "What makes the difference, is not the elements, but the capability of the dragon."

"I'm sorry, but what is that supposed to mean?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Poison is not an independent element, it requires the presence of another mana type to exist and thrive. That's where the skill of making both elements coexist and prosper comes into play."

Scratching my head, I hesitantly asked, "If I'm understanding correctly, this means I need to use my water mana for the poison element to work?"

"Correct. The strand of poison mana that seeped inside your body, use your water mana to calm it down." He explained.

"Wait, wait, calm it down?" I asked, suddenly feeling quite uneasy.

Amanita on the other hand replied nonchalantly, "Yes if you don't, it will end up eating your body from the inside, destroying your soul space and eroding your inwards killing you slowly and painfully."

"Hah?! How come you didn't tell me that earlier!?"

"You didn't ask? Besides, aren't I telling you now?"

"B-but! How long do I have?!"

"Hmm, I'm not sure, but you'll be fine. You're my nephew after all, Hahaha!" I didn't know why, but I had a feeling he was making fun of me and was enjoying doing so.

"So, how do I get the poison mana to coexist with the water one? Not to mention, I have an affinity with different elements as well, wouldn't that be a problem?"

"Ah! So that's what I was feeling," Said Amanita, "You gained quite the affinity with the earth element as well, I do sense a tiny thread of the darkness element as well, which is surprising," He suddenly paused, his large blurry body abruptly closed in on me before he continued, "I did think so before, but little one, you really are a monster."

His reply made me scratch my head subconsciously as an awkward smile hung on my face, "Uh, thank you?"

"Haha, well this should make it easier for you. Although weakened, my strand of poison mana is still too much for you to handle using your water mana only. This is why you will attempt to subdue it using both water and earth elements. This should lessen the burden on you and will give you access to two different kinds of poison."

I was still confused about the whole ordeal, especially the part about how using both earth and water elements should be easier than just using water mana. Still, I nodded in confirmation before asking, "What about my cosmic element, or darkness one?"

"No." A curt reply.

"Why, if I may ask?"

Taking a deep breath, Amanita slowly explained, "Mixing poison with the pillars of existence at your level, is the same as throwing yourself to a Shade-infested planet to die."


He nodded before continuing, "Take your time and don't rush anything. Although helpful, poison is one of the most dangerous elements out there."

I bowed my head and replied respectfully, "Thank you for your guidance, grand uncle!"

Amanita's blurry figure seemed to nod in satisfaction at my reply. "Good, I can't keep you here for any longer. Remember as soon as you are back, use water mana to ease the poison element first, then spread the thread between it and the earth mana as well. Don't fight it, rather find a balance between them."

Before I could reply, the scenery before me changed abruptly, and I soon found myself standing outside of Amanita's giant skeleton. Breta was still collapsed on the ground with a pained expression on her face, with sweat constantly dripping down her forehead.

"Find a balance he says," I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes and reached out towards my soul space.

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