Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 54: Just Who Really is Francis Aiden Kashaya?


Emotions are just trivial matters to him.

When Eclipse became a world-hopper, the first lesson he learned from most of his senior world-hoppers are….

Emotions would become your self-destructive weapon.

World-hoppers could empathize with their targets or the people around them but don't let yourself to be attached to them.

Because if that happens, it will affect the world-hopper's tasks that most of them couldn't complete their designated missions.

There were a couple of world-hoppers, be a novice or a senior, had already violated the system law just because of this so-called emotion.

Most of them would either perished their whole existence (If the law they violated was too severe and no other ways to redeem themselves) or some would have become assistants with strict supervision and no authority for themselves (If the crime they committed wasn't that much and could be redeemed).

For Eclipse, when he was still called Ezekiel, when he was framed and betrayed in his previous life, the emotions that he had suddenly burst out in an open.

Anger, pain, sadness, desperation, loneliness and every emotion that he can let out from the bottom of his heart, he let it out.

However, no matter how much emotion he cried for, in the end, it was all for nothing.

During his world-hopping journey, countless people he had met during those times and there are cases that most of them confessed to him, whether they were male or female, but for Eclipse, it doesn't matter to him.

There are times that he just outright ignored it and just let it be but because of that, it bit back to him.

Just thinking about those times, it makes Eclipse shivers, and he didn't want to experience those scenarios or events.

That's why he didn't quite understand why this person who sat on the opposite side of him had that kind of bitter expression.

'Is he feeling guilty?'

Those are some of the few emotions that Eclipse would be familiar with.

When he became a world-hopper, Eclipse became apathetic with everything and everyone.

He doesn't concern himself with the things or situations that doesn't involve him and that wouldn't bring benefit to his side.

"I know you have so many questions on your mind right now."

Eclipse snapped from his thoughts when he heard Francis' words and the man paused for a minute and sighed as he stood up from his seat and went over at the window as he leaned on the other side while watching the scenery outside as the moon serve as the light inside the room they occupied.

Francis; "As much as I wanted to provide some information to help you, just like what I used to do but this time…."

Francis diverted his eyes from the window as he looked into Eclipse's cyan-colored eyes directly as he said these words.

"In this worldline, I could only guide you on the sidelines."

After that, Eclipse frowned as he looked back at him; "What do you mean by, "just like before?" ….. Are you telling me that…."

Eclipse didn't continue what he was about to say when he saw Francis nodded as a sign of confirmation.

'WHAT?! But Silver confirmed that those self-aware characters that I had met during my world-hopping journey weren't the same soul! How could this be?!'

Eclipse clasped his hands together as he placed it under his chin and thought further as he frowns.

"Yes, those self-characters from your previous world-hopping journey, all of them are me."

Eclipse looked up to him and asked; "How come? Every worldline that entered and encountering self-aware characters outside of the world-plot, I check there was no abnormalities with those self-aware characters that I had met and even my superior check on it and there was nothing wrong!"

'So how come that those characters are just the same?!'

"Well, you are correct. Those self-aware characters didn't have any abnormalities with them. They were just self-aware characters that has awareness about their worldline and nothing else."

Francis took a seat once more and take a sip as he continued; "However, a small fraction of my soul had been scattered across the worldline realms and they attached themselves to those self-aware characters that my fragmented soul had chosen."

Now that's an interesting information that he had never heard of.

"Your soul scattered across the worldline realms? Wait a second. Don't tell me…. You are that anomaly from the previous worldline mission that I take before I deported back in this worldline?!"

Francis looked at him as he had gone mad.

'The f*cking hell this b*stard looking at?!'

The world-hopper was loaded tons of information that he questioned himself if he could handle the rest in the future.

Francis frowns; "Are you talking about the anomaly from your last worldline mission?"

Eclipse didn't know if he should disclose this information to him but seeing as he is a self-aware character however, he is also a hidden character as well with a totally hidden background.

If this was like before, Eclipse has no qualms to share some information with those self-aware characters that he had encountered within those worldlines.

Since they were just a background character with no significant roles to the main world plot and they only wanted to live in peace since they knew if they tried to integrate themselves within those world plots, they would pay a heavily price and they didn't want that.

'Well, they are self-aware characters so of course, they were aware about us, world-hoppers who entered their worlds to do mission tasks."

However, this situation is a special case.

Francis Aiden Kashaya was supposed to be one of the male leads of the world plot [Mystique Enchantress] as an instructor for Magic Sword Arts at Lumen Academy.

But for some unknown reason, his designated role as a male lead had been revoked but was replaced as a hidden character with self-awareness.

'At times like this, I really need Sir Red's opinion, but the world plot progression rate haven't met the standard percentage to reconnect back at the World-Hopping Department.'

Just what to do? D*mn it!

"I think you forgot something, Third Young Master, or would you prefer me to call you to your other name?"

Eclipse snapped from his thoughts when Francis speaks and sighed as he wave his hands; "Go ahead. I don't care but…. If ever we "accidentally" met in the public, still address me by my title then before I planned my escape in this Empire."

He said out loud as if he purposefully said those words and Francis just hummed in agreement as he leaned on the sofa while looking back at Eclipse.

"I know you would think that anyway, Eclipse. Who in their right mind would still want to stay at the household that disowned and betrayed you at the end?"

Eclipse just raised an eyebrow at him because of his smooth statement.

Of course, since they were self-aware characters then, they knew what's happening within their surroundings and just only watching at the sidelines.

As if they were just watching the film in a repetitive way for as long as they could remember.

Francis cleared his throat and composed himself as he continued; "Back on the topic. I think you forgot that on your last worldline mission, I wasn't there. Or more specifically, I avoided you."

Eclipse; "Avoided me? And why did you do that?"

Francis didn't answer for a while and Eclipse just waited for him to reply and didn't force the man to answer him immediately.

After an hour had passed, for the many times he sighed, Francis continued; "Because the body that gain self-awareness and was chosen by one of my fragmented souls, noticed an extreme pressure within that worldline and for that moment, I was confused because this is the first time that I had encountered such violent pressure in the worldline."

Wait a minute.

There is something amiss here.

"How come that you remembered everything that happens within those worldlines?! This is all confusing that I couldn't think straight right now!"

Eclipse was on at his wits end because of the many things that he needs to take care of and now that one of the male leads turned into a hidden character with a self-awareness, the world-hopper doesn't know how to start with it.

Now that he thinks about it, how come Francis remembered the events that happened within those worldlines? Is it because of those scattered souls that he mentioned?

Also, the biggest question is….

'What happened to him in the previous timeline that made his soul scattered across the worldlines? Is he really not that anomaly that me and Silver felt before? Argh! So confusing!'




'He hasn't changed at all. Even though he is too calm and indifferent from every situation he handled, there were time that I see him as a kid, not a millennium year old world-hopper."

Francis thought as he looked at the young boy he once knew as the Third Young Master from the Marquis Chevalier household, the minor villain of this worldline.

But not anymore.

He is no longer that bad-tempered and ill-mannered young master that would turn him into the minor villain of this worldline, according to the script that was given to him before.


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