Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 32: Him


Rheina looked at what Eclipse was doing as he painted the walls with his bloodied hand because of the inscription written and she didn't know if her analysis on the inscription is correct or not.

'Also, how come that Sir Eclipse knew this language?'

She couldn't think of anything when the young man manages to decipher what's written on the inscription and those languages aren't the ones she studied before.

'If these were only ancient languages, she could have recognize some of it, but I don't have a clue any of those letters written on the wall, but Sir Eclipse managed to decipher those words? Am I missing something here?'

Before she could dwell on her thoughts even further, a light shone upon them as she lifts her right hand to cover her eyes from the bright light that's coming from the wall where the young man painted his bloodied hands on it.

After that, as she adjusts her eyesight from the sudden brightness, the plain wall where the inscription laid was nowhere to be found and what surprise her was a secret door appeared in front of them.

"A mechanism hidden within those inscription walls? Interesting. Who would have thought the Chevalier household held something like this?"

It seems like her investigation about the Chevalier's weren't enough and to think she would discover some secrets of the renowned Marquis (Grand Duke) family that no one would ever think about.

"Let's go and waste no time before the other knights could spot us here."

Rheina snapped from her thoughts when she heard what the young man said and before she could said something, the young man walked inside the hidden passage and she didn't waste her time as she immediately followed behind.

When the two of them are already inside, the hidden passage behind them disappears and only darkness surrounds them.

As for her, it's only natural for her to walk within the darkness as she is trained to begin with. Assassin's biggest companion was none other than darkness but at the same time, their biggest enemy as well.

Rheina; "H-hey, what should we...."

«... "From the radiance of light bestow upon thee, guide us within the dark shadows! Call forth! LUMINOUS SPARK!"....»

The assassin's eyes widen in shock as she heard what the young man enchanted and after that, a bright translucent form appeared within his palms acting as the source of light within the vast darkness that surrounds them.

She pointed her fingers at him with trembling hands; "W-wait a minute! T-that―?! H-how come you have magic affinity?! Y-you're from the Chevalier household―?!"

Rheina paused for a minute as if she finally connected the dots on what she sees so far; "D-don't tell me... your biological mother wasn't a commoner at all but came from some noble household's Magician's Bloodline?!"

If that were true then, it all makes sense if the Third Young Master couldn't manifest the Knight Warrior bloodline of the Chevalier household because the bloodline he awakened was from his mother's side!

That's why intermarriage is a norm within the noble society, especially from those high-ranking households such as the Chevaliers, as one of the pioneer households since the beginning of establishment of the Stellarus Empire, in order to preserve their ancestor's bloodline and passed down into their descendants.

'However, even if that was the case, his bloodline should have been awakened the moment he took the test way back on his childhood days. If it was hidden, does it mean her biological mother cast a powerful spell that even those high-ranking mages couldn't even detected on it? But what was the reason?'

Eclipse, on the other hand, could tell what Rheina was thinking, and he didn't bother to correct her nor decline her absurd theory about her biological mother's background.

'It's a waste of time just to explained everything to her. Actually, this absurd theory of her would be convenient for him if his abilities were to be exposed to the public in the future. Although what am I doing is deceiving everyone, but I am sick and tired being labeled as a good-for-nothing and a disgrace to this hellish household right through his face.'

Even though he travels from dimension after dimension, he had the ability or the authority to bring forth the powers he had learned from each worldline with him as a Platinum world-hopper.

However, even if he were entered the modern worldlines, he makes sure he wasn't using his power that much in order not to break the balance and disrupts the natural order.

'Now that these so-called abilities of mine had exposed in front of her, just let things be this way. I'm sure this wouldn't be the last time though.'

Eclipse looked at her with a blank expression; "Let's just get going before others notice that were not around."

After that, Eclipse left the dumbfounded woman behind.




As both of them were now walking throughout the hallway with the light within Eclipse's palms that act as a torch, they had arrived at their destination.

"Who would have thought there was another way around to get into this place?"

Rheina said as she looked for any suspicious people that lingers around but it seems like the path they took a venture wasn't that much of a trouble.

"However, how are we going to open this door? If we only have those seals though but it looks like this door is different from the ones that I have investigated with as there were no seals that can fit on it."

They were now at the front door of the Hall of Legacy, the Chevalier's most heavily guarded treasure hall but it wasn't the main door of the hall but rather....

'No one knows about this but there is another [door] that would connect you to the main treasure hall of the Hall of Legacy, even the current Marquis, my so-called father wouldn't know about it and the only person who knew about this and [that person] even let me know about it was....












None other than..... [HIM]....'

There was only a brief introduction about [him] in the world-plot of [Mystique Enchantress] since in the novel's point of view, [he] wasn't that important and had no relevant in the story.

However, if only looking outside of the novel's world-plot, just like the Arcanum De Fleur, [that person] is also one of the important figures in this worldline.

It's just so happened [this person] was just tossed aside in favor of the world-plot and was treated as nothing but an irrelevant NPC.

Eclipse took a step forward at the huge door in front of them and took something inside his right pocket and Rheina just raised her eyebrow while eyeing at what the young man was taking out from its pocket.

"What are you doing?"

Eclipse said bluntly; "Taking out the key, of course."


Rheina; 'This guy―! All this time, he had a key with him and didn't bother to tell me?! This brat―?! And here I am, thinking of a way on how to open the Hall of Legacy's door room without its seals but this brat already had a key with him!'

On the other hand, Rheina frowned as she thinks where did the Third Young Master acquired the key for the Hall of Legacy? Especially, for the door in front of them and based on her analysis, the seals from the current Marquis and the other Chevalier siblings didn't seems to fit in the door that's in front of them.

"Are you ready to get what you needed?"

Rheina snapped from her thoughts as she looked at Eclipse when she heard him speak.

She took a glance on the other hand of the young man where the supposed key that would open the Hall of Legacy in front of them.

She thought; 'A spear-like shape necklace?'


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