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12 days ago
Miss Su had lived a sheltered life focused on learning the three obediences and four virtues since... Read more Miss Su had lived a sheltered life focused on learning the three obediences and four virtues since she was young. Before she could marry, she was killed by the autumn rain. Reborn as a peasant girl in the 1980s, Su Danhong became a wife and also unexpectedly got a spiritual spring! She didn’t expect that her previous life’s embroidery skills were master level embroidery skills in this life? The master was not a master. Miss Su didn’t care. What she cared about was that she could use these skills to make money and not worry about clothes and food. Growing precious flowers and plants, embroidering beautiful mountains and rivers, and enjoying the simple life.This is the story of an ancient girl from a noble family who went through rebirth to the 1980s where she farmed and gave birth. Collapse Age Progression, Beautiful Female Lead, Business Management, Carefree Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Cheats, Childcare, Cooking, Couple Growth, Early Romance, Economics, Family, Farming, Fast Learner, Fat to Fit, Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Multiple Reincarnated Individuals, Poor to Rich, Pregnancy, Previous Life Talent, Smart Couple, Time Travel, Transmigration, Ugly to Beautiful I like this kind of slice of life. Raise the kids, farm, get rich and generally good vibes.Recommended!Same author for Back to the Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise the Cubs which has been completely translated. Go check it out. Its the same old, going go the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s, having realization of future knowledge get rich, sometimes with spiritual water or plant or whatever, and most importantly REAL ESTATE. What is it with Chinese female authors and spiritual springs, farms etc. "Spiritual". I have read a lot of novels such as this one, and I'm getting bored of seeing the same thing repeatedly. Grammar is bad on this and not really original it just felt meh when reading